Chapter 14: Battle on Skull Island

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"So, how's married life treating you?" Gigan grinned, blocking an attack from Mothra.
"It would have been going a lot better if you hadn't interrupted it." She snapped. She wasn't in the mood to chat with him. She found that her new dual wielding fighting style matched well against Gigan's unorthodox arm blade style. She blocked as he swung down at her with both arms transformed into chainsaws, and took the opportunity to kick him in the stomach.
"What does Ghidorah want with Skull Island?" Mothra demanded, approaching him. He looked up at her with a slightly unhinged grin.
"It doesn't matter. You won't be alive to see it!" He cackled. He transformed his hand into a gun again, firing a bullet at her. Mothra gasped and dodged again, but this time the bullet grazed her arm, tearing her sleeve and spraying a small amount of blood as it tore her skin. She yelled in pain and dropped a knife to grab her arm, still holding the other one. But another bullet knocked it out of her hand. Now disarmed, Gigan took the opportunity and rushed closer, holding the gun to her head. As soon as Mothra felt the barrel against her head, she swung her arm up into his forearm to knock him away right before he pulled the trigger. A sharp ringing filled her ears as the shot rang out just inches from her head. One second too late and she would have been dead. She grabbed his arm and brought her knee up into his elbow, attempting to break it. She heard a crack as he growled in pain, which made her realize she was successful. With his right arm disabled, for now at least, Gigan had to rely solely on his left. He took a swing at her, his arm transformed into a blade again. But Mothra dodged with a back flip, landing right next to her knives, quickly picking them up again. She smirked smugly at him, while he growled at her. He placed his broken arm into his jacket, sliding the hand into a pocket on the inside as a makeshift sling. He had an accelerated healing ability, but it would still take some time until his arm was completely healed. He swung at her with his good arm, and she blocked it with one knife while she slashed at him with the other. She wasn't fighting to kill, only to subdue. She needed one solid blow to knock him out. Finally, she got her chance. While he was reeling from her last attack, she head butted him in the nose, making him stumble backwards. In his confusion, she flipped over him and got behind him. Right before he had a chance to react, Mothra struck him in the back of the head with the back of her knife. And just like that, the fight was over. Gigan slumped over and fell to the ground, knocked out cold. Mothra breathed a sigh of relief.
"Godzilla was right." She thought to herself. "Ghidorah isn't messing around."

Leo brushed past the entrance of Kong's hut. The inside was lit with oil lanterns with animal pelts hung on the walls. Two people were already inside, along with Kong, who was lying on his bed. The others both looked at Leo with surprise as he entered.
"Who are you?" One of the people, a woman holding a baby, asked. She clutched the baby closer to her chest in fear.
"It's alright. I'm here to help." Leo assured. "My name is Leo, I'm from Monster Island."
"Ah, you know Godzilla then." The other person, an old man with a long walking staff, added.
"Yeah, I do." Leo nodded. "He couldn't be here, so my siblings and I came in his stead."
"Allow me to introduce us then." The old man said. "I am the head elder of Skull Island. Kong's adviser, if you will. And this is Hana, Queen of Skull island."
"That's right, you were at the wedding." Leo remembered. Hana nodded, remembering Leo's face. She and Kong had of course been invited to Godzilla and Mothra's wedding. As they spoke, Kong groaned and managed to sit himself up. Leo could now see the bandages around his abdomen.
"You're injured." Leo observed.
"I can see that." Kong chuckled. "Gigan shot me. You've seen his new toy too, right?"
"Yeah. Mothra's fighting him right now." Leo nodded. "But you're in no condition to fight. We'll take care of this-"
"Like hell I'm in no condition to fight." Kong growled. He swung his legs over the bed and stood up, holding his spear as a cane. Hana ran over to him.
"Kong, no! We just removed a bullet from your stomach, you need time to heal!" She begged.
"That son of a bitch is out there attacking my island. A bullet's not gonna stop be from defending it." Kong said. He grasped her hands to reassure her. "I'm going to be alright. I promise."
Hana hesitated, but eventually nodded. "You'd better not die." She ordered.
Kong nodded and kissed her. He let go of her and turned to the Elder.
"Keep her and Kong Jr. safe." Kong ordered. "Nobody gets in here until I get back." The Elder nodded.
"Kong Jr?" Leo asked, raising an eyebrow. He eyed a small crib next to Kong's bed. Hana lay the baby she was holding down in the crib, and Leo could now see the adorable face of Kong's newborn son.
"How old is he?" He asked.
"2 months now." Kong said, his voice full of pride
"I wish I could stay longer." Leo chuckled. "I'm pretty good with kids."
"Perhaps we'll ask you to babysit once all this is over, then." Kong laughed, patting Leo on the shoulder. "But for now, we should focus on destroying this robotic menace."
Leo nodded and brandished his knives. Kong grabbed his spear, and the two ran out the door of the hut. Hana sighed as she watched the two men leave. She wished she could do something to help, but there was little an unarmed human could do against any kind of Kaiju threat.
"They will be fine." The Elder assured. But Hana couldn't shake the feeling that this time, things would be different.

