Chapter 3: Old Friend

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I woke up due to the sun shining in through the window. I looked over seeing Bernice was gone figuring she went to work. I rubbed my eyes, stretched, put my slippers on then went to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, washed my face and took a shower. Once I was done I went back into the bedroom throwing on some clothes. The condo we got in Manhattan was a big upgrade thanks to Def Jam. There's perks to us both working for them.

I could hear banging and it made me wonder where it was coming from. I walked to the living room seeing Bernice was trying to hang my painting of the cover to my mixtape Hate Me Now on the wall clearly struggling. "Leave it. I'll do it." She turned around then put it down. "How long have you been awake?"

"Since 5am. I couldn't sleep, so I just decided to unpack everything. I still have to unpack our clothes though. I'm tired." She said sitting on the couch. "I'm starting to regret getting these cream couches."

"I like it. They're fly! You want breakfast?" She nodded and I went to the refrigerator getting eggs out then the Texas Toast for French Toast. "No work today?"

"Nope. I don't meet my artists until tomorrow. I got an office. It's so nice!" She said smiling then putting her feet up on the couch.

"That's good. We might just have to break it in." I said looking over my shoulder grinning. I sprinkled the cinnamon sugar on the bread. She's always telling me I'm heavy handed, but you gotta go ham if you want to taste the flavor.

"You wish! You're not getting me fired from this job. Chill out, my nigga! You're going to have me puffing out clouds of cinnamon like it's the cinnamon challenge!" She said chuckling.

"You're no fun and don't tell me how to cook. I know what I'm doin'! Do you know what artists you're going to be working with?"

"Big KRIT, Jeremih, and Vince Staples."

"They couldn't give you any female clients?"

"I picked them myself, Dave."

"Okay, so why couldn't you get some female clients then?"

She shrugged, "I don't know. Those are the ones I wanted. Plus, females are divas. Don't start acting all jealous."

"I'm not, I'm just asking a question. None of those dudes have nothing on the Davester!" I said popping the collar to my white t-shirt.

She smacked her lips, "That sounds so lame."

"Hater! Your food's ready," I put her plate on the counter then she came over. She put syrup on it then grabbed a small piece on her fork. She hesitantly put it up to her mouth. "Yo, eat it!" I said pushing the fork towards her mouth.

As it went into her mouth she coughed dramatically. "I told yo ass too much cinnamon!" She laughed, "I'm just playin'. Thanks, papa!"

I chuckled, "You play all day! You're welcome. I went to the fridge looking for juice.

"What the hell are those?" She asked looking down at my slippers. I wiggled my feet.

"My Darth Vader slippers. What? You don't like 'em?" She shook her head laughing when there was a knock at the door. I already knew it was my mom. I went and opened the door letting her in. She hugged me then went over to Bernice hugging her. I leaned up against the kitchen counter as she sat in the sitting area by the kitchen.

"So, I met with an adoption agency just to find out some basic information about the process for you guys. First, you need to get an adoption attorney. The process takes 6 to 18 months. They'll do a home study, run background checks, so on so forth. Since Malachi's so young it should be easier to get him. Only thing is it could cost between $8,000 to $30,000."

I clutched my chest. "Jesus, that price range jumped up real quick!"

"I know, but they said since you're related to him and he's so young it should be on the lower end. I think you should wait about a month before doing the home study, since you guys just got this place."

"Alright, thank you ma."

"No problem. How many bedrooms is this place?"


"That's good." I could see my mom was squinting looking at me. She got up touching my arm. "When did you get this?" She asked rubbing her finger across one of my tattoos. It was Bernice's name underneath the roses I had on my arm. I had it added a couple of months after we got engaged.

"Awhile, some months ago. Look at this one!" I showed her my other arm. I had a tattoo of a naked chick before I dated Bernice, but once we got married I had it changed to her.

"Oh my gosh, you're too much! I always hated that one. You know they say getting a person's name tattooed is a curse."

"I told him not to do it, but you know he doesn't listen to me." I laughed shrugging.

"It's my body. Even if we do break up she's still my friend. I wouldn't regret it." My mom just shook her head sitting back down.

"Ain't no divorce, bih!" Bernice said making us all laugh.

"I really just wanted to thank you guys for doing this. This means a lot to me and of course Melissa's mother. Bernice, I know you don't really come from a family structure but I just want you to know you'll always have that now. I'm so grateful to have you as a daughter-in-law. You two are both blessings and my babies. I love you guys." My mom said choking on her words as she began to cry. I looked up at the ceiling. This is a touching moment, but she can be so dramatic sometimes.

Bernice hugged my mother. "Don't cry Ma. We just want to do whatever we can to help. I'm just even lucky that Dave chose me. Like I would've never thought I would've married him. You're a blessing! And you have been from the beginning. I -We love you too."

