Godzilla VS Ghidorah

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Description: Godzilla's fist fight with his ultimate enemy, King Ghidorah.



All was peaceful on Monster Island. Everything had been going well. Godzilla, Mothra, Anguirus, and Rodan had been living on the island on their own for years, and other than occasional attacks from other Kaiju, everything was fine. That was, until that night. Mothra woke up with a start, sweat dripping down her forehead. She began breathing heavily. She often had prophetic dreams; it was one of her many goddess powers. But this one was different. She placed a hand on her mouth as she realized what it meant.
"He's coming." She whispered. "We're finally going to face him. Ghidorah..."

The Next Day...

Godzilla couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. He thought about the frequent nature of recent Kaiju attacks. They all had one thing in common; they all mentioned Ghidorah at some point. He didn't like to think about Ghidorah much. While he had never met him, he felt his presence nearly every day. Ghidorah was his father's arch nemesis. He always told Godzilla that one day, he'd have to fight Ghidorah too.
"But am I ready for that?" Godzilla thought to himself. Without warning, he felt some sort of presence behind him. He quickly turned around, but was met with nothing. Just his reflection in a puddle. He furrowed his brow as he noticed the reflection looked different. The eyes were dark red, and it looked back at Godzilla with distain.
"You'll never be ready." The reflection hissed. Godzilla's eyes widened in surprise, until a foot splashed the water out of the puddle. He looked up and saw that the foot belonged to Mothra.
"Godzilla!" She said. She seemed worried.
"Is there something wrong?" Godzilla asked.
"I had a dream... I believe it was a warning." Mothra explained. "In my dream, I saw you. And you were battling with... Ghidorah."
Godzilla's eyes widened again as shock ran through his body. "You... y-you're serious?"
Mothra nodded. "I don't know when he'll arrive, but I know he's coming." She said. "And when he does come, you and I will have to fight him."
"Why us specifically?" Godzilla asked.
"I must because I am the Goddess Guardian of Nature. It's my duty to protect all life on Earth." Mothra explained. "And you must because you are connected by destiny."
"What does that even mean!?" Godzilla shouted. He calmed down when he saw Mothra's frightened expression. She knew what he was capable off, and it often scared her.
"Sorry, I'm just stressed out right now." Godzilla apologized. "If we have to fight Ghidorah, we're going to have to train harder than we've ever trained before."
Mothra nodded. "Agreed. I may have to call upon some powers I've never used before."
"Should we tell Rodan and Anguirus too?" Godzilla asked. Mothra nodded again.
"I'll tell them. You stay here and start training." She said. Godzilla nodded as well, and Mothra sped off to find the others. When he saw her leave, Godzilla sighed in frustration.
"Huh. So Ghidorah's coming to Earth again." He said. "Good. I'll finally get to meet this bastard."


"It's been over 2 decades since my last attack on Earth." Ghidorah said, staring out the window of his ship. Earth was in front of him, only a few miles away. "This time, Gojira and Mosura are dead. There will be nobody to stop me now."
"But what about their kids?" Gigan reminded. "Godzilla and Mothra and those other two Kaiju are getting pretty strong."
"Godzilla nearly killed us last time we fought him." Biolante added.
"True, but I must respectfully remind you that I am far stronger than both of you." Ghidorah said. Gigan and Biolante shrugged. They couldn't disagree, since it was true.
"Godzilla and Mothra pose no threat to me." Ghidorah said. "In two days, this world will be mine."

Back on Earth...

