Godzilla Warriors Hunger Games Simulator 2

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Description: A while ago I put some Godzilla Warriors characters into a Hunger Games simulator to see who would come out on top. In the end, after a lot of death and surprises, Zilla won. But it's been a while, and I decided that it would be a good idea to try it again with a few new characters to see how things would turn out this time. 

Newcomers are Slattern, Blue, Delta, Charlie, Echo, Gypsy Danger, Cherno Alpha, Gorosaurus, and Hokmuto. 

Day 1. Looks like most people just ran away from the Cornucopia. Godzilla and Biolante get the first kills. I'm sure Muto isn't too upset about Hokmuto's death, though. 

A couple fights break out. Delta kills Cherno Alpha, but most of the fights don't result in anything. 

Already we got three deaths. Off to a good start!

Well, looks like Zilla isn't the winner this time around. And one of the raptors is already dead. And who gave Baragon explosives?

Day 2. Things are mostly calm, other than some injuries. Also Gypsy Danger dies of dysentery? What is this, Oregon Trail? And ANGUIRUS KILLS MOTHRA?! Holy crap, we have the first major betrayal!

Well that's unfortunate. Most of my favourite characters are dead. 

Looks like things are pretty calm tonight. Though Godzilla strangles Baragon with a rope, so that's something. 

Day 3. Hey, Muto finally killed Slattern! That must've felt pretty good. 

Darn, now my second favourite villain is dead. 

Things are kinda calm again tonight. No deaths or nothing, but there's a little bit of camaraderie between characters we wouldn't normally expect. 

Day 4. Okay, what is with all the betrayals going on here? Godzilla kills Rodan after Anguirus already killed Mothra? I suppose it was revenge seeing as Anguirus and Rodan were in the same district. And then Gigan betrays Ghidorah too! Also Gorosaurus killed Destroyah and Blue, so that happened too. 

Already 2 out of 4 raptors are dead. That's not a good sign.

And now all the raptors are dead, along with Muto and Anguirus. Looks like King Kong and Gorosaurus are getting a bit friendly too. 

Alright, the feast has begun. Gorosaurus is smart and decides not to go, but the others decide to pick up some stuff. Not sure what kind of memoirs are in there though. And Komodithrax kills Biolante.

Day 5. Looks like Gigan wasn't happy about Komi killing Biolante, but she managed to get away for now. And King Kong is fighting Gorosaurus? But aren't they on the same district?

5 deaths for the 5th day. That's quite the coincidence. 

Geez, I remember the last Hunger Games where Baragon went completely berserk and killed everyone, and now it looks like Godzilla's doing the same. I think he has the most kills so far. Well, at least it was a villain this time. 

Day 6. No deaths today, and things seem pretty normal. 

Uh oh, we got an event. The entire arena has gone pitch black. Looks like everyone's alive, except for King Kong, who was killed by a plant. 

Only 2 deaths tonight. 

Well, looks like we reached the picture limit again, so I'll continue this later in part 2!

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