Marvel Crossover: Godzilla VS Deadpool

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Description: While Godzilla and the others stay in Avengers Tower, Godzilla realizes he's being hunted by a mercenary. This mercenary has powers which allow him to regenerate damage, fight with any weapon, and also break the fourth wall. And his name is Deadpool.

Deadpool sat down on the uncomfortable plastic bus seat. He placed his headphones over his mask, took out his phone, and turned on his Spotify playlist. The sweet sounds of Gwen Stefani flowed into his earholes. He glanced around the bus, looking at the people sitting or standing around him. His gaze fell on a kid sitting next to him. The kid was staring at him, and he was holding a PSVita, which Deadpool thought was hilarious and sad at the same time. He looked back to his phone, but the kid didn't stop staring. The red-clad assassin raised an eyebrow and took his headphones off.
"Hey, how're you doing?" He asked cheerfully.
"Are you Spiderman?" The kid asked. Deadpool groaned and rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, sure." He grumbled. This seemed to be enough for the kid, as he turned his attention back to his game. Satisfied, Deadpool took out his phone and tapped in his password (which was D34DP00L, in case you were wondering), then started browsing his pictures. His employer had sent a few photos of his newest target to him. The target was Godzilla, a Kaiju who had recently come to New York from Japan. As he looked at browsed the photos, Deadpool noticed the kid sitting next to him wasn't paying attention to his game, and instead was staring at Deadpool's phone. He sneered at the kid.
"Hey, Nosey McNose-face. Keep your eye on the game, huh?" He snarked.
"Why do you have a bunch of pictures of that guy on your phone?" The kid asked, ignoring him.
"If you must know, he's my next target." Deadpool explained. "I'm an assassin, you see."
"Like Ezio from Assassin's Creed?" The kid asked.
"Sure, if you want to add even more dated videogame references to this series." Deadpool said. He scrolled down more, looking at the other pictures on his phone. Even more pictures showed some other people related to his target, particularly a girl with white hair in a kimono. Well, she was in a kimono in some of the pictures. In some of the others, she was in a nightgown, swimsuit, or open-chest turtleneck. This was Mothra, another Kaiju, and Godzilla's girlfriend. Deadpool had requested these pictures specifically.
"Who's she?" The kid asked. Deadpool groaned in annoyance, making his irritation known to the whole bus.
"Friggin' really?" He muttered. "Well, it doesn't matter anyway. This is my stop."
Deadpool pulled the cord and the bus pulled into the stop. He put his phone away and got up. The kid smiled and waved at him.
"Bye Spiderman!" He said.
Deadpool grumbled and slowly reached for his gun, but he stopped.
"Wait, I can't kill a kid." He thought. "I haven't loaded my gun yet."
Without another word, Deadpool front flipped out of the bus... and over the sidewalk. He fell face-first into a pile of dog crap as the bus sped away.
"Well, this is a nice start to the story." He said. "Huh. Smells like the first Godzilla Warriors book."
After getting up and replacing his soiled mask with a clean one (yes, he has those), he pulled out his phone once more. He brought up a picture of his target.
"Alright then... he should be in this building." He said. He looked up at the building in question, realizing it was Avengers Tower.
"Oh. Didn't think I'd be able to see this until after I got bought by Disney." He coughed. "Well, with the money my employer's gonna pay me, it's gonna be worth it." He turned to face the reader. "Liking the story so far? Good. Anyhow, onto the next paragraph!"

