Chapter Four

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Dawn didn't realize how often she would fiddle with her ring until it was gone. She soon replaced her ring with some artificial jewelry she had lying around. It wasn't the same but the replacement was better than the feeling of her finger being naked. The next day Her Majesty made a comment about her change in ring but Dawn just excused herself with the lame excuse that she wanted a change. Her Majesty just hummed knowingly at her excuse and didn't question her any further. A visit to Gold had anyone, who didn't know him well enough, losing valuables in a blink of an eye. It was something that Dawn had yet to learn.

She kept the money with her at all times, afraid that she would be grabbed at any point and forced to pay so it was better than going empty handed. Plus she couldn't be too sure that her place was secure after the appearance of the black card. He could have it stolen so she could 'belong to him'. Dawn decided it was the safest way as she wasn't giving up easily.

It was a week later when Sin made his presence in her life known. Aside from the eyes that constantly watched her, one would've thought he had forgot about her and moved onto his next victim. She wished that would've been the case. It wasn't fair that she had to pay for her father's sins but there was no way to convince him of that. The clothes she had thrown away last week had been a good reminder that Sin wasn't someone who you could easily reason with. He liked to get his way, and right now she was hoping he would just be happy with the money. Alas, that wasn't the case when she returned from the office that evening.

Dawn kicked off her heels and switched on her light to find a box on her bed. She paused when she turned around at the sight of something that didn't belong to her. She was familiar with the type of box on her bed, it was a box that usually contained dresses, which came in as gifts for Her Majesty, when designers tried to get their clothes featured. The black box had an ominous presence in the room. She wasn't sure what message he was trying to send but it seemed black was his signature colour. For she knew, the box could be filled with snakes or a bomb.

Tentatively, Dawn reached over and open the lid, leaping away from it. To her surprise, there was a dress in the box, not a sinister surprise. She lifted the dress from under the white tissue paper, and found it to be a very expensive light blue evening gown. It was floor length and just the right size for her. It was something she has seen in recently at work, but in a different colour. Many questions raced through Dawn's mind; What am I supposed to do with this? What does this mean?

Dawn was snapped out of her thoughts by the sound of her mobile phone ringing. She dropped the dress back in the box and started rummaging through her handbag. She found her phone, the screen showing an unknown number. Usually she would ignore such numbers but the timing was too coincidental to ignore.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Ah, my lucky lady. I see you found my present," he replied. There was only one person who referred to Dawn as his lucky lady and that was Sin. Dawn was on guard instantly. She was glad she had answered her phone in this instance, otherwise, she was sure he would have one of his men men knocking down her door to comply to Sin's demands.

"Yes, what a lovely dress it is," she complimented. It wasn't a lie but she didn't feel comfortable with having it here. She didn't want to increase risking upsetting Sin, if anything happened to his present.

"Well, you have an hour to get ready before a car arrives to pick you up. Wear the dress, I'll be waiting," he hung up. Despite the easy going arrangement, Dawn knew that if she wasn't ready before the hour was up, then she would be probably dragged out kicking and screaming, which she didn't want. She would go along with his plans for now.

Dawn took a quick shower and dressed up, as if she was going out for a fancy dinner. She put her hair in a simple loose braid and didn't bother looking for any other jewelry. She didn't have time to do anything complicated. She applied light makeup, that she would be able to pass off wearing anywhere. She had no idea where she would meet Sin but she knew that she might as well look good. She put on a matching pair of silver heels, which she got from work. Another perk was that sometimes, Her Majesty, would give her samples of designers items if they did not please her or were 'not her style'. It meant she had some nice shoes and occasionally clothes.

Dawn checked the mirror before leaving her place, with a clutch that contained the envelop of money. She still had five minutes left before the car was set to arrive but she would rather meet them in the front, instead of them knocking down doors for her being a minute late. She didn't know how keen Sin was on punctuality and she wasn't going to test him about it. She found that the car was already waiting for her when she got outside, just as she expected, the back seat was empty.

The car pulled to a stop and her phone rang, the same unknown number by the looks of things. Dawn answered the phone, wanting to know what game Sin was playing. They had stopped outside a high class restaurant that seemed closed. There wasn't a usual long line or the glitzy lights to attract customers.

"Dawn, come inside," he demanded before she could say anything. He could see her, she was sure.

"Ok," she complied with his order, hanging up the phone. The driver opened the door and helped her get gracefully out the car. She held her head high, as she entered the building. Inside, the lighting was dimmed and as she was ushered towards a table by the hostess. There was only open table set and the place was empty, except for him.

Sin sat back, relaxed, in one of the chairs, at a dinner table for two. He smirked as Dawn took the setting in. There was a chair opposite him on the small, intimate table, with a few candles lit on a gold stand, along with red rose petals scattered across the black table cloth. There was soft classical music playing in the background. The perfect romantic, candle-lit dinner. Too bad the guy is a murderer, Dawn thought.

Sin soaked up the sight of her in the dress he had hand-picked earlier that day. She had a sort of innocent, sweetness about her but he could see the fire burning in her eyes. The blue dress matched her eyes perfectly, just like he had wanted. She only had that locket around her neck as jewelry, the same one he had been playing with, he noted. He had the owner of this restaurant under his thumb after a loan he had taken from Sin and he had decided to use it to his advantage. He demanded the place be closed for him and Dawn. It allowed the right amount of privacy and intimacy her wanted. The staff had been chosen carefully and the stage had been set for another show. He was a King in his own right, after all and what a her wanted, he would get.

