First Meeting

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Black was walking down the street and saw a young Saiyan girl sitting on the sidewalk crying, having fallen and gotten hurt. He saw no one was around to help her and picked her up, speaking softly to her. "Shhh, it's okay princess, I'm here to help you," he said, and she looked at him with tears in her eyes, and he gently wiped them away. "What happened? Can you tell me?" He asked her, and she nodded.

"Words, princess," Black reminded her, and she took a deep breath and spoke softly but clearly. "I-i got in a fight wif my boyfwiend, Wazew, and he pushed me and I feww ovew and scwaped my knee and he just wawked away after cawwing me weak," she said, sobbing more and Black felt anger at the man boiling inside of him, but remained calm.

"I see, well princess, how about I take you home with me and get you fixed up, how's that sound? Good?" He asked her, and she nodded, and Black smiled and teleported to his home with her in his arms. He then took her to the kitchen and sat her on the countertop, and went to go get a first aid kit. "Okay princess, I'm going to clean your knee up with some soap and water, it might sting at first but it'll keep it from getting infected from the dirt."

The girl nodded and held still, not making any sounds of discomfort as he gently washed her knee of the dirt, and inspected it. "Looks like you've got a bad scrape, but it's nothing to worry about. I'll put some Neosporin on it and a bandage, and you'll be as good as new," Black said, spraying the ointment on her knee and then got out some Disney Band-Aids. "Which one do you want, princess? Thumper or Bambi?"

The girl picked the rabbit, and he smiled and put the bandage on her knee, patting it gently. "There we go, all better," he said, and helped her down, carrying her over to the sofa and placed an ice pack on her knee and gave her some children's aspirin with juice in a sippy cup. "Here you go princess. You can even take a nap if you want to, and I'll put a Disney movie on for you if you want."

The girl smiled, squealing happily and picked her favorite movie, which was Bambi, obviously, and Black smiled and put it in his PS4, not needing a Blue-Ray player and gave her some pillows and blankets to help her be more comfortable. He then sat down with her on his lap, holding her in his arms until she fell asleep, the medicine working and she placed her head on his shoulder, sucking her thumb cutely.

Black smiled and rubbed her back, watching the movie on low volume so it wouldn't bother her, and thought about asking her something important when she woke up later, if she'll accept, since he had a feeling she was a little, and it proved correct when she was in that space, and he wanted her to be his, having fallen in love with the girl. He then realized he didn't even ask for her name, or even told her his, knowing she will probably panic when she wakes up from her nap, having fallen asleep in a stranger's arms, not knowing the first thing about each other.

He sighed softly, then fell asleep himself, her warm body making him feel sleepy, not caring what the other two people he lived with would think, seeing they weren't home at the moment, and leaned his head back on the sofa, and fell into a deep sleep, softly snoring and began to purr deep in his chest.

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