Chapter 16: Strip the Mask

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After getting dressed for work I rushed to grab my keys, but they weren't in the bowl. I looked around trying to see if I laid them down anywhere. I always kept them here by the door. I went to the bedroom to look for them. I stood there sighing. "What are you looking for?" I could hear Dave's sleepy voice say.

"My keys. Have you seen them?"

"Yeah. I took your car to get the new paint job and rims you wanted. It should be done in a couple of weeks."

"Why didn't you tell me? How am I supposed to get to work?"

"Surprise!" He said in a sarcastic tone. "I got my BMW from mom's. You can use that."

"I thought you said you sold it after I got you the Porsche, Dave."

"I didn't say that. You said you think I should, but I didn't. Here." He said grabbing something off of the night stand extending it to me. He dropped keys into my hand.

"Okay. What color did you tell them to do my car?"

"Pink." He said closing his eyes laying back down.

"Pink?! You know I hate pink!"

He chuckled, "I'm just fucking with ya! You'll see when you get it back. Are you done? I'm trying to catch some z's."

I flicked his ear then kissed his cheek before leaving. I was driving to work kind of speeding because I'm kind of late. I've been avoiding going to the office because I was afraid Robb would show up. Even though I was late I decided to pull over and get coffee for everybody. After I got that I came out going to Dave's black BMW seven series, I specifically told him to sell. The maintenance on this car was ridiculous. I opened the passenger so I could put the coffee's in when an officer came up to me. "Ma'am you know you can't park there."

"I'm about to leave," I said going around to the driver's side getting in. I didn't have time for the nonsense. Then he decided to knock on the window. I sighed rolling it down. "Yes? I said I'm leaving."

"I'm going to have to write you a ticket."

"What for? You gave me a warning and I said I was going to move. I'm trying to leave right now."


"Ma'am nothing! You know what? Give me the damn ticket!"

"Ma'am, calm down. This is why I'm giving you a ticket. The attitude."

"I have an attitude because I'm late to work, which I don't want to go to. I'm pregnant, my back hurts, it's getting cold, there's traffic, and you're in my face! Hurry up and write the ticket, so I can be on my way."

"Ma'am, I'm sorry you're having a bad morning but-" he said as he handed me the ticket. I snatched it not letting him finish rolling up the window. I put it in drive driving off. Can't stand them. Always quick to give someone a ticket. When I got to work I took the coffee's to the break room then went to my office stopping at my assistants desk.

"Sorry I'm late. Any calls?"

"No calls, but the VP of your department wants to talk to you." I sighed because I know the conversation is one I don't want to have. I went into my office putting my things down then going to his. He let me in and I sat across from him.

"I just wanted to have a conversation about what happened last time I saw you." He said leaning back in his chair.

"About that, I apologize on behalf of my husband. He can be sort of a hot head especially when it comes to protecting me. None of his feelings were directed towards you."

"It's okay. I understand and that's why we took the deal off of the table for Robb Banks. He's also banned from every Def Jam Office. You don't have to worry about him anymore."

My head fell because I immediately thought about his mother. "In all honesty, I didn't want that to happen. I don't want to be the reason someone didn't get signed. I couldn't say that though and make my husband feel like I'm not on his side. All I wanted was for him to stay away from me. Even if that meant you guys signing him, but keeping him out of just this building."

"So, you're saying we can still sign him?"

"Yes, if you want. I just ask that his main office not be this one. Assign him to Atlanta or L.A."

"If you say so. If he still wants to sign with us we will. We'll keep you updated on what happens." I nodded then got up leaving going back to my office.

"Jeremih's in there. He insisted on waiting inside," my assistant said as I passed by. I went into my office and sure enough he was sitting down.

"Hello, Jeremih. What brings you by?" I asked as I sat in my desk chair.

"Needed to talk about your husband."

"What about my husband?"