Sin stood up as Dawn got closer, he greeted her with a kiss on the back of her hand and pulled out the chair for her like the perfect gentlemen. He was dressed smartly, in a white shirt and black trousers. He had a matching handkerchief to her dress. He asked about work and the weather, going through many topics of polite conversation and Dawn played along with his charade, unsure of what he was doing. She just wanted to throw the money and leave until she had to face him next week but held back, she didn't want to trigger him into another one of his more violent games.

A waitress arrived to take their order, "I'll have a steak, medium raw with a side of salad. Bring out your best bottle of wine and get the same for the lady."

"Actually, the lady would prefer chicken and a bottle of still water please," Dawn interrupted. If this was the last meal she was having, at least make it something she liked. Sin nodded in approval when the waitress wasn't sure how to react. She left with their order and Dawn waited for Sin to comment.

"So, you're not fond of steak?"

"I prefer to eat my food well done, not with blood dripping out actually," she replied honestly. She wouldn't have eaten the food he ordered, and she hated to waste, knowing what it was like to live on limited supplies.

"Oh, I see. I'll keep that in mind for the future," he said closing the topic of her food choice. Dawn didn't like the fact he made a reference to the future. She didn't want to see more than him, than she had to. She wished that the exchange would be done quickly with one of his men instead.

Sin took a lot of interest in her and asked her many questions about herself. Dawn answered them, knowing better than to lie because she was sure he could get the information with a click of fingers. The food eventually arrived and they ate in silence, which Dawn was grateful for. The glass filled with wine was left untouched, Sin noted.

Once their plates were cleared away, Dawn expected him to ask her for the money and then send her home. Instead he decided that he wanted to dance. He held out his hand and lead her to an empty place where they could dance. Dawn was unsure on what to do, this was another unexpected event for her.

"Wrap you hands around my neck," he instructed. Dawn did so tensely , whilst Sin placed his hands on her waist. Dawn followed his lead as he started swaying to the rhythm of the slow music. Slowly Dawn relaxed, as time went on. If someone told her she would be slow dancing in the arms of Sin, a dangerous man, earlier, she would have told them they needed to visit the doctor.

He released her to twirl her around, making the mermaid-style dress flourish, before pulling her back into his arms closer. Too close. Dawn tried to shuffle back, but he held her in place. She could feel his muscles against her and could make out more of his tattoos that peeked from his neck. She studied them instead, hoping to avoid his eyes. She didn't want him to know how badly he affected her as she reminded herself to relax once again.

"How are you enjoying this evening?" he whispered, intimately into her ear. He could smell wisps of her perfume. The fresh smell intoxicated him. She felt good in his arms, almost perfect but just not like her.

"It's been a night to never forget, that's for sure," Dawn murmured ambiguously. She didn't want to offend him but she didn't want him to get the impression that she was loving in. There was something uncomfortable about the way he looked at her. It was like he wasn't see her all the time.

Some shuffling around them, broke them from their dance. Sin released her, allowing Dawn to step back and catch her breath. The waitress laid the table for dessert, which had stopped Sin from continuing their dance. He walked back to the table, Dawn followed him.

Dawn felt the chairs had been pulled closer, once she sat down. He would occasionally brush her leg against her. There was one slice of dark chocolate fudge cake and a single spoon.

"Did you know this cake is called Forbidden? It is one of the most delicious cakes I've had the pleasure of tasting. It's so rich, that I can never finish a slice by myself and I hate to waste things." He broke off a piece of cake with the spoon and lifted it to Dawn's pink lips.

"I insist you have the first bite," Dawn felt cornered. She opened her mouth and allowed him to feed her the cake. The gesture was another intimate one to add to the growing list. He licked his lips and he watched her open her mouth. Sin then used the same spoon and had some cake himself. He took turns between feeding her and then himself. He was right about one thing; it was rich. Dawn took a sip of water, trying to wash away the chocolaty taste in her mouth. The plate had been cleared of the cake.

"I believe you have something for me?" Sin prompted her. Dawn took out the envelop from her clutch and handed to him. He took the envelope and held it out for something to collect. One of his men, that had been lurking in the dark, took the envelope and counted the money. He nodded to Sin.

"Excellent, this concludes our evening together, Miss Miller." He held his hand out for her to take. Dawn took his hand and he took her outside, to the same car as she had arrived in. He kissed her hand and helped her into the car. Dawn noted something brewing in his eyes as she left. He wasn't happy. Of course, he wasn't happy. I paid him the right amount, Dawn thought.

"Until next week, my lucky lady," he greeted before shutting the door. Dawn sighed in relief. The evening had been something else, which she need to figure out but one good thing that had come out of it was that she was free for another week.

Sin watched the car drive Dawn into the night. He strode back into the building and straight to the table that he had dined at. He saw red. He picked up the bottle of wine and threw it. He flipped the table over and tossed a chair at the wall. He kicked the table. Once. Twice. Thrice. The simple table had splintered under his abuse. All the dishes shattered and mixed with the flowers. He was still angry but enough damage had been done here. He knew exactly where he need to go. The stage had been set perfectly, but things hadn't gone to plan. He would need to up his game next week.

Hey everyone!
I'm off on an impulsive holiday so updates are very unlikely for the next 10 days. Thank you for reading, voting and commenting!
Alexa xxx

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