Godzilla punched and kicked the tree in front of him mercilessly. He didn't have a punching bag on the island, so he had to use a tree instead. Each punch ripped bark off the wood, and added more and more wounds to his hands, even though they were bandaged up. He was able to heal them quickly, but the blood still remained on the training tape covering his knuckles. It made his hands look worse than they were. Mothra was getting worried.
"Godzilla, when I said we should start training, I didn't mean you should hurt yourself." She said. "It's getting late. You should head off to bed now."
"I'm fine." Godzilla argued, wiping the sweat off his brow. He didn't even look at Mothra as he spoke, keeping his battle stance up. "I don't know when Ghidorah's coming, so I gotta keep training until he does. I'm gonna beat him no matter what."
Mothra sighed. "Well, at least use your sword." She said.
"Good idea. Wanna spar with me?" Godzilla asked as he began replacing his training tape.
"Eh... no. You're way stronger than me." Mothra chuckled, slightly nervously. "I'd probably get the crap beaten out of me."
"C'mon, I'll go easy on you." Godzilla offered.
"No. But maybe tomorrow." Mothra yawned. She left Godzilla to his training. He sighed as she walked away.
"Yeah, if Ghidorah doesn't show up tomorrow." He muttered, continued to unwrap his hand. When he finally did, he noticed something strange; the flesh on his hand wasn't fully healed.
"What the..." He said. He suddenly felt a chill run up his back, and spun around to face something unexpected. He was facing himself. But this wasn't just a reflection. This version of him was wearing the same clothes, but dark grey and black rather than green, and had similar coloured hair, as well as deep red eyes.
"So what're you, my conscience or something?" Godzilla asked.
"I am your doubt and your uncertainty." The reflection replied. "I am everything you hate about yourself."
"Pfft. Cliche." Godzilla said as he rolled his eyes and turned back around. "So what, you're gonna tell me there's no way I can defeat Ghidorah or something?"
"Something like that." The reflection said. "That's not what you're worried about. You can defeat Ghidorah no problem. You know this."
"Not so great at your job, are you?" Godzilla smirked.
"But you are worried about something." The reflection said. "You're worried that you'll never measure up to your father. He was the most powerful Kaiju on Earth. What does that make you?"
Godzilla stopped for a moment. He hated it when someone mentioned his father. "You're just trying to get to me." He said. "I know how this works. I'm just gonna ignore you until you leave."
The reflection placed a hand on Godzilla's shoulder. "What you're ignoring are the things you know to be true." It hissed. "Your father was better than you. But you refuse to admit that."
"I'm not my father." Godzilla growled. The reflection laughed.
"Of course not. You'll never be your father. And that's what you hate about yourself." It said.
"Shut up!" Godzilla yelled, swinging his sword at the reflection. As soon as he swung his sword, the reflection disappeared. He realized he had been breathing heavily. His eyes furrowed and he put his sword away.
"Maybe I have been training too hard." He said. He closed his eyes and shook his head, and placed a hand on his forehead.
"I just need some sleep, that's all." He assured himself. He picked up his sword and walked back to his hammock. He knew he wouldn't be getting much sleep.

The Next Day...