"For the last time, Rodan, no!" Mothra yelled. "You are not taking one of Tony's suits for a test drive!"
"Aww, c'mon, please?" Rodan asked, lifting up the mask on the Iron Man helmet he was wearing. Mothra groaned and crossed her arms. She caught Rodan and Anguirus attempting to play with some of the Avengers equipment, and quickly put a stop to it. It still didn't prevent them from pestering her about it.
"Godzilla, talk some sense into him, please." She said. She got no response. "Godzilla?" She asked again. She turned around to see him struggling to pick up Thor's hammer.
"Godzilla!" She called, placing her hands on her hips. He looked up at her.
"What? You were able to lift it, I just wanted to see if I could." He explained. Mothra marched over and picked up the hammer, pointing it at him for emphasis on her words.
"These things aren't toys, guys." She said. "We're not allowed to mess with it!"
"Look out!" Godzilla said. He quickly reached behind Mothra's head, catching something before it hit her. She quickly turned around to see Godzilla holding an arrow which had been aimed right at her, making her give a small squeak of surprise. Godzilla looked closer at the arrow, then looked up to see where it came from. He saw Anguirus holding Hawkeye's bow as he disappeared behind a couch. Godzilla furrowed his brow.
"Mothra's right. We're guests at the tower, we should act like it." He nodded. Mothra gave him a thankful smile, while Anguirus and Rodan groaned in annoyance. They walked away to the Avenger's armoury as Godzilla threw the arrow to the side.
"I should probably put this away now." Mothra said, holding up Thor's hammer. She tried to flip it in her hand, but accidentally dropped it. It landed on Godzilla's foot with a loud thump. He made a painful grunt as the hammer impacted with his foot. Mothra gasped and covered her mouth.
"Oh my god, I'm sorry!" She said.
"It's fine." Godzilla hissed in pain through clenched teeth. "Please take it off."
Mothra complied and lifted the hammer from his foot. He breathed a sight of relief as she did so. He'd be able to heal his broken toes in about a minute, but it still hurt.
"Are you okay?" Mothra asked, placing the hammer on a nearby table.
"Yeah, I'm no stranger to pain." Godzilla said, placing his hands on his hips. Mothra crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow with a smirk.
"Don't try to act tough, Godzilla." She stated.
"Alright, yeah, it hurts pretty bad." Godzilla admitted.
Mothra giggled slightly, until Rodan suddenly entered the room again. He had taken off the Iron Man helmet now.
"Uh, guys?" He said. "You're gonna want to see this."
Mothra rushed over. Godzilla tried to do the same, but ended up limping due to his foot. Eventually, they made it to the room Rodan had lead them too, the surveillance room. Anguirus was there too.
"Someone's in the elevator." He said. Godzilla eyed to monitor Anguirus was looking at. As he said, it showed the elevator, which was currently ascending. A figure was standing in it. He was dressed in a red and black spandex suit and mask, and had two katana swords on his back. He also had a few pouches and holsters on his belt, each holding various other weapons. For a while, he seemed oblivious to the security camera aimed at him. After a few seconds, he did notice it, and made an air jerk motion towards it. Godzilla couldn't help but snicker at this, while Mothra was more concerned.
"Who is he?" She asked.
"I have no idea." Rodan replied.
"Looks like he's coming up to this floor." Anguirus said. They were on the top floor of the tower. It would take about a minute until he arrived.
"He seems dangerous." Mothra muttered. "I'm sensing some sort of strange energy from him."
"Yeah, I'm getting it too." Godzilla nodded. "We should confront him when he arrives."
The other three nodded, and they all made their way to the elevator. Once they got there, the elevator only had a few more stops until it reached the top floor. Finally, with a dinging noise, the doors swung open. The figure they saw on the monitor was there, but he wasn't standing. Strangely enough, he was posing seductively on the floor.
"Hey." He said.
Godzilla looked down at the strange figure, raising an eyebrow in confusion.
"...And you are?" He asked.
"I'm Deadpool." The figure replied. For a few more seconds, no more words were exchanged, until the doors began to close. Deadpool scampered up to his feet and started repeatedly pressing the "open door" button.
"Ah, shit, hold on a sec." He muttered. The doors closed, and Godzilla turned to the others, looking for some sort of explanation. The others were just as confused as he was. The elevator made a dinging noise once more, and the doors swung open again. Deadpool was there again, this time standing up.
"Sorry 'bout that." He said. "Anyway, as I was saying..."
Without another word, Deadpool pulled out a small handgun and fired at Rodan. As soon as the projectile hit, he collapsed onto the floor. Before anyone could react, Deadpool did the same to Anguirus. Finally, he shot the last projectile at Mothra. Luckily, Godzilla caught Mothra before she fell. The projectile was a small blue dart with a tiny symbol on it that resembled Deadpool's mask. Godzilla panicked slightly as he saw Mothra fall unconscious, but he breathed a heavy sigh of relief when he felt her pulse. She and the others were still alive. After realizing this, Godzilla looked back up at Deadpool with an angry glare.
