Chapter 3: Book of Darkness

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Heavenly Host School

" Mr. Gorosaurus! Mr. Gorosaurus!"

Gorosaurus snaps open his eyes and he looks up, only to find Ayumi, Yoshiki and Ms. Yui looking at him.

" Ayumi? Yoshiki? Ms. Yui?"

" Oh thank goodness you're awake!"

Ayumi exclaims out in relief.

Just as Gorosaurus looks around, it was then he noticed that something is amiss.

" Hey where are we? Where's the rest?"

Ms. Yui looks around and she answers.

" I don't know. The last time we saw them, all of us were falling towards the bottom and when I woke up, everyone else is gone."

Gorosaurus looks up and he sniffs the air, growling menacingly.

" I don't like this."

" Yeah, me neither. But we must find the rest."

Gorosaurus stares at the tables around him and he points out.

" Those tables. They look small, old, ruined."

Gorosaurus steps towards the door, slides it open and he looks around.

Just as he stares at the long deep and dark hallway, he concludes with a question.

" Where are we?"

Godzilla's location

Godzilla's eyes snaps open and he pushes himself up, panting.

" What?"

Godzilla looks around.

The entire hallway looks rather bleak, with the stains dark brown in colour and the wood rotting around him.

Godzilla looks around and he calls out.

" Jennifer! Gorosaurus! Anybody?"

However, none of his calls were answered.

Godzilla slowly walk along the hallway, questioning to himself.

" Where am I?"

The King of the Monster studies the entire area, wondering to himself.

Unknown to him, just as he passes by a room, two crimson eyes gleams beneath the shadows, baring it's razor sharp fangs.

Ayumi's position

Meanwhile, Ayumi steps up just as she lits up a candle.

" Alright. Here we are."

As the group stood around the candle light, Ms. Yui smiles.

" Wow. The fire sure is warm."

" Yeah. It felt great."

Yoshiki agrees.

It was then that Ayumi notices something pasted on the wall.

" Hey what is that?"

Everyone turns to look.

What they saw causes their eyes to widen in horror.

Pasted on the wall is a childish drawn picture of four young children laughing in delight as they were stabbing a man to death.

Gorosaurus remarks.

" What the hell?! That's seriously fucked up!"

" How unsettling."

Yoshiki agrees.

" We must move on. Something's tell me that something bad is going to happen."

Ms. Yui suggests.

" Good idea."

Ayumi agrees.

The group sticks close to each other as they walk along the school, unaware of a blue ghostly figure watching them.

Naomi's position

Naomi's eyes snaps open just as she heard Jennifer's voice saying.

" Seiko! Seiko! Wake up!"

Naomi pushes herself up and she turns, finding Jennifer kneeling next to an unconscious Seiko.

" Jennifer?"

Jennifer turns around and she sighs a breath of relief.

" Oh thank goodness you're here Naomi."

Naomi walks forward and she questions in concern.

" How's Seiko? Is she okay?"

" I don't know."

Jennifer shakes Seiko again and she coax.

" Come on Seiko! Wake up!"

Seiko slowly opened her eyes and she mutters out.

" Wha?"

Seiko pushes herself up and she asks the two.

" What happened? Where's the others?"

" I'm.....not sure. We must have gotten separated when we all fell down."

Jennifer answers.

Naomi stood up and she said.

" Well, let's keep moving. We've got to find the rest if we were to get out of here."

" You're right. Let's go."

Everyone stood up and they walk along the classroom, looking around.

Seiko steps towards the windows and she tries sliding it up.

However, she found her fingers unable to grab the window sills.

Seiko sighs out in exasperation.

" It's no use. Those windows are like they were wall decorations. I can't get them up."

Naomi steps towards the chalkboard and she calls out to Jennifer.

" Hey Jennifer, come take a look at this."

Jennifer steps forward and what she saw causes her heart to drop.

Drawn on the chalkboard is a drawing of a scissor wielding figure cladded in red persuing several small figures.

" No....."

Jennifer backs away in horror, causing both Naomi and Seiko to look at her.

" Hey Jennifer, are you okay?"

Naomi questions in concern.

Jennifer shook her head.

