Epilogue: Homecoming

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Jennifer walks towards the doorway of the Clock Tower, following the rest when right at that moment, she heard a familiar voice call out.

" Jennifer!"

Shocked, Jennifer halts right in her tracks and she spun around, questioning out.

" Anne?"

Anne rushes in from the hallway, running towards Jennifer.

" Jennifer! I'm so glad you are safe!"

Anne exclaims out as she wraps her arms around her friend tightly.

Jennifer hugs Anne back and she said to her.

" Oh Anne. I missed you!"

Anne pulls away slightly from Jennifer and she said.

" By the way, Lotte and Laura are just downstairs, wanna come meet them?"

" Maybe later."

Jennifer said as she stares at the horizon.

As the sun rises, both Jennifer and Anne watches the yellowy orange sphere rise, watching hand in hand.

" It's beautiful."

Anne remarks.

" Indeed."

Jennifer then turns around, facing Godzilla, Gorosaurus, Heileen and Solomon.

Solomon questions out.

" So, this is it then?"

" Yup."

Gorosaurus agrees.

Solomon then said.

" Well, I guess it's time we go home. This time, for real."

Heileen asks Solomon.

" Will you and Usol be alright going back there?"

Solomon nods.

" Aye. That world is our home. It's only right we go back to Zenith."

" I thoroughly agree with you."

Usol nods.

Godzilla looks at Solomon and Usol and he bids them farewell.

" Well so long you two. It has been a pleasure working alongside you."

" Farewell!"

Both Solomon and Usol waves the group goodbye before stepping into the doorway, returning back to Zenith

Just then, a shining bright light shone from behind, causing everyone to turn.

A familiar figure cladded in a long brown trench coat steps out of the portal, greeting the four.

" Well, anyone missed me?"

" Constantine!"

Heileen exclaims out in shock.

Constantine nods and he said.

" That's right Heileen."

" Why are you here?"

" Why to send all of you home of course."

Constantine then spins his finger around, opening up a portal in thin air.

" Well Seiko Shinohara is it? Off you go."

Seiko stares at the portal and she asks.

" Is that.....my house?"

" That's right dear. Now go. Your brothers are waiting for you."

Seiko turns to face the four and she waves, bidding them farewell.

" Goodbye Godzilla. Goodbye Jennifer. Thank you so much."

" You're welcome Seiko."

Seiko then leaps into the portal, returning back to her home.

Constantine then waves his hand, opening up a new portal and he said to Heileen.

" Now Ms. Heileen."

" Me?"

" Yes. After all, don't you have a group of friends waiting for you back at the ship?"

Heileen looks back at Godzilla, Jennifer and Gorosaurus and she whispers out.

" I'll never forget you."

" Goodbye Heileen."

Godzilla, Jennifer and Gorosaurus waves just as Heileen steps into the portal.


Heileen widens her eyes in shock upon laying eyes on her friends.

" Heileen? Is that you?"

" Ebele? Robert?"

Heileen laughs out joyously as she races forward, wrapping her arms around both her friends tightly.

" Ebele! Robert! Gosh I missed you guys so much!"

Just then, Heileen heard a familiar voice calling to her.

" Heileen?"

" Morgan?"

Heileen looks up, finding herself staring at a dumbfounded Captain.

" Heileen! You're back!"

" Oh Morgan!"

Both Heileen and Morgan dashes towards each other, wrapping each other up in a sweet embrace.

Their lips planted into each others as the two kisses.

Morgan pulls himself away from Heileen and he whispers.

" I love you."

" Me too."

Both Morgan and Heileen then kisses each other once more, happy to be reunited at last.

Clock Tower

Contantine turns to Gorosaurus and he asks.

" You Gorosaurus? Do you wish to go back to Skull Island where you belong?"

To everyone's surprise, Gorosaurus refuses Constantine's offer.

" Nah. I'm gonna head back with Sayori and the others."

" You sure Gorosaurus? I mean don't you want to see Varan and Baragon again?"

Gorosaurus shook his head.

" No thanks Godzilla. I think I got other plans rather than visiting them again."

Godzilla shook Gorosaurus's hand and he said.

" It was nice knowing you Gorosaurus."

" The same could be said to you Godzilla."

Gorosaurus smiles.

Jennifer then said.

" Well, since I'm staying here with Anne and the others, guess it's just you Godzilla."

Constantine turns to face the King of the Monsters and he asks.

" Well Godzilla?"

" Just give me a moment."

Godzilla faces Jennifer and he said to her.

" Well Jennifer, honestly when I fell down into the pits of Hell, I never expected myself to meet you from our first encounter with Red and that Scissorman."

" Yeah Godzilla. Things did get weirder, especially with Sachiko, Hachishaku sama and all that stuff with the monsters. Man, that was one crazy adventure."

Both Godzilla and Jennifer stares at each other momentarily before Godzilla said to her.

" I'm going to miss you Jennifer."

" As am I."

Jennifer then hugs Godzilla tightly, the two locked in a tight embrace.

After what seems like an eternity, both Godzilla and Jennifer pulls away from each other before Jennifer whispers out.

" Goodbye Godzilla."

" Goodbye Jennifer."

Just as Godzilla steps towards the portal, Jennifer loudly declares out.

" I'll never forget you Godzilla!"

Godzilla turns back and he replies.

" I won't forget you Jennifer. Ever."

" Tick tock Godzilla. You ready to go home?"

Constantine asks.

Godzilla reluctantly nods just as he steps into the portal, disappearing into the unknown.


Godzilla's eyes snaps open, feeling the cooling sensation of water around him.

The King of the Monsters raises up his head and he looks around.

To his surprise, everything around him looks smaller now.

Godzilla opens his mouth to speak but this time, no words escapes his mouth.


Godzilla growls in shock, realizing that he has lost his ability to speak.

Realizing what has happened, Godzilla swam up to the surface, popping his head out of the water.

Godzilla stood over the azure blue water, standing tall and free, finally escaped the world of Hell.

Feeling the taste of freedom, Godzilla lets out one final roar of triumph.


                    THE END

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