"Relax, that was just a tranquillizer. I just needed them out of the way for a little while." Deadpool explained. "They'll be awake in about..." He lifted up his sleeve, glancing at his Star Wars-themed wrist watch. "...maybe 5 or 10 minutes. We'll be done by then."
"What the hell are you talking about?" Godzilla ordered, placing Mothra gently onto the ground.
"Let me explain." Deadpool began. "I'm a mercenary. I kill people for money. And right now, you're my newest target. Congratulations!" He pulled out a dollar store party-popper and fired a blast of confetti in Godzilla's face. He was unamused.
"...Yay!" Deadpool said, waving jazz hands for emphasis.
"Okay, so let me get this straight." Godzilla said. "Someone's paying you to kill me?"
"Yuh-huh." Deadpool confirmed, nodding enthusiastically. Godzilla crossed his arms.
"Who's paying you? It's Ghidorah, isn't it?" He speculated.
"Look, maybe it was Ghidorah, maybe it wasn't, maybe the author was too lazy to specify who my employer was, or he's setting up a twist at the end. *wink*" Deadpool said, getting a bit more annoyed. "All I know is that once you're dead, I'm gonna get a holy-shit-ton of money. So for now, I'm gonna do to you what Cartoon Network did to the Power Puff Girls and Teen Titans."
Godzilla didn't understand his threat, but responded accordingly by drawing his katana.
"Try it." He taunted.
"Knock-knock." Deadpool said. Godzilla paused for a moment, confused as to how he should respond.
"I said knock-knock." Deadpool repeated.
"Is this really a good time?" Godzilla asked.
"C'mon, it's the most basic of jokes!" Deadpool said, ignoring him. "Knock-freaking-knock."
Godzilla sighed in annoyance and hung his sword at his side."Fine. Who's there-"
"GUN!!" Deadpool shouted, interrupting him. He took out his black pistol and shot at Godzilla. Nothing happened, except for a small click. Deadpool pulled the trigger again, but still nothing happened.
"What the ass?!" He shouted. He looked up at Godzilla. "Hold up a second. I'll kill you soon."
Godzilla shook his head in embarrassment. He watched as Deadpool ejected the clip from his gun, and groaned loudly in annoyance.
"Aw, fart-biscuits!" He exclaimed. "I forgot to load it!"
"You're kind of stupid, aren't you?" Godzilla asked.
"Whatever." Deadpool said, tossing the gun and empty clip behind him. "Let's settle it with swords." He drew the two katanas on his back, and got into a battle stance. He didn't notice as Godzilla reached his sword to the elevator button and pressed it. The doors began to close, and Deadpool realized what just happened.
"Oh, come on!" He yelled. Godzilla chuckled slightly as the doors closed. He took the opportunity while Deadpool was gone and placed the unconscious bodies of Mothra, Rodan, and Anguirus on the couch next to the coffee table. Afterwords, Deadpool yet again emerged from the elevator. This time, without a word, he stepped out of the elevator, took out a large knife, and jammed it into the elevator controls multiple times.
"Sorry, that was bothering me." He said. He took out his swords again. "Now, where were we?"
Godzilla readied his sword and rushed foreword, swinging at Deadpool, who blocked with his own swords. As they fought, Godzilla realized something. Despite Deadpool's idiocy, he was a skilled fighter. Godzilla was genuinely impressed. He blocked a slash from Deadpool's sword.
"At least you're better at fighting than telling jokes." Godzilla quipped.
"Yeah, well... you suck." Deadpool replied. He kicked Godzilla in the stomach and tried to swing at him, and then tried again, but he dodged both attacks. On the third attack, he blocked yet again and flicked his katana upwards, making the sword fly out of Deadpool's hand.
"Really dude?" Deadpool said. He gripped his remaining sword with both hands and swung at Godzilla yet again. Now it was a fair fight, or so it seemed. Godzilla realized Deadpool was used to using two swords, not one. This would work to Godzilla's advantage. Finding an opening, he jabbed his sword, stabbing it into Deadpool's shoulder. With a quick slash upwards, he lopped off Deadpool's arm.
"Owie!" He shouted. Godzilla smirked.
"Done yet?" He asked
"Nah. The author still needs to write in my healing factor." Deadpool replied. Leaving Godzilla confused, he walked over to his amputated arm and picked it up. He jokingly waved his hand at Godzilla.
"Vs Crazy Hand!" He shouted, along with an over the top maniacal laugh. Godzilla understood this joke.
"Oh, I actually get that one." He said. "Smash Bros, right?"
"Yeah, did you play the new game?" Deadpool asked. "It's pretty good."
"I played the 3DS version, but I don't own a Wii U... wait a second, we're not having a conversation here." Godzilla said.
"Oh, alright." Deadpool replied. "Hey, check this out." He took his arm and placed it against his stump. Within seconds, the arm was back to normal. "Tah dah!" He said, doing jazz hands again. He raised an eyebrow noticing he wasn't getting a reaction out of Godzilla, at least not the one he expected.
"Usually people freak out or puke or something when I do that in front of them." He said.
