Part 7. Daily life of dragons

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In a clear and blue river, an impressive creature with numerous blue-silver scales could be seen swimming in a zig-zag motion.

It's an aqua dragon, a legendary dragon species that thrives in the water.

In this world, dragons are mighty intelligent beasts which can stir up a whole country. But this particular dragon is not doing anything that impressive.

She lost her way.

She was finding a rare blue sapphire that was rumored to be around here. Wandering too far from her spring, she has already lost her directional sense. Aqua dragons can swim anywhere, but they usually live around their host spring. They keep the water of the spring clean, and some special types of aqua dragon can even make the water cure diseases. So some humans worship the aqua dragons, hoping that they can provide them with this elixir forever.

"How can I get back to my spring..."

The aqua dragon sighed. She is going further and further, and her spring is nowhere to be seen.

She is swimming into a mysterious land that she has never seen before. It's a landscape full of dark soil and volcanoes.

"Where is this place..."

The aqua dragon is getting nervous. Not being able to return to her original spring is no laughing matter. She could possibly be hunted by other stronger dragons, be trapped by mermaids, or simply can't return home anymore.

Suddenly, she heard an extremely strident sound.

It sounds like water boiling, but it's much harsher and scarier.

As she looked at the origin of the sound...

She saw another creature similar to her own, with impressive scales and a long, huge tail.

The difference is that the tip of the tail was burning.

She can't believe her own eyes.

It's the legendary flame dragon. The mythic creature that is supposed to be able to destroy the whole world.

She has heard some stories about this flame dragon from her other aqua dragon friends. They were not nice stories at all. It felt like these flame dragons could erase everything from existence whenever they want, and it made the aqua dragons feel nervous.

The flame dragon was flying over a volcano, and something that was a bright red color was flowing into its long neck.

No, it wasn't flowing on its own.

The aqua dragon realized the fact that that flame dragon was drinking it.

"The flame dragon was drinking... magma?"

With each of the gulps, a block of magma formed a noticeable bump in the flame dragon's neck, and that bump slowly came down to its stomach, emitting a thunderous boiling sound, and caused storm-like gales that stirred up the whole landscape.

After several gulps, a deafening female-like voice was heard across the landscape.


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