Chapter 19: Showdown

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"There it is." Gypsy said. "The breach. The source of Slattern and her armies."
"And there she is." Godzilla said, pointing at three dark figures in the water with his sword. One of them was Slattern, and the others were obviously Leatherback and Otachi. They were swimming towards the Breach, until Slattern looked over at Godzilla and Gypsy and growled.
"Change of plans." She said. She was able to communicate with the others through telekinesis. "We're going to kill them first. You take the Jaeger, I'll handle Godzilla."
Otachi and Leatherback nodded and swam towards Godzilla and Gypsy.
"Here they come!" Godzilla said. But they passed right by him. Instead, they attacked Gypsy behind him. Gypsy's sword ejected from his gauntlet like before, along with his plasma canon. He began firing at the two Kaiju, and slicing at them if they got too close. Godzilla went over to help him, until he felt someone grab his arm. It was Slattern. She extended her claws and struck him in the chest. It didn't hurt, but she had almost punctured the suit. If she did, the pressure would take over and crush him. Either that, or the suit would fill up with water. He'd have to be more careful. He swung his arm and hit Slattern in the side of the head, sending her to the ground. She looked up at him with utter distain as the blood floated out of her wound and into the water.
"I'm going to enjoy killing you." She hissed, speaking through telekinesis again.
"Not as much as I'm going to enjoy killing you." Godzilla said, though he doubted she could hear him. To his surprise, she actually did. He realized this when she chuckled darkly. He responded by brandishing his sword.
"This is only gonna end when one of us dies." He said.
"I agree." Slattern said. She launched herself at Godzilla again, but he dodged out of the way and slashed at her back, spraying blood into the ocean. She screamed out in pain and rage, though it was muffled by the water around her. Godzilla attacked her again, though this time, he was blocked by Slattern's armour. She kicked him in the stomach, making him back up. Meanwhile, Gypsy was struggling against Otachi and Leatherback. He sent a blast of plasma at Otachi, though she managed to dodge out of the way in time. Leatherback appeared behind him and attempted to attack him, but he avoided and counter attacked with his sword. As soon as he did, Leatherback grabbed the sword and snapped it off at the base. While Gypsy was distracted by this, Otachi snuck up behind him. She extended an arm blade and stabbed him in the side. Luckily, as far as Gypsy could tell, she didn't hit anything vital. He whacked Leatherback in the side of the head with his plasma canon, knocking him out long enough for him to aim the canon back at Otachi. With a final look of fear, Gypsy fired the plasma canon at her. The force of the impact sent her flying out into the dark ocean as her arm blade left a wound in Gypsy's side. He covered it up before his suit could fill with water. But the blood seeping out from his fingers let Godzilla know that he was in danger. He tried to swim over and help him, but Slattern was quicker. She grabbed him by the ankle as he tried to swim away.
"Oh no you don't. We haven't finished our fight yet." She said.
"Fine. Then I'll just have to finish it!" Godzilla replied. He kicked Slattern in the face with his free leg, making her let go. While she extended her claws to attack him, Godzilla rushed foreward with his katana drawn. She lunged at him, but Godzilla ducked underneath her, slicing up at her as he did. He nearly sliced off her arm, but she dodged out of the way in time. When she landed on the ground, Godzilla had already changed his position to face her.
"Do you honestly believe you can win?" Slattern taunted. Godzilla responded by slashing her in the ankle, making her yell out in pain yet again and fall to the ground. With a smirk, Godzilla made his way over to help Gypsy as Slattern stared at him with rage filled eyes. While Gypsy struggled to keep the water and pressure out of his suit while also keeping Leatherback away. The Jaeger suits had a self healing property, but it would take some time to activate. Godzilla jabbed his sword into Leatherback's spine, but it barely made a dent in his armour. Leatherback turned and faced Godzilla now.
"...Hey." Godzilla said. Leatherback growled and approached Godzilla, until Gypsy hit him square on the head with a large rock. He fell over with a thud. At first they thought he was just knocked out, until they saw the blood flowing out into the water. Godzilla breathed a sigh of relief. They would only have to deal with Slattern now, and she was currently incapacitated.
"You alright?" Godzilla asked.
"Yeah... no." Gypsy said. "My suit can temporarily patch up my wounds, but I'm losing oxygen fast. We gotta do this now."
Godzilla nodded and took out the large syringe Gypsy had given him. They needed to extract the blood of one of the Kaiju from the breach and inject it into the bombs. Otherwise, the bombs wouldn't go into the breach. Both Godzilla and Gypsy took the bombs off of their back, and Godzilla jabbed the syringe into Leatherback's skin. It didn't go through, and broke on contact.
"Shit." He muttered. "Mine's broken. I don't think they'll go through Leatherback's skin."
"We'll have to find Otachi." Gypsy said. "She floated off somewhere that way. I'll see if I can find her."
With that, he activated the jets on his back and sped into the dark water. Godzilla was forced to stay back, but he noticed something. Slattern was gone. He wasn't sure where she was, but she wasn't where he left her. He looked around to see if he could find her. He was actually getting worried. Finally, Gypsy reappeared. He was holding his syringe, filled with blood.
"I found her." He said. "This should be enough for both bombs."
Godzilla breathed a sigh of relief. He couldn't wait for this whole ordeal to be over with. After Gypsy injected some of the blood into his bomb, he handed it to Godzilla, who injected the rest of the blood into the other bomb.
"I'm at 40% oxygen." Gypsy said. "Lets do this."
The two began to make their way to the breach, dragging the bombs behind him. Before they knew it, they were on the precipice of the chasm, staring into the glowing abyss below.
"Ready?" Godzilla asked. Gypsy nodded, but before either of them had the chance, Godzilla heard a voice behind him.
"No!" Slattern shouted as she tackled Godzilla. Due to the impact, Gypsy was knocked into the breach. Luckily, he managed to hang onto the side before he fell in. He watched as Slattern tackled Godzilla to the other side of the breach and held him down.
"You don't know what you're doing!" She said. "If you destroy the portal, you'll destroy my only chance of getting back home."
"We know. That's why were doing it." Godzilla said. He remembered that they had already activated the bombs. If they weren't dropped into the breach in 30 seconds, they would explode and kill them all. Gypsy realized this as well, and began to climb up. His oxygen level was getting lower and lower. Finally, he reached the top and grabbed one of the bombs. He tossed one of them into the chasm, and watched to make sure it passed through. When he saw it disappear without any problems, he realized it had worked. Godzilla smirked as he saw this.
"Looks like you're too late." He told Slattern. She looked up and realized what Gypsy was doing.
"No... no, stop!" She shouted, letting go of Godzilla. She swam towards Gypsy quickly, but realized she was too late when Gypsy dropped the other bomb into the breach. It barely got through the barrier when it exploded, sending a massive shockwave through the entire area. Godzilla and Gypsy managed to protect themselves by hiding behind large rocks, while Slattern was thrown up into the dark reaches of the ocean. Godzilla watched as she was sent out of sight. He stared down into the breach as the light disappeared, along with the humming. The breach was closed. Godzilla breathed a heavy sigh of relief and laid down on the sandy ground, staring up at the sun which was now piercing through the water and illuminating the area.
"It's finally over." He said. Then he remembered there was no time to relax. Gypsy was about to run out of oxygen.
"Godzilla... I could use some help here..." He wheezed through the communication channel. Godzilla immediately swam over, unhooking one of his oxygen tanks as he did so. Once he got over to him, he hooked the tank up to his suit.
"That won't last long, but you won't need it when we get back on the submarine." Godzilla said.
"Thanks." Gypsy said. "Now c'mon, Monster Island is waiting for you."