"Dude, I see people do stuff like that on a daily basis." Godzilla explained. "In fact, I fought a guy who did that exact same thing not a few days ago."
"Really?" Deadpool said. He took his phone out and opened the Wattpad app. After scrolling through the sea of One Direction and Five Nights at Freddy's fanfictions, he found a link to Godzilla Warriors 5: Heroes Assemble. After reading a few chapters, he nodded.
"Oh yeah, so you did." He said. "Wow, Shinomura was a really weak villain. The author probably should have gone with Ultron."
"What are you talking about?" Godzilla asked.
"Ooh! You know what would have been really cool?" Deadpool continued. "He should have used the Sinister Six as the villains. At least it would have been reason for Spiderman to be there."
"God, you're an idiot!" Godzilla growled.
"Alright, I'm done." Deadpool chuckled. "Let's keep fighting."
Just then, a groan came from the couch behind them. Godzilla turned to see Mothra sitting up, holding her head.
"Ugh... what happened?" She asked before another dart pierced her forehead. She immediately slumped over again.
"Could we do without the interruptions please?!" Deadpool yelled, putting away his tranquilizer gun. He sighed angrily and pulled out his sword again, and picked up his other sword.
"Okay, if there are no further distractions..." He said, flipping his swords in his hands. Godzilla responded by getting into a battle stance. Again, he rushed at Deadpool, who swung back at him. Godzilla blocked, and charged his sword with atomic energy. He jumped back and fired a bolt of concentrated energy at him. Deadpool yelped in surprise and narrowly dodged out of the way, but tripped and fell into a side table with a lamp on it. Both shattered as he impacted with them. He groaned and attempted to sit up. He glared at Godzilla.
"You dick." He muttered.
"What're you gonna do about it?" Godzilla challenged. Deadpool stood up and chuckled darkly.
"Oh, you already know what I'm gonna do to you." He said. "But you don't even want to know what I'm gonna to to Mothra."
Godzilla froze as he heard her name. His expression fell into a frown and his eyes narrowed as he stared at Deadpool.
"What exactly do you mean by that?" He asked. Deadpool smirked underneath his mask, realizing he was getting a reaction from Godzilla
"I only hinted at the fact that after I kill you," He said, walking a bit closer, "not only am I gonna get paid a ton of money, but I'm also gonna take Mothra to a little place called the Bone Zone." He made a rude gesture with his hands to accentuate his point. Godzilla's hands clenched into fists, and his teeth ground against each other. The atomic energy surrounding his sword changed from blue to red as he aimed it at Deadpool.
"Don't you dare talk about Mothra that way." He growled. Deadpool ignored him and kept talking, which only angered Godzilla more.
"I got some pictures of her too. You wanna see them?" He continued. He waved his phone in the air, which had a picture of Mothra wearing a cute schoolgirl outfit. That was the final straw. Godzilla's eyes glowed bright red as the atomic energy surrounding his sword engulfed his entire body. A bright light shone from inside his chest. He had just activated his burning form. Deadpool didn't know he could do this.
"...Too far?" He said in a shaky voice. "Yeah, that was too far. I mean, I made a few jokes about boning your girlfriend, but I was just joking around when I said... this isn't working, huh?"
As Deadpool tried to explain himself, Godzilla was slowly approaching him. Soon, he was right in front of him, his glowing eyes staring directly into Deadpool's whited-out eyes.
"You are dead." Godzilla growled. Deadpool gulped nervously.
"Ooh boy, this is gonna hurt." He muttered.
Godzilla grabbed Deadpool by the ammo belt hanging over his shoulder and readied a flaming fist, aiming at his face. Deadpool squeaked and braced himself, preparing to get his brains splattered all over the walls. However, the impact never came. Deadpool cautiously opened one eye, seeing Godzilla looking up at something. His burning form dissipated, and he seemed to be confused about something. Deadpool broke the silence in the room.
"Am I dead yet?" He whispered.
"I ain't that lucky." A gruff voice said behind him, Deadpool's eyes widened and he gasped deeply.
"Wait a dang second, I recognize that voice!" He said, quite happily. He looked behind him to see a familiar figure clad in yellow, blue, and black. He had his arms crossed, and an annoyed expression on his chiselled and stubble-covered face.
"You never fail to piss me off, Wade." The figure muttered. He put out the cigar he was smoking on the back of his hand and chucked it away.
"Uh... who're you?" Godzilla asked.
"Call me Wolverine." The figure introduced. Godzilla recognized the name.
"Wait, Wolverine as in the one from the X-Men?" He asked.
"Yeah, that's me." Wolverine nodded with a smirk. The X-Men were another superhero group. They were similar to the Avengers, except for the fact that all the members of the team were mutants, born with their powers rather than receiving them at a later date. They weren't tied to SHEILD, but were lead by a psychic mutant named Professor Charles Xavier. Professor Xavier also ran a school and orphanage for mutant children. They weren't as well known as the Avengers, but most people knew who Wolverine was. He was actually part of the Avengers for a brief period.
