Prologue 2: Jennifer Simpson

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Woods, September

" Alright girls, move along."

Ms. Mary, a tall woman in her middle ages instructs out.

Jennifer along with her friends, Lotte, Laura and Anne walks behind Ms. Mary, following her every step.

Jennifer was orphaned at a young age when her father, Walter Simpson died, leaving her to be raised in an orphanage.

Now at the age of 14, the kind Ms. Mary and the mysterious Mr. Barrows has recently adopted her and three of her friends, thus marking the start of a new beginning of a new family.

Curious over where she's gonna live, Jennifer walks up to Ms. Mary and she questions.

" Ms. Mary?"

" Hm?"

" What kind of house will we be living in soon?"

Ms. Mary chuckles lightly and she said.

" Heh heh, now that's the fifth time this evening."

Ms. Mary assures Jennifer.

" Don't worry, it's a very safe place. We're almost there, see?"

The woman points across the square of trees in front of her, pointing right at the distinctive clock tower of the Barrows mansion.

As Jennifer stares at the building, she has no idea why, she has no idea how, but there's something strangely forboding of the house.

But still, she ignores her bad feelings and she moved on.

What could possibly go wrong?

Little does she knows that she and her friends are about to get entangled in a nightmare beyond imagination.

Outside of the house

" Alright girls, we're here."

As the girls stares at the house, their jaws dropped in awe, Ms. Mary concludes with a smile.

" Welcome to your new home."

As the girls began carrying their bags into the house, Jennifer looks up at the window.

Beneath it, she could see a short figure staring down at her.

" Who's that? Is that Mr. Barrow's son?"

Jennifer wonders to herself.

However, her thoughts were interupted when Ms. Mary said.

" Jennifer. Come on, get in. You don't want to catch a cold do you dear?"

" C....coming Ms. Mary."

Jennifer races into the house, unaware that the sillouette behind the window is pulling out a large pair of scissors.


" Whoaaa."

Anne remarks as she looks around.

Inside, the mansion's foyer stood large and spacious with bright chandeliers lighting up the house.

As everyone sets their bags down, Ms. Mary instructs the girls.

" I'm gonna get Mr. Barrows, everyone wait here."

Ms. Mary steps towards the door and she pulls the door open before entering the room, leaving the four girls sitting alone in the foyer.

Laura, a tall bubbly girl with blonde hair remarks.

" Wow. I can't believe we're gonna live in an actual mansion!"

" I know right?"

Anne, a bright girl with long caramel brown hair agrees.

" We're very lucky that someone as kind as Mr Barrows is adopting us."

" But still, I can't help but feel uneasy about this place."

Laura admits.

However, the tomboyish redhead Lotte laughs out.

" Ha! You're just paranoid. C'mon, what could possibly go wrong?"

Not wanting to let those feelings of bad omen get to her, Jennifer tries to change the subject.

" Hey, has anyone heard of the new Season of Baywatch?"

" No. When is it coming?"

Anne questions.

Jennifer thought for a while before answering.

" If I'm not mistaken, it's coming out this Wednesday."

The girls sat around the chairs and they began their discussion, talking about the television programmes they can watch and any potential chances of going to an academy.

25 minutes later

After some time, Lotte began to notice that something is amiss.

" Mary......she's gone for way too long. Should I go and find her?"

However, Jennifer stood up and she volunteers.

" It's alright. I'll go look for her."

" Alright, be careful Jen."

Laura said to her.

Jennifer nods and she races into the hallway.


Just as Jennifer barely took a step forward, all of a sudden, she heard a loud shrill scream.


Jennifer jumps back and she said.

" The's coming from the foyer."

Fear began bubbling inside Jennifer as she races back to investigate.


Just as Jennifer enters the foyer, what she saw causes her heart to sink.

All three of her friends are nowhere to be seen.

Jennifer slowly steps into the foyer and she calls out.

" Guys? Where are you? C'mon! This isn't funny!"

But her calls were never answered.

Lacking any other options, Jennifer steps into the hallway to search for her friends.


Jennifer slowly walks along the hallway, studying the area around her.

Paintings hung by the side of the walls and tall bright flowers protrudes out of the vintage vases.

As Jennifer continues to walk forward, it was then she heard a splashing sound.

" What?"

Jennifer looks down and her eyes widens in shock.

Beneath her feet, a small river of water began trailing past her legs and flowing into the hallway.

Jennifer looks up and her eyes widens in shock.

Right in front of her, she saw the river of water flowing from underneath the door, seeping out.

Although uncertain of what lays within, Jennifer's curiousity got the better of her and she grabs the handle, pulling the door open.

Just as Jennifer steps into the bathroom, her eyes widens as she notices the bathtub overflowing with water, the binds tightly closed around the rims of the tub.

Jennifer felt a forboding feeling as she steps closer to the tub.

Just as she yanked the binds open, what she saw causes her to jump back.

Hung over by the showers, Laura lays dead with her lower half submerged under water, a noose around her neck and blood flowing down her dress.

" L....Laura...."

Jennifer chokes out, horrified at the sight before her.

And right at this moment....

A small figure bursts out of the water, weilding a giant pair of scissors.

It was then that Jennifer lets out a loud shrill scream.


As the figure jumps out of the tub, Jennifer studies the creature in front of her.

The creature stood hunchback, standing only half her size and cladded in a blue suit and shorts.

But what caught Jennifer's attention is how shriveled and disfigured the creature's face is.

Just as the Scissorman snaps his scissors, Jennifer spun around and she ran.

Jennifer pants in exhaustion as she runs down a flight of stairs, running as she hears the sound of scissors snapping drawing closer with every step.

Jennifer looks down and she pulls the door open, slamming it shut behind her.

The girl quickly turns the knob, locking the door to keep the Scissorman at bay.

As she spun around, what Jennifer saw causes her to jump, cupping her hands over her mouth.

" What?"

Jennifer found herself standing in the middle of a fiery inferno, the ground blazing in flames.

Jennifer looks up at the sky.

The sky is completely pitch black with the exception of the words written on it.


" Run? From what?"

Jennifer asks herself as she looks around.

At that moment, Jennifer heard a loud roar from behind.


Jennifer spun around and her eyes widens in shock.

Behind her, a tall biceptal reptilian creature with a muscular built and sharp spikes running down his spine dashes forward, running across the fiery domain.

As Jennifer looks behind, what she saw causes her to gasp out in shock.

Persuing the reptile is a large red insectoid demonic creature with a tikki-like head.

Just as Jennifer backs away in fear, all of a sudden, she heard a loud banging from behind.


Jennifer jumps back, screaming out just as a large pair of scissors rips right through the door.

As she looks back to face the reptile, little does she know that her life is never gonna be the same again.

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