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Waiter: Hello, please have a seat. 

           What would you like to eat!

Jean: I think I'll have a steak

           and then, for desert some cake.

Waiter: Would you like it on a bun?

           Medium, rare, perhaps well-done?

           With some string beans or some peas.

           Potatoes? Some salad? Some cheese?

Jean: I'd like my steak well-done,

           Served on a toasted bun.

           I'd like some ketchup too.

Waiter: I'll fix it just right for you.

Jean: With a baked potato, please.

           Lots of string beans, lots of cheese,

           and a salad would be nice,

           and bring me some water with ice...



What do you like to eat for breakfast?

- I like a large breakfast

- I like a large lunch

- A large lunch makes me sleepy

- Any way, what do you recommend for breakfast?

- Pancakes are good

- Pancakes. Delicious.What else ?

- Do you like eggs?

- Yes , I like eggs

- Oh, You could have some scrambled egg with toast?

- Or a sunny side-up egg ?Yummy!

- Or sunny side-up? Right!

- Or Omelet?

- I love omelet

- Cheese omelet, ham omelet, vegetables omelet

- Uhm, Mixed fruit.

- Mixed fruit with yogurt makes a good breakfast

- That’s right

- And fruit has many vitamins , too

- What else?

- What else?

- You can have a cup of coffee and a blueberry muffin

- Muffin and a cup of coffee. Sound good!

- So do you know what you want to get ?

- Yes, I do and thank you for your recommendations

- You’re welcome

- So what will you get?

- A hamburger

- A hamburger ?

- Yes, and ice cream



Ordering food

- Here is your coffee, Al

...And here your water

- You guys have already ordered?

- What do you like to have for breakfast?

- I usually like to have an omelet

- That sounds good

- I’ll have a cheese omelet

- Ok. One omelet

- Do you have pancakes?

- Yes, how many would you like?

- Three, please

- And bacon

- Three pancakes and bacon

- Would you like toast?

- Toast? Toast sounds good . Yes

...Three pieces of toast

- Would you like anything else?

- Do you have any fresh fruit?

- Yes. Today we have fruit salad.

- Ok. fruit salad and that’s all

- How about you Bob?

...What would you like to eat?

- I’d like hamburger and ice-cream

- Excuse me?

- I would like hamburger and ice-cream , please

- A hamburger and ice cream for breakfast?

...Are you crazy?

- No, I’m hungry

- Ok. One hamburger

- What kind of ice cream do you want?

- What kind of ice cream do you have?

- We have chocolate, vanilla and strawberry

- Vanilla, please

- Vanilla.Ok

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