"Sorry, I guess I didn't recognize you without your mask." Godzilla explained.
"I get that from time to time." Wolverine replied. "No need for introductions, I already know who you are." Deadpool ignored him and looked back up to Godzilla.
"His real name is Logan." He whispered.
"Shut up." Wolverine ordered. Godzilla let go of Deadpool, dropping him on the ground. He got up and walked over to Wolverine.
"Hey, I haven't seen you since that terrible Origins movie!" Deadpool said. "I see you're still rocking that Heihachi haircut." Wolverine ejected three long claws from the back of his hand and aimed them at Deadpool's throat.
"I said shut up." He growled. "Don't make me rip out your windpipe... again." Deadpool looked at Godzilla, who had a severely confused expression on his face.
"That was a real shitty week." He explained. Wolverine faced Godzilla too.
"Sorry if Dead-brain here caused you any trouble." He explained. "You won't be hearing from him again."
"Any idea who his employer was?" Godzilla asked.
"Yeah, it was me." Wolverine explained.
"What!?" Godzilla and Deadpool both said at the same time.
"I needed a way to catch him without putting anyone in danger." Wolverine continued. "I knew he wouldn't be strong enough to kill someone like you."
"...Thanks, I guess." Godzilla said. He was a little mad that Wolverine had used him as bait, but thought it wasn't too important. Wolverine pulled out a pair on handcuffs and slapped them on Deadpool's wrist.
"You're coming with me. Now." He ordered.
"What?! But we didn't finish our fight! And you haven't called anyone 'bub' yet!" Deadpool whined. Wolverine ignored him, and began to drag him away. Deadpool kicked and thrashed in protest.
"C'mon, do you know how popular I am on Wattpad?" He continued. "We were gonna get so many votes! Hope you're happy, Logan, you cost us a new follower!"
"Once we get to the school, I'm gonna cut out your freaking tongue." Wolverine grumbled. The two walked to the stairwell leading to the bottom floor of the tower. Since Deadpool broke the elevator, they were forced to take the stairs. Wolverine didn't mind, since it meant he got to drag Deadpool painfully down the steps. Godzilla chuckled as he heard Deapool saying "ow" over and over as his head hit each bump. Meanwhile, Rodan and Anguirus were just waking up. They groaned as they got up from the couch. Mothra did the same, but slower. She had been hit with twice as much tranquilizer.
"Ugh... who was that guy?" She asked. She went crosseyed as she noticed the dart sticking out of her forehead. Her eyebrows raised.
"Um... should I ask?" She said, poking the dart. Godzilla turned to them, happy to see they were all okay. He walked up to Mothra and gently but quickly pulled out the dart, making Mothra squeak and grimace in surprise. She rubbed her forehead, feeling the sore bump on her forehead.
"That was a tranquillizer." Godzilla explained. "That guy I was fighting, Deadpool, shot you guys with them. You were knocked out for some time."
"That explains the tiredness." Rodan said, pinching the bridge of his nose. Anguirus noticed the dart in his arm. He pulled it out and threw it on the ground.
"So did you find out who this 'Deadpool' guy is?" He asked.
"Yeah... well, no." Godzilla replied, raising an eyebrow. He explained most of the situation to the others, at least the parts he could understand. They seemed just as confused as he was.
"He kept mentioning something called Wattpad." Godzilla mentioned. "I'm not really sure what that is."
"I think I've heard of it." Mothra said. "It's a website, I think. People post stories and fanfictions and stuff there."
"Whatever it is, it sounds kinda stupid." Rodan replied, scratching his head.
"Well anyway, what are we gonna do now?" Mothra asked. Godzilla looked around the room. It was a mess. The elevator was broken, the table and lamp were shattered, and several couches and chairs were damaged in some way. Also, Deadpool had apparently spray painted the word "poop" on several walls, though Godzilla wasn't sure when he found the time to do this. He knew what had to be done.
"I think it's time we should head back to Monster Island." He said. Rodan and Anguirus agreed, but Mothra raised an eyebrow.
"But we've only been here a few days." She said. "Shouldn't we at least clean up a bit first?" The other three thought on it for a while before responding with a collective "no." Mothra rolled her eyes.
"Alright, I'll start packing." She said. She began to walk back to her room, but Godzilla stopped her.
"Um... Actually, I think Deadpool may have stolen all your clothes." He mentioned. He observed a trail of women's clothing going from their room to the stairwell. Mothra realized this as well, and gave an agitated sigh as she pinched the bridge of her nose.
"Wait, these are yours?" Rodan asked, holding up a pair of blue striped underwear with a red pixilated heart on it. Mothra looked up and blushed. She quickly snatched the intimate garment out of Rodan's hands.
"L-let's just go." She said. The others agreed. After dealing with Deadpool, they needed to go back to something normal. Or at least as normal as life on Monster Island could be.