"Ghidorah? He's coming!?" Rodan asked. Mothra and Godzilla told Rodan and Anguirus the news in the morning. As they predicted, it was quite the shock.
"We believe so, yes." Mothra nodded.
"So... what're we gonna do?" Anguirus asked.
"You aren't going to do anything." Godzilla said. "Mothra and I are gonna go fight him."
"What?" Rodan asked. "Why do you guys get to fight him and we don't?" Godzilla looked at Mothra, expecting her to explain.
"We're destined to fight him." She said. "We don't want to put you in danger just because of us."
"Danger? We've dealt with danger before." Anguirus shrugged. Godzilla looked up at him. He seemed agitated.
"Not like this." He asserted. "Ghidorah isn't like anyone we've faced before. He's not like Gigan or Biolante or Hedorah, or anyone. He's a warlord. A maniac. We're the only ones who even have a chance at beating him."
Rodan and Anguirus nodded. They seemed to understand what Godzilla meant, though they still  had questions.
"So what're we gonna do while you fight him?" Rodan asked.
"Chances are Ghidorah's gonna send his minions to Earth along with him." Mothra said. "You'll have to defend Earth from them."
Rodan nodded. Anguirus did as well. Mothra sighed, glad they her friends understood what was going to happen. She turned to Godzilla who appeared to be nodding off. Mothra tapped him, waking him up.
"Hey, you alright?" She asked.
"Yeah..." Godzilla said, rubbing his eye. "I didn't get a great sleep last night. Had a bad dream, I guess."
"Oh. I told you sleeping in that hammock was bad for you." Mothra said. Godzilla rolled hie eyes.
"It's not the hammock. I was just... thinking of a lot of stuff last night." He said.
"I see. Was it a bad dream about Ghidorah?" Mothra asked.
"No, it was... something else." Godzilla said, scratching his head. Mothra placed a hand on his back, but removed it when she realized she was getting a little too close. She blushed and looked away.
"Um... if you'd like, you could rest in my bed for a while." She offered. "It's really comfortable. You might get a better sleep."
"That's a really weird offer, Mothra." Godzilla chuckled. As he rubbed his other eye, he realized that maybe a bit more rest could be welcome. "But sure, thanks."
Mothra smiled. "Alright then. Just give me a sec to prepare the bed for you."
Godzilla nodded, and Mothra flew off into the air towards her tent. Godzilla watched her, and then turned back to Anguirus and Rodan, who were both smiling smugly at him, as if they knew something he didn't.
"What?" Godzilla asked.
"I think Mothra likes you." Rodan said. Anguirus chuckled in response, while Godzilla didn't find it as funny.
"What?! No she doesn't." He said. "I mean, yeah, she's my best friend, but that's it."
"C'mon, don't tell me you don't notice." Anguirus said. "The way she acts all nervous around you, the blushing, the hand motions, it's obvious."
Godzilla scoffed and looked away. There was no way Mothra felt that way about him. She acted like that around everyone. It was what Anguirus said next that got to him.
"Do you like her?" He asked. Godzilla blushed.
"N-no!" He said. "I don't... I mean I... why would you even think that?"
Anguirus and Rodan burst out laughing. Godzilla was about to yell at them, until Mothra tapped him on the shoulder. He turned his head to her, and blushed again.
"The bed's ready." She said.
"Oh... thanks." Godzilla said. The two left for Mothra's tent. Mothra was right. Her bed was much more comfortable than his hammock. But that didn't stop him from losing sleep. He still thought about what his reflection said. Maybe he was scared that he'd never be like his father. Maybe he wanted to be. Maybe he didn't want to be. He tossed and turned, trying to shake the thoughts from his mind. He tried to convince himself that he didn't care wether or not he could compare to his father, but it didn't work. His reflection had gotten to him, and he knew it. He woke up with a start, sweat dripping down his forehead. He sat there panting for a few moments before he heard a voice.
"Um... Godzilla?" It was Mothra. Her presence startled Godzilla, which in tern startled Mothra. They both calmed down, and Godzilla spoke.
"Oh... hey, Mothra." He said.
"H-how was your sleep?" She asked.
"Better." Godzilla replied. "Thanks. Your bed is pretty great."
He got out of bed and put his shoes back on, pulling the sheets back up. He then left without another word. Mothra sighed and walked behind him. She could sense that something was going on with him. Ghidorah was only part of the problem. She wished he would just tell her. But she knew he was secretive by nature, and she doubted her chances of getting anything out of him. With another sigh, she looked up at the sky, where she knew Ghidorah's ship would be soon.

The Next Day...

Ghidorah looked down at the city of Tokyo from the window on the front of his ship. He breathed in deeply and grinned.
"Ah, Tokyo. It's been too long." He said. Gigan suddenly wrapped an arm around his shoulder, making his grin fall into an annoyed frown.
"You said it! I've been wanting to come back to Tokyo for years!" Gigan said. Ghidorah glared at him, and he quickly redrew his arm.
"Sorry." He said. Ghidorah grinned again.
"No matter." He said, walking foreword until he was directly in front of the window. "By the end of the day, this city will be mine."
"And then the rest of the world, right?" Destroyah asked.
"Exactly." Ghidorah chuckled. His view landed on something else, and he frowned. He saw Monster Island; the previous home of Gojira. Now it was the home of Godzilla, Gojira's son. He would be the only one to stand in the way of his conquest.
"Godzilla will be a problem." He said. "I'll have to kill him."
"And what'll the rest of us be doing?" Hedorah asked. Ghidorah turned to him and the others.
"Godzilla has allies. You'll be fighting them while I destroy Godzilla." Ghidorah explained. Gigan grinned maliciously.
"Awesome. Send us down there." He said.
"Very well." Ghidorah nodded. "If you're so eager, I'll send you to Monster Island right now."

