Chapter 19: Beast in the Catacombs

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"What!?" Godzilla asked. He ran closer to Gypsy, wanting to look at the screen. "Where is he?"
"Don't know." Gypsy shrugged. He pressed a button on his wrist, making the screen appear as a hologram, showing Godzilla the image. "But we just detected his movements in the city at this location." The screen showed a blinking red dot over a map of Manhattan. Godzilla recognized the area. He pulled a map from his pocket and unraveled it. It was a map of the New York subway train system. After looking between the location on the screen and the map, he pinpointed the location. He tapped the map with his finger.
"He's in the subway!" Godzilla exclaimed.
"And why do you have a subway map?" Gypsy asked.
"Look, I don't know how to drive, so I gotta take the train." Godzilla chuckled. He folded the map back up and placed it in his pocket. "I'm going after him. That bastard's gonna pay."
"You'd better do it soon." Gypsy muttered. His eyes drifted to the side as he reactivated his sword. Godzilla looked up, to see another wave of parasites approaching. Gypsy unhooked something from his belt and tossed it to Godzilla.
"Here, take this." He said. It was a flare gun. Godzilla looked it over in both hands. It was a standard orange pistol-shaped gun, and it looked to be fully loaded, with four shots in the barrel. He realized Gypsy had given it to him so he could see in the dark.
"You don't have a flashlight or anything?" He asked.
"Nope, sorry." Gypsy shook his head. "You'd better get out of here quick. We'll be fine up here."
Godzilla nodded, and hooked the flare gun onto his belt. He ran off, using his memory of the map as reference to find where Clover would be. As he passed by Gojirin and Komi, the two looked up at him.
"Where are you going?" Gojirin asked. Godzilla stopped in his tracks.
"We spotted Clover in the subways." He explained.
Gojirin gasped. "I'm going with you." She said, but Godzilla stopped her.
"No. You're not." He said. "They need both of you up here. Another wave of parasites is approaching the city, and this one's gonna be way bigger."
Gojirin hesitated for a long while. She wanted to go woth him. But after seeing the massive group of parasites coming towards them, she nodded. "Okay. Stay safe, my son."
"I will." Godzilla nodded. He was about to leave, but Komi grabbed his shoulder.
"Godzilla?" She said. Her voice was weak and appologetic.
"Yeah?" Godzilla responded.
"I wan't you to kill that motherfucker." Komi growled.
Godzilla grinned, realizing that Komi was 100% back on their side. "Will do. I promise." He nodded. With his mother and sister secured, he continued to run, while Gojirin and Komi went to join the Jaegers in fighting back the parasites. This would be the final battle.

Godzilla's hands gripped the flare gun tightly as he stepped into the darkness of the subway. The trains had been shut down, leaving him free to search for wherever Clover may have been hiding. He jumped down onto the track, and looked down the dark tunnel ahead of him. He aimed the flare gun and fired, sending the red smoke trail down into the darkness. He could see now, at least until the flare ran out. He treaded lightly, making sure to investigate every sound. The flare was beginning to die, but Godzilla refrained from firing another one. There were 4 shots in the gun, and he had just used one. He had to use the remaining 3 sparingly. He turned a corner, holding the gun out in front of him. Eventually, the darkness got to be far too dense for Godzilla to see through. With reluctance, he aimed the gun down the tunnel yet again, and shot off another flare. But this time, he saw something. A shadow, flickering against the wall as it faded down the tunnel. Godzilla gasped. There was no doubt the shadow was caused by Clover. He gritted his teeth and drew his sword, running down the corridor. As he ran, he could hear footsteps in front of him. Clover was running, but Godzilla was catching up. But the previous flare ran out again, leaving Godzilla in the dark. He stopped running, realizing Clover's footsteps had stopped too. One more time, he aimed the flare gun, and pulled the trigger. But as the flare shot from the barrel and into the darkness, it didn't hit the ground. Clover grabbed the flare in his hand. The demonic red light from the flare flickered off of Clover's pale frame, making him look like the Devil himself.
"Godzilla." Clover growled. "You've picked an odd place to die."
"I'm not the one dying today!" Godzilla shot back. He ran towards Clover, holding his sword at the ready. Clover tossed the flare towards him, and he slashed it in half, sending the burning glowing embers all over, illuminating the area for a brief moment. Clover swung his arm at Godzilla, narrowly missing his head. Godzilla retaliated this attack with one of his own, jabbing towards Clover's stomach. Despite being so tall, Clover wasn't slow at all. He dodged out of the way and slashed at Godzilla's chest, sending him flying back. While Godzilla got up, Clover reached down, grabbing the metal subway train track.
"You're foolish to defend the humans, Godzilla." He stated, ripping the part of the track up from the ground. "They are a cancer. A plague. They don't deserve this Earth." He dragged the chunk of track on the ground like a club. The sparking from the electric cables of the track helped Godzilla see Clover a bit clearer. He rolled out of the way, just as Clover swung down at him. Godzilla quickly got up, only to block another attack with his sword. Clover knelt down to Godzilla's glaring face.
"Why defend them? Why fight for them?" Clover demanded. "Humans will never care for you as you care for them. Why choose them over your own kind?"
"Is that what you want?" Godzilla snapped back. He kicked Clover in the stomach, making him stumble back. "You want your parasites to kill all the humans on Earth, so Kaiju like us can take over?!"
Clover growled, baring his teeth. "They are not parasites!" He roared. He held the chunk of track up and charged at Godzilla, who smirked, realizing he had triggered Clover's berserker button. He swung back, blocking with his sword. He tried to block another swing, but the chunk connected with his arm as Clover swung it again. Godzilla could feel his bones breaking due to Clover's immense strength. He grimaced and held his arm close to his chest. It would only take a few seconds for it to heal completely, but it still hurt like crazy. While he waited for the pain to subside, he blocked Clover's subsequent attacks with the sword in his other hand. It was getting harder and harder for Godzilla to keep this up. Finally, his other arm healed, and he held his sword with both again. But Clover didn't give him a second of rest. He just kept pounding and pounding on Godzilla's sword. But finally, Godzilla got an idea. He'd have to act fast.
"There is one reason I defend humans." He said. Before he gave his answer, he ducked under another swing from Clover, who growled and prepared yet another attack. Charging his sword with atomic energy, he sliced through the track piece, letting both pieces fall to the ground, and catching Clover off guard. In this split second, Godzilla stabbed his sword into Clover's chest. He roared in pain as Godzilla forced the blade in further. He hadn't stabbed him in a vital area, but that wasn't his plan from the beginning.
"The reason I defend them..." Godzilla continued. He ripped the sword out of Clover's chest, whipped out the flare gun, which still had one final shot, and stuck the barrel of the gun in his open wound.
"...Is because I'd be nothing without them." Godzilla finished. He pulled the trigger, sending the flare into Clover's body. Clover screeched in pain as he staggered back. His chest erupted in a torrent of fire and red smoke. But it wasn't over yet. Clover was in too much pain to run away, so Godzilla was free to finish this fight. He ran head first at Clover, jumped into the air, and drop kicked him in the stomach, sending him flying backwards. Clover landed on the sparking remains of the track he had ripped out earlier. The electricity shot through his body, frying him in seconds. Sparks flew everywhere as Clover shrieked and roared, making Godzilla shield his eyes. Finally, the sparks stopped flying. Godzilla looked up, only to see Clover's charred, smoking corpse. He breathed a sigh of relief. It was done. Suddenly, he heard a sound coming from his pocket. It was his communicator. He picked it up, and saw Gypsy calling him. He quickly answered.
"Godzilla, the parasites are dropping dead!" Gypsy said. He sounded overjoyed. "All over the city they're just dying! It's like they're shutting down or something! Did you kill Clover?"
A smile crept across Godzilla's face. "Yeah..." He nodded. "Yeah, it's over. We won."