"What y'all crying for? We haven't even adopted Malachi yet. Save that for later!" I said ruining the moment. They both glared at me.

Later that night

Tonight I had a club appearance and performance, so I was getting ready for that. I came out of the bathroom and Bernice was looking in the mirror with two different shoes on. She twisted and turned, "Which shoe?"

I pointed to the left one, "The blue one." She nodded then put on the matching shoe. She grabbed her bag then we left. If I had it my way I'd take her everywhere with me. When you marry your best friend you don't mind.


I stood behind Dave as he performed watching his every movement. I moved a little to the music. I was probably giving him googly eyes, but I just loved seeing him do his thing. Like I'm really in love with this man. The promoter came up to me. "I got dat bag for you both backstage." I nodded my head then he walked off. I only host now if it's with Dave. We might as well make this bread together.

Once he was done performing we went to the VIP section. I sipped my drink as this bad ass Spanish chick walked by with a fat ass. I'm not going to lie when a woman is beautiful. "Did you see dat?" I asked Dave. "Her ass, man!" I said shaking my head in shame, but a good shame.

"It's not fatter than yours." Sometimes I think he thinks he's going to get in trouble if he agrees. I'm not that jealous.

"Maybe not, but it's still nice."

"You always make me think a threesome is an option in the future, but I know you're not bout it!"

I laughed. "You never know!" I just like to look and occasionally touch. If you have a pretty face with a fat ass, I love it. I think that comes from working in a strip club. She looked back at me as she danced and I motioned her over. I love befriending a bad bitch. She came over smiling. "I just wanted to say you're really pretty!" I said close to her ear so she could hear me in this loud club.

"Thank you! You are too and your body is banging!" She licking her teeth as she smiled.

"I'm Bernice."

"I know you. Well, I don't, but I follow you on instagram." We both laughed. "Cyn," We shook hands.

(Cynthia "Cyn")

"Oh and this is my husband, Dave." She looked at me disappointed when I said husband turning her attention towards him. Her face scrunched up.

"D-Boy? Yo, is that you?" Her thick Spanish, but New York accent squealed.

"Cynthia?" They hugged.

"I haven't seen you since like what, 2010. That's crazy!" A girl came up to her saying something. "I have to go, but I'll text you. You still have the same number, D?" He nodded his head up and down. She turned towards me saying, "It was really nice meeting you," before leaving. I looked at Dave raising an eyebrow.

"How you know her?"

"I knew her back when I was dealing. She was dating the guy I got my product from. I didn't mess with her if that's what you're thinking."

"So that's what they called you? D-Boy?"

"Yup, but that's the past."

"Mhm," I said sipping my patron. I really don't believe him, but I wasn't going to act up.

. . .

We were finally back at our condo. As soon as I got in I threw my Tom Ford heels off and threw my Chanel bag down on the table. "Yo, you got a problem?" I heard Dave's voice boom throughout our quiet condo. I turned around looking at Dave like he's crazy.

"What would make you think that?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest.

"You've been having an attitude since we saw Cyn at the club. I told you the truth."

"Doesn't seem like it. Now that I think back on it you were acting weird from the time I pointed her out. Why does she still have your number?"

"No, I wasn't. I didn't even realize it was her. You wanna know every detail? I was selling drugs and towards the end I started working with this dude. She was dating him and sometimes brought the product to me herself because he trusted her like that. Through that we became friends. She got arrested with a shit load of product and ended up snitching on her dude, so she wouldn't get time. I haven't seen her since then. Some people say she went into hiding because he had people looking for her. Never fucked her once. Even if I wanted, which I didn't, I would be too scared to because her nigga didn't play. So there, boom! That's it!"

I didn't say anything just looking at him. Sometimes I feel so stupid because I can be quite insecure. He got closer to me. "This is me we're talking about, B. I wouldn't lie to you. I wouldn't hurt you. We're married now, so we're beyond arguing over shit like this."

I exhaled deeply. "I know. Just...promise me you won't ever cheat on me. Promise me you won't abuse me. Just promise me you won't mistreat me." I was on the verge of tears, but I held it in.

"I promised you that the day I asked you to be my wife and when I said I do. You gotta trust me. It breaks my heart you're insecure because of niggas in the past, but ima fix that."

"I shouldn't still be effected by situations from the past after all this time."

"It's just a work in progress and I'm willing to work with you if you're willing to work with me." I nodded my head then he kissed me.

He was right. But even after being married and finding someone who treats you right it still doesn't erase the past. It doesn't erase the hurt, pain, cheating and abuse I've gone through. And it also doesn't erase my past actions either.

Filler chapter just to introduce a new character.

I'm so sensitive. I legit got teary eyed seeing Dave's post about his baby❤ I was happy not sad or mad like some of y'all😂

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