Mothra gulped as she saw Ghidorah's ship above Tokyo. The wind was blowing harder and harder, making her long hair whip and swish around her face. Godzilla was also staring, but he wasn't as afraid as Mothra. Or at least, he didn't appear to be.
"This is it, guys." He said. "The moment we've been waiting for."
"I can't believe this is real." Mothra gasped.
"Wait... what's that?" Anguirus asked. He was referring to another small ship that was approaching Monster Island. It had come from Ghidorah's ship, but it was much smaller. When it landed, four figures stepped out. Godzilla clenched his hand on his katana. He recognized all of them. There was Gigan, Biolante, Hedorah, and Destroyah. There were all people he and the others had fought in the past. Godzilla was especially surprised to see Destroyah, who he though his father killed. He shook his head at the thought of his father.
"Remember us?" Gigan asked, grinning as he flicked out his glasses and placed them on his face.
"I'd rather not." Mothra retorted.
"What are you doing here?" Godzilla snapped. "Ghidorah doesn't want to fight his own battles?"
"We're just here to fight the others, while Ghidorah fights you." Biolante explained. "He'll be here later."
Godzilla smirked as he came up with a plan. He turned to Mothra. "We'll handle these guys." He said. "You go and keep Ghidorah occupied. I'll be there in a second."
Mothra nodded, but she wasn't too sure about Godzilla's plan. Either way, she flew up into the sky towards Ghidorah's ship. Meanwhile, Ghidorah's army began to advance. Godzilla, Anguirus, and Rodan got onto battle stances and drew their weapons. It was three against four, but Godzilla assumed they could handle them. He and the others rushed towards their enemies and the battle for Monster Island began.

In a few minutes, Mothra landed on the hull of Ghidorah's ship. To her surprise, Ghidorah was already there. He stood there staring at her, with his arms folded behind his back. His armour was gold and glistened in the sunlight, and his cape fluttered violently behind him. Mothra was both awestruck and terrified. Ghidorah raised an eyebrow underneath his helmet.
"I was expecting Godzilla." He said. "Who are you?"
Mothra gulped and put on her best determined face. She drew her knife and pointed it at Ghidorah. "I am Mothra, daughter of Mosura, Goddess Guardian of Life on Earth." She said. "And I will defeat you."
Ghidorah stared for a moment, before breaking out into a chuckle, and eventually into a full blown cackle.
"You are Mosura's daughter!?" He asked. "Mosura was a woman of warrior strength and power, and her daughter is some pathetic little whelp? You look like you don't even know how to use that knife!"
Mothra took offence to his statement and crossed her arms. "I do so know how to use it!" She said.
"Oh, please! You're nothing but a child!" Ghidorah laughed. "I doubt you're older than 19, am I right?"
Mothra blushed. She was 18 at the time. She decided to keep this fact to herself. Instead, she aimed her knife at Ghidorah again.
"My age doesn't matter." She said. "I will defeat you, like my mother before me!"
Ghidorah floated up in the air and drew his swords. Mothra began to doubt her chances. She didn't get to think on if for too long, as Ghidorah rushed towards her. They clashed blades over and over again. Ghidorah's strength was beginning to overcome Mothra's small stature. She pushed back with all her might as Ghidorah locked their blades, pushing her down to the ground. He grinned as he remembered something else.
"Do you remember the eyes of the man who killed your parents?" He asked. Mothra's eyes widened and she went still. Ghidorah's grin widened.
"His eyes were red, weren't they?" He asked. "I know who he was. He was my brother. My brother murdered your parents."
Mothra was speechless. She had blocked out her parent's death for years, but remembering it gave her a panic attack. She lost focus for a moment, and Ghidorah knocked the knife out of her hand, making it fall off the side of the ship. She snapped back into reality and dove towards the edge of the ship. She was about to fly down to grab her knife, but Ghidorah grabbed her wrist before she had the chance. Once he dragged her back towards him, he grabbed her again by the throat and held her in the air. His powerful armoured hand began to crush her windpipe. She struggled and kicked at him, but nothing worked. Ghidorah grinned again. Mothra closed her eyes as she struggled to breath. Godzilla was the worlds only hope now.

Godzilla placed his sword onto his back. Rodan and Anguirus were still fighting Ghidorah's minions, but he had other plans. While they were distracted, he ran towards the small ship Gigan and the others arrived in. He planned on stealing it and using it to reach Ghidorah's ship. While the others fought Ghidorahs minions, he ran toward the ship. Gigan noticed this and gritted his teeth maliciously.
"Oh no, you don't!" He growled. She ran towards the ship and managed to block the entrance before Godzilla could get to it. He swung down at him, but Godzilla managed to block in time with his sword. As he defended from Gigan's attack, he saw something fall from Ghidorah's ship and land in the ocean. His eyes widened as he realized it was Mothra's knife. She was in trouble. He needed to act fast. He kicked Gigan in the stomach and pushed him aside, hurrying inside the ship. He shut the door before Gigan could react. He knew the ship would be impenetrable, so he was safe for now. After quickly familiarizing himself with the ship's controls, he found it was no different from driving his boat. He smirked and sat down in the control seat.
"Okay, how do I start this thing..." He muttered. He decided to try the massive red button in the middle of the control panel. Once he pressed this, the ship floated up above the ground. Finally, he sped off towards Ghidorah's ship.

