Chapter 21: Frontlines

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Gigan swung his buzzsaw arm at Rodan's head, which he only narrowly dodged by ducking out of the way. He swung back again, but had to dodge as Radon suddenly flew overhead, slashing down at him. He growled and transformed both hands into machine guns, and began firing at her. To protect her, Rodan dove for one of his arms and grabbed it at the wrist, making him aim at the ground. Gigan jabbed at him with his other arm, now transformed into a more simple blade, and Rodan had to duck while also forcing the gun away from himself and Radon. Meanwhile, she flew down and kicked Gigan in the head, sending him to the ground. He groaned and grabbed his head with his now de-transformed hand. He looked up at Rodan and Radon standing over him. The two made a good team, he realized.
"Urg... two against one isn't exactly fair..." He growled, standing up.
"Was it fair when you murdered Leo?" All three heard a voice say from above them. As they looked up to the voices source, it flew downward towards Gigan. It was Battra. He grabbed Gigan and picked him up, tossing him back to the ground. Before Gigan could react, Battra landed on his chest foot first, knocking the wind out of him.
"What is he doing?" Radon asked. As they watched Battra, they saw he was fighting way more brutal than normal. He only fought like this when he was really, really mad.
"Gigan did kill his brother." Rodan remembered. Gigan heard him say this, and laughed.
"Is that what this is about?" He asked, grinning as blood pooled at his lip. "I guess I can't blame you. I'd be pissed off too if my brother went out like a bitch."
He aimed his gun hand at Battra, only for to see it get sliced off before he could even think to pull the trigger. Battra had predicted his move and had reacted accordingly, pulling out his elemental katana in a split second. Gigan eyed his now handless wrist, and didn't get much time to react as Battra thrust his blade at his face. Out of instinct, he grabbed the glowing blade with his remaining hand. This turned out to be a mistake, as the blade was made of light, and burned his hand severely. He had no feeling in it of course, but the burning blade slowly melted his metal hand, making it inch closer and closer to his face every second. His breathing and heartbeat got quicker and quicker. For the first time in a very long time, he felt fear for his life. Rodan couldn't watch this happen.
"Battra, stop!" He said. While Gigan was evil, Rodan hated killing. Battra, however, didn't see it that way.
"This monster murdered Leo, and you want me to show mercy?!" He roared. But while he was distracted, Gigan kicked him in the shin. This put him off balance, and as soon as the blade was away from his face, Gigan tried to transform his good arm into a gun. But due to its melted state, it could only form a small blade. He slashed Battra across the chest and pushed him away. After he got up, he grinned at Rodan.
"Thanks for that, he almost had me there." He chuckled.
Rodan got into a battle stance, as did Radon. "Doesn't mean we're not gonna defeat you." He growled. He looked over to Battra, who was just getting back up. He glared at Rodan for interrupting his vengeance, but Rodan knew he did the right thing.
"Why did you stop me?" Battra snapped.
"He will pay, but you don't get to decide who lives and dies." Rodan replied.
Battra still didn't agree, but he also wanted to see Gigan pay in any way possible. He got into a fighting stance along with the others, but before they could attack, Gigan spoke.
"Ah, hold on a sec." He said, pointing to the roof of the building they were next to. "Looks like your sisters in trouble, Batty."
Battra gasped and looked up at the roof. Mothra was up there, but she was being attacked by someone. Someone very familiar. It was Desghidorah. Battra's eyes widened. All thoughts of revenge in his mind were transferred from Gigan to him. He clenched his fist and prepared to fly.
"Wait, Battra, he's trying to trick you. Don't go up there-" Rodan advised, but it didn't work. Battra shot into the air before he could finish. Rodan groaned and cursed under his breath as he saw him fly, but then turned back to Gigan. Interestingly, it appeared Gigan's new prosthetics had self healing properties, as his melted hand was healed, and he was growing a new hand on his other arm.
"Now then... where were we?" He said.


A MechaGodzilla's head sparked as Baragon's shovel connected with it. He had been mowing down MechaGodzillas successfully since the battle began. All he had to do was aim for the head. He grinned to himself. This was gonna be an easy battle. He aimed his shovel at the head of another unit, but something knocked it out of his hand. He yelped in pain and drew his hand back. Someone had shot his hand, making him drop the shovel. Another unit was firing at him. He dodged another bullet as it was fired, but the unit he was fighting before shot him as well, hitting him in the arm. He shouted in pain as he dropped his other shovel, grabbing his wound. He backed up and tried to get away, but another unit approached from behind. And then another, and then another, and then another. Soon enough he was surrounded by a dozen units. Baragon's breathing grew faster as he saw the units all around him, pointing their guns right at him.
"You are outnumbered." One of the units said. "Move and you will be executed."
Baragon stood still for a good few seconds. Finally, he made his decision. He knelt down slowly and picked up his shovels.
"If I'm going out, you're going out with me." He growled. He clashed his shovels together, gritting his teeth as they began to glow red hot. "COME ON!!!"
One of the units fired at him, and he dodged out of the way. He slammed his shovel into its heads, instantly killing it. Then another one. Two down, ten to go. He could do this, he thought. But then he felt a pain in his side. A bullet was now lodged in the side of his stomach. He stopped dead in his tracks. Then another bullet was fired into his shoulder, and then two more in his back. All remaining units riddled his body with bullets until he fell to the ground. But then something happened. The units were taken out one by one. Baragon looked up to see what happened, and was suddenly gently flipped onto his back. He could see the faces of his saviours. Komi and Zilla stood over him.
"Baragon! Baragon, can you hear me!?" Komi asked.
"Y-yeah... I hear you..." Baragon coughed, blood coming from his mouth. He wiped some off his lips with his hand. "That's not... a good sign..." He chuckled weakly.
"You're gonna be alright." Zilla assured. Baragon shook his head.
"No... I'm not." He said. "But thanks... for trying to help..."
Komi and Zilla both knew he was right. They hung their heads, knowing there was nothing they could do for their friend. Komi couldn't stop the tears from running down her face. Baragon used what little strength he had left to grab her hand.
"Hey... what's wrong?" He asked. "I hope you're not crying... because of... me..."
His hand went limp in Komi's and his head drooped to the side. Baragon was gone. Zilla breathed a shaky sigh and stood up, helping Komi up as well. The two held each other close as they shared their grief with each other.
"What the hell are you two doing!?" a voice shouted at them. They both looked up to see Manda take down a unit before approaching them. He didn't seem to notice Baragon. "If you haven't noticed, we're in the middle of a... oh..."
He froze as he saw Baragon's body. He didn't speak for a few moments, observing his fallen ally.
"He... died valiantly, I'm sure." Was all he said. "But this is no time for mourning. We have a job to do."
"Hey, show some respect, asshole. Our friend just died." Zilla spat. He attempted to approach Manda, but Komi held him back. She had never seen him this angry before. Manda sneered at them.
"When you've seen as much death as I have, then we can talk about respect." He shot back. "But for now, we're in a war. So get the fuck over it."
This sent Zilla over the edge. Not even Komi could hold him back. He sent his fist flying into Manda's eye, sending him stumbling back. But his face wasn't that of pain, or shock, or anger. It was surprise, yes, but more of admiration. It was as if he was impressed. He placed a finger on a cut underneath his now bruised eye, and chuckled when he saw the blood.
"Hm. Never thought you had it in you, Zilla." He said. "Try to use some of that anger on our enemies."
Before Zilla could retaliate, Manda flew away. Both he and Komi were angry at Manda and devastated over Baragon's death, but they couldn't focus on either now. Manda was right. They had a battle to win.

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