Chapter 43: Heartache

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1 Hour Later...

Rodan stared blankly as the boat sped towards Monster Island. Neither he or Anguirus wanted to say a word. After the fight was over, Gigan let them go and left without saying a word. Both Kaiju rushed to the now empty battlefield to see the body of their best friend on the ground. Godzilla, or what was left of him, was now wrapped in a blanket on the very back of the boat. Anguirus and Rodan didn't want to leave him the way he was. They both were dreading what was about to happen next.
"... You wanna tell her?" Rodan asked.
"What?" Anguirus responded. He wasn't listening. Clearly he had other things on his mind.
"Mothra. You wanna tell her about... what happened?" Rodan explained. "Or do you want me to do it?"
Anguirus didn't answer. He just looked down and sighed. Rodan guessed he was imagining what Mothra's reaction to the news would be. He just nodded.
"It'll tell her." He said. "I'm better at emotional stuff anyway. And besides, I think she likes me more than you." He attempted to make a joke, but Anguirus wasn't in the mood to laugh. He kept looking down.
"Yeah..." He muttered, along with a small nod. Rodan released a sigh and looked back to the boats controls. The GPS showed Monster Island less than 5 minutes away. Rodan gingerly lifted his foot from the gas pedal, just a little bit. Enough for the 5 minutes to turn to 10. Anything to buy them a little bit of time. Anguirus didn't seem to notice. And even if he did, Rodan guessed he wouldn't object. They continued in their silence for about another minute, before Anguirus sat up.
"Stop the boat." He ordered. "I need a minute."
"Yeah... no problem." Rodan agreed. He killed the engine, and the boat slid to a stop. Once it was motionless, Anguirus shot out of his seat and stomped to the back of the boat. The force and aggression of him sitting up made the boat rock a little bit. Rodan looked back at him. He went to the back of the boat, where Godzilla was, and stared at the ocean for a bit. He placed a hand on his hip and pinched the bridge of his nose as he released a deep sigh. He experienced a thousand emotions at once. He didn't know what to do.
"We don't have to tell her." He said. Rodan stared at him quizzically.
"What? You're kidding." He said.
"I mean obviously we tell her what happened." Anguirus said, turning to face him. "But we don't have to show her. We don't have to show anybody." He gestured to Godzilla's body. "We could dump him right here. Bury him at sea. We tell the others what happened, but they don't need to see the body."
Rodan sighed again and shook his head. "That's crazy. It's out of the question. They deserve to see him."
"Why? It would only make them hurt more." Anguirus asserted.
"Because they need the closure." Rodan asserted back. "We're not talking about this."
Anguirus' brow furrowed, but soon after, he softened back to his normal state. He nodded and stuck his hands in his pockets. "You're right." He said, turning back to the ocean. "I just... don't know what to do, man. I always thought Godzilla would be the last of us to die. Guess I was wrong."
Rodan nodded, stood up, and walked over to him. He placed a hand on his shoulder.
"This is gonna hurt. A lot." He said. "It's not fair that it happened, and it's not fair we're the ones to tell everyone. But it did. There's nothing we can do about it now. All we can do is help everyone else through their pain, and they'll help us."
Anguirus stood still for a moment before nodding and making his way back to the front of the boat. Rodan followed him and sat back in the driver's seat, and started them back on their journey home.

