The aftermath

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The World leaders watches the entire ruined city in regret." This is all our fault." The Hong Kong leader said." If it wasn't for us, that city would still be in one piece and we would all be living peacefully." A German leader added. As the world leaders sadly mourns the deaths of thousands and the deaths of all the monsters that died in the war, the UN ambassador said," Ladies and gentlemen, let's not blame ourselves anymore. After all, the damage has already been done. Instead, we should look ahead, rebuild the city, rebuild our defenses and try to bond with other non-human beings. We should stop thinking ourselves to be superior and instead, we should open up and explore." The entire UN began nodding in agreement." Yeah, he's right." The Arab leader nodded." We should try and help rebuild the city." A Spanish leader suggested." Yeah," A Swedish leader agreed," Let's do it." With that, the World leaders began sending volunteers towards Russia, hoping to help rebuild the city. As the UN leader watches everyone helping each other, he thought to himself," This is a start of a new beginning."

Military base

As Riley and Mako returned, a pleasant surprise awaits them. As they entered, everyone began cheering, congrajulating them for their safe return. Commander Gyozen approaches them and he praised approvingly," Soldier Riley and Mako, you two have done an excellent job."" Aw, it was nothing Commander." Riley shrugged sheelishly. Commander Gyozen pat both of them on their shoulders and he said," I am impressed! When that battle started, we weren't sure whether any one of you would make it back alive but you surprised us! You survived long enough in the battlefield and you even managed to take down a few of those monsters. That was amazing!"" Yeah but unfortunately," Mako blushed and she said," Kiryu and M.O.G.U.E.R.A were destroyed in the battle." However, instead of chiding them, Commander Gyozen patted both of their shoulders and he said," But you two have survived and have even managed to save most of the people there. For your good work, I am going to reward you." Both Riley and Mako smiled as Commander Gyozen began putting a badge on their collar. After finishing, Commander Gyozen moved back and he said," Soldier Riley Becket and Soldier Mako Moori, from this point on, you two are now officially Chief Elites." Overwhelmed with happiness, both Riley and Mako saluted and they said in unison," Thank you Commander." Commander Gyozen laughed as he watches the troops clapping for them. Commander Gyozen then quietly returned to his office. As he sat down, Commander Gyozen held up the photo of Mothra and he looked at it. Commander Gyozen sighed and he saluted the picture and said," Thank you guardian of the Earth, you have saves us all."


Goro looked at the damaged parts of Jet Jaguar and he grumbled to himself," Oh great! Now what am I going to do!?" As Goro looked at it, a thought suddenly came to him." Hm, Ichiro has always wanted a toy Jet Jaguar. Maybe..." Goro held up several pieces of scrap metal and he thought to himself,"...I could build him a mini version of Jet Jaguar for him." Now fully motivared and determined to make someone's day, Goro took his hammer and he began hammering, now working on his project.

Infant Island

Mothra sat on her giant egg, screeching to herself sadly. She has losted all her friends. Just then, Mothra sensed a familiar presence approaching her. As she looked down, Mothra saw the Shobijin, two tiny priestesses approaching her. One of them said," Don't be sad Mothra, you are not alone. You still have your friends and people wuth you." Lightened by her words, Mothra screeches to thank her." In fact," the other Shobijin added," You have a special child coming." Mothra looked at her egg with her eyes full of hope, someday, that egg is going to hatch and that larva is going to make his or her mother proud one day. Just then, the Shobijin gasped, startling Mothra. Mothra screeches a questioning screech towards them, confused. One of the Shobijin answered," A terrible threat us coming." Mothra screeches another questioning screech and the other one answered," We don't know. It's much bigger and far more dangerous than the ghidorahs." Full of determination, Mothra screeches and she began swooping out of the cave, ready and determined to take down this big threat. As Mothra flies across the ocean, Mothra saw a group of dolphins happily leading across the water and a group of tourists happily laughing on a speedboat. Mothra knows for sure, as long as she's still around, she will be there to protect those smiles and she will protect the planet to ensure a future for generations to enjoy. With that, Mothra screeches and she flies off to tackle with the threat.

                     THE END

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