Chapter 1: Meeting with Chichi at her house

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(Hi everyone Ssj Jose here and this is another story with a male saiyan that's in his 20's and he was meeting Goku for the tenth time since he came to Earth. He and Gohana Goku and Chichi's daughter was his childhood freind ever since. So it will feel nice for him to see her again but this time he saw her as a full grown adult. So what's going to happen to him now that his childhood friend is a young and beautiful adult? So let's us begin shall we hmm?)

(Author Pov)

It's been seven years since the defeat of cell and Gohana was in the Orange star High School with her friend and training partner as well named Videl.

(Videl pov)

I was walking with Gohana to school and that's when I notice that she was thinking about something. So I asked her what she was thinking about.

Videl:"Gohana I see that your thinking about something, so you can tell me,we are friends after all right?"

(Gohana pov)

I stopped walking and turn to looked at my friend who asked that question to me.

Gohana:"Oh I was just thinking about my childhood friend Jose that's all Videl." She said that to her.

Videl:"Jose? Is he your boyfriend Gohana~~?" She asked her in a teasting voice that cost Gohana to blush a little.

(Gohana pov)

As I heard what Videl just said to me,I begin to blush a little.

Gohana:"N-no he's not Videl. He's just a really sweet,kind,caring,gentle, honest person that I know since my childhood that's all really Videl."As she walk up ahead from her friend while she was still blushing and thinking that he could be much more than just friends with her.

(Videl pov)

As I watch as Gohana walk up ahead of me, I thought to myself wondering who this"Jose" guy was like. If what I heard from her was true, then I want to meet him as well so that I can talk to him. And just like that she started running up to her friend so that they won't be late for class.

(Jose pov)

I was flying towards goku's house to see if he wants to spar with me. So I pick up the paste to his house.

--------15 minutes later------

(His pov)

As I land down in front of goku's house,I was thinking to myself about what kind of move I can use on Goku as I walk up to the front door to knock on it to see if he would answer the door or if his wife would answer the door.

Jose:"Finally I'm here. Now let's see if he's home or if his wife is."

As he knock on the door and he waited for someone to open it so that he can talk to them.

(Pov change to chichi)

I was washing the dishes when I heard a knock that was coming from the front door. I know right away that it was him. My daughter childhood friend Jose. So I stopped washing the dishes and I walked up to the front door to open the door to let him inside the house so that I can talk to him.

(His pov)

I saw that the door was opening to find out that it was chichi who was the one that open the door for me. So I begin to talking to her in my nicely to her.

Jose:"Hello chichi. It been to long hasn't? Also how have you been?" As he bow down to show his respect to her.

Chichi:"Yeah I know it been to long since you were here Jose. And I've been fine thank you for asking me.Now how can I help you today Jose?" As she asked him while letting him in the house.

(His pov)

As she let me in her house, I went to the couch to sit down and say to her this.

Jose:"I just come here asked you if you know by any chance do you know where's Goku is at right now?"as I looked at her.

Chichi:"oh Goku, he's in the field planeting seeds so I told him to do the fields so that we can grow some more food to cook to eat. Buying food is not cheap you know." As she walked over to me and rub my head gently knowing that I'm her daughter best friend.

Chichi:"So anyway Jose do you want something to drink since your here?"she asked me while going to the kitchen to get me something to drink.

Jose:"Water would be just fine with me,thank you chichi." As he smile at her.

(Chichi pov)

As I was fulling up a cup of water for him to drink, so I walked back to him to hand it over so that he can drink so that he can drink the water.As he was drinking the water I said this to him.

Chichi:"Jose by any chance are you going to marry my daughter Gohana?"I asked him to see what would his reaction will be.

(His pov)

I immediately stop drinking the glass of water and spit some of it out of my mouth while coughing at the same time. Then I looked at her and said to her.

Jose:"Of all of the time in the world why would you asked me that chichi?"I was completely shocked of what she just said to me that I immediately start to blush from both of my checks.

