Chapter 10: Attack from Above

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The Indominus ran through the forest, dodging branches and bushes as she sped down through the foliage. She was full now, and no longer needed to eat. And the Jurassic World staff were off her trail. Now she could focus on her true goal. Eventually, she came to a cliff and stopped. As she looked down, she saw a long waterfall ending at a small lake. Jumping to the ground from the height would kill a normal creature, but she was not a normal creature. Suddenly, she heard a sound. It was far away, but her hearing was enhanced. It was a helicopters blades. She had to act quickly before it found her. Using the muscles in her legs, she managed to shift her bones so they wouldn't break on the impact. It was painful, but she managed through it. Just as the helicopter appeared over the trees behind her, she jumped off the cliff. Her legs buckled and she rolled over her back to spread out the impact. When she stood up, she was as fine as before she jumped. Immediately she began running again. She knew where she needed to go. She could see it in the distance. It was a massive dome where the the park kept all the winged dinosaurs. Unfortunately, it was located in a massive open area. This meant that the helicopter would see her. And she guessed it was armed with more than just regular bullets. As she predicted, as soon as she was in the helicopter's sights, it opened fire. The ground exploded around her as she dodged the massive rain of bullets coming down at her. a few of the, grazed her skin, but they caused no lasting damage. She simply hissed through the pain and kept running. Finally, she reached the dome. The helicopter stopped firing, as it didn't want to hit the dome. She grinned as she saw it turn around, but it fell when she realized it was probably going to turn back around to get a clearer shot. She turned back to the dome and rushed it. She slammed into the door with her shoulder. It was locked, but with her immense strength, she managed to dent the metal. With a few more slams, she managed to get in. As soon as she did, the staff inside began to attempt to stop her. They were used to wrangling the flying dinosaurs to stop them from breaking the dome or escaping, but they were no match for the Indominus. She killed all of them in less than a minute. In the chaos, the flying dinosuars inside the dome began to fly around erratically. With no one to wrangle them, they began to break the dome. The Indominus watched as they broke through the re-enforced glass panels, and fly out of their containment. One of them even flee into the helicopter, making it fall. She dodged out of the way before it crashed into the dome, completely shattering it. The flying dinosaurs were now free to fly into the park. This was not the Indominus' goal. She only wanted one thing, and that the dome's power core. She ripped open a panel on the wall, and found the small blue cylinder inside. She grinned and ripped it out. It was about the size of a tube of tennis balls, but it was much heavier. As soon as it was disconnected, the sparking lights and fans around the broken dome stopped working. Now that she had what she needed, she left. She just needed two more things, and then she could begin her plan.

Mothra stared intently forward as she and Battra flew towards the park. Battra could tell she was still upset. He flew closer to her, and could sense her negative emotions the closer he got.
"You shouldn't be mad at Godzilla." He said. Mothra turned her head towards him with a confused glance.
"It wasn't his fault we got into that mess back there." Battra continued. "He didn't know we would run into that... thing. He was just following Anguirus and Rodan."
"I'm not that mad, really." Mothra said as she looked forward again. "It's just that... I dunno. I thought this trip was gonna go differently. And like I said, I was the one who wanted you two to go on the Gyrosphere in the first place."
"All I'm saying is Godzilla isn't the only one to blame for all of this." Battra said.
"I know that." Mothra nodded. She looked upwards, and something caught her eye. It looked like a black cloud, but as she grew closer, she realized it wasn't a cloud, but a group of something. And that group appeared to be a massive swarm of flying dinosaurs. She gasped as she realized they were heading towards the park.
"I see it too." Battra said as he heard her gasp. "We need to get to the park now."
Mothra nodded and the two flew as fast as the could to the park. It was already too late when they got there. The dinosaurs were attacking people, grabbing at them, tearing at them, and even carrying some of them off. In the chaos, they found Anguirus and Rodan, who were trying to defend themselves and others from the dinosaurs with only their bare hands. Battra and Mothra joined in.