Komi sighed as the helicopter landed in front of her. Despite coming back to the good side, she had still tried to threaten humanity. And this was enough for her to undergo an assessment at the the Shatterdome. Gypsy had made the arrangement with Godzilla and Gojirin. She was not being arrested, she was going to be assessed to make sure she had no chance of going rogue again. But the process could take weeks, even months. Komi had no idea when she'd be let out. The helicopter finally landed, and she held her head high as she walked to it. Godzilla, Gojirin, and Gypsy were around her. Finally, they reached the helicopter. Gypsy stepped in first.
"I'll give you a few minutes to say goodbye." He said. Komi nodded. First, she turned to Gojirin. "I'm sorry. For everything." She said. Gojirin hugged her tightly.
"It's alright, Komi." She said. "Nothing you did was your fault."
Komi nodded, hugging her mother just as tight. "I... I love you, mom."
"I love you too." Gojirin said, smiling warmly. The two let go of each other, and Komi turned to Godzilla.
"I... I don't know when I'm gonna get out." Komi began. "Please, don't hide anything from Zilla. I want him to know what I did."
Godzilla nodded. "You'll be out before you know it." He smiled at her. "And don't worry, I've known Zilla a lot longer than you have. He's an understanding guy. I know he's not gonna stop loving you."
Komi smiled again, and hugged Godzilla too. Finally, it was time to go. Gypsy helped her onto the helicopter, and with one final goodbye, they took off into the air. Godzilla and Gojirin eyed it sadly as it disappeared into the clouds. They knew they would see her again, but when, they had no idea. Meanwhile, Anguirus, Rodan, and Radon approached the two.
"I just got off the phone with Mothra." Anguirus said. "She's a little concerned about Komi, but she's happy everyone's safe."
"I can't believe we're finally going home." Rodan said. "It feels like it's been years since we showed up here."
Godzilla smiled, but something on the horizon caught his eye. From the hilltop they were standing on, they could see the sunset over Manhattan. Godzilla couldn't help but notice a familiar building. One of the tallest towers in the city, adorned with a blue glowing letter A. The Avengers tower. Godzilla wasn't sure why he hadn't noticed it before. A few years back he had teamed up with the Avengers to stop an ancient Kaiju threat. But that was the last he had heard from them for some time.
"And where the hell were they?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. "Probably could have used their help during all this." Everyone gave him a confused glance, as if he had just said something weird.
"Oh, you didn't hear?" Rodan asked him. "They broke up. Half of them quit, and the other half are either missing or under house arrest."
"Really?" Godzilla said. He had never heard this before.
"Yeah, they fell apart after that Civil War conflict a while back." Anguirus explained.
"Oh..." Godzilla said. His brow furrowed. He had a feeling he would see the Avengers again, but right now, that didn't seem very likely.
"Oh well." Gojirin shrugged. "We'll just have to fight the bad guys for them."
"Did you say 'we'?" Godzilla raised an eyebrow. "Does that mean you're staying on Monster Island?"
"I thought on it for a while, and after a lifetime of traveling the word and waiting for Clover, I thought it may be time to settle in to one place." Gojirin explained. "Monster Island sounds like a good place for it."
Godzilla smiled again. Things were finally starting to get better. There was only one more thing he had to take care of. And for that, they had to go back to Monster Island.

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