" No. There was a scissor weilding fiend that was chasing me back in the mansion......"

Without warning, Jennifer grabs Naomi's hand tightly and she screams out in desperation.

" We must get out of here now!"

However, Seiko's voice interupts both Jennifer and Naomi.

" Hey Naomi, Jennifer. Come take a look at this."

Both girls steps forward, looking at the notice pasted on the wall.

What they saw causes Naomi's stomach to churn.

" Wait......Heavenly Host School...."

" Heavenly Host School?"

" Isn't that......the school that preceded ours. The one that waa demolished years ago?!"

Upon hearing what Naomi said, Seiko began panicking, screaming out in terror.


" Seiko! Calm down!"

Naomi shouts to her friend.

Seiko began backing away, panting in shock.

Naomi said to her.

" Look Seiko, if we were to find our way out of here, we must keep calm and move on."

Seiko slowly nods her head and Naomi smiles at her assuringly.

" That's it. Now come on."

Jennifer, Naomi and Seiko steps out of the classroom and they began walking, stalking through the darkness of the hallways.

Godzilla's location

Deep in the hallway, Godzilla walks across the corridors, staring at the old rotting walls.

" I really hope Jennifer and the rest are okay."

Godzilla thought to himself.

However, right at that moment, Godzilla notices something pasted on the wall.

Curious, he steps forward and he reads it.

" Heavenly Host School? A murder of a girl? Lot's of suicides and deaths? School forced to shut down because of low enrollment rates? Not surprising but damn."

All of a sudden, a blue ghostly figure appears out of nowhere, shocking Godzilla.

" Whoa!"

Godzilla growls as he raises up his fist, preparing to fight.

However, the ghost said to him.

" Calm yourself. I do not wish to fight you."

Godzilla lowers his guard and he question.

" So you're a ghost huh? Do you know where am I?"

" You're in a dimension existing out of space and reality, pulled out of your world and into this sick twisted place."

" What happened to you?"

" I......was tortured and killed many years ago. Please.....note that this place is......not a nirvana. Once you will.....feel....the pain of death eternity."

" Eternal pain?"

Godzilla widens his eyes as the ghost began screaming out in agony.


Within seconds, the ghostly figure disappears without a trace, leaving Godzilla standing rooted on the ground, contemplating what the ghost said.

" Eternal pain?"

" Oh yours is only just beginning."


Without warning, something fast zooms across Godzilla, striking him down.


Godzilla roars out in agony as he falls bodyfirst onto the floor.

Just as he pushes himself up, Godzilla looks up and he narrows his eyes.

" Megaguirus."

Megaguirus, the Meganula Queen with two sharp pincers and a long large stinger glares at Godzilla, saying.

" It has been a long time Godzilla."

" How did you even get here?"

" I was sent here by a demon in hopes of killing you. And since that ghost said you will feel pain all through death..."

Megaguirus swoops forward and she screams out.

" Then I shall make your death a painful one!"

Godzilla narrows his eyes and he throws up his arms, grabbing Megaguirus by her pincer.

Megaguirus throws out her stinger, shoving it right into Godzilla's body.


However, Godzilla quickly opens his jaws, biting down right into Megaguirus's neck.


Godzilla wraps his fingers around Megaguirus's stinger and he throws her across his shoulder, slamming her backfirst onto the ground.

Meanwhile, Satoshi's position

Deep in the haway, Satoshi slowly walk along the hallway, holding onto his little sister.

Yuka looks up and she questions.

" Where are we big brother?"

" I have no idea but we must find a way out of here quickly."

Without warning, something crashes right through the wall, causing Yuka to scream out.


" Yuka!"

Satoshi hugs his sister tightly and he looks.

What he saw causes his eyes to widen.

Right in front of him, Godzilla growls as he moves across the hallway, wrestling against Megaguirus.

Megaguirus flies up and she spreads out her legs and pincer, charging up a powerful flame ball.

Realizing what is happening, Godzilla turns back and he screams out to both Satoshi and Yuka.

" You two! Get out of here!"

Both Yuka and Satoshi runs back just as Megaguirus unleashes a powerful burst of fire right at him.

