Chapter 48: Survivor's Guilt

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Jet gasped for air as he broke the surface of the water. Whatever was left of the Gotengo was either sunken or floating on the surface. He swam around bits of scrap, trying to find any other survivors.
"Moguera!" He shouted. No answer. He eventually found a piece of debris big enough for him to rest on. He grabbed onto it and stopped to catch his breath. He looked around him to get his bearings. It was then he noticed the dead bodies around him. hundreds of them. No, thousands. They were everywhere. His expression fell. He quickly realized he was most likely the only survivor.
"No... please, no..." He muttered. He left the piece of debris and started paddling around more, trying desperately to find Moguera. He tried his best not to pay attention to the bodies. After some time, he found another large piece of floating debris. He realized it was what was left of the control panel. And holding onto it was Moguera. Jet gasped and swam frantically towards him. But as he got closer, he realized only Moguera's top half was intact. His lower half was nowhere to be found, aside from a bloody mess. Jet stopped swimming once he realized his friend was dead. He was surrounded by death. It was almost overwhelming. But before Jet could panic too much, he also remembered something about the control panel. He kept swimming and eventually reached it.
"Sorry about this, buddy..." He said to Moguera's corpse as he shoved him off of the controls. The dashboard was mostly intact, but unusable. That's not what Jet was after, though. He tore off the panel to reveal the inner workings. They were destroyed, of course, but one thing was still intact; an emergency pack hidden away underneath the controls. Inside was a flair gun and a satellite phone. Jet sighed in relief as he realized they were still working. He fired the flair gun in the air, praying that someone saw it. Then he turned on the phone and dialled the first person he could think of. He needed to contact Godzilla.

Monster Island

The communicator ringing woke Mothra from her nap. She didn't recognize the number, but saw the call was audio only. She yawned and picked up the call, holding it to her ear.
"Hello?" She muttered.
"Mothra! Thank god, I need to tell you something!" The voice on the other end belonged to Jet. Mothra shot to attention.
"What happened?" She asked.
"Ghidorah... he... he turned his Titan into a cyborg." Jet explained. "He took out the Gotengo... I was the only survivor..."
Mothra's eyes widened. Yet more lives had been ended by Ghidorah. She clutched the communicator tighter.
"Where's he heading next?" Mothra asked.
"Hold on, is Godzilla there? He should hear this too." Jet said.
Mothra froze. Jet didn't know yet. She but her lip to keep from bawling, but her pause was noticeable to Jet.
"... Mothra? You there?" He asked.
"... Godzilla's dead, Jet." Mothra explained.
"What!?" Jet asked. "W-when? How? That can't be..."
"Jet, focus." Mothra demanded. "Where is Ghidorah headed next?"
Jet was still dumbfounded by the news of Godzilla's death, but he was still able to focus.
"I... I think he's headed towards Shanghai." He managed to explain. "That's where the evacuees were going. There's people there already..."
"I understand." Mothra said, pulling her robe on quickly. "Where are you?"
"Somewhere in the East China sea." Jet said. "I fired a flare about 5 minutes ago."
"Fire another one. I'll find you." Mothra said. She was about to hang up, but Jet stopped her.
"Wait... is Godzilla really dead?" He asked. Mothra paused again before speaking.
"...Yes." She said. "I'll explain when I get there."
Not wanting to talk about it anymore, she hung up the communicator and finished tying her robe. She picked up her knives and slid them into her sleeves, but as she did, she saw Godzilla's sword lying on the ground. She stared at it for a good few seconds before picking it up. She took it out from its sheath and eyed the steel blade. While it was longer than her usual blades, she wasn't unused to using various types of weapons, including katanas like this one. She quickly made up her mind, and placed the sword back in its sheath, and swung it over her shoulder. She made a decision then and there; when she killed Ghidorah, she would do it with Godzilla's sword.


