Chapter 7: Out of Bounds

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"Hey, guys! I thought you'd be here!" Mothra said, a cheerful lilt in her voice. She was standing outside the arena for the mosasaurus show. The audience was leaving, and Godzilla and Battra were just stepping out. "How was the... show...?"
She trailed off when she saw the audience, along with Godzilla and Battra were soaking wet. She ran over to them, showing concern on her face.
"What happened?" She asked.
"Turns out every seat is in the splash area." Godzilla said, holding out his soaking wet arms. "So... yeah."
"Oh, Battra, I'm sorry." Mothra said. "I know how much you hate getting wet."
"It's fine. It's not your fault." Battra said, wringing out his jacket and shirt. Mothra and Godzilla still weren't convinced.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Mothra asked.
"I'm fine." Battra shrugged. "It's just water. I'll just head back to the hotel and get a change of clothes."
Before the others could say anything, he walked away. Godzilla and Mothra watched him as he left. Godzilla crossed his arms and turned his head to Mothra.
"He's not fine, is he?" He asked.
"No, definitely not." Mothra shook her head. "You're going to have to make it up to him."
"Look, Mothra, I just don't think Battra and I are meant to be friends." Godzilla said. "It's a nice thought, but we have nothing in common."
Mothra furrowed her brow. She really wanted them to get along, but she needed some sort of incentive. Finally, she got an idea, and turned to Godzilla again, putting on her best sultry expression.
"You know, if you make an effort to become friends with Battra..." She said. "I could give you a repeat of the other night."
Godzilla's eyes widened as he heard this and realized what she meant. He raised an eyebrow. "Are you trying to bribe me?"
"Well it sounds bad when you say it like that." Mothra giggled. Godzilla chuckled as well. To be honest, that did give him a little more incentive to try and befriend Battra. He thought hard for a little while, and eventually decided on something.
"How about I take him on the gyrosphere ride?" He suggested. Mothra suddenly lit up as she heard the idea.
"Great idea! Battra would love that!" She said. "And then tomorrow, maybe you and I could go on the ride by ourselves... if you know what I mean."
Godzilla chuckled again. "What is with you recently?"
"What, I'm not allowed to want to spend time with my boyfriend?" Mothra asked.
Godzilla rolled his eyes. "Alright, when Battra comes back, we'll head to the gyrosphere."
"Okay. I think Rodan and Anguirus are already on it." Mothra said. "Maybe you could meet up with them."
"So you've been by yourself all day?" Godzilla asked. "What have you been up to?"
"Not much." Mothra said, shrugging. After a few more minutes, Battra returned.
"So, what now?" He asked. Mothra looked at Godzilla with a bright smile. Godzilla understood what she was trying to do.
"Mothra suggested we should go on the gyrosphere ride." He said. "What do you think?"
"Better than getting doused with water." Battra shrugged. "Let's go."
Godzilla nodded, and kissed Mothra goodbye before he and Battra left for the ride. He could see Battra grimacing at his show of affection towards his sister, which made Godzilla chuckle slightly. The ride was on the other side of the park, so they had a long way to go.

Finally, they reached the loading area. After waiting in the line for nearly a half hour, much to Battra's dismay, they were loaded into a giant tempered glass sphere, and sent into the open area of the park. Godzilla could see Battra enjoying himself, in his own way.
"This is pretty cool, huh?" Godzilla asked as an ankylosaur lumbered past them.
"Yeah it is." Battra chuckled. Godzilla was genuinely surprised to hear Battra having a good time for once. The controls for the ride were simple; the joystick sat in the middle between the seats, and either rider could grab it to move the sphere where they wanted to go. Godzilla let Battra steer for a while before he took over. Battra was more interested in slowly observing the landscape and animals, while Godzilla was more interested in the sphere's movement capabilities. The sphere also had a touchscreen in the dashboard, showing a map of the park, as well as a safety video featuring Jimmy Fallon. It also showed the other gyrospheres out in the field. Eventually, they came close to one of the other spheres, and saw Rodan and Anguirus were driving it. The dashboard also allowed riders to communicate with riders in other spheres.
"Godzilla? What're you and Battra doing hanging out?" Rodan asked.
"I kinda thought you two hated each other." Anguirus said.
Godzilla was about to say that it was a long story, but Battra interrupted him.
"Mothra wants us to spend the day together." He explained. "We saw the mosasaurus show, but we got splashed on. Since I hate getting wet, we're doing this now."
"...Yeah, that's pretty much it." Godzilla shrugged. Rodan and Anguirus laughed, as Battra predicted they would. They continued their ride for a little while longer, until an announcement came over the speaker just below the screen. A yellow warning sign appeared on the screen itself.
"Attention all gyrophere passengers," the voice said, "a dangerous asset is out of containment. Please remain calm and ride back to the loading area so staff can escort you to a safe area."
"Aww, man. This was just starting to get fun." Godzilla complained.
"Oh well. We may as well start heading back." Battra said. But Anguirus and Rodan seemed to have other plans.
"We don't have to head back right now." Anguirus suggested.
"You're not thinking what I think you're thinking." Battra said.
"C'mon, we can handle ourselves." Rodan said. "And now that the ride is closed, nobody can tell us not to go out of bounds."
"That's the most idiotic thing you've ever suggested." Battra said.
"Let's check out that forest over there." Anguirus said. He pointed towards the massive forest surrounding the area, particularly a heavily wooded part of the forest. Before Battra could protest, Rodan and Anguirus began making their way over to the area.
"Well, they're morons." Battra said. "Let's head over to the loading area and... oh my god, you're going to follow them."
Battra was right. Godzilla took control of the gyrosphere and steered it towards the forest which the others disappeared into.
"Just a quick trip. I want to see what's over there." Godzilla said. "We'll be able to handle ourselves if we get into trouble."
"And if we get caught by the staff?" Battra asked.
"We won't. Trust me, it'll be fine." Godzilla assured. Battra sighed and rolled his eyes. He was certain this would end badly.

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