The En-

*insert record scratch sound effect here*

"Wait, wait, wait, hold on!" Deadpool said, obliterating the fourth wall. "That ending was shit. I just get dragged off by Wolverine and that's it? Uh, bull crap! Move over, author, I'm taking control of this story!"

Deadpool's Better Ending

Deadpool stood over the defeated Godzilla, his rippled muscles bulging out of his spandex outfit. Godzilla looked up at him in defeat.
"You've clearly defeated me, Deadpool." He admitted, coughing up blood. "You're the better fighter. I wish I was as cool and awesome as you are."
"Not to worry, Godzilla." Deadpool heroically replied. "You've learned a valuable lesson today; no mortal can withstand my coolness and mad skills. Come now, let's not be cross with each other."
He knelt down and helped Godzilla up to his feet. He wiped the blood from his mouth.
"Well, since you won, I think it's only fair to let you be the leader of my army." Godzilla said. "From now on, this series will be known as Deadpool Warriors!"
The new logo appeared over their heads. Deadpool looked up at the logo and nodded.
"That sounds good." He said. "Now, as your new leader, I command you to go and retrieve the finest chimichangas in all of New York!"
"Yes, sir!" Godzilla replied, bowing. He sped off to complete his task. As he did, Deadpool turned to Mothra, who had grasped onto his arm. She stared up at him in admiration and arousal. She was wearing a schoolgirl outfit.
"Deadpool, you're so strong and amazingly handsome." She said.
"Thank you, I know." Deadpool replied. He used his newfound psychic powers that he's always had to undo and remove Mothra's kimono. At first she was surprised, but then she was cool with it.
"Let's go down to Flavour Town." Deadpool said, raising his eyebrows for emphasis. Mothra was cool with this too. The rest of the ending could not be shown because the book isn't rated mature.

"Now that's an ending!" Deadpool said. "Ooh, wait, one last thing. You know that Spotify playlist I was listening to at the beginning of the story? There's a link to it right here!

Alright, now I'm done for real. You can go home."

The End

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