Chapter 16: Game Over

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Red and Godzilla fought relentlessly. Godzilla quickly learned Red's fighting style. Red alternated between holding his scythe close to the blade and near the end, for close range and long range attacks. Godzilla figured that by using a scythe, he would be slow. This was absolutely not the case. Red was fast and deadly with his scythe, able to perform multiple swings in second. Godzilla was having trouble keeping up. Not only that, but Red had a host of elemental attacks, mostly involving fire. He threw fireballs, made magma splash up from the lake around them, and even breathed fire from his mouth. Godzilla reacted quickly when he did this, holding his arms crossed to block the heat wave blasting at him. Despite healing from the burns easily, he could still feel them. And they were extremely painful. Godzilla had been burned before. This was about 10 times worse. He gritted his teeth and growled through the pain until the fire stopped. He looked up at Red as his burns healed. He was panting from the exertion the battle was putting him through, but he didn't even have a second to rest. Red was relentless, swinging again and again with such force to push Godzilla further and further back.
"Just give up, Godzilla! You can't win!" Red taunted.
"Never!" Godzilla shouted back, blocking each attack despite being exhausted. Red laughed, continuing to push Godzilla back.
"That's what I like about you, Godzilla!" He said. "That tenacity! It will make torturing you so much more fun! How many years will it take until you're fully broken? For Radon, she was broken within a month!"
Godzilla tried to block him out, but Red talking about his friend like that was infuriating. He knew Red was just trying to get to him, but Red could tell it was working.
"I estimate it would take about five years to break you." He continued. "Anguirus would maybe take 10. He's fairly strong, I'll give him that. Radon was broken long ago, so it wont take long to break her again. And Mothra? Ha, she'll take no time at all!"
Godzilla breathed heavier and gritted his teeth, fighting through the pain as his rage began to flow faster and faster. Red realized he struck a nerve, and kept going.
"That frail little body of hers probably can't take much abuse." He continued. "She'll be begging for mercy as soon as she sees what I've planned for her! Her screams will be music to my ears! Perhaps I'll make you listen as well!"
That was the last straw. Godzilla screamed in unbridled and unfiltered rage as he instantly went Burning. No buildup, no gradual change, just straight to his Burning form. He swung back at Red multiple times, finally managing to wound him just a bit, until Red swung back with his scythe, knocking the sword right out of his hand. Right after this, he swung again, jabbing the tip of the scythe into Godzilla's stomach. While this elicited yet another agonizing shout of pain from Godzilla, he was stabbed in a non-vital area. He wasn't dead yet, but he would bleed out if he wasn't treated properly. Red grinned and lifted the scythe, carrying Godzilla along with it. He gritted his teeth to muffle his pained grunts, until his face was right in front of Red's.
"Perhaps I was wrong about you." He said. "You are weak. Your friends are weak. You will all die."
He yanked the blade out, dropping Godzilla to the ground. He fell to his knees. He tried to get up, but couldn't. He was exhausted. Red placed his scythe right at Godzilla's neck. Once he killed Godzilla, he would bring him back to life in a powerless state, and torture him until he was broken. Then, he would torture him even more. He lifted the scythe up into the air. One swing, And Godzilla's life would be his.
"And now, I will end this futile struggle!" He claimed. Godzilla accepted his fate and closed his eyes. This was the end. He watched as Red brought the blade down upon his throat...
And he disappeared.
"What?" Red said. This truly shocked him. Not only that, in angered him. "No... No! This can't be happening!" His eyes began glowing and a torrent of flames erupted from his mouth as he shouted in pure anger. The flames formed a skull symbol in the dark red sky above him.
"Who is responsible for this!?!" He called into the nothingness surrounding him.

All of Godzilla's pain melted away. His energy was restored to him. Whatever had happened, he was safe now. He slowly opened his eyes, and saw nothing but black space. He looked at himself, and saw that his normal colours had been restored.
"Where am I?" He muttered to himself.
"You are safe. For now." A voice said. It was a female voice. The owner of the voice faded in from the blackness, and stepped into Godzilla's view. She was tall, with a serious look on her face, and long blonde hair draping down her body, which was covered in a long white and gold dress. Godzilla thought she was an angel at first, but he knew better.
"Who are you?" He asked.
"I am Acacius. The sister of Red and Solomon." The woman said.
Godzilla nodded. He remembered Solomon mention her. "You... you're still alive?"
"No, I am very much dead." Acacius admitted solemnly. "But you are still alive. You must defeat Red, and bring prosperity to my realm once again. You are our last hope, Godzilla."
"I can't, it's impossible!" Godzilla countered. "Solomon told me you were the only one who could defeat Red, and he killed you. He's too powerful."
Acacius gently lifted Godzilla's head with both hands to meet her comforting gaze. "Godzilla, my champion, I never said I would not help you." Godzilla pulled away from her, much to her surprise.
"And how the hell are you gonna help me?" He spat. Acacius scowled at him, but understood his frustration. She waved her hand, and a glowing ball of light appeared before her. The ball split into four, and arranged themselves in a diamond formation. Godzilla looked quizzically at the glowing orbs, and watched as they transformed once again. The top orb transformed into a helmet. The side orbs morphed into shoulder plates. Finally, the bottom orb transformed into a breastplate. They were all coloured bright gold and shone brightly in the dark space they were in.
"What is this?" Godzilla asked.
"This was the armour I used in battle when I was alive." Acacius said. "I now lend it to you. Wear it, and you will possess the power to destroy Red. But know that fighting him will still be a challenging task."
"I... I don't know what to say..." Godzilla said, grasping the helmet in his hands. It resembled a mediaeval knight's helmet, with a smooth golden surface and a faceplate. The shoulder plates and breastplate had long upturned spikes on the back.
"Promise me you will defeat Red." Acacius suggested.
Godzilla smirked and placed the helmet on his head. It fit perfectly. "I promise."
Acacius smiled warmly at him. "You will need these as well." She said, summoning a golden sword and shield out of thin air. In a glow of light, the armour came together on Godzilla's body, and the sword and shield appeared in his hands. He was ready.
"I won't fail you." He said. And with that, the space began to glow around him. Soon, he was surrounded by a bright light. When it finally disappeared, he was back on the tower. This time, Red had his back turned to him. It appeared he was frantically searching for Godzilla.
"Hey, moron, I'm right behind you!" He shouted. Red turned around, recoiling in fear as he saw Acacius' armour and weapons.
"W-where did you get that armour!?" He demanded.
"It was a gift from your sister." Godzilla said, getting into a battle stance. "Maybe we should try it out."
Red roared in anger, his teeth growing long and pointed as he rushed towards Godzilla. He pulled his scythe again, and Godzilla readied his shield. The true final battle was about to begin.

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