"He came to my studio the other day telling me not to call you and talking about boundaries. Basically tryna check me and I don't think that's cool. You need to talk to him."

"If that's how he felt, that's how he felt. I can't control him and I won't. If he finds something unsettling to him or disrespectful then maybe it is, Jeremih." I said defending Dave's action even if I didn't know he did it. I wasn't about to act like Dave was wrong, so he can feel like he started a problem between Dave and I. If he was searching for an upper hand he's not getting it.

"Man, whatever! Just tell him to stay out of my face." He got up leaving at that. I shook my head starting my work for the day.

JFK International Airport

I leaned against my car waiting for Ezekiel to come out. I could finally see him come out rolling his bags. I spread my arms apart wide walking up to him. We dapped each other pulling each other into a hug. As irritating as Zeek can be he keeps me entertained and I can admit I missed him. He put his things in my trunk then we got in the car leaving. "How's school been?"

"It's been cool. It's official though. I'm graduating at the end of this semester."

"That's wassup. I'm proud of you, bro!"

"Thanks. How things been around here?"

"Surprisingly calm."

"Calm? From what I see in the group chat it's not calm at all," he said chuckling.

"It's calm to me. A little action here and there, but calm."

"Man, if you say so. From what Buddha tells me shit been popping off."

"Since Buddha like to talk so much did he tell you him and Toya finally got something going on?" I asked being messy.

"Hell naw he didn't! He loves telling everybody's business except his. I guess I gotta give him that $500. They a couple, just smashing, or what?"

"None," I said cracking up laughing.

"What do you mean?" He asked looking at me confused.

"The answer is D. None of the above. She ain't giving that man shit!" I said laughing even more.

"Damn, I feel bad for the nigga. I'll definitely give him his 500. Maybe that'll make him feel better."

"Where you staying at?"

"Brittany's. I gotta key, so take me over there."

"Aiight. Y'all getting serious, huh? It's been over a year, right?"

"Yeah, we coolin'." He said nonchalantly looking down at his phone.

"More than coolin' clearly. You know she's at that age where she wants to get married."

"She's never mentioned marriage to me. Plus, I'm still young. Me and Bri gotta understanding. We know what it is."

"And what's that?"

"None of your business," he said as we pulled up to Brittany's loft building in Brooklyn. "You coming in to chill or no?"

"Nah, I gotta go pick up Malachi. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Aiight, coo." He dapped then he got out getting his bags then going into Brittany's loft building. Once he was inside I pulled off.

Queens, NYC

I walked around the Fall Festival with Malachi trying to keep busy until Bernice arrived after work. I decided to take him into the corn maize to cure our boredom. I put him down from carrying him letting him walk. I guess we should invest in getting him a stroller. I called his name to get his attention to take a picture. It's safe to say I'm in love with this boy. I can't wait until the day the paperwork is done. He's already ours if you ask me. Malachi gives me a taste of fatherhood and I honestly enjoy it.

It had been 10 minutes and we were still trying to maneuver our way through this maize. Malachi stopped to touch some leaves. I finally just picked him up again. "Where B?" He asked before rubbing his eye.

"B's on her way." I smiled at the fact he's grown so attached to her. I pulled my phone out of my pocket dialing her number as I continued to walk.

She answered saying, "I'm here. Where are you at?"

"Lost in this corn maize," I said seriously looking around.

"What? You better find your way out and bring my baby, Kai to me!"

"Just chill, I'm trying. I like how you don't even care about me."

"You're grown, he isn't. You have 10 minutes to find your way out or I'm calling a search party."

I laughed. "I'ma get us out. Just hold on."

"Don't hang up either. Actually, facetime me so I can see everything." I slightly rolled my eyes. So paranoid. It's just a corn maize. I hung up calling her on facetime. I could see she was eating a roasted corn on the cob. "Where you get that from?" I asked in a jealous tone. That looks bout good as fuck right now.

