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"Unwanted. I'm unwanted."
I laid Lilly onto a bed that was inside of the Healer's home, and sat down to wait for the Healer, Maxine, to come back with healing magicks potions. Summer had gone off to talk to the parents of the bullies, so me and Lilly were the only ones currently in the room.

Did we talk?
It was completely silent.

Lilly still looked so afraid. Her hands trembled.

She was certainly a quiet girl. I had tried to bring up a conversation multiple times, but she didn't respond to anything I said. I guess, one more shot wouldn't hurt.

"Lilly, we need to contact your parents. Do you know where they are?" I asked. Lilly just shriveled up into a ball, now looking sad.

"T-they are gone," she whispered.

"Oh, so they are out of town. Who is watching you then?" I asked.

"I mean th-that they are gone... For good. N-no one watches me," Lilly said before she burst into tears again. Poor Lilly...

"Oh my, I'm sorry. You are an orphan than. So, you are all alone here?" I questioned.

"Yes, and I miss my old home. We lost it when my parents died. I sleep in the streets now," Lilly said, sitting up. At least she was warming up to me now.

"Oh my Lilly! How old are you?" I asked.

"I'm eleven. I became an orphan when I was five. I've spent six years, traveling. Traveling because I don't have food, I don't have a home, and I don't have a family. Traveling gives me hope of finding those things," Lilly explained. She had her face buried into her knees this whole time, but as she said this, she looked up into my eyes.

"Well Lilly, I am going to help you find those things. You don't have to travel anymore."


"Of course!"

"T-thank you, Aphmau."

"No problem," I replied. Maxine walked into the room, and for the first time, I really saw what she looked like.

Maxine had short lilac hair, and stone cold grey eyes. She was wearing a white cape with a hood, and a light blue dress, which had a white trim.

"I hope the bullies get what they deserve," Maxine whispered as she tended to Lilly's many bruises, cuts, and scrapes by making potions.

"I was an orphan too, kid. It's a hard life. You've done pretty good if I say so myself," Maxine said to Lilly.

"T-then you understand. W-would you be willing to take m-me in?" Lilly asked quietly, her voice cracking in fear as she said each word.

"Sorry Lilly. I'm just not ready to have a family. I roll solo. I'm a lone wolf. But, I hope you find a home," Maxine said.

"Oh ok..." Lilly whispered. Lilly let out a huge sigh, and continued to stare at the ground while Maxine was brewing potions.

"Lilly, this is going to hurt a bit," Maxine said. Lilly nodded, signaling that it was ok.

Maxine pressed her fingers lightly onto Lilly's side. Lilly flinched.

"Ow!" Lilly said.

"Yeah, I'll add a bit of pain-relieving petals to the potion. You have a broken rib dear," Maxine said.

Maxine's P.O.V. (I don't want to do this, but I have to!)

"That isn't good," Aphmau said, looking concerned. Aphmau should adopt Lilly. I know that she will be traveling a lot, but Aphmau is loving, and much better than no one. At least she will be better than no one. I wish someone was there for me.

"So, Maxine, you were orphan?" Aphmau questioned. I didn't want to talk about it, so I just slightly nodded and continued my work. I didn't really want to talk to anyone. I didn't like to talk, but Lilly was different. I understood her. Lilly understands me. Aphmau... Doesn't. She seems really nice, but she can't relate to my past, present, or future. We don't have much in common.

"I'm sorry to hear. Do you mind telling me what happened?" Aphmau asked. That woman is too curious. Curiosity isn't bad in my mind, after all I'm a curious person, but curiousness is not good when it comes to people with a horrible past they are running from.

"I do mind," I said a bit sharply. I didn't mean to, but I really didn't want to talk about it.

"That's fine, I understand," Aphmau said politely, smiling in my direction. No, you don't understand you little perfect ray of happy sunshine. She is too nice. I wish she was here for when I needed someone like her. She seems like she would be a good friend.

No. I can't make friends.
I won't, ever again.
Friendly conversation is fine.
Being acquaintances is fine.
But being friends is not okay.
Not again.
Not again.
Not after what happened last time.
I won't look like a fool again.
I won't fall for tricks.
Yes, Aphmau is too nice. She isn't going to get anywhere by being nice. I tried, many times. But, being nice is good, even if it gets you no where.

I finally finish making the last potion out of the three different potions needed. One for food and water deprivation, one for her broken rib, and one to heal her cuts and bruises.

I glanced behind my back, to see Lilly staring at something in the other room very intently. I make an imaginary line in my mind in her line of sight, and found that she was looking at my helmet.

"I'm also a guard. It's good, because I can help fight, and heal the wounded," I mumbled to Lilly.

"T-that's cool," Lilly whispered. I smiled slightly under my hood. That's the first time I've smiled in a long time. But, I quickly let it wash away. I was taken aback by it, and I found myself shaking my head, like there was something wrong with me.