Battra's elemental katana sliced through another MechaGodzilla's gun before puncturing its chest. Varan and Gorosaurus were putting in work as well, cutting down MechaGodzilla units like they were paper. While the large army of robots were intimidating at first, they were slowly becoming less and less or a problem. Gigan had only brought about 100 with him, and the number was decreasing fast. A small group of units lines up in front of him and began shooting, but he was too fast for them. As Battra fought through the rain of bullets before him, he was shocked when suddenly, they all stopped firing. Something had clogged their guns. Within seconds, the weapons exploded, deactivating the units for good. Battra looked up behind him to see Mothra descending towards him. She had just spat webbing at all the MechaGodzillas guns to clog them.
"Ugh, I still hate doing that." Mothra muttered. Spitting webbing was one of her most useful abilities, but it was such a repulsive act she almost always refused to do it unless it was absolutely necessary.
"I take it Gigan is dealt with?" Battra asked.
"Yup." Mothra assured. "All we have to do is destroy the last of the MechaGodzillas, and we're home free."
"Good. That won't take long." Battra smirked.
Gorosaurus and Varan joined them soon after. "Good to see you again, Mothra." Varan smirked.
"Varan! I didn't know you were here!" She said. "And who's this?"
"Gorosaurus." He introduced himself. "I'm a friend of Kong's"
Mothra nodded. They didn't have much time for introductions. A group of MechaGodzilla units were rushing towards them. It appeared this was the last of them, only about fifty or so. All four Kaiju got into battle-ready positions, brandishing their weapons, and ready for the fight to begin. But the fight never came. Rather, out of nowhere, Kong appeared. He landed on the ground before them, throwing sand up around him from the impact. 
"Stand back!" He ordered. Mothra could see a necklace around his neck, with four coloured gems on it. She could sense an intense energy coming from it, and the energy seemed to be flowing into Kong as well. She stepped back, along with the others, as Kong turned back to the units. The energy around him began to swell. The air began to swirl around him as well, until he shot into the air. Mothra gasped. She knew Kong was a good jumper, but she had never seen him jump this high before. He almost flew. And as he came back down, he slammed the ground with both fists. Now a different energy surrounded him, and the ground beneath them shoot. The shockwave he caused from the impact instantly destroyed the MechaGodzilla units near the front of the group.
"What is this power?" Mothra asked. "I've never seen anything like this before from a non-God Kaiju..."
"Kong acquired elemental powers some time ago." Gorosaurus explained. "It's an ability the rulers of this island have been able to access once they reach a certain point."
As they spoke, Kong made quick work of the units in front of them. He kicked the ground, making a large rock float up from the ground, and with a punch to the air, sent it flying towards three units at once, incapacitating them. The number of active units was diminishing second by second as Kong dispatched them. The others ran in to help, and within minutes, the units were finished. All five breathed a sigh of relief before reconvening in the centre.
"It's good to see you again, Kong." Mothra smiled. Her smile fell when she saw his bandages, and the blood on them. "Oh no, you're hurt."
"I'm alright." Kong chuckled. "Gigan managed to shoot me earlier. But I wasn't about to let that stop me from defending my island."
"Where's Leo? He was with you too wasn't he?" Battra asked.
"He's in the village. I sent him to make sure everyone is safe." Kong explained. "He should be heading back here soon."
While they spoke, Gigan stirred from his forced slumber. He groaned and held his head, wincing as he rubbed the spot where Mothra had struck him. The pain still pounded in his head, but he wasn't any less determined. He opened his eyes, and slowly the blurred image of Kong, Mothra, Battra, Gorosaurus, and Varan came into view. Gigan grinned. He was somewhat far away from them, and they didn't notice he was waking up. He had the opportunity for a perfect shot. He guessed he could only shoot one of them, so he picked Mothra.
"I've got you now, you little bitch..." He muttered to himself as his hand morphed into a gun. His targeting system locked onto Mothra's head. She had no idea. He aimed his gun and placed his finger on the trigger. But before he could pull it, something grabbed his arm, pushing it away. He wheeled his head around and saw his attacked; it was Leo.
"Get the hell away from me!" Gigan growled, thrusting his elbow into Leo's face. He still didn't let go, so Gigan punched him instead. Despite being punched in the face repeatedly by a metal hand, Leo's grip didn't waver. He wasn't about to let Gigan kill his sister.
"It's over, Gigan! You lost!" Leo spat. Suddenly, Gigan stopped punching him. Leo wasn't sure why, until he saw Gigan was now grinning at him. The grin disturbed and worried him greatly.
"You're right, Leo." Gigan hissed. "It is over. For you!" He pulled his gun arm back, bringing Leo towards him. He swung his other arm, which was now completely healed, at Leo's head to discombobulate him, and pressed the barrel of his gun against Leo's chest. As Leo felt the cold metal touch his skin, he knew it was already too late.

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