Ghidorah threw Mothra to the ground. She coughed and gagged, placing a hand on her now sore throat. Ghidorah began walking towards her, and she got up.
"I... will... defeat you..." She coughed. She cried out and sent a punch towards him, but he caught her fist and twisted her arm, breaking it instantly. She screamed and collapsed to the ground. Ghidorah laughed.
"You truly are pathetic, you mewling quim." He said. "Your defeat will hardly count as a victory."
As he pulled out his swords again, Mothra's yes widened. She froze up, realizing she was about to die. Before Ghidorah could kill her, he spotted something. It was Gigan's ship. He smirked.
"Hm. It seems your friends were unsuccessful in defending the island." He said. However, as the ship approached, Ghidorah realized it might not have been Gigan flying the ship. The ship was flying somewhat haphazardly, and didn't land on the designated landing place. Mothra smiled, realizing who was driving the ship.
"You're in trouble now." She growled.
Just as she said this, the ship crash landed behind them. The plating on both of the ships were wrecked, and flames errupted out where the ship crashed, causing Ghidorah and Mothra to shield their eyes briefly. When they looked up, The door flew open, and Godzilla stepped out. He pulled his sword off his back and held it as he turned towards Ghidorah. The two stared each other down for a good while. They were both impressed be each other. Ghidorah had not expected this from Gojira's son, especially after seeing what a waste his fight with Mothra had been. Godzilla was equally impressed. He had never seen Ghidorah up close before. He was truly imposing in person, and Gojira's descriptions did not do him justice. Finally, Ghidorah grinned. He left Mothra and began walking towards Godzilla.
"So, we finally meet, son of Gojira." He said. "What should I call you? Minilla? Perhaps Gojira Jr?"
"It's Godzilla." He replied. "I already know who you are, Ghidorah."
"That's King Ghidorah." He countered. "And once I defeat you, my reign will extend from Venus to Earth. And this city will be my first conquest for my new empire."
"Bullshit." Godzilla growled through clenched teeth. "I'm gonna wipe the floor with you!"
Ghidorah smirked and got into a battle stance. "Come at me then, fool." He challenged. Godzilla gritted his teeth and ran at Ghidorah, sword drawn. Their blades clashed, and then clashed again. Godzilla smiled, realizing they were equally matched. Or at least, he thought. Ghidorah was again impressed by Godzilla. They locked blades, but neither had the higher ground.
"I hadn't expected you to fight this well." He said. "This will be an honourable victory!"
"You're not even trying, are you?" Godzilla taunted. "I always heard you were a great warrior. Guess I heard wrong."
Ghidorah sneered and pushed foreword, sending Godzilla stumbling back. Ghidorah swung his swords and held them at his sides.
"I suppose I should show you my true power then." He said. He held up a fist, and it began to spark with yellow energy. It resembled lightning. He sent the energy towards Godzilla, who instinctively dodged out of the way. He smirked again.
"Missed me!" He mocked. Ghidorah grinned wickedly.
"I wasn't aiming for you." He hissed. Godzilla turned to where the energy beam had hit, and saw that the energy now enveloped the ship he had crashed in. To his surprise, it began to lift up off the ground, and flew towards him. He attempted to dodge roll out of the way, but the ship ended up hitting him and making him nearly fall off the side of the ship. Mothra gasped and reached out to him, but remembered her arm was broken. She clenched her eyes in pain, but suddenly felt a soothing warmth through her whole body. She looked down at her arm and realized it was glowing pink. Her eyes widened as she realized what was happening.
"I have... healing powers?" She muttered. She pulled her hand away from her arm, and the pink glow began to slowly dissipate. As it did, her arm was completely healed. She flexed her arm back and forth. She felt great.
"Whoa. Cool!" She said, smiling. "Not so pathetic after all, am I?"
She decided to keep quiet as Godzilla fought Ghidorah. She saw that he managed to climb back onto the ship, but he had suffered some injury as well. It was nothing he couldn't heal on his own. Ghidorah cackled evilly.
"You fight well, but your power doesn't match mine." He laughed. "Gojira and I were equally matched, but you're only a mild challenge." Godzilla gritted his teeth again.
"Oh yeah? Well check this out!" He shouted. He swung his sword, and a beam of blue energy shot out. This surprised Ghidorah, but he managed to dodge out of the way in time. Godzilla swung his sword again and again, and with each swing, an atomic blast shot out. Ghidorah managed to dodge most of them, until one of them hit him. He grunted in pain as he flew back, but stopped in midair. Once he stopped, he flew at top speed toward Godzilla, and hit him in the face. This sent him to the ground, and knocked the sword out of his hand. He attempted to get up and reach for his sword, but Ghidorah landed in front of him, directly on his hand. Godzilla yelled out in pain. His hand was definitely broken. Ghidorah grinned again and stepped off of his hand, beginning to walk away from him.
