Q And A

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Well, the story is over, finally. This was by far the largest project I've ever taken on, and I'm very pleased with the results. But I don't wanna end it just yet. So on this chapter, I'll be answering all your questions about the book, the series, and my upcoming projects. Leave your questions in the comments, and I'll edit this part with the answers!

@goji13 asks: "Were there any characters you were hesitant to kill off and were there any characters that were meant to die, but you changed later on, or vice versa?"

Not exactly. When I wrote the first book I never intended on writing any sequels, so the characters who died were supposed to stay dead. I was also going to kill off Slattern at one point, but I decided to instead leave her alive so she could show off Dorat at the end. I also flirted with the idea of just leaving Godzilla dead and not bringing him back, but I decided against that pretty quick. 

dinokingthing asks: "Do you hate Zilla?"

Not at all. I wouldn't say he's my favourite and Godzilla 1998 is probably the worst Godzilla movie, but I don't hate him at all.

Gamerzilla457 asks: "Do you know who Gigamoth is, and have you ever thought of using him/her?"

I did at one point, but I couldn't find a place for them in the story. I originally planned on including them in Book 4.

Raptor16m asks: "What happened with Desghidorah? If I remember correctly, we never find out, if Battra killed him or not."

That was kinda the point. I left it up to the reader wether or not Battra gave into his desire for revenge or decided to forgive him. 

Zillaguy50001 asks: "Where there originally going to be more casualties?"

I mentioned before I flirted with Slattern and Godzilla staying dead, but I also had an idea for Rexxy to die too. But since it came right after Baragon's death, I decided to leave her alive.

@SyriaandIraq asks: "Do you intend on making like a sequel or is this just it?"

I've mentioned my plan for a sequel series before, but now that this book's over, I can divulge a little more info. It's gonna take place in the future and focus on Godzilla and Mothra's kids. There'll be some other characters too, including a new main villain and some new Kaiju from the Monsterverse.

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