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Hey guys! I'm doing more parts of the "Okasis is Back B****es!" But this part is in Garroth's POV as all of this occurs.
Garroth's POV:
       Laurence faces the large tree that used to be the treehouse, turning away from me. He was avoiding eye contact. I could tell that Laurence was trying to hide the fact that he was tearing up. I could here him sniffle and let out a silent sob.
      Everything was silent. The birds didn't chirp, and you couldn't hear the wind blowing. The only sound was the sound of me and Laurence's sobs and sniffles.
        "No... She can't be..." Laurence said, his teeth gritted.
         I remained silent.
         "Garroth... I-I'm sorry," Laurence whispered. I got a sudden burst of fury, and I kicked a rock in front of me. The rock tumbled down the path, and off into the shadows of the trees.
          My fists were clenched so hard that my knuckles were white, tears poured down my eyes, and I let out sharp sobs in between my gritted teeth.
          "GARROTH!!!" Laurence yelled, trying to calm me down.
           "I-I'm her guard. I was her guard. Her life was before mine! I SHOULD I HAVE DIED!!!" I screamed.
"Garroth!!! I know- you feel this way, but it was Aphmau's choice to l-let you go."
"L-Laurence, look around us at this- this place- this village that holds so many memories. This village was made by Aph- by her. These memories were made my her. These people's lives changed because of her. Logan and Donna got married because of her. Don't you see how important she was to this world? I should have never let my pride get in the way of being Aphmau's guard and friend. If I just never turned to Zane's side... Then she would be alive... Right now. We would have never have gone to the Irene's dimension. We would have never missed fifteen years. Aphmau would be alive and raising her kids, watching this village grow!!!"
"Garroth... You were tricked. It isn't your fault that Lillian-that f***ed up beast from h**l tricked you, and made you see something that wasn't real. Zane knew that that is what would make you break. Do you know why it broke you so easily?"
"I loved her."
"Do you remember when Aph fell from the treehouse, and you caught her?"
"You ran so fast, because you loved her."
"What does that have to do with this?"
"Imagine what things would be like if you hadn't loved her."
"I get your point. I just- I can't live without her."
"Don't let Aphmau's death be in vain. Let's continue living our lives, one step at a time."
"I can do that. One step at a time."
"Good, because Aphmau died so that you could continue living; living a happy life."
"How am I supposed to find happiness without her?"
"Time. Let time pass. Things will get better... For both of us. Now come on Garroth. Let's go tell Zoey of the news..."
"Okay Laurence..." Laurence gave a small smile, and Laurence reached out, patted my shoulder a few times before we walked off to Zoey, Levin, and Malachi's new house.

On the walk there...

Silence. It is still dead silence as we walk down the path to the house. I gazed up at the sky, which was way to beautiful for such a horrid, woeful, and depressing day. The sun shone brightly, like it was trying to make me smile, trying to make me happy.
No. No. No. I hate today. It's way to happy, it's way too warm, it's way to sunny.
It's like everything moves in slow motion. Me and Laurence walked so slowly down the path, the noise of our heels the only sound to be heard. It seemed like everything else was frozen, like me and Laurence were simply walking through a photo.
Laurence knocked on the wooden door of the house, and once his hand dropped to his side, the silence continued, and there was a long moment of just sitting there in it.
Zoey answered. Her hair was white now, and she certainly looked different. She looked older, than she has ever looked. She didn't look elderly, just older, like she was 35. I still can't believe that she gave up her immortality to save us. I'm sure she is disappointed that she couldn't save Aphmau. She waited fifteen years for this, and she couldn't save the one closest to her.
Zoey gave us a small smile, and she let us inside.
"Would you guys like to see Levin and Malachi? Oh they are so grown up now-" Zoey started to say.
"-Zoey... We need to talk," Laurence interrupted. Zoey's smile disappeared and Zoey gave a slight nod, as if to know that we were bringing bad news.
Zoey sat down on a white armchair, her legs crossed, and her hands sitting in her lap.
"What is this about?" Zoey asked, twiddling with an end of her hair.
Me and Laurence sat down on the white couch beside Zoey's armchair. Laurence and I shared glances, wondering about who was the best to give the news. I was. I had to give the news.
"Z-Zoey," I started to say, tears already falling, "W-We received news f-from Okasis, that- that... Aphmau is dead, Z-Zoey." My voice cracked as I said Aphmau's voice.
Zoey let a deep breath in, taking in every word. Zoey was a strong woman, and with many years of experience, she knew how to control her feelings. Zoey has seen so much pain in her life. She is used to pain. Maybe living for many years has its burdens that it carries.
Yet, Aphmau was important to Zoey in many ways. Zoey was already irritated with the fact that she couldn't save Aphmau, but now Zoey was on the edge of letting her emotions out, on the edge of breaking. Who knew that Aph had the power to break so many people?
A single, glistening tear rolled down Zoey's cheek, but Zoey kept calm and collected. She didn't shed another tear, as if she had put all of her woe into that one tear, and it was enough. Zoey didn't ask any questions or comments. She simply looked down at the ground.
"We need to tell Levin and Malachi," Zoey said.
What about the snowglobe? Is Garroth going to have to tell everyone, "Never mind! Aphmau just sent me a message. She is still alive!" What will happen? *maniacal laugh* I'm not going to tell you!!! I hope you guys enjoyed this part even though it was really short and it was kinda a fluff part. Love ya guys! Bye!

1.) What do you think will happen next?

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