"Your father was a far better fighter than you." He said, turning away. Godzilla growled again. He still hated when people mentioned his father, especially Ghidorah. And right now, he was enraged.
"I'm not my father." He hissed. He remembered this was the same thing he had told his reflection a few days prior.
"No you're not." Ghidorah agreed. "I may have hated your father, but I respected the hell out of him. He was a fine warrior. He would have been a good fit for my army. But you? I was wrong about you before. You're not a challenge. You are nothing!"
On the last word, he turned towards Godzilla and grabbed him with his gravity beam. He lifted him into the air and flung him into the ground behind him. The impact left a massive crater in the metal. Before Godzilla could react, Ghidorah did the same thing again. Mothra was in shock. At this rate Godzilla would surely die. She had to do something.
"Stop!" She shouted. Ghidorah heard her and turned around, letting Godzilla fall to the ground. Mothra looked at Ghidorah with a pleading expression.
"Please... don't hurt him." She begged. Tears began to fall from her eyes. Ghidorah laughed again.
"Oh, isn't this just sweet." He mocked. He turned back to Godzilla. "Looks like your pathetic little friend is standing up for you. How cute."
Godzilla looked up, wiping the blood from his mouth. He was furious.
"Stay... away from her..." He growled. Ghidorah raised one of his sword.
"You seem to care a lot for each other." He noticed. "Perhaps I'll kill her in front of you."
Mothra's eyes widened as she heard him. But after a few moments, she stood back up. She wasn't going to sit and cry any more. She was going to prove to Ghidorah how strong she was. She got into a fighting stance, but as she didn't have her knife, she just held up her fists.
"Come and try it." She challenged. Ghidorah began walking towards her. Godzilla was still furious. He stood up once again and grabbed his sword.
"I'm not done with you yet, you bastard." He hissed. "Your fight is with me!"
He unleashed a battle cry and ran towards Ghidorah, sword drawn. But Ghidorah was ready for him. As soon as Godzilla approached him, Ghidorah spun around and lighting speed, and drove his sword into Godzilla's abdomen. Time seemed to stop. Before the pain set in, Godzilla could hear Mothra screaming. By the time Godzilla realized what had happened, Ghidorah ripped the sword out. Godzilla fell to the ground, staring blankly foreword with wide eyes. It was then he realized something; he wasn't healing. Normally this wouldn't be a problem, due to his fast healing power. But he wasn't healing.
"You're wondering why that wound isn't healing." Ghidorah said. "I knew of your father's healing powers. These swords were specifically created with a material that counteracts those powers. I'd explain it, but you'll be dead before you have a chance to understand."
Godzilla was barely listening. The only thing running through his mind were his own thoughts.
"I'm gonna die." He thought. "This is it. Ghidorah just killed me. I failed."
But something else appeared in his mind. It was his father's voice.
"You're not just gonna sit there, are you?" The voice said. Godzilla's eyes widened as he heard Gojira's voice in his mind. "Your friend is about to die and, you're just gonna lie there and rot? C'mon, I raised you better than that."
Godzilla looked up, only to see Mothra staring at him with her hands covering her mouth in a terrified expression, and Ghidorah approaching her with swords drawn. He couldn't let him hurt her. He gathered all his strength and stood up.
"That's it, Godzilla!" Gojira's voice said. "Get up and do what I raised you to do! You've got this!"
Finally, Godzilla was up. But he was still bleeding badly, and he could only barely move. He gathered his strength again to speak once more.
"I'm not finished with you yet, fucker!" He shouted. Ghidorah turned around again. A wave of emotions hot him at once; anger, annoyance, confusion, and disbelief. Mostly, he was just impressed.
"Just like your father, you are extremely hard to kill." He groaned.
"Stop comparing me to my father!" Godzilla snapped. But the energy he wasted shouting made him collapse. He managed to hold himself up on one knee, but there was no way he could stand back up. Ghidorah laughed again.
"No matter. You'll be dead in a few minutes." He said. But Godzilla had a plan. He felt his body begin to heat up and smoke. His eyes went from blue, to green, and finally red. Both Ghidorah and Mothra knew what he was doing. After a few seconds. Godzilla's skin began glowing red, and a bright light shone from the bottom of his throat. Veins popped all over his body. He had accessed his Burning form. In this form, he didn't need to worry about injury. Normally, Mothra would object to him taking this form, but she agreed that is was needed now. But before Godzilla could attack, something else happened. Blue energy from the ship itself began flowing into Godzilla. he went from red to blue, and he stopped smoking. His hair turned bright blue and shot up like a flame, and a bright light appeared in the middle of his chest. His eyes also glowed white. He looked at his hands in confusion. He had no idea what this form was.