"Where did these things come from?" Rodan asked, punching one of the dinosaurs in the beak as it flew towards him.
"There's a pterosaur enclosure in the outskirts of the park. They must've escaped from there." Mothra guessed, swatting one away from her.
"Really wish we had brought our weapons." Anguirus commented, kicking another pterosaur as it landed in front of him. Mothra and Battra agreed, though they were able to use their powers to fend off some of the dinosaurs as well. Mothra seriously regretted not bringing Godzilla with her.
"He'd better get here soon." She thought.

There was no other way to look at it. Godzilla was lost. He had absolutely no idea where he was. It looked like he had been walking in circles. He swore he saw the same tree at least 5 times before. He groaned in frustration.
"I freaking hate walking." He growled to himself. He decided to deviate from the path he had found himself on. Pushing back some leaves and bushes, he saw something he wasn't expecting; it appeared to be an old building. But not just any building. It took him a while, but Godzilla eventually recognized it. This was the original Jurassic Park visitor centre. It was built nearly 22 years before Jurassic World, but after an unfortunate incident involving many of the dinosaurs escaping, it was forced to shut down before it was even open. Most people didn't believe it existed, until Jurassic World opened. Godzilla remembered seeing the news about the park when he was just a kid. It was amazing to see it in person.
"...Whoa." Was the only thing he could think to say. He knew Mothra and the others were expecting him back at the park, but he couldn't help himself but explore the old location just a little bit. He walked through the old decrepit building in complete awe. Nature had completely overtaken the building. He had to push past vines and foliage as he entered each room. Finally, he came to a large circular room. It appeared to be the main area of the visitor centre, surrounded by empty lots that would have become stores or information stalls. A massive ripped banner on the ground read "When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth". Godzilla wondered what exactly had happened to the park that made it shut down. As he continued to explore, he heard footsteps approaching him. It didn't take long for him to realize what caused sound. It was the Indominus. A view of shaggy white hair passing over a rotting wall confirmed his theory. Quickly, he brought out his mana blade. He wasn't going to run any more.  To his surprise, the Indominus passed by the doorway to the part of the building Godzilla was in, not even noticing him at all. Godzilla deactivated his mana blade with a raised eyebrow. He was confused to say the least, but he decided he should follow her. Making sure she didn't notice he was there, he snuck through the destroyed hallways and overgrown rooms of the old visitors centre. He saw the Indominus was carrying something in her hand. It was some sort of cylinder. It looked like a battery of some sort. Godzilla didn't know why she had it or where she got it from, but he wanted to find out. Eventually, they came to a large room that appeared to be an old science lab of some sort. It was also dark, so Godzilla didn't have to worry about hiding anymore. He watched as the Indominus crouched underneath a counter and pulled open a panel. After messing with a few wires, a spark flashed and she let out a short yelp of pain, followed by a low angry growl.
"Dammit..." She muttered. "Stupid wires..."
Godzilla's eyes widened and he audibly gasped. She had spoken in a full sentence. How did she understand English so well? He covered his mouth and crouched behind an old desk, realizing the Indominus probably heard him. He was right, she did. When she heard his gasp, she looked behind her. Her eyes darted back and forth as she brandished her claws and released another growl.
"I heard that. Show yourself!" She shouted. "I know you're there! Nobody will interfere with my plan!"
Godzilla stayed completely silent, still amazed she was speaking in full sentences. But that wasn't all she could do. While Godzilla thought staying quiet was enough to hide himself, he was wrong. The Indominus sniffed the air and bore her teeth.
"I can smell you..." She hissed. "You have nowhere to hide! Reveal yourself now!"
Godzilla continued to stay silent, even though he now knew it wouldn't solve anything. The Indominus growled again, frustrated at the intrusion. She picked up the cylinder and jammed it into the open panel, connecting some of the wires and connections. Immediately, the lights flickered to life and illuminated the room. The entire building lit up as if it were brand new. Godzilla's eyes widened as he felt true fear for the first time in a long while.
