Chapter 42: Flesh Pit

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" You have got to be kidding me!"

Godzilla exclaims out as they stare deep into the Flesh Pit.

Solomon shook his head.

" I warned you. This place is the most visually unpleasant out of all the ones we encounteted."

" Is there another way? Because....."

Heileen covers her mouth as she felt herself turning green.

Solomon shakes his head grimly.

" Unfortunately for you, no. We will have to go down there if we were to proceed."

Jennifer turns away and she said.

" Please......just.....give me a second to compose myself."

Gorosaurus looks down and he asks.

" So how strong are the monsters down there?"

Solomon answers.

" Very strong. They may not be the brightest stars in the sky, but they are very tough to handle even for me."

Just then, Heileen, Jennifer and Godzilla walks towards them and Godzilla said.

" Alright. We're ready. I think."

" Well then, who wants to kick things off first?"

Gorosaurus looks down and he answers.

" Oh well, since the others kinda look sick to the stomach, might as well go first."

Gorosaurus then leaps down into the pit, landing feet first onto the ground.......or what he thought was the ground.

As Gorosaurus felt his feet sinking down along with the soft squishy sound accomodating it, the Allosaurus felt himself turning green in disgust.

" Look what happened!"

Solomon readies himself and he spreads his wings, gliding down into the pit.

Godzilla spreads out both his arms and he said to both Heileen and Jennifer.

" Here. Grab on."

Both Heileen and Jennifer grabs onto Godzilla and the King of the Monsters jumps down, descending into the gory fleshy world below.

Just as Godzilla, Heileen and Jennifer lands feet first into the meaty floor, Heileen cries out in disgust.

" Oh God EWWWWW!!!"

Solomon shouts at her.

" Focus Heileen! We have to go through this."

Jennifer held onto her hand and she assures her.

" It's okay Heileen. Deep breaths."

Heileen inhales a breath of air before sighing out.

Godzilla looks forward and he said.

" We better get moving then. Solomon, how far are we to the end?"

Suddenly, Solomon quickly corrects him.

" No no no Godzilla. Your question should have been how deep is is it to the end. The Flesh Pit stretches downwards, going deeper towards the planet's core."

" So in other words, we're going deeper and deeper into the pits of hell?"

Heileen deduces.

Solomon nods and Gorosaurus groans out again.

" Look what happened!"

Godzilla tries to be obtimistic and he assures Gorosaurus.

" Don't worry Gorosaurus. I'm sure we'll be fine."

How wrong he was.

Just then, both Jennifer and Heileen lets out a loud shrill scream.


Shocked, Solomon asks them.

" What's wrong?"

" Look!"

The monsters looked forward and what they saw causes their eyes to widen in horror.

Two hideous things steps towards them, baring their teeth as they moved closer towards them.

Godzilla's spikes glows blue and he opens his mouth, sending a blast of nuclear fire right at them.

The group quickly runs off into the fleshy world, escaping the two monsters.

Jennifer asks.

" What is that?"

" It's one of the creatures in the Flesh Pits. There are more of them down in the pits."

Godzilla looks back and to his horror, the very same monsters they encountered walks behind them in persuit, their bodies barely grazed by the attack.

Just then, Gorosaurus stops everyone.

" Everyone stop!"

Godzilla looks down and what he saw causes his stomach to drop.

Down below the edge of the platform, a fleshy bleeding monster stood at the bottom, looking up as if it's waiting for the intruders of it's land to jump down.

Solomon pushes everyone back and he said volunteerily.

" Let me handle this."

Solomon dives downwards, attracting the attention of the monster.

As the creatures turns their backs to face Solomon, both Godzilla and Gorosaurus leaps down and they threw a kick, striking both monsters by the back.

Godzilla and Gorosaurus gave each other a high five just as the monsters tumbles into the abyss below.

Jennifer and Heileen jumps down after them and Solomon said.

" We're almost to the end now so please, bear with it a little while more."

" Finally! This place is really making me sick."

Jennifer remarks.

Just as the group jumps down and lands feet first onto the bottom platform, what they saw causes their eyes to widen in horror.

Gigan stood in front of a big fleshy wall, his blades glistering and a huge smirk forming on his beak.

" Hello Godzilla."

Gigan greets.

Solomon pushes both Godzilla and Gorosaurus back and he said.

" Don't worry, Imma handle him."

Solomon steps towards Gigan and he declares out.

" You better leave while you still can cyborg. Your blades don't scare me."

" Really? Worked on those fleshy abominations."

Solomon lunges forward just as Gigan flies towards him.

The sound of clanging metal rings across the Flesh Pits just as both Solomon's claw and Gigan's blades clashes against each other.

Gigan opens up his chest compacter, sending two flying shurikens flying towards the demon.

Solomon raises up his wings, blocking the projectile with his wings.

Gigan lunges forward, swinging his blades at him.

As Solomon backs away, Gigan cackles out.

" Still the Best huh? Since 1973 huh?! Where's that bravado now?!"

Gigan threw out his spiked foot, striking Solomon square in the chest.

Solomon jumps back and he threw a hook, striking Gigan across the cheek.

Gigan raises up his blades, narrowingly blocking a well quick slash from Solomon's claw.

Gigan thrusts our his head, firing a blast of laser right out of his eye visor.

Solomon ducks down and he throws up an uppercut, striking Gigan chin first.

Solomon throws a hook, striking Gigan square in the cheek.

As Gigan staggers backwards, Solomon opens his mouth, sending a stream of fire flying right at him.


Gigan screeches out in agony as he felt his entire body lit up in flames before going off in an explosion.

Just as the remains of what used to be Gigan falls onto the floor, Solomon turns back and he announces.

" Alright guys? Killer Cyborg's dead."

" Wow. Great job Solomon."

Jennifer congratulates him.

Just then, a thick meaty wall suddenly opens up, revealing a fiery realm within it.

Upon staring at the next world, Solomon narrows his eyes and he growls.

" So you're gonna be waitin' for me eh? Very well, we're coming for you Red."

The group then steps out of the Flesh Pit, stepping into the crimson fiery hell hole, the world called Helhiem.

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