"Thx," I whispered, mixing in some cherry flavoring into the potions to make it so that they didn't taste like absolute c***.

I stirred them, and handed the first one to Lilly. The room was a little open side room with a bed, TV, couch, and chairs. It didn't look like a hospital room, it just looked like a regular bedroom. Aphmau was sitting in a large circular chair that could spin. I tried to make the room more cozy, and I guess "homey," for my "patients." I wasn't really a doctor though. I'm just a healer.

Lilly gulped the potion down quickly.

"It tastes like cherry soda! I haven't had that is ages!" Lilly exclaimed. I think that that is loudest I have heard her speak. Lilly was already begging for the second one. She just drank the food and water deprivation one, and she already looked more plump and healthy. Color finally seeped into her face.

She chugged down that one, even faster. Aphmau chuckled, and I couldn't help but smirk. Dang, I guess that this is just my lucky day.

"Delicious! I'm feeling better already!" Lilly smiled slightly, but I could still see the sadness in her eyes. I could still read her pain through her little skittish and nervous movements. No matter how bright her future was, her past would still bled through.

This little girl...
Named after a flower, I want to help her.
I really do.
But, I can't.
I really can't.

This little girl...
Named after a flower, is as strong as a bull, as strong as a wall of bricks.
Yet, she is made of glass, and she has already shattered too many times. Will she be fixed?
She is like me.
Hopefully she gets fixed.
I didn't. I'm still shattered.
We are both empty. We are both lost. We are both afraid. We have grown stronger, but more afraid. More lost, more empty. Every day without a home you feel like you don't belong anywhere. There is no place for you. That you are an outcast. Every day without a family you feel...
I'm unwanted.
I'm an old stuffed bear, ripped at the seams, torn apart, the stuffing falling out, and a button as an eye.
I'm unwanted.
I'm a broken chair. Who wants a broken chair?
I'm unwanted.
I trusted people, and they broke that trust. I've seen betrayal, I've seen death, I've been tortured and bullied and close to death. I have seen demons, and I'm still seeing them. I'm still balancing on the beam of life, and I'm about to fall. Fall way way down into the land of misery. I'm so close to falling. The only thing keeping me up is the love for my job.

Honestly, I want to die. I don't want myself. But, there is my job, and there is Lilly. My past haunts me, but at least I have those two things.

But, I don't want myself. No one wants a broken toy, a broken chair, a shattered mirror, or a human that is more of a monster than a person.

A glistening tear rolls down my cheek.

"Maxine? Maxine? Are you okay?" Aphmau asked. I quickly wiped the tear away, flustered, and went back to my task and handed Lilly the third potion.

Lilly gulped down the third like the others, and I watched as Lilly's wounds healed completely.

"W-wow," Lilly said, looking down at herself. "Thank you, so much."

"You're welcome. Hey, Lilly, can I tell you something?" I asked. Lilly nodded, and I walked over Lilly.

"Stay strong Lilly. You're one remarkable kid. You have a good heart. That is all that matters," I said, handing Lilly a cherry soda and a lollipop.

"I will. Thank you Maxine, f-for everything," Lilly said with a smile on her face. Lilly hopped off the bed, and walked towards Aphmau, who was going to take her to the diner and to go shopping after this.

I may understand Lilly, but it's not good if she stays with me. Aphmau would be an amazing mother and care taker for this child.

"Lilly, do you like lillypops?" Aphmau asked. She sure does like puns. Lilly giggled and started to walk out the door with her.

"You sure are as sweet as a lollypop," Aphmau said sweetly, smiling. Lilly smiled back, but then she looked back at me.

Back into my eyes.
She's about to leave.
Stop them...
Stop them from leaving.
Say that you want to be Lilly's mother, and take her in.

"WAIT!!!" I shouted. Lilly and Aphmau turned to fully face me.

"I want to- Aphmau, you left your backpack next to the bed..." I said.

I can't stop them. This is meant to be.

Aphmau apologized, quickly ran over, and got her backpack.

They opened the doors, about to walk out.

"Goodbye! Thanks for everything!" Aphmau said. I smiled.

"Goodbye Maxine!" Lilly shouted,

"Goodbye Lilly, goodbye Aphmau. Nice meeting ya," I said.

Then, the door closed, and the silence filled with isolation began again. Back to being alone....

"Goodbye..." I whispered to myself. Lilly was the first person in a while that understood me. Aphmau was the first person in a while to be nice to me. And I just let them walk away. I'm sure this won't be the last time I see them.

But for now, I'm back to the terrible reality of my life.
1,900 words guys! Aren't you proud of me? I know, I know, I need to make my parts longer. Also, did you not feel bad for Maxine and Lilly? I cried writing this. Maybe I'm just a baby, or this is really emotional. Tell me what you think in the comments. I tried to make it emotional. Anyways, love ya guys! Bai! 💙🦄 Question:
1.) What is your favorite color? *hides* Please don't kill me!!!

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