"Thanks..." Jet said. Mothra found him in the sea and carried him to safety on the shores of China.
"I told the others to come to Shanghai before I left. They'll be here soon." She explained. "So this... cyborg Titan... what can you tell me about it?"
"I don't know..." Jet admitted. "I think it had some kind of... canon. It destroyed the Gotengo in one blow."
Mothra hung her head as she thought about what this meant. Jet breathed a deep sigh.
"...Moguera's dead... everyone is." He said. "He had a family, you know."
"What?" Mothra asked.
"Moguera. He had a family." Jet explained. "He was gonna go back to them once all with was over... This was supposed to be his last mission."
Mothra said nothing for a long while. She had no idea.
"... And you're sure nobody else made it out?" She eventually asked.
"No. I was the only survivor." Jet confirmed. "I don't know how I survived... maybe I shouldn't have."
Mothra didn't reply, but a tear running down her cheek let Jet know everything he needed to. She felt the same way, and by seeing her clutch the shoulder strap of Godzilla's sword, he could guess why.
"How did it happen?" Jet asked.
"Ghidorah..." Mothra explained. "He challenged Godzilla to a duel... and he won."
"...Ghidorah killed him?" Jet asked. Mothra nodded, but she didn't realize just how much fear this instilled into Jet.
"Oh no... no, no, no, this is bad." He muttered. "At the EDF we have contingencies in place for Ghidorah and his allies. Plans in case they attack and you guys aren't available..."
Mothra looked up at him. "How many contingencies are there for Ghidorah?" She asked.
"A few dozen." Jet explained.
"... And how many don't involve Godzilla?" Mothra asked. Jet hesitated for a few seconds before answering.
"... None."

Japan Shatterdome

Megaguirus blew some hair out of her face as she stared at her laser cage. It was fairly boring sitting in there all day, but at least she had a few people to talk to. However, the only talkative one was Dogolas.
"Something troubling you?" He asked.
"Yeah, I'm bored." Megaguirus pouted.
"Well get used to that." Dogolas chuckled. "We're going to be here for quite some time."
"Not if Ghidorah breaks us out." Megaguirus added.
"I wouldn't hold your breath." Megalon piped up. "Dogolas is right. Ghidorah no longer has any use for us."
Megaguirus pouted again. But the sound of something softly landing in front of her cell made her perk up. She looked up to see none other than Hokmuto standing before them.
"You!?" She said. "What're you doing here?"
"Freeing you." Hokmuto explained. He withdrew one of his knives and jammed it into the electric lock, deactivating the laser walls. He did the same for everyone else, freeing all four of them.
"...Why are you doing this?" Shinomura asked.
"Because I wanna stop Ghidorah." Hokmuto explained. Dogolas scoffed at this.
"You? Why do you have any desire to stop him?" He asked.
"... Because Godzilla's dead." Hokmuto explained. He guessed they hadn't heard the news, being locked up like they were, and he was right. All four fell silent, and he saw genuine shock on Shinomura and Megaguirus' faces.
"You know as well as I do that Ghidorah's insane." Hokmuto continued. "If he takes over Earth, he won't stop until the whole galaxy falls under his control. I don't want that madman ruling over us. We have to team up with whatever's left of Godzilla's allies and fight."
The four hesitated for a moment, but the first to step up was Megalon.
"It seems I've forgotten my purpose." He said. "My destiny is to protect the Earth. And that's exactly what I'll do. I'm in."
"Me too." Shinomura agreed, crossing his arms. "Ghidorah doesn't deserve this planet."
"I suppose I'm in as well." Dogolas said. "He still has an ally of mine on his side. I'll have to fix that."
Megaguirus said nothing at first. She huffed and crossed her arms looking away from the others. But after a few seconds, she groaned and turned back to them.
"Alright, fine, I'm in!" She grumbled.
Hokmuto nodded, satisfied with his new allies. But the sound of a heavy gun cocking behind him made his heart skip a beat.
"Put your hands up now." Gypsy Danger ordered, holding his plasma canon at the ready. Hokmuto slowly did as he was told. The others followed suit.
"I heard you'd been reformed. But if your breaking Kaiju out of prison, I guess I heard wrong." Gypsy growled.
"... I'm not doing this for Ghidorah." Hokmuto explained. "I'm doing it for Godzilla."
Gypsy froze as he heard Godzilla's name. Hokmuto turned around to face him.
"You and I both know you just lost your best chance at stopping Ghidorah." He said. "You need our help. After that, you can do whatever you want with us."
Gypsy contemplated for a moment, but finally, he lowered his gun.
"Fine." He snapped. "I guess if I trusted Titanosaurus, I can trust you too. And you're right, with Godzilla gone, we'll need all the help we can get."
Hokmuto sighed and lowered his hands. "In that case, we await your orders." He said.

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