"What the hell?" He muttered. He felt no pain from his stab wound, or his Burning form. He felt fine. In fact, he felt better than fine. He felt amazing. Despite not knowing what this form was, he got into a battle stance and faced Ghidorah again.
"What in the world is that?" Ghidorah asked.
"No idea." Godzilla said. "Wanna try it out?"
Ghidorah growled, and shot another gravity beam at him. To his surprise, Godzilla actually backhanded the beam out of existence. This surprised both of them.
"Whoa, that was cool!" Godzilla laughed. Ghidorah sneered again, and flew towards Godzilla at his highest speed. To his surprise, Godzilla actually stopped him in midair. Before Ghidorah could register what had happened, Godzilla punched him, sending him into the area where the smaller ship had crashed. Due to the impact, Ghidorah was knocked out immediately. Mothra was amazed. She had never seen Godzilla like this before. This form impressed her quite a bit. So when she saw Godzilla collapse on the ground again, she was surprised and honestly frightened. She ran towards him, and saw that he had gone back to his regular form. But this meant his wound was back. Mothra held him up and looked down at him. He smiled weakly up at her.
"Hey, Mothra." He chuckled. He coughed a few times, spraying a small amount of blood as he did so. "Ghidorah really did a number on me, huh?"
"Yes, but Godzilla, that was amazing!" Mothra said. "How did you do that?"
"I don't know." Godzilla admitted. "Too bad we're not gonna see that form again."
"What? Wh-why not?" Mothra asked.
"Mothra, look at me." Godzilla said. He pulled his hand away from his stomach, revealing the massive wound in his abdomen. Just from a glance, Mothra could tell it was fatal.
"Listen... before I go, I need to tell you something." Godzilla said. He could already barely speak. "Mothra... I lo-"
"Godzilla, look down." Mothra interrupted. Godzilla did as he was told, and say Mothra had placed a hand on his wound. Her hand was also glowing pink. He suddenly felt a lot better.
"What the..." He said. When she removed her hand, the wound was completely gone.
"You're not the only one with new powers." Mothra said. She helped him up. He felt great, as if nothing had happened.
"Wow. Thanks." Godzilla said.
"Don't mention it." Mothra said.
"No really." Godzilla said. His voice sounded different. He sounded like he was on the verge of tears. "I mean, if it weren't for you, I'd... I..."
Suddenly, he broke down. He clenched his eyes shut and placed a hand over his face to hide his tears. Mothra was surprised by this.
"Oh... are you alright?" She asked, trying to be as gentle as possible.
"Yeah... yeah, I'm fine." Godzilla lied. "It's just... He mentioned my dad a lot. Every time I mess up during a fight, I feel like I'm failing in some way. But messing up against Ghidorah would have meant my death. I almost died to Ghidorah. I... felt like I was failing harder than I'm ever failed before. I felt like I was failing... him."
Mothra knew that Godzilla was referring to Gojira. She looked down at the ground. She always knew he felt inferior to Gojira, but she never knew how much.
"I think I get it." She said.
"No you don't!" Godzilla shouted. Mothra furrowed her brow and looked up at him.
"Yeah, I do." She replied. Godzilla realized she was talking about Mosura. He could understand how Mothra could feel that way about her mother. He looked down and the ground and dried his eyes.
"Sorry." He sniffed. Mothra's expression softened, and she put a comforting hand on his back. Godzilla dried his eyes again.
"What if... what if I can never measure up to my dad?" He asked. "What if I'm never as good as him? What if I'll never be as strong as he was?"
"Then you won't be." Mothra replied. "But that's okay. You said it yourself. You're not your father. You don't have to be. But you can be better than him. You can be the Kaiju he wanted you to be."
Godzilla smiled, somewhat sadly. He knew she was right. "Thanks, Mothra. I really needed that."
Mothra smiled as well. The two were facing each other now. They looked deeply into each others eyes. Just as they began to lean in to each other, the ship began to shake.
"Wait, what's going?" Mothra asked, looking back and forth frantically. Godzilla looked over to where Ghidorah was earlier, and found he was gone. He guessed Ghidorah must have escaped and snuck back into the ship, and was now flying it.
"I think the ship is moving!" He said. If they didn't leave soon, they'd be stuck.
"Godzilla grab onto me!" Mothra said. Godzilla complied and grabbed Mothra's arm. Just as the ship took off, Mothra and Godzilla jumped off. Mothra held onto Godzilla tightly as she began to fly back to the ground. Godzilla breathed a sigh of relief, but remembered something.
"Wait, drop me into the ocean." He said. Mothra looked down and raised an eyebrow.
"Um... okay." She said. She flew down a little more and dropped Godzilla into the ocean. She flew down to the surface and waited for a few moments. She began to get worried, until Godzilla emerged again. He held up her knife.
"This belongs to you." He said. Mothra smiled and took her knife.
"Thank you." She said. The two looked up into the sky, where Ghidorah's ship was disappearing into the clouds. For now, he was out of their lives. They knew he'd come back, but they also knew that when he did, they would be there to stop him.

