Thank you Irene

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Guys, I'm finally getting into the Garmau part today. Now you may be saying, "How? Isn't Garroth still miles and miles and miles away from Aphmau?"
Well, my answer to you, is that you will just have to see.
Aphmau's POV:
Jasmine still hasn't waked up yet. We are still waiting. It has been at least two hours.

I just asked the snowglobe if Garroth told Zoey about my so called death, and the snowglobe showed me a clip of Garroth and Laurence telling Zoey what happened (everything that happened in the Silence part). I also saw Garroth tell Laurence, a close friend of mine, who was also devastated with the news. Garroth told Laurence everything, well almost everything. For some reason, he didn't tell him about how Okasis wanted him. I'm sure he will later though.

It was hard to watch any of this. I told myself that I wouldn't watch this happen, but yet I am here. How has Garroth not received his message yet? He probably finished telling Levin and Malachi what happened two hours ago, but I don't dare look at that clip just yet. Yes, this snow globe can show me the past, but it can not show me the future. So, I decide to look at a clip of Garroth, live.

Garroth's POV:
Laurence has left me alone the rest of the night like I asked. I told him that I don't need anyone right now, that I just need to be alone, but that's a lie. I need him more than ever. Laurence is the closest friend that I've got now. I would say that Dante would be my friend, but after talking to him an hour ago, I know that Dante isn't exactly happy. He, like many of the people here still haven't forgiven me. Zoey hasn't forgiven me. Laurence is the only one who knows that I'm not this- this monster that betrayed everyone. He's the only one who thinks that I'm more than just a failed guard.

However, even once everyone in the village forgives me, when will I forgive myself? The answer is never. Plain and simple. I will live the rest of my life secretly hating myself. I'm living with guilt, because now the one I loved the most is dead, because of me.

I can't even look in the mirror anymore. All I see is a monster now. Am I a monster? Am I?! I must be. I passed Logan in the street, and he growled at me.

I look at those blue eyes, which are now dull and cold without Aphmau. My eyes look so different. They look lifeless.

Lifeless, Aphmau is now lifeless, and as I painfully look at myself in the mirror in the wall next to my bed, I don't see the same joy in my eyes that was there when Aphmau was. Aphmau is gone, and now my happiness is.

Living without my best friend isn't living at all.

Living without love isn't living at all.

Living without Aphmau isn't living at all.

Should I even choose to live anymore? There is no point. There aren't many left who would mourn over me. Yet, there are many who wish to see me dead, or will spit at my body at my funeral.

I would be with Aphmau, Aphmau, who is as beautiful as an angel. Aphmau is an angel.

Actually, I wouldn't be with Aphmau because demons don't go to heaven. They go to h**l. I would go to h**l.

Millions of thoughts race through my head as I lay here on my guest bed, gazing at my reflection in the mirror. I disgust myself. I spat at my reflection, and I turned over for the twelfth time to look over at the clock. It's almost midnight.

I can't sleep. Not with all of these thoughts racing through my head. Not without Aphmau.

I would always text her goodnight, and I would always text her Goodmorning.

As it has been through the whole day, it is silent. If noise was light, then the pitch black darkness would be silence.

So silent.
I can hear my own heartbeat, my own unsteady breathing, and I can hear the clock tick and tock.
It's so silent.
Oh so so so silent.
I never liked the silence.

"Goodnight m'lady. I love you," I whispered into the silence. The silence was broken for a second, but then the words quickly faded away, and I was back to the silence.

I didn't sleep yet though. I still had the image of Malachi and Levin crying in my head. However, by saying those words, I felt slightly more calm, and I let the tears fall down my cheeks again without resistance. I didn't think anymore. I just mourned and weeped in the silence of the night.

Aphmau's POV:
Garroth suddenly started to cry, and that is when I couldn't bear to watch him anymore. Before, he was so still, like a statue, drowning in sorrow, but now he just broke down. I couldn't handle it. He should've gotten his message by now, but he didn't. Why? Where was his snow globe? I thought he always carried it with him. I couldn't think of him anymore, so I stopped, and looked around the room.

I wanted to look out the window, out at the outdoors. However, we rolled down the blinds and closed them, just in case of someone was trying to look inside.

I wouldn't see anything outside anyways. It's pitch black, and everything is hidden in the shadows of the night. The night was foggy unlike the daytime, so it was unlikely that I would see any stars either.

It will be midnight in ten minutes exactly.

"Hey Aph, you need your rest. Go to sleep, me and Summer can handle it," Maxine said. I looked over at Lilly, who was sleeping peacefully on the couch.

"Really?" I asked.

"Really. You can even sleep on the spare bed," Maxine said, gesturing to the bed parallel to Jasmine's bed up against the back wall.

"Thank you," I said. I got up from the seat I was sitting in, and laid down on the comfy bed.

"Goodnight Aph," Maxine whispered.

"Goodnight," I said.

My body sunk into the memory foam, and I smiled peacefully. I was beginning to doze off, since I was exhausted. Yet, before I did, I kissed the snow globe, wishing that I was kissing Garroth instead.

"Goodnight Garroth, I love you," I whispered into the room, in this foreign village, which was miles and miles away from Garroth.

Then, feeling more at peace, I smiled, and let a tear roll down my cheek.

Everything was going to be okay.
I'm going to get back to Garroth.

With that thought, I was able to fall asleep, and into my dreams I went.
Thank you guys for reading this, and thanks for all the support you have been giving me lately. I appreciate it, so so so much. You guys make me smile every day, and I thank you guys so much. I hope all of you have a fantastic unicorn day! I love all of you! Bye!

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