Chapter 2: Revalation

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Rodan and Anguirus backed away as the parasite approached them. It stalked and hissed at them, almost like a cat. But this thing was certainly not cute and cuddly.
"Well that's freaky." Anguirus shivered. "Should we kill it?"
"Yeah, no duh." Rodan said. He pulled out his swords and rushed to stab it, but before he could, a knife flew down from the air and stabbed the parasite in the head, pinning it to the ground. Rodan's eyebrow raised in confusion, until he realized who the knife belonged to. He smirked and looked up to see Radon descending towards them.
"You boys okay?" She asked.
"We are now, thanks to you." Rodan said. Radon smiled at him. She was technically the newest member of Godzilla's army, though in reality, she had been with them since the beginning. Only a few weeks ago, she had been brought back from the dead and reclaimed her old place in Godzilla's group of friends, as well as her new place as Rodan's girlfriend. The three Kaiju gathered around the creatures corpse. Its spindly legs curled up around it like a dead spider.
"Any idea what that thing is?" Radon asked.
"Kinda looks like some kind of crustacean." Anguirus said, leaning against his hammer. "Maybe it's like a mutated crab or something."
"Yeah, I doubt that." Rodan said. "Looks more like an alien of some kind..." He leaned down and gently grasped one of its claws. As soon as his fingers touched its carapace, he heard someone calling out to him.
"Don't touch it!" It said. His head shot up to see Godzilla, along with Zilla, Mothra, and someone he'd never seen before running up to them.
"Its claws and teeth are covered in a deadly toxin." The stranger said. "If you get scratched or bitten, you're as good as dead."
Rodan gulped and let go of the claw. He stood up as Godzilla and the others approached him.
"Looks like you took care of the parasite." Godzilla said. "There's only two more."
"Who's this?" Radon asked, referring to the stranger. Godzilla turned to her.
"Actually, she still hasn't told me her name." He said. He didn't fully trust the stranger yet.
"That can wait." The stranger said, brushing past him. "There are two more parasites on the island. We need to find them soon before they- AAUGH!"
The stranger suddenly buckled in pain and fell over. Another parasite had landed on her back and knocked her to the ground. It screeched and began to attack her, biting and clawing at her back. Godzilla gasped and ran to help her. He managed to knock it away, but as the stranger got up to her feet, she felt an intense pain in her arm. Looking at it, she saw a long scratch across her bicep. Her sleeve was torn open, and a black substance seeped out of the open wound. She gasped and her eyes widened behind her goggles. She completely froze up, besides her shaking her head in denial.
"No... no, not now..." She muttered.
While she looked at her scratch, the others got into battle stances as another parasite came from the bushes. The last two parasites hissed and clicked as they stalked towards them. Godzilla noticed the stranger's wound, and remembered that she told them how dangerous it was.
"Mothra, think you can heal her up?" He asked. Mothra nodded and gently grasped the stranger by the other arm, leading her back to her tent. With that settled, Godzilla turned his attention back to the parasites. These two seemed a lot bigger and scarier than the others three. It would take all their efforts to fight them.
"Remember, don't get scratched or bitten!" He said. The others nodded and drew their weapons as the parasites lunged at them.

"Where the hell are you taking me?" The stranger asked.
"Back to my tent." Mothra explained. "I can treat your wound there."
"You can't treat this! That thing scratched me!" The stranger shot back. She lifted her sleeve, revealing the scratch. It didn't look extremely painful, but the veins around the wound were already turning dark. The venom spread through her body. "It's already over for me. Just leave me alone!"
"That isn't how I do things." Mothra said, shaking her head. Despite the strangers protests, Mothra took her back to the tent, laying her down on the floor with a blanket and pillow.
"Is the poison really that dangerous?" She asked, examining the wound.
"You shouldn't even be near me right now." The stranger coughed. "Please, just leave me here. I'm done for."
Mothra was undeterred. "You said you came here to find your son, right?"
"Yes... I suppose it's too late for that now." The stranger said. But before she could say any more, Mothra placed a hand on the wound left behind by the parasite. The stranger looked at Mothra in confusion and shock.
"What are you..." She began. She suddenly realized what Mothra was doing when her hand began to glow pink, and an intense feeling of warmth flowed through her arm. The darkness disappeared from her veins. The venom was leaving her body. Eventually, Mothra lifted her hand from the scratch, and the venom flowed out from it into a small black ball of liquid. As soon as the light from Mothra's hand disappeared, the venom did as well. The stranger's eyes widened.
"You have the power to heal... I've seen this before." She said. She turned to face Mothra, their eyes meeting. "You... I think I know you."
"You do?" Mothra asked. She had no idea who this person was, so the idea that she knew her personally was strange.
"Well, I suppose that's not entirely true." The stranger said. She sat up and removed her goggles and mask, revealing her greying hair and red eyes. She looked a lot older than Mothra was expecting, possibly in her late 60's or early 70's. "But I can guess you're the daughter of Mosura, right?" The stranger continued.
Mothra gasped as she heard her mother's name. "You knew my mother?" She asked. The stranger smiled and nodded.
"I did. We weren't on very good terms, but I knew her." The stranger explained. "It was absolutely tragic to hear that she died."
Mothra leaned in a closer to her. She hadn't known many people who knew her mother personally, aside from people who had tried to kill her.
"What was she like?" Mothra asked.
"Shouldn't you know? You're her daughter." The stranger replied.
"She died when I was only seven, so I didn't know her that long..." Mothra explained. "I want to know her the way other people thought about her."
The stranger seemed to understand what Mothra meant. "Well, like I said, we weren't on the best of terms." She explained. "She was a damn good fighter though. Very determined. She and I would have made a great team on the battlefield. I kept trying to convince her, but she never wanted anything to do with me. I just wished she and Gojira could've gotten along better."
Mothra gasped again. "You knew Gojira too?" She asked. The stranger chuckled.
"You could say that, yeah..." She replied. She paused, and Mothra could feel a solemn feeling coming from her.
"Um... I don't think you told me your name." Mothra said, changing the subject. "And you said you're looking for your son, right? If you tell me his name too, I can help you find him."
"Of course, how rude of me." The stranger chuckled. "My name is Gojirin. And thanks for the offer, but I already found my son. He's on this island."
She opened her locket and showed it to Mothra. She eyed the picture inside carefully. Once she realized what she was looking at, her eyes widened. The picture showed Gojirin and Gojira. They appeared much younger, and happier. It was clear they were a couple, and judging by the ring on Gojirin's finger in the picture, Mothra could guess they were even married.
"But that means..." Mothra said as her eyes trailed down the photograph. There was a young boy in the photo as well. Mothra knew exactly who it was as soon as she saw it.
"Your son... is Godzilla?" She asked. Once again, Gojirin nodded.

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