Chapter 3: Run

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The sound of dripping water woke Rodan from his deep slumber. He opened his eyes to see his vision was blurry, but beginning to come into focus. When he could see again, he saw he was in a traditional Japanese house. Paper walls surrounded him as the smell of incense wafted through the air. Someone else was in the room with him. He observed as the figure placed a warm, wet cloth on his forehead. He closed his eyes and breathed out slowly as he felt the relaxing sensation of the warm cloth wash over him.
"You're awake. Good." A voice said. The voice was female, and came from the figure kneeling over him. She was dressed in a dark brown robe, and had a hood of the same colour draped over her face, obscuring her features. Rodan had no idea what her face looked like.
"Wh... where am I?" He asked. He attempted to get up but the figure gently pushed him back down.
"Shh. You need your rest." She said.
"I feel like I've been stabbed about a thousand times." Rodan groaned, placing a hand to his forehead as he winced in pain. "How'd I get here?"
"I found you washed up on my shore, and decided to take you in." The figure explained. "You seemed hurt. Do you remember what happened?"
"I remember some things..." Rodan said. "I think I was... struck by lightning. I was trying to help... my.... my friends!"
Rodan's eyes shot open and he sat up, pulling the cloth off his forehead. "My friends are in trouble! I gotta go help them!" He suddenly doubled over in pain and lay back down as the figure placed the cloth back on his forehead.
"Wait, you're still in great pain." She said. "A lightning strike would cause your body too much stress. Please, rest for the time being."
"But... my friends..." Rodan said. "The last I saw of them they were sucked down into a hole at the bottom of the ocean. I need to help them."
"...A hole? At the bottom of the ocean?" The figure suddenly froze. Her voice became lower, shakier, and much more fearful. "Oh no... I'm afraid your friends are gone."
"What?" Rodan asked. "What are you talking about?"
"They were taken to another realm." She explained. She stood up and began to walk away. "They belong to the master of that world now. I'm sorry, but you'll never see your friends again."
"How... how the hell do you know this?" Rodan said. He stood up, ignoring his pain, and stared furiously at the figure. "Who the hell even are you?!"
The figure stopped walking. Her hand was shaking. She was clearly afraid of something, but Rodan didn't care.
"Tell me!" He shouted. The figure breathed in deeply and sighed a long, shaky breath. She turned towards Rodan slowly.
"You really don't remember me, Rodan?" She said. Rodan's eyes widened again. How did she know his name? He wasn't as angry now, just confused. He said nothing as the figure continued to turn towards him. Slowly and shakily, she lifted her hood the rest of the way. Rodan froze as a breath caught in his throat. Her brown hair was short and spiky. Her eyes were a bright greenish yellow. Her skin was a mix of pale and tan. Rodan instantly recognized her. It may have been 14 years, but he would never forget her face.
"...Radon?" He practically whispered.
"It's been a long time, hasn't it?" Radon replied.

