Chapter 13: End of the Line

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About an hour later, Solomon lead Godzilla and the others to a field surrounded by ruins. It was as if a massive castle or temple had been there many years ago.
"What was this place?" Godzilla asked. Solomon's eyes closed as his fists clenched.
"This... was my home." He said. "Red destroyed it when he took over."
Godzilla didn't say any more. He didn't want to bring up any more painful memories for him.
"So..." Anguirus began, "How soon until we get to Red's lair?"
"Not long." Solomon answered. "We just need to pass through here, and we'll definitely get there within the hour.
His words instilled a glimmer of hope in Godzilla and the others. Soon, hopefully, they would be home. But their hopes were in vain. As they continued to walk, red flickering ashes began to fill the air.
"What is this?" Mothra asked.
Solomon stopped. He knew exactly what it was.
"No... not here. Not now..." He muttered.
He stopped in his tracks and held up a hand, signalling for the others to stop.
"He's here." He whispered.
Mothra gasped and covered her mouth. They all watched in horror as Red himself stepped out from behind a huge broken pillar. He stood directly in front of them, his crimson cape fluttering violently behind him.
"I thought I'd find you here." He said, grinning evilly. "You wouldn't be able to stay away from this place. Feeling sentimental, Solomon?"
Solomon growled. "Any feelings I had for this place were destroyed when you betrayed us!" He spat.
"Betrayed? Oh, no, no, no. I never betrayed you." Red chuckled. "I offered for you to join me. Things could have been like they were before. You and I, ruling together with Acacius, bringing order to this chaotic world. But no. You failed to see the light. I never betrayed you, I simply changed for the better. And you refused to change along with me."
"Uh... question." Anguirus spoke up. Red turned his attention to him, slightly annoyed at the interruption. "How exactly does torturing people from different dimensions result in order?"
"I'm glad you asked, Anguirus." Red said. "Before I took over, there was nothing but sin. People stole, murdered, did whatever they wanted. They all deserved punishment. I am simply acting out judgement because nobody else would. Though I do take great pleasure in finally breaking my victims."
"But why bring us here?" Mothra asked. "What do we have to do with this?"
"Because, my dear Mothra, I needed a challenge." Red explained. He released an evil laugh after this, one that sent a chill down everyone's spines. Solomon was burning with rage. His anger at Red had been pent up over the years of running, hiding, and fearing him. Enough was enough. He was going to end it here, today. He leaned back and whispered to Godzilla.
"I'll distract him." He said. "Once I have his attention, you run. Don't worry about me, just run. Understood?"
Godzilla nodded. He knew exactly what he meant. With that said, Solomon stepped forward. His undeterred gaze hit Red straight on.
"Ooh, what's this?" Red smirked, raising an eyebrow in amusement.
"I've been running far too long, Red." Solomon growled. He crossed his arms over his chest before summoning his arm-blades and holding them out to the side. "Let's finish this once and for all!"
Red released yet another laugh, but seemed to comply. "Very well." He hissed. He unclasped his cape and let it flutter away. His fingers on each hand twisted around each other, melting together and transforming into long blades. Godzilla understood what was happening now. Solomon wasn't just challenging Red. Going up against Red was suicide. He was sacrificing himself. His thoughts were cut short as Solomon and Red began their fight. The blades made sparks as they clashed over and over. Solomon was a decent fighter, Godzilla noticed, but he was barely close to Red's level. It was almost hypnotizing as Red dodged at least half of Solomon's attack, only to land each of his own. But Godzilla knew he had to act fast. He signalled for Mothra and Anguirus to follow him, and the three snuck around the battleground. Red was completely distracted by his battle with Solomon. His confident grin grew wider and wider as he forced his opponent back with each strike. Finally, Solomon managed to block an attack towards his head, but this only provided an opening. Red used his other blade to counter the block while Solomon was still recovering from the last attack. The blade connected with his arm, severing it just above his elbow. He released a shout of pain and fell to his knees, clutching the bleeding stump. Deep crimson liquid splattered the ground as he shook in complete shock. Red smirked and positioned his blade under Solomon's chin, lifting it up to look him in the eye.
"Traitor. I always hated you." Red hissed. "You can die like the rest."
Solomon's expression turned from one of pain to one of anger. He stared Red straight in the eye, gritting his teeth in determination.
"I'd rather die than serve you." He spat.
Finally, Red raised his other blade before plunging it down into Solomon's chest. His eyes widened as he looked down at the blood spilling out. The blade had undoubtedly pierced his heart. There was no escape now. As soon as Red ripped the blade out, Solomon fell to the ground, dead.
"Goodnight, brother." Red muttered. He turned around, only to see Godzilla and the others staring at him, and Solomon's dead body. Red realized they had tried to escape, but they had stopped when they heard Solomon's scream of pain. They all looked shocked as they saw their friend's corpse. But now Red knew where they were. And there was nobody left to protect them. After seeing what he had done to Solomon, none of them were willing to challenge Red, and he knew it. He smirked evilly again and began to make his way towards them. They ran, but it was pointless. Or at least, that's what Red thought before he hit something. He looked up and down to see what had stopped him in his path, but there was nothing. It was as if an invisible wall had appeared in front of him.
"What is this?" Red muttered, placing a hand on the invisible wall. That's when he heard it; heavy, laboured breathing. He quickly turned around, only to see Solomon, still very much alive, though clearly mortally injured. He lay on the ground, holding out his good arm. Now Red understood. Solomon was using the last of his power to create a barrier between Red and Godzilla, just long enough for him to get away. One last act of defiance before he died. When Godzilla and the others disappeared into the dense jungle surrounding the temple, and it was clear Red wouldn't be able to find them easily, Solomon lowered his arm, and the barrier. Red waved a hand through the air in front of him, meaning that the barrier was gone. After that, he walked back to Solomon. While he knew that his brother would die from his injuries, he still needed to be punished. Red sneered as he placed his heel on the side of Solomon's head. Solomon looked up at Red with one last defiant look. Finally, Red brought his foot down, and blood splattered on his face as Solomon's skull was crushed.

