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As Terry watches Armagaddon's monster leaving the country and carrying Godzilla with them, Terry curses," @#$/! What are we gonna do now?" But as the MUTOs move further away, Terry heard M.O.G.U.E.R.A's systems powering up. Terry went back inside to check it out and to his relief, he found M.O.G.U.E.R.A's power cells restoring power automatically, apparently due to the M.U.T.Os being too far to consume it's power. Terry said to himself," Great! Now that M.O.G.U.E.R.A is back in business, Earth still has a chance against Armagaddon. I better save Godzilla fast but I cannot do it by myself. I  better head to Japan now." With that, M.O.G.U.E.R.A switches to flight mode and the mecha mole flew to Japan.

Armagaddon's hideout

Godzilla opens his eyes and he found himself in a large spacious cavern litted by a single torch. Godzilla tries to move but he felt his arms getting held back by chains. Godzilla roars angrily and he attempts to blast his heat beams in hope of burning the chains but to no avail. Godzilla looks around and he realises he's not alone. He saw all his enemies growling at him, all ready to beat him up. Both Gaira and Sanda are cracking their fists, Rhinosaurus roars angrily at Godzilla, the male MUTO and Pterodactly are holding an angry female MUTO and Rokmutul back, apparently stopping the two from mauling Godzilla in shreds. Godzilla notices Armagaddon roaring at Gabara, Gabara charges up the electrical charge on his hands and he roars in glee. Godzilla looks behind and he saw Queen Ghidorah, but something about his arch nemesis is a Godzilla knew normally Queen Ghidorah would be the most happiest among the group of monsters since Ghidorah's male predecesors and Godzilla has bear a long series of hate, but this time it's different. This time, Queen Ghidorah looks rather apologetically at Godzilla and Godzilla could have sworn he saw Queen Ghidorah looking at him in concern, something he would not see in her previous forms. But the sound of a bloodcurling roar interupted Godzilla's train of thought. Godzilla looked and he saw Armagaddon approaching him. Armagaddon roars to tell Godzilla that he has been nothing but a thorn on his side ever since they first met and Armagaddon knew that Godzilla will no doubt try to oppose his rule. Godzilla roars to question Armagaddon's next course of action amd Armagaddon roars to tell him that he amd his monsters are going to kill Godzilla slowly, slowly torturing him until Godzilla gives up. To prove his point, Armagaddon morphed his arms into blades and he slashed across Godzilla's guts, causing the king of the monsters to roar in pain. Blood and intestines burst out of his open wound and they drop onto the ground with a splat. Armagaddon roars to Gabara and as Gabara approaches Godzilla, Godzilla charges up a heat beam and he blasts it at Gabara, causing the dream ogre to roar in pain. Godzilla roars opposingly at Armagaddon and his wounds healed thanks to his healing factors. Angered, Armagaddon punched Godzilla two times in the face before morphing his right arm into a blade and slashing it across his chest, causing the king of the monsters to roar in pain. Gaira punches Godzilla in the gut and he uppercuts Godzilla. Sanda grabs two rocks and he smashes the two onto Godzilla's head, causing Godzilla to roar in pain. Rhinosaurus charges forward and he rams headfirst into Godzilla, making Godzilla roar in agony. The monsters soon began attacking, with Rokmutul and Pterodactly biting Godzilla's left leg and the left side of his neck and the male MUTO biting Godzilla on the right side of his neck and the female MUTO biting his right leg. Gabara charges up the electrical charge on his hands and he began electrocuting him. The two gargantuans began punching Godzilla and Armagaddon spat hot magma at Godzilla. Having enough of his torture, Godzilla charges up some nuclear energy and he unleashed a powerful explosive wave, knocking back all the monsters. Armagaddon shook his head and he looked at all his allies, both Gaira and Sanda are struggling to get up, the MUTOs were blasted to the otherside of the room, Rokmutul and Pterodactly were wounded by the blast and Gabara is nursing his head. Armagaddon growls angrily, Godzilla is stronger than he seems and his spirot remains strong but no matter, one way or another he will break the king of the monsters. Armagaddon roars at his minions, ordering them to rise. It's time to step up the torturing process. As she watches from afar, Queen Ghidorah began hoping for the best, praying that Godzilla will survive this ordeal. She could only wince as she hear Godzilla's roars of agony as the sadistic monster began torturing the king of the monsters. Armagaddon stabbed Godzilla's neck with his blades and Rokmutul slashed Godzilla's leg with his claws. Gaira and the female MUTO began assaulting Godzilla physically by biting, kicking and punching. But the godzillasaurus struck back by blasting a powerful heat beam at the female MUTO. Godzilla attempts to destroy the wall behind him with a heat beam from his back but as he fired, not only did the attack failed, but it reflected back and struck Godzilla instead, causing the king of the monsters to roar in pain. Rhinosaurus roars to Queen Ghidorah to help out and Queen Ghidorah reluctantly fired a stream of gravity beams at Godzilla and she winces as the sound of Godzilla's agonizing roar travels through her ears.( Honestly, I don't know whether King Ghidorah ever got ears, anyway back to the story) Armagaddon grins as he watches Rhinosaurus ramming into Godzilla, his horns tearing right into Godzilla's flesh. Blood began to pool under Godzilla's feet as the torture continues. But Godzilla is just too stubborn to submit, he charges up a heat beam and he creates an explosive wave, blasting all the monsters back. After disposing off his foes, Godzilla began healing his wounds, amd he stood strong as if Armagaddon and his monsters haven't touch him. Gabara roars a questioning roar, questioning on their next course of action. The female MUTO roars aggressively and she and her winged male counterpart attempts to attack but Armagaddon put out his hand as a way to stop them. Armagaddon roars to explain that Godzilla has no means of escaping and his healing factors are merely slowing down the killing process and thus slowing the inevitable. Armagaddon roars to his minions to rest and after an hour, they will torture Godzilla some more. With that, Armagaddon exited the cavern with Gabara, Queen Ghidorah, female MUTO, male MUTO, Rokmutul, Pterodactly, Gaira, Sanda and Rhinosaurus following behind. Godzilla could only watch and wonder to himself," Where are my friends when I need them?"

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