When Godzilla and Mothra got back to Monster Island, Anguirus and Rodan told them what happened after Godzilla left. They defeated Ghidorah's minions, but they escaped and flew off in a small pod Ghidorah had sent down for them.
"At least they're gone." Godzilla said. He and Mothra began to tell them what had happened on Ghidorah's ship. Anguirus and Rodan were enthralled the whole time. Eventually, Godzilla talked about his new form.
"I don't know what caused it." He said. "But hopefully I can use it again."
"Wait, what was Ghidorah's ship using as fuel?" Rodan asked. Godzilla shrugged.
"I don't know. Why?" He asked.
"If it was super energy, that would make sense." Rodan explained. Godzilla nodded. Super energy was a newly discovered fuel source that was being mined in space by astronauts. It had strange properties that reacted with radioactive materials, which Godzilla technically was. It would make sense for Ghidorah to steal some and use it as a fuel source.
"That does make sense." Godzilla agreed. "But I still need to call my new form something."
"Well, it's super energy, so how about Super Godzilla?" Anguirus suggested. Godzilla smirked and laughed slightly.
"Sure, we'll go with that." He said. They all laughed at the name, but agreed it worked for Godzillas form. It felt good to laugh after what Godzilla had just been through. He looked up into the sky. The sun was going down, and the clouds were starting to go from white to blue and yellow as the sun set. Godzilla smiled. Wherever his father was, he knew that he would be proud.

The End...

(Author's Note: Okay, so this short is finally finished! I wanted to write this for a while, and as I continued writing, I decided I wanted to make it as awesome as possible, and include a bunch of origin stuff. I love world building, so this was really fun to write. Anyway, onto the other updates. I'm currently writing both Godzilla VS Tahu and Godzilla Warriors 7. Godzilla VS Tahu will be out first, and will most likely be a lot shorter than my other books. Godzilla Warriors 7 is really fun to write so far. I'm focussing on making it more light hearted and fun than the more recent Godzilla Warriors books. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this short, and I hope you look foreword to Godzilla VS Tahu!)

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