Chapter 8: Tension

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Godzilla muttered angrily to himself as he walked through the hallway to his cell. Everything about the Shatterdome was making him angry, but something else was bothering him too. When Mothra tried to comfort him a few minutes ago, he pulled away. He hadn't realized it before, but he had probably hurt her feelings. A groan escaped his throat.
"Why do I do things like that?" He muttered to himself. Right now, he just wanted to sleep. As he turned the corner with his head down, he bumped into someone. He looked up at the person he bumped into and gritted his teeth.
"Why don't you watch where you're going?" He snapped, expecting a confrontation. To his surprise, the person he bumped into grinned in a seemingly friendly manner.
"Heh, sorry about that." They said. "It's been a weird day, and I guess I wasn't paying attention."
Godzilla calmed down. "Yeah, it's been a weird day for me too." He said. "Sorry for yelling, I'm just a bit frustrated. I'm Godzilla, by the way."
"My name's Slattern." The other Kaiju replied. Godzilla froze as he heard the name. Muto had warned him about Slattern. He snapped back to reality and nodded.
"Slattern?" He asked. "I've heard your name before."
"From Muto, I'm guessing." Slattern replied. "We used to be cell mates. You're her cell mate now, right?"
"Yeah..." Godzilla said. He eyed Slattern sceptically. Muto told him that Slattern was dangerous, but she seemed nice enough from their brief conversation. Then he remembered that Muto also said Slattern was manipulative. He deduced that right now, it would be better to play it safe, and avoid Slattern completely.
"Listen, I gotta go. I'm pretty tired." Godzilla explained.
"Well, maybe we could talk while we head over there." Slattern said. Godzilla rolled his eyes.
"Fine." He complied. The two began to head over to Godzilla's cell block. Godzilla tried to keep his distance from Slattern, but to no avail.
"So what'd you do to get sent here?" She asked.
"Nothing. But because of you and the other Kaiju from the breach," Godzilla began, "we were forced to come here, along with nearly every Kaiju in Japan."
Slattern's face showed a mixture of shock and guilt. "Oh... I'm sorry." She said. Godzilla couldn't tell if this was a genuine reaction or not. If she was faking, she was good at it.
"Whatever, it's not your fault." He said. "Why'd you guys come here anyway?"
"Well, most of us are just visitors." Slattern began. "True, some of us are violent, but most of us just want to go back home. We never meant to cause any trouble."
Godzilla was sure she was genuine now. He moved a bit closer to her.
"Don't worry. I'm sure you'll get back to wherever you came from eventually." He assured. "In a few days, I'm sure this will all be sorted out."
"I hope your right." Slattern said, smiling sadly.
Godzilla nodded, and looked at the signs above the cell doors as they passed by. Each sign showed the number of the cell below them. Eventually, they reached Godzilla's cell.
"Well, here we are." Slattern said. "It was nice talking to you, Godzilla."
"Yeah... you too." Godzilla said. He was still skeptical, but she seemed trustworthy for now. Maybe Muto was wrong. Either way, she was gone now, as she began to walk back to her own cell, which wasn't far away. While he reflected, he opened the cell door and stepped in. He saw Muto, sprawled out over the one bed in the room, snoring away. Godzilla groaned in annoyance as he he remembered there was only one bed in the cell.
"Whatever. I've slept without a bed before." He muttered to himself. He sat on the floor and leaned against the wall, wincing as the cold metallic surface touched his back. It was surprisingly comfortable. He closed his eyes, and slowly, sleep gripped his mind. And so began his first night in the Shatterdome.

The Next Day...

The next morning, the Kaiju were let out of their cells again, and allowed into the cafeteria for breakfast. Godzilla wasn't hungry. He also didn't feel so great from sleeping on the floor the previous night. When Muto woke up, she apologized for taking up the bed, but Godzilla assured her it was no big deal. The Jaegers, specifically Striker, told them a new bed would arrive by the end of the day, so they had that to look foreword to. Godzilla also looked foreword to seeing everyone else again. Finally, he found Rodan and Mothra sitting at a table. Zilla and Komi were there too, but Baragon, Battra, and Leo were nowhere to be found. Anguirus was still stuck in the Pit, and everyone knew Muto preferred to be alone, so they were understandably absent. Godzilla greeted them and took a seat next to Mothra.
"So how was your guys' night?" He asked. Rodan was the first to respond.
"It sucked. This place is so quiet at night." He replied. "I mean, Monster Island was a little quiet at night too, but here, there's just nothing."
"Monster Island... it's only been a day, and already I miss it." Mothra lamented, not looking up from her food as she poked it with her plastic fork.
"We all do." Komi agreed, arms crossed. "I wonder what's going on there without us."
Godzilla shrugged. "Yeah, I'm trying to be optimistic about all this, but every minute here is just the worst."
Everyone could agree with his statement, especially Rodan. The Shatterdome seemed to be even worse to him now that their group was split up. Obviously, he missed Anguirus more than anyone. He sighed and glanced around at the crowd of Kaiju surrounding them. One of them caught his eye. It was Otachi, the Kaiju he was fought earlier. She seemed to be up to something. Rodan watched as she looked around in various directions, and once she was sure she wasn't being watched, she began to float into the air. She went way over the 2 meter limit, but none of the Jaegers seemed to notice. Rodan's eyes narrowed.
"I'll be right back." He said as he stood up from his seat and ran over to Otachi. Disappointed that he left the group, Godzilla rolled his eyes, until he realized that Zilla and Komi had left too. They had gone back into the cafeteria line to get more food. Godzilla sighed and slumped down in his seat, until he remembered something. He was still sitting next to Mothra. He also remembered what he had done yesterday, and how he probably hurt her feelings. He had to apologize, or at least try.
"Hey... sorry about what I did yesterday." He said. "I understand you were trying to make me feel better. I shouldn't have gotten mad at you for that." Mothra didn't look up from her food. She didn't want to think about it.
"It's alright. Everyone was pretty stressed yesterday." She replied. "It makes sense that you'd be upset."
Godzilla rubbed the back of his neck. He still wasn't satisfied with his apology, at least not yet. "I know, but it's just that... after what happened in New York-" Mothra cut him off by raising a hand. She inhaled and exhaled deeply as if she were trying to calm herself down. She still didn't look up, and her brow was furrowed slightly.
"You really don't have to keep mentioning New York." She said. "It's not like I want to remember it." Her tone was low and serious. Godzilla was surprised by this response. She had never spoken to him like that before. He reached a hand out slowly.
"Mothra... are you okay?" He asked. Right before his hand reached her shoulder, she angrily slammed her hands down on the table and shot up to her feet. She stared daggers at Godzilla.
"I'm fine, alright!?" She snapped. Godzilla was extremely surprised by this. He tried to respond, but he couldn't. One question echoed in his mind; Did Mothra just yell at him? His mind was racing so fast that he didn't even notice as she turned around and stormed away. Some of the Kaiju in the immediate area had turned around to watch the little fight, but they turned back around when they realized it was finished. Godzilla was still a little freaked out. He shook his head in thought.
"This isn't good." He said to himself. He didn't want to stay in the cafeteria anymore. He stood up and quickly made his way back to the cell.

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