Godzilla and the others panted and gasped for air as they finally stopped running. They had been running for a long while, but they had to. Getting caught by Red would be much worse than running out of breath.
"I think we lost him." Godzilla sighed. Anguirus shouted in frustration and punched a nearby tree, startling Godzilla and Mothra.
"Well, that's it." He growled. "We're screwed."
"No, we're not." Godzilla argued. "We still have five hours before the portal closes."
"Oh yeah? And how the hell are you gonna get us there?" Anguirus snapped. "We're lost, Red knows where we are, and the only one willing to help us in the God-forsaken place just got his brain splattered all over the ground! It's over!"
"We can still find a way out of here!" Godzilla continued. "We just have to find Red's lair and we can-"
"And we can what!?" Anguirus interrupted. "Face it, Godzilla, we're stuck here, and we're never getting out. And hey, we're only down here because you had to dive into some hole in the bottom of the ocean, so I guess this is all your fault!"
Anguirus shoved Godzilla away as he said this. Godzilla's teeth gritted as his hands balled into fists.
"Watch it, Anguirus." He growled.
Anguirus took this as a challenge, and shoved Godzilla again. Godzilla retaliated by cracking his fist across Anguirus' jaw, sending him flying back into another tree. Mothra gasped and ran over to Godzilla.
"Stop it, both of you!" She ordered. But Godzilla wasn't in the mood to be lectured. He pushed her out of the way and walked over to Anguirus, who was only just starting to get up.
"You think I wanna be down here either!?" Godzilla shouted. "Do you really think I don't know it's my fault we're here in the first place?!"
"Godzilla, it isn't your fault..." Mothra began.
"Yes, it is, Mothra." Anguirus interrupted, finally getting up. He glared at Godzilla, wiping away some blood that was dripping from his nose, likely from Godzilla punching him.
"But we're never gonna get out of here if we're trying to kill each other." He said. "If we even can get out of here..."
Godzilla was glad Anguirus saw his point of view, but he saw Anguirus had a point too. "It's gonna be a lot harder without a guide." He admitted. "How the hell are we gonna do this?"
"I think I know someone who can help." A voice said from above them. They each knew exactly who it belonged to. It was a voice they hadn't heard in a long time. Everyone looked up to the trees above them, and saw a familiar face staring down a them. It was Rodan.
"Hey guys!" He said.

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