"They have a stand selling it here. I was hungry."

"You're always hungry, fat mama."

"I don't like these nicknames you've been giving me lately. I don't wanna see you anyway. I wanna see my Kai baby!" She cooed.

I smacked my lips moving the camera, so she she could see him. He had his head laying on my shoulder. Once he realized it was Bernice he lifted his head up and his eyes lit up. "BB!" She waved smiling at him.

After about fifteen minutes I finally got us out of this maize. I was starting to get scared honestly because don't aliens beam people up from corn fields or some shit? After picking out pumpkins and going on a hay ride we went back home.

. . .

Me and Bernice were in the kitchen carving these pumpkins. Malachi was in his room asleep. I was trying to carve a face into my pumpkin, but it wasn't working out too well. "Done!" I heard Bernice say putting her tools down. She spun hers around revealing a perfectly carved flower into her pumpkin.

I smacked my lips. "Yo, you cheatin'!"

"How, Dave, how? How I'ma cheat? You're just mad yours looks like shit!" She said going to the sink to wash her hands. "I told your stubborn ass to use a stencil." She said laughing.

"Man, keep playing and I'm going to throw the insides of this pumpkin at your ass!"

She turned around glaring at me. "I dare you!" I arched my brow scooping the slimy shit up in my hands. She immediately raised her hands to cover her head. "Babe chill! I'm just playing. I just got my hair done."

I laughed putting it down. "That's what I thought. I give up on this pumpkin carving bullshit!" I said picking up my fucked up looking pumpkin throwing it in the trash.

"So, Jeremih came by my office today saying you stepped to him..." Bernice said eyeing me.

"Yeah, I did."

"Why? It was one incident."

"One is enough to get checked. He just needed to be reminded who the fuck I am."

"Mhm, just don't create any unnecessary problems."

"I won't if he won't. Umm, B?"

"Yeah, D?" She said as she put a candle into her pumpkin to light it up.

"Do you mind if I invite Cyn to the party tomorrow?" She paused looking up at me.

"I thought you two didn't fuck or do anything and are just friends? Why would I mind? Should I mind?" She said with a voice full of attitude.

"Naw, you shouldn't. I was just talking to your brother and he told me he was single. I was thinking maybe I could hook those two up."

"No, my brother's good. He don't need a chick. Especially not her."

"What's wrong with Cyn?"

"I just don't like her."

"You don't know her, B. She's cool peoples. Just get to know her."

She rolled her eyes. "Fine, invite the bitch!"

"I already did," I said chuckling. "There you go with that bitch word again."

"Any female I don't know is a bitch. Until I know her like that the bitch is a bitch!" I laughed. She really has a serious problem.

October 31st, Halloween

I put the last treats on the table then looked around at our now transformed condo. It was completely decked out in Halloween decorations. Earlier we took Malachi "trick-or-treating". It was for no reason because he's two and is not eating that candy, but Dave wanted to get free candy. I agreed with him. Why buy candy when you can get it for free? Yes, we used Kai to get candy and with no shame. All of our costumes were characters from the Disney movie Aladdin. I was Jasmine, Dave was Aladdin and Malachi was Abu the monkey. Malachi was now at Dave's mothers while we have this party.

Once the party was in full swing I went to the kitchen to get the juices to make more punch when Benito came into the kitchen with a red cup in his hand dressed as Iron Man. "We need some more drank out there, sis!" He slurred.

"I think you've had enough, Nito."

"Look, I'm not tryna hear all dat! I'm trying to be drunk as fuck when I leave. I work five days a week with bad ass kids then come home to one. Let me turn up tonight!" He said slamming his cup onto counter. I laughed pouring punch in his cup when he wasn't looking. He said thank you sauntering out of the kitchen. He's going to be really mad when he realizes it's not alcohol, if he does.