(Her pov)

As I saw that he was blushing so I put my hand on his shoulder and said to him into his ear in a whisper voice.

Chichi:"It's ok if you have feelings for her Jose don't worry about it, and besides she has feelings for you as well so take my word of advice and continue being kind to her and taking care of her as well ok." As I pull him into a hug knowing that he was the perfect man for my daughter.

(If you guys know where I'm going with that *Perfect* then you guys get it. You guys rock for knowing what episode of Dbz Abridged its from.Now let's get back to the story alright.)

(Pov change to him)

As she was hugging me, I noticed that she was crying a little. So I got a bit worried for a moment there and asked her why she was crying.

Jose:"Why are you crying chichi?" He looked at her trying to help her out.

Chichi"Oh sorry Jose. I'm just happy that you saved my daughter from Cell seven years ago and I'm greatful for what you did. Really I'm greatful that you risked your own life to save hers." As she gave him a hug.

(Jose pov)

As she was giving me a hug. SoI decided to return the hug and said to her this.

Jose:"Your welcome chichi and yeah now that you mention it, I really did sacrifice my own life to save her from Cell seven years ago." As I started remembering how I saved Gohana from Cell seven years ago.

----flash back to seven years ago---

Cell:"So you refused to show off your power huh Gohana?"

As he was rapidly punching her in the stomach as I watched while laying on the ground.

Jose:"Damn it why is she not releasing her power!" As I struggle to get up and rust over to punch Cell in his face but to be stopped by his hand.

Cell:"Stay out of this Jose. I want to see her power so if you don't mind." He punch me in the gut that costed me to spit up some blood and sent me flying towards the side of the rock next to krillin.

Jose was coughing up blood while being in a extremely pain from Cell's punched.

Gohana:"No Jose! Darm you Cell! You'll pay for what you did to him!" As she was trying to land a blow on him but missing him as he was dodging her punches.

Cell:" Yes that's it. Get angry. Show me your full power Gohana unless you want him to die by my children. So I suggest you get mad or else he dies by one of them."

This cost her to keep on going at him for trying to threating to kill her friend.

Gohana:" I would never let you or your Cell Jr's to kill him Cell."

Cell:" Then get angry so that can save not only him but everyone else who cares about you."

As Jose was getting out from the pile of rocks that was on top of him, a Cell Jr came flying straight at him to deliver a punch to his face.

Jose:"Oh no you don't." As he stopped it's fist and hit the Cell Jr in his gut that send him flying through a bolder and he was following it through the opening that the cell Jr left behind to keep on going at it.

Cell:"What the hell? How did he stopped that blow to his face?!"

Jose:"Your not getting away from me."

-Time skip-

Goku was deciding to sacrifice his own life in sure that Cell won't destroy the plant.

Goku:"Well no matter how looked it,there's only one way to end it." As he looked at his friends.

Krillin:"What is it Goku? What do you want us to do?"

Trunks:" Wait I think your going to do Goku. You don't have to do this."

As Goku put two fingers to his forehead and say.

Goku:" Good bye my friends." As he teleports in front of his daughter.

Krillin:"Nooooo!" As he put out his hand.

-time skip-

Gohana and Cell were having their Kamehameha beam struggle to decided the fate of the earth. Then with a little bit of power that Jose has in him,he went to her side to help along with Goku talking with her to keep on going.

Jose:"I'm here Gohana and I'm going to help you out to make sure Cell is gone for good."

Gohana:"Thank you Jose. Let's put an end to this."

As both of them with a little help from Vegeta,were able to finished Cell off once and for all.

-end of flashback-

Jose:"Yeah I know. And I can't believe that it's been seven years after it Chichi. Well I think I should be going now. I'll see you later Chichi." As he head for the door to fly off.

Chichi:"Ok Jose. Thanks for dropping by." She looked at him leaving her house to find Goku so he can start training with him.

(End of chapter 1. Thanks for reading everyone.)

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