Chapter 4: Support

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Rodan yawned as he and Radon flew their way towards New York. They heard Godzilla order them to fly there through the tent, and rather than wait for the order directly, they decided to go for it. "How much longer till we get there?" He asked.
"Just a few more minutes." Radon replied. She was slightly nervous about something. "I haven't met the Jaegers yet. I hope they like me..."
Rodan smirked and flew closer to her. "Of course they'll like you." He said. "Why wouldn't they?"
"If you say so..." She muttered. Rodan rolled his eyes, and kept flying foreword. Even now Rodan could tell she was shy about meeting new people. He was glad to see nothing had changed. Finally, the skyline of Manhattan came into view. Rodan smiled as he saw the city, but it fell when his eyes drifted towards something disturbing. They passed by the Statue of Liberty, only to see that its head was gone. Not just gone, it was ripped completely off. The two looked at it closely as they flew past it.
"What the hell..." Rodan muttered.
"I guess that's why they called us up." Radon said. "But what could have caused it?"
"I doubt it was one of those crab things." Rodan replied.
Finally, they reached the city proper. The two ducked down and flew towards the ground, eventually landing on the street. The streets were abandoned, except for the Jaegers. It looked like Gypsy Danger and Coyote Tango were fighting a group of the creatures together. Rodan was about to rush over, until he heard Radon yelp. He gasped and wheeled around, only to see three more creatures attempting to corner Radon. She flew into the air, but the parasites followed her, as they could apparently jump fairly high into the air. When Rodan saw one almost touch Radon's foot, he flew over to help her. At this point, the Gypsy noticed the two for the first time.
"Looks like help's arrived." He said to Coyote as he sliced a parasite in half with his sword.
"Who's the girl? Never seen her before." Coyote asked, not taking her eyes off of the parasites she was shooting at.
"Pretty sure that's Radon." Gypsy explained. "I helped Godzilla register her into the Kaiju database a few weeks ago."
Eventually, all the parasites were gone. Gypsy breathed a sigh of relief as his sword retracted back into his gauntlet. The two Jaegers and went over to greet the Kaiju.
"Nice to see you made it." Gypsy said, placing his hands on his hips. "I suppose Godzilla was busy?"
"Yeah, he's gonna show up a bit later." He said. "This is Radon by the way."
"H-hello." Radon bowed nervously. Coyote couldn't help but chuckle.
"You can call me Coyote Tango. He's Gypsy Danger." She replied. "So what do you two know about these things?"
"Well, we ran into this weird lady before we left." Rodan explained. "She explained that the creatures are parasites, and that their claws and teeth are poisonous. If you get scraped or bit by them, it's deadly."
"That, we know already." Gypsy said. "We've set up medical tents all over the city for civilians who have been attacked by them. There have already been several casualties."
"That's awful..." Radon said. She looked to Rodan, and gasped as her eyes drifted to his neck. Rodan raised an eyebrow in confusion as he saw her staring at him.
"What?" He asked. He placed a hand on his neck, and immediately a sharp stinging pain shot through him. He hissed in pain and pulled his hand away. His eyes shot to the palm of his hand, only to see it covered in blood, along with hints of a dark green substance. What he couldn't see was the deep scratch on the side of his neck. His scarf was covering it, but Radon saw the blood leaking through it, alerting everyone else to its presence. One of the parasites had bit him. As soon as Rodan realized what this meant, he passed out and fell to the ground.

Godzilla groaned in frustration as he searched for Komi. He checked her cabin, but she wasn't there. He went to the beach, but she was nowhere to be found. He went to Mothra's koi pond, but she wasn't there either. She wasn't anywhere she normally was. Eventually, Godzilla ran into Zilla.
"Oh, hey Godzilla. Have you seen Komi anywhere?" He asked. "I've been looking for her for a while, but I can't find her anywhere."
"No, I'm looking for her too." Godzilla admitted. "Turns out that lady who just showed up is... my mom."
"What?! No way!" Zilla said. "Wait... what does that have to do with Komi?"
"Well... it also turns out that Komi is my sister." Godzilla muttered, rubbing the back of his head. Zilla's eyes widened.
"W-what?! You're joking." He said. Godzilla shook his head.
"Nope. That's why I'm looking for her." He explained. "She just ran off after we found out, and now I can't find her. I just wanna talk to her."
"Holy shit..." Zilla breathed, running his fingers through his hair. "So... that means you and I are... inlaws I guess?"
"I'm not really focussed on that right now, Zilla." Godzilla snapped.
"S-sorry. I'll help you find her." Zilla offered.
The two began searching for Komi together, but still had no luck. Eventually, they came across Komi's jacket. It was hung up on a tree branch. Soon after, they heard a soft sniffling, and shortly after that, they found the source of the sound. As they guessed, Komi was nearby, sitting curled up with her knees up to her chest on a log, facing an empty part of the forest. She stared at the summer leaves as they bloomed around her. Something about it calmed her down. Zilla started walking over to her, but Godzilla stopped him.
"This one's on me." He said. Zilla nodded, knowing exactly what he meant. Godzilla breathed in a deep sigh and walked over to Komi. He sat next to her, close, but not too close. She noticed him, but didn't respond aside from wiping her now red eyes. After about 10 seconds, Godzilla finally spoke.
"Hey." He said. Komi looked up at him and sniffled before looking back down.
"Hey..." She whimpered. Godzilla shuffled a little bit closer to her, but he still had no idea what to say. What could he say to the little sister he never knew he had? He breathed in and finally spoke after another long silence.
"So... how're you feeling?" He asked.
"I don't know." Komi sniffed. "I just... all my life I thought I was alone. And now... I have a brother, and a mom, and a... family. I don't know how to react."
"Well, isn't it a good thing?" Godzilla asked.
"I guess... I just feel like everything I know is a lie." Komi muttered, bringing her knees closer to her face.
"I know the feeling." Godzilla nodded. He had experienced it more than once. "But hey, we always were a family on Monster Island, right? Why should it be any different now?"
"Yeah... I guess you're right." Komi said, wiping her eyes. A small chuckle escaped her mouth. "Y'know, it's funny."
"What is?" Godzilla asked, leaning forward.
"Since we first met, and with all we've been through, I kinda already saw you as a brother." Komi admitted. "I guess I know why now."
"Huh. I guess I always kinda saw you as a sister too." Godzilla responded. This actually made Komi laugh as she dried her eyes.
"Really?" She asked.
"Yeah, a little." Godzilla admitted. This only made Komi laugh more. She seemed okay now.
"So I guess I should call you 'big brother' now?" She chuckled.
Godzilla had to laugh as well. "Yeah, no way I'm letting you do that." He replied.
"How about 'onii-chan'?" She said, in a fake cute voice. Godzilla couldn't hold his laughter anymore after hearing that. Komi laughed too and leaned into him. The two laughed together as brother and sister for the first time.

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