Everybody is either drunk or high then there's me. I think me and Wayno are the only sober one's because he doesn't drink or smoke. I took the punch bowl back to the table. It took me until now to notice Cyn actually came and was here. Maybe I just wasn't looking for her or didn't care to notice. She was dressed like Wonder Woman standing in between Dave and Buddha as they talked. I stood there a minute observing. Just from that I knew all I needed to know. Her body language told everything. A woman can always tell when another female wants their man. It's not me being paranoid or crazy, it's intuition. I can tell. I can see that shit a mile away. I just know to keep both eyes on her that's for sure.

After moving throughout the room talking to everyone I went up to Cyn who was talking to my sister. "Let me talk to you," I said to her. I took her out to the balcony so we could hear.

"Wassup?" She said smiling then sipping from her cup.

"I mean, wassup with you? I'ma need you to be straight up with me...What's the deal with you and Dave?"

She sipped her drink once more chuckling. "You're so cute when you're trying to be serious." I could clearly hear a Dykeman accent whenever she spoke. "Nobody wants D-Boy mama's, so you can calm down. If I wanted him way back when I could've had him. Physical attraction is nothing compared to an overall soul mate, right? So you don't have to worry. I'll make sure when I'm horny I won't fuck Dave. Aiight?" She turned going back into our condo. I followed grabbing her shoulder making her turn around. "Yo, leave me alone!" She yelled. "I could've easily fucked him when we were drunk at my spot, but I didn't so you should be thanking me!"

"Thanking you?! Bitch, you really got me fucked up. I'm going to equate everything your saying to being drunk. Don't play!"

She threw her head back laughing getting closer to me. I could see her eyes were red and low. She whispered, "If you keep playing I might just fuck him. The more you accuse, the more likely it'll actually happen." She turned on her heels quickly walking towards the living room. I knew exactly why she was doing it. So she would be in a room full of people and they'd stop me.

She walked towards the living room where everyone was. I grabbed a wine bottle walking into the living room calmly and quietly. I threw it barely missing her head. Instead it crashed into the wall breaking. Everyone screamed and ducked in confusion. "Are crazy bitch? Disrespecting me in my house?!" I yelled as she hopped up from the couch hiding behind Dave and Buddha.

"What the fuck are you doing, B?!" I could hear Dave yelling repeatedly. I hopped over the couch trying to get to her when I felt arms hook under mine. He yanked me into his arms carrying me down the hall to our bedroom.

"I will fuck her up!" I yelled as he sat me on the bed.

"What is wrong with you?!"

"I'ma kill that bitch!" I said trying to get up, but he pushed me back down by my shoulders. "Yo, is that the type of chicks you have as friends? Disrespectful ass bitches! You should've heard what she said to me."

"She's drunk, B. She probably didn't mean it." He said wiping his hand down his face.

"I know you've heard A drunk man's words are sober man's thoughts? I don't give a fuck if the bitch was drunk, high or hungry she meant what she said."

"Yo, you gotta chill. You're fucking pregnant. You can't be fighting. You have to think about the babies. You don't need to be stressing at all, Bernice."

"I wasn't going to fight her," I said crossing my arms. He was right though. I was so mad for a spilt second I forgot was pregnant. "That's why I grabbed the wine bottle. I was going to bust her head open 'til the white meat showed."

He chuckled, but got serious again. He kneeled in front of me saying, "Don't do no shit like that again. You're not only putting yourself at risk, but our babies. You got a problem that damn bad have Brittany or somebody handle it. I think you need to go back to anger management."

"Oh come on! It was just one slip up. Please, I don't wanna go back."

"Nope, I'm making you an appointment for next week. I'm about to go tell everyone it's time to go, so stay in here." He kissed my forehead then exited the room. I should've hit that bitch with the bottle, but no my aim had to fail me. I laid back on the bed taking a deep breath rubbing my stomach. I really need to chill out. I need a vacation.

Hmm, do you think it was just the liquor talking? Comment / Vote🌹✨

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