Plan to eradicate the monsters

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Commander Gyozen's office

Commander Gyozen smiled and he commented," Well done recruit Riley and Mako, thanks to you, our military base is safe."" It was nothing Commander." Riley shrugs. Commander Gyozen sat down amd he said," I have been concern lately."" About?"" The monsters. I have fought alongside them during the Final Wars and one thing I know, the monsters may have always attack cities but they do not seem to bear any hatred for us."" What has that got to do with anything Commander?" Mako questioned. Commander Gyozen plops a file onto the table and he answered," This." As both Riley and Mako browse through the documents, Commander Gyozen continued," The government has inticiated a plan to wipe out all monsters on Earth. They will be firing the nukes at Monster Island in three days time. I main concern is for the guardian monsters like Mothra, King Ceasar, Battra, Rodan, Anguirus and Godzilla"" But Commander, aren't those the monsters that attacked us? I mean my Uncle Bruniose was killed when King Ceasar attacked the city of Tokyo."" Yes but he was under mind control so his actions was never his undoing." Commander Gyozen said. Mako then stated," I have heard of Mothra and Battra, those two are divine moths that helped protected the planet from the Ghidorahs but why would the government kill them?"" That's what I was trying to find out." Commander Gyozen said. Commander Gyozen then said," You two go back to your bunks and rest, you have had a long day."" Yes sir!" Both Riley and Mako saluted and the pair left the office.

Vortak ship in space

The Vortaks are discussing their plans of building Mechagodzillas when all of a sudden, there was an explosion, causing the ship to shake." What was that?" The Vortak Queen questioned. A Vortak soldier checked the scanner and he said," My Queen, one lifeform heading straight towards our ship."" Show me." The Vortak Queen ordered. The Vortak soldier typed on the keyboard and what was shown on the screen shocked the Vortak Queen. A spacial clone of Godzilla called Spacegodzilla is flying around the ship, firing heat beams at it. Angered, the Vortak Queen ordered," Send out Mechagodzilla!"' But my Queen, the atmosphere is not suitable for..." Without listening, the Vortak Queen desperately screamed," Launch it!" The soldier obeyed and Mechagodzilla was sent out. Spacegodzilla notices Mechagodzilla and he roars menacingly at it. But to the Vortaks and Spacegodzilla's horror, the Mechagodzilla began freezing.

Inside the ship

" What happened?" The Vortak queen demanded," Why is it freezing?" The soldier answered," My Queen, I tried to tell you. The atmosphere is not suitable for that Mechagodzilla unit."" One more word for you and you will not be suited for life." The Queen scolded. The Vortak Queen watches in anger as Spacegodzilla began tearing Mechagodzilla apart. Mechagodzilla retaliated by firing an eye beam, but was only successful in angering Spacegodzilla. Spacegdzilla fires a heat beam at Mechagodzilla, destroying it." It's gone! What should we do?!" A Vortak pilot questioned. The Vortak Queen turned to face the pilot and she said," The ship has weapons does it not? Use those!"


The Vortaks activated the ship's weapon systems, activating several turrets. The turrets began firing a barrage of lasers, causing Spacegodzilla to roar in pain, chipping a few crystals. Spacegodzilla began firing a heat beam at the turrets, destroying them.


The Vortak Queen sneers and she said," So, you want to play huh? Well, let's see how you handle.... Gigan." The Vortak Queen activated a button. The ship slowly opened, showing a bleak of darkness momentarily before a crimson red light flashes within the blackness. As Spacegodzilla is busy attacking the ship, he fails to notice a blue and red streak flying towards him at break neck speed.


As Spacegodzilla is charging up a heat beam, all of a sudden, something struck Spacegodzilla by the back, causing him to roar in pain. Spacegodzilla turns and he saw Gigan, a blue and red cyborg armed with blades screeching at him. Spacegodzilla roars back and the two monsters began clashing in space. Spacegodzilla fires a heat beam but Gigan dodges and he fires an explosive eye beam, causing Spacegodzilla to create a crystal shield to shield himself from the attack. While the two monsters continued brawling in space, the Vortak ship began collecting parts of Mechagodzilla. Gigan slashes at Spacegodzilla, causing him to roar in pain. Spacegodzilla retaliated by punching Gigan in the face before firing a heat beam. Gigan zips past the attack and he fires a grappling hook around Spacegodzilla's tail. Gigan grabbed the hook and he began spinning Spacegodzilla around before hurling him upwards. Spacegodzilla stops in midair and he summons a barrage of crystal shards. To Gigan's horror, Spacegodzilla began firing the crystals at Gigan, damaging the cyborg, causing Gigan to block.

Earth, Pacific ocean

Godzila swams in the azure blue water, relaxing after his recent attack until all of a sudden, something red sped past Godzilla, knocking him backwards. Godzilla glares at the form and he immediately recognizes the creature as Ebirah. Ebirah roars and he charges forward, ramming into Godzilla. Godzilla grabs Ebirah and the two began wrestling each other. Ebirah grabbed Godzilla's neck with his pincers, roaring in victory but his celebration was short-lived. Godzilla charges up a heat beam and he fires it at Ebirah, causing the giant lobster to roar in pain. Godzilla grabs Ebirah by the tail and he hurls him upwards. Godzilla swam up and he began punching Ebirah three times before dragging him up onto the surface. While Godzilla is wrestling with Ebirah, the godzillasaurus notices something falling from the sky. Confused, he watches as three crystaline objects splashes into the water before sinking beneath the surface. Assuming as it was nothing, Godzilla continues his battle with Ebirah.


Spacegodzilla created a crystal shield, deflecting Gigan's optic beams just as the cyborg fires it. Spacegodzilla grabs Gigan and he began summoning a barrage of crystals. Before Gigan realizes, Spacegodzilla hurls Gigan up and the crystals began encasing Gigan in a crystaline prison. Thinking that his opponent has been dispatched, Spacegodzilla roars in victory and he began directing his attention towards the Vortak ship. As Spacegodzilla began his attack, he fails to notice Gigan attempting to break free. Gigan activates his chainsaw, cutting through the crystals like a diamond pickaxe. With the crystals weakened, Gigan made a bloodcurling screech as he burst out of his prison, attracting Spacegodzilla's attention. Gigan flies towards Spacegodzilla, determined to best his opponent but Spacegodzilla spun, knocking Gigan back with his tail. As Gigan flies back, Spacegodzilla summons three large pointy crystals and he launches them at Gigan, causing the crystals to impale right through Gigan's armour. Gigan screeches in agony as Spacegodzilla began tearing him apart. Realizing that Gigan is getting destroyed, the Vortak Queen screamed," NO!" She activates a switch, causing the ship to fire a powerful blast of plasma energy. The blast struck Spacegodzilla by the back, weakening him. Gigan slashes his claws across Spacegodzilla's cheek and he fires an optic beam at him, attempting to defeat Spacegodzilla. Angered, Spacegodzilla fires a heat beam at Gigan, damaging the cyborg even further, causing Gigan to roar in pain. Tired and wounded from the battle, Spacegodzilla thus flew away fron the battle, leaving a damaged Gigan to screech in anger.

Vortak ship

The Vortak Queen slams her fist onto the controls and she cursed," Damn it! Gigan's been destroyed." The Vortak Queen turns to a Vortak pilot and she ordered," Send out a salvage team. I want Gigan to repaired and upgraded."" Yes my Queen." As the pilot began issuing out orders to the repair and salvage team, the Vortak Queen vowed," Soon Godzilla, you will be destroyed and the planet will be mine for the taking."

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