The first thing Godzilla noticed when he woke up was a heavy throbbing in his head. The second thing was the intense humid heat around him.
"Ugh..." He groaned. "What... what happened?"
Finally, his eyes opened, and he saw the dark red cracked ground below him. His eyebrows furrowed.
"I'm... not on earth anymore, am I?" He asked himself. As he looked up, he saw that the sky was a deep black. Red rock structures littered the flat ground, and strange creatures flew overhead.
"What..." He muttered. Suddenly, he remembered the others. He turned around and saw Mothra and Anguirus behind him. They were lying on their backs, and appeared to be unconscious. Godzilla shot up and ran over to Mothra. He held her up by the shoulders and watched in shock as her head slumped back.
"Mothra... Mothra, wake up!" He said, shaking her on each syllable. Finally, after releasing a small groan, her eyes began to flutter open.
"Ugh... what's going on?.." She muttered. Her eyes opened fully to see Godzilla holding her. "Oh... Godzilla. What happened?"
"I... don't know." Godzilla said. He let go of Mothra and let her sit up on her own. Anguirus began to stir as well, letting out a loud yawn. He winced and rubbed his forehead.
"Oh man, I feel like trash..." He grumbled. As his eyes opened, he saw the landscape around him. "Whoa, what the hell?"
"Yeah, that was pretty much my reaction too." Godzilla said. He helped Mothra to her feet, and Anguirus stood up on his own.
"Wait... where's Rodan?" Godzilla asked. He looked around, but couldn't see Rodan anywhere.
"Oh, I told him to head back to the island." Anguirus said. "He probably told everyone what happened by now."
Suddenly, the past events came flooding back to them. They remembered everything, from the hole in the ocean floor to the whirlpool that nearly got them killed. They all looked at each other in complete shock.
"Did all that... really happen?" Mothra asked.
"I'm guessing we wouldn't be here if it didn't." Anguirus said, crossing his arms and looking around the strange valley they were in.
"So... where is here?" Godzilla asked.
"Wherever it is, it smells terrible." Anguirus commented, sneering in disgust. They also noticed how despite the black sky above them, they could still see each other without a prominent light source. They also noticed how the light affected them, showing them in different colours. Godzilla appeared to be light blue, while Mothra was a yellow orange, and Anguirus was dark orange. Suddenly, Godzilla heard something behind him. It sounded like a footstep. It was followed by more and more. Godzilla turned around and saw what was causing the sound. It was a strange figure wearing red armour as well as a hood, and a long cape fluttering behind him. He couldn't see much of him from how far away he was standing, but he was slowly approaching them.
"Hey! Can you tell us where we are?" Godzilla called out to him. The figure didn't answer. Godzilla went to approach him, but Mothra suddenly grabbed his arm.
"Godzilla, this doesn't feel right." She whispered. "I think we need to leave."
As the figure got closer and closer, Godzilla began to see what Mothra was talking about. The figure wore dark red clothing and armour, and upon closer examination, he had dark emotionless eyes. He was clearly not friendly. Godzilla began to back up, ushering the others behind him. He began to reach for his sword, which he was surprised to see since they were sucked into a whirlpool. 
"Okay, I can handle this." He said. "When I say so, get ready to..."
He didn't get to finish his sentence, as another figure appeared in front of them. He was clad in dark blue garb that resembled the other figure's armour, and had long hair of the same colour hanging in front of his face, hiding his red eyes, as well as a burned patch of skin on one side of his face. Despite his frightening appearance, Godzilla was able to sense that he wasn't hostile.
"Run!" The figure suddenly shouted. Without another word, he ran past them. Mothra and Anguirus didn't think twice before following him. Godzilla was more hesitant. He faced the red figure approaching them again, only to see he had transformed. He held his arms outstretched, and claws had grown on his fingers. His body had become a cloud of red smoke, and he made an otherworldly hissing sound as he picked up speed. Godzilla decided to take the blue figure's advice, and ran. He followed Mothra and Anguirus as they ran after the blue figure. Finally, the reached a small cave. The blue figure stopped briefly and turned to the others.
"Quickly, in here! I promise, he won't find us!" He said.
Godzilla was out of options. All rational thinking had left his mind. "Do what he says!" He commanded. Mothra and Anguirus quickly followed the blue figure and ducked into the cave. Godzilla followed close behind. The inside of the cave was narrow, but long. There was enough space for all of them. Once they were all inside, the blue figure used his black cloak to cover the cave entrance. He eyed the outside and watched as the red figure came to a stop. He had transformed back into his normal form. He looked around and sniffed the air, growling in frustration as he realized he had lost them. With a flip of his long red cape, he walked away slowly. When he was sure he was gone, the blue figure sighed in relief.
"He's gone." He said, lowering his cape. "But he will be back. We have to leave now if we want to-"
Godzilla suddenly grabbed him by the shoulders and forced him against the cave wall, holding an arm to his throat to prevent him from escaping.
"What the hell is going on here?!" He demanded.
"Godzilla, stop it!" Mothra said. But he ignored her, only pressing harder on the figure's neck.
"You are going to tell me exactly where we are, who you are, and who that other guy was, or I will kill you!" He threatened. Despite being attacked, the figure kept a calm composure.
"If you kill me, you're not going to get any answers." He choked. "I understand how confusing this is. People from your world come here all the time. Let me down, and I promise I will explain everything."
His words seemed to calm Godzilla down, and he let the figure fall to the ground.
"Start with your name." He said.
"Call me Solomon." The figure said. "And the creature that chased us is... was my brother."
"Your brother?" Anguirus asked, raising an eyebrow. "Then why was he chasing you?"
"That monster is no longer my brother." Solomon growled.
"Wait, forget about that, I still want to know where we are." Godzilla said.
"And why are we here in the first place?" Mothra asked.
Solomon nodded. He stood up and exited the cave. Once he was sure the coast was clear, he lead the others out.
"There isn't much time." He said. "I will explain on the way." He began walking, but Godzilla grabbed his shoulder before he could leave.
"On the way to where?" He asked. "You're taking us somewhere?"
"Yes, Godzilla." Solomon replied. Godzilla was a little surprised that Solomon knew his name, but nothing surprised him after what he had seen only a few minutes ago.
"Okay... but where?" He asked.
"I'm going to get you all home." Solomon explained.

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