Monster Island
10 Hours Later

The sun set as Godzilla and Mothra sat on the grassy cliff, watching the horizon as the sky turned shades of orange and pink. Mothra sighed and closed her eyes as she leaned back, feeling the breeze through her hair.
"It's good to be home." She said. She had been on Monster Island for most of the day, but it didn't feel like home without Godzilla.
"Yeah, it is." He agreed. He propped his arm up on his knee as he shifted his gaze from the sky to the ground. "We can finally put this whole thing behind us. I just hope we'll actually get some time to relax before the next thing happens."
Mothra sat back up and shuffled closer to him. "Maybe nothing will happen. Maybe the world just wont need saving anymore."
Godzilla sighed. "You know that's not true. The world is kind of going down the drain right now, Kaiju or no Kaiju. The humans aren't in danger from us, they're in danger from themselves. As long as we're alive, the world's gonna need saving."
"And we're gonna be here to save it, right?" Mothra said. She scooted even closer to Godzilla until their hips were touching. Godzilla looked over at her and laughed softly. Her optimism was extremely endearing. He placed his hand on her shoulder and pulled her a bit closer to him. She leaned her head on his shoulder. It always made her feel safe when she did this.
"Yeah, we will." Godzilla said. "We will."
"Promise?" Mothra yawned.
"I promise." Godzilla nodded.
Finally, the sun disappeared over the ocean. They sky went dark, and Godzilla and Mothra fell asleep together under the moon and stars.

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