Monster Island

Mothra yawned as she woke up from her restless sleep. While she had planned on staying up until Godzilla returned, she couldn't help but fall asleep no matter how hard she tried to fight it. She had also hoped to see Godzilla lying next to her when she awoke, but was disappointed to find herself alone. But the familiar sound of their boat approaching made her smile. He was back, she thought. She tossed on her robe and ran out the door, running happily over to the beach. But when she got there, she didn't see Godzilla. She only saw Rodan. But something was... strange about him. He looked forlorn. Mothra's smile fell.
"Rodan?" She asked.
"... H-hey, Mothra." Rodan nodded. He didn't sound very enthusiastic. "I, uh, got some bad news..."
"It can wait." Mothra shook her head, completely ignoring what he just said. "Where's Godzilla?"
Rodan didn't answer her. It was then Mothra registered what he had said about bad news. Her smile fell once again.
"... Where is he?" She asked.
"Mothra... I don't know how to tell you this." Rodan said. His voice was wavering. "But... Godzilla didn't come back."
Fear gripped Mothra's heart as he said this. She placed a hand on her collar and grabbed it tightly as her expression fell.
"W-what do you mean?" She asked quietly, continuing to fidget with her shirt collar. Rodan sighed deeply and wiped his eyes. This only made Mothra more scared. Finally, Rodan spoke.
"He... he's gone, Mothra." Rodan said. "Ghidorah killed him... I'm so sorry."
Mothra's heart practically stopped. Her eyes widened, and she began shaking slightly. Her knees almost gave out. She was silent for a few seconds, but it seemed like hours. She shook her head as she began to breath in and out quicker and quicker.
"That... that's not true." She muttered. "Th-that can't be true. You're lying."
"I'm not, Mothra." Rodan shook his head.
"You are. You have to be. Godzilla isn't... h-he's not..." Mothra choked out. She tried to walk past him to get to the boat, but Rodan blocked her path. He didn't want her to see before she was ready.
"I'm sorry, but it's true." Rodan said. "Ghidorah left his body behind. Anguirus is bringing it over here from the boat now."
Tears began flowing down Mothra's face, but she was still in denial. In her mind, there was no way Godzilla could be dead. It just wasn't possible.
"Rodan, if this is some sort of joke, it's not funny!" She yelled. "Please, just tell me you're joking! Please!!!"
Rodan couldn't say anything else. It would break his heart to see Mothra any sadder. The most he could do is comfort Mothra by hugging her. She cried into his shoulder for a good minute until Anguirus appeared. Mothra looked up to see him approaching them, carrying a body wrapped in a white tarp, just like Leo. Her eyes became wide once again. She let go of Rodan and ran over to Anguirus. He had been dreading this moment.
"Anguirus, please tell me that isn't Godzilla under there." She sobbed.
"I'm sorry, Mothra. But... it is." Anguirus admitted. He placed the body onto a nearby table. As soon as he did, Mothra grabbed the tarp and pulled part of it off.
"Mothra, wait!" Rodan said. But it was too late. Mothra let out a sharp gasp as she saw Godzilla's lifeless face. That was the final straw for her. She collapsed and began sobbing louder than anyone had ever heard her sob before. She screamed in complete and utter sadness. She was inconsolable. Nothing aside from Godzilla coming back to life could comfort her. Her world had been ripped apart, and there was no way to put it back together. Anguirus helped her back to her feet, and she immediately latched onto him. She clung onto his jacket, but her sobbing and screaming didn't stop. She tried to say something, trying to express her emotions in any other way, but she just couldn't. Anguirus hugged her back. He may have lost a friend, but Mothra had lost so much more. She had lost the love of her life. He couldn't imagine what she was going through. Finally, her sobbing quieted to a gentle whimper. The three remained silent, until Rodan finally spoke.
"I'll go tell the others." He said. Anguirus nodded.
"Right. I'll take Mothra to her tent." He said.
"No..." Mothra suddenly said. "I... want to stay here... with Godzilla."
Anguirus paused, but let her go, allowing her to sit at the table looking over Godzilla's corpse. As she sat down, she grabbed Godzilla's hand and began sobbing again. Rodan left to tell the others while Anguirus placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. After some time, her sobbing quieted again. She lifted her head a little and wiped her eyes, gazing longingly at Godzillas expressionless face. Something else was on her mind that made the situation much much worse.
"I never... got to tell him..." She sobbed.
Anguirus looked up at her. He had no idea she had a secret. "Tell him what?" He asked as gently as possible.
Mothra swallowed and looked up at Anguirus, torrents of tears still streaking down her face. She found it hard to speak, but she didn't have to say anything. Her expression said enough. Anguirus' eyes widened as he realized what she wanted to say.
"No way..." He said. Mothra closed her eyes and nodded.
"Mothra... you're pregnant?" Anguirus asked. Again, Mothra simply nodded.

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