Okasis is Back B****es! Part Four

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Hey guys!!! It's GarmauUnicorn here, to give you another part! This one is back to Aphmau's POV. Yes, I'm not letting you find out what Levin and Malachi's reaction is just yet. Mwah ha ha ha ha!!!! Anyways, I hope you enjoy!
Aphmau's POV:
"Even after fifteen years... I can't run from Okasis. Those monsters will always find me in the end. I want to be the one to burn down that h**l hole," I said. I glanced up to see Maxine looking worriedly over Jasmine's limp body.

"If Okasis is a h**l hole, then isn't it already burning? Those f***ed up demons are living in a nightmare of a town," Maxine said, not caring about what language she used around Lilly.

"Then how do we destroy it? Fill it with f***ing rainbows, unicorns, and love? Make those b****es watch My Little Pony for two weeks?!" Summer said, agitated.

"Sorry," Summer added, glancing at Lilly. Lilly didn't really seem to care. She just shrugged.

"No, seriously. What are we going to do? Okasis is back b****es!" Maxine shouted.

"Back?" I asked.

"They have been silent for about 10 years. They haven't really done anything big. Not many big wars," Summer said.

"Since when does Okasis not have a war every day?" I asked, chuckling.

"Ha! The question is why have they been silent? People think that Okasis is finally becoming less powerful. They don't fear Okasis as much. Why would they do that though? This is Okasis we are going talking about," Summer asked.

"Oh no... They have been planning this this whole time. They have spent ten years building up to this moment. Why is this so important? Why do they need this "relic" so bad?" I asked.

"Speaking of which, where is the relic? You clearly don't have it," Summer said.

Should I trust them? Okasis said that there were spies. Okasis clearly doesn't know that it is in my body.

"In a safe location. That's all that matters," I said.

"So you really don't trust us to tell us where it exactly is? Has Okasis already gotten to your head?" Maxine asked, sounding a little hurt.

"Guys, there could be recording devices in here for all we know. I can't take the risk. If it really comes to it, I'll tell you," I said. I twiddled with my thumbs.

"She has a point. It's best that she doesn't tell us," Lilly said.

Maxine sighed, giving up.

"We understand Aph," Summer said.

"Thanks," I replied simply.

It has been at least an hour now, and Jasmine still hasn't waked up yet.

"Shouldn't we go investigate the kitchen?" Summer asked.

"Jasmine will tell us all she knows when she wakes up. It's too risky to go back there and look around," Maxine said.

"We are wasting time, just sitting here. Every second that goes by, the closer Okasis gets to winning this little game," Summer said, agitated.

"-And Okasis has hundreds of little f***ing pawns while we have, well let's see. We have a fugitive, a child, no offense, a pink haired teenager, me, an outcast, and a possibly dead girl who works at a diner. We don't have many pawns ourselves. We need everyone we can get. We need Jasmine more than you know," Maxine said. Maxine rolled her eyes.

"I see what you mean," Summer said.

"I agree with you Maxine, but I think that we are much more than that. We are experienced and strong warriors, lords, guards, healers, friends, hard workers, magicks users, and most importantly- heroes," I explained. I stood up to my feet, smirking.

Lilly jumped up straight to her feet, with a wide grin on her face and a heart filled with glee. Summer stood up too, with a similar smile on her face.

"We are going to get through this. We are going to defeat Okasis. For Jackson," Lilly said, smiling.

"-For the children of Minecraftia!" Summer shouted.

"-For Phoenix Drop! For my amazing wonderful friends and my brilliant sons!" I added.

Maxine sat there silently staring at us. She didn't say a word. She didn't join in, or add on to the conversation.

After a few long moments of silence, Maxine finally gave in.

"Oh fine," she said, groaning as she stood to her feet. "For those who are suffering in this world. For the orphans. For the ones who struggle every day."

"For friends and family across the world; we will defeat Okasis, the city of demons, in order to restore peace, and to rid the world of the tortures that Okasis brings," Summer added.

"We will defeat Okasis for everyone ever hurt by them. Anyone who has ever been a victim will have revenge when we being Okasis down. For villages attacked by Okasis. For the royal family. For Garroth Ro'meave, son of the lord of Okasis. For Garroth, a victim. For Garroth, my best friend," I said, half smiling.

"For Garroth!!!" Everyone changed together.

"We will destroy h*** itself," Maxine said. We all smiled, having our high spirits back from our little encouraging conversation. Things seemed like they were going to be okay. Everything was going to be fine. We would wait for Jasmine to wake up, and then we would leave, even if she didn't want to help. Maxine was right though, we need her, and we need everyone we can get.

"Guys, we may have more people on our side then we think. I mean, think about it, how many people want to see Okasis be destroyed once and for all? Hundreds and thousands of people! There are people out there, silently wanting to destroy Okasis; oh so silently. What we need to do, is make them not so silent," I explained, pacing back and forth.

"Agreed. I mean, who doesn't hate Okasis? Even people in Okasis, even the puppeteers, controlling pawns inside Okasis, hate Okasis," Maxine pointed out.

It was true. Everyone hated Okasis even if they didn't admit it. We had an army, waiting in the shadows. They were ready to fight, even if they didn't know it yet. All of Minecraftia was boiling over in anger because of Okasis.

The only problem was, was that everyone feared Okasis too. Fear kept the people silent, kept them in the shadows. It was time that the people rose up against the tyrant city of the world.

Even the name, the sound of the name of that stupid village made armies run. Okasis was the most feared word in the world. Not only that, but Okasis didn't fear anything. They were willing to go up against any army, any soldier to get what they wanted. Well guess what, things have changed. The thing Okasis has to be scared of now is me.
Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this.  Thank you for reading!!! I'm sorry that this was a sort of fluff chapter, but I was bored so I wrote this. I really need to improve my writing skills. This story is starting to plummet down the drain. Anyways, I love you guys! Bye!

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