Godzilla ducks underneath the attack and he concentrates, his spikes glowing blue.

Godzilla opens up his jaws, spewing a powerful nuclear blast right into Megaguirus.


Just as Megaguirus crashes onto a table, Godzilla runs across the hall, shouting out.

" Satoshi! Yuka! Wait for me!"


Outside of the school, the door swung open and Naomi, Jennifer and Seiko sprints out of the building.

Naomi pants in exhaustion and she said.

" Good thing we finally got away."

" Yeah."

Seiko agrees.

At that moment....

" Naomi? Seiko? Ms. Jennifer?"

" Satoshi?"

The trio turns to look just as Satoshi and Yuka races out of the building.

Upon seeing Satoshi, Naomi happily runs forward and she wraps her arms tightly around him.

" Oh Satoshi! Thank goodness you're okay!"

Satoshi nods.

" Good to see you and the rest are okay."

Naomi pulls away from him and she questions.

" Where are the others?"

At that moment....

" Jennifer!"

Jennifer looks and her eyes widens in shock.

" Godzilla?"

Godzilla races out of the building, dragging out Moshige.

Jennifer tightly embraces Godzilla and she exclaims.

" Oh Godzilla. Thank goodness you're safe!"

Godzilla smiles and he said.

" I'm glad to see you are all alright as well."

Satoshi questions.

" There's just one thing though, what happened to that bug you were fighting?"

Godzilla looks back and he answers.

" I don't think I will be seeing anymore of her."

Moshige questions.

" So where's Ms. Yui?"

Ayumi's position

Ayumi, Ms. Yui, Yoshiki and Gorosaurus walks along the corridor when all of a sudden, they heard the sound of giggling from inside a room.

Shocked, Ayumi exclaims.

" That sounded like Mayu!"

The four sprints into the room and what they saw causes their eyes to widen.

" Mayu?"

Sitting on the stool, Mayu sat in front of two ghosts, giggling with them.

Ms. Yui shouts at her.

" Mayu!"

Mayu turns around and she smiles, greeting them.

" Oh hello everyone, I'm just talking to these kids."

Yoshiki exclaims out.

" Mayu stay away from them!"

However, Mayu protests.

" No! I will not leave them."

Tears wells up in her eyes as Mayu explains.

" These children, they haven't seen their friends and family for a long time. It....must be painful."

Gorosaurus slowly edges towards her and he said.

" Kiddo. Not everyone can be helped. Especially.....them!"

Gorosaurus suddenly snatches Mayu out of her chair and he screams out.

" RUN!!!"

The entire group runs across the corridor, running without stopping as the screams of anger and anguish echoes from behind.


As the group stood outside waiting, just then, they heard a loud slam from behind.

Everyone spun around and their eyes widens in shock.

" Gorosaurus! Ayumi! Ms. Yui! Yoshiki! Mayu! You're alright!"

Godzilla exclaims out.

Gorosaurus nods.

" Yeah barely. Now...."

Everyone turns to Ayumi and Yoshiki questions.

" How do we get out of here?"

Ayumi pulls out her paper scrap and she answers.

" In order to leave, we must place our scraps together and say " Sachiko we beg of you" twelve times."

Everyone quickly pulls out their scraps and they places them together, chanting out.

" Sachiko we beg of you! Sachiko we beg of you! Sachiko we beg of you! Sachiko we beg of you! Sachiko we beg of you! Sachiko we beg of you! Sachiko we beg of you! Sachiko we beg of you! Sachiko we beg of you! Sachiko we beg of you! Sachiko we beg of you! Sachiko we beg of you!"

At that moment, the entire building began shaking, collapsing around them and everything went black.


Godzilla's eyes snaps open and he looks around.

To his relief, Godzilla finds himself back in the classroom.

Godzilla smiles as he turns around, watching just as everyone looks around, smiling in both happiness and relief.

" Look's like we're back."

Jennifer said.

Without warning, Seiko hugs Naomi tightly and she exclaims.

" Oh Naomi! I was so scared! I'm glad you are safe!"

" Eh eh Seiko, stop!"

Naomi chuckles out just as everyone began laughing, happy to be out and safe from the horrors they had been through.

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