"Nowhere to hide now." The Indominous grinned. "Come on out, Godzilla."
Godzilla had no idea how she knew who he was, but he quickly formed a plan. He drew his mana blade and prepared to run out, but before he had the chance, he felt a sharp pain in his shoulder. The Indominus had dug her claws into his flesh.
"Found you!" She roared. Godzilla retaliated by jabbing up at her with his mana blade. He missed, but it was enough for her to let go. He rushed up and got into a battle stance.
"Before I kill you, you're going to answer my questions." He demanded. "First, how do you speak English?"
The Indominus smirked, as of she was humouring Godzilla as she began to circle around him. "I can read lips. After a few days of watching that stupid woman and her scientists, I was able to pick it up quickly." She said. "Human languages are quite simple to learn."
Godzilla rushed foreword, slashing at her with the blade. She dodged and countered with her claws, and smacked him in the back of the head with her tail. As he recovered, she kicked him in the jaw with her powerful legs. He backed up, but readied himself again as she attacked relentlessly with her claws.
"What exactly are you planning?" Godzilla asked, defending from the attacks with his sword.
"You won't be alive long enough to see it come to pass." The Indominus said. She ducked as Godzilla slashed at her, and attacked him by pouncing on him while he was vulnerable. The distraction caused Godzilla to lose his focus on his mana blade, making it fall to dust. The Indominus bore her teeth and dove down at Godzilla's throat, but he held her back with his bare hands. One hand was on her forehead, and the other was on her chin. He gritted his teeth as her sharp teeth snapped at him. She was about as strong as him, so it was hard for him to push her back. Finally, he overpowered her and threw her back with a kick. She landed on her side, but quickly recovered and got onto all fours. By the time she did, Godzilla had already begun to run away. He was fast, but she was faster. She chased him through the now lit hallways until they came to a door. Godzilla ran through the door, and found himself in a large garage. It was still dark, as there was no light source in the room. Godzilla completely disappeared into the dark room. The Indominus ran in after him, but she was knocked out by a hard metal pipe swinging into her face, and fell over onto her back. Godzilla dropped the pipe on the ground. He cautiously knelt down to make sure she was incapacitated. Besides a light groan of pain, she wasn't going to be getting up for a while. With a sigh of relief, Godzilla turned back into the garage. As his eyes began to adjust, he saw a classic Jurassic Park Jeep. He smirked as he saw it.
"Perfect." He said. "I'll get to the park in no time."
Luckily, he found a few tanks of gas lying around in the garage. After fuelling the Jeep, he found the keys on a hook near the door. While he was there, he saw the Indominus was beginning to stir from her forced slumber. Her eyes and eyebrows were beginning to twitch, and her hands were beginning to move slowly. Godzilla realized he had to act fast. He ran back to the Jeep and hopped over the door and into the vehicle. Before he started the car, he remembered something.
"Wait a minute..." He said. "I don't know how to drive!"
It was true, he had never learned how to properly drive a car. He'd never had a need to before. He didn't have time to think about this, however, as he heard the Indominus growling as it began to get up from the ground.
"Can't be too different from a boat, right?" He thought. He turned the key, stepped on the gas, and drove straight through the decrepit, rotting garage door in front of him, leaving the Indominus in the dust. He sped through the jungle, not exactly knowing what he was doing or where he was going. But he knew he'd reach the park at some point. Suddenly, he heard a noise overhead. It sounded like screeching, like a large bird. Then he heard more. And then more, and more, and more. He looked up to see a massive group of flying pterosaurs sailing overhead. It didn't take him long to realize they were heading to the park. And that meant his friends were in trouble. More importantly, it meant all the guests in the park were in danger. He pressed his foot on the gas pedal again, and sped after the cloud of flying dinosaurs.

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