Chapter 38: Moved On

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Two Years Later
June 3rd

Bright and early at 6am stood Bernice over the stove preparing breakfast. She had already woken up her 4 year old and 2 year old, Malachi and Aurora to get ready but has yet to get ready herself. As she prepared the scrambled eggs in a skillet she looked over her shoulder smiling at the site of her man. She turned the stove off putting the eggs onto a plate then watched him struggle with his tie. She chuckled walking over to him pushing his hands to the side to do it for him. "You just need to get clip-on ties, D."

He laughed as she finished after patting his chest. "I try." He said shrugging while grabbing a piece of toast biting into it. Bernice rolled her eyes wiping crumbs from his dress shirt then the granite top counters.

"Do you not believe in plates, sir?"

"I'm tryna save you dishes. Be grateful," he said laughing but Bernice didn't find it funny. Right as she was about to say something smart Malachi came down the hallway dragging his backpack in one hand and holding Aurora's hand in the other. Bernice smiled at how attentive Kai was to her slowly walking so she wouldn't trip over her bowlegged feet she got from her father. Bernice went over picking Aurora up kissing her making her giggle then taking her to her high chair. As she sat her bowl of food down in front of her she noticed Kai had put her shoes on the wrong feet.

She laughed saying to Kai, "I appreciate the help but wrong feet, my man."

"No wonder it was so hard to get them on," he said scratching the top of his head that held a low haircut with little curls. He sat in the dining area as Bernice handed him a plate. Kai put his tiny hands together saying a quick prayer before beginning to eat. Bernice grabbed his backpack making sure everything he needed was packed in it. They were supposed to be spending the weekend with their grandparents. Bernice paused her actions as a knock at the door grabbed her attention.

She went to the door not bothering to look in the peephole because she knew exactly who it was. She swung the door open smiling as she let him in. "Good morning, Davey!"

"Morning, B!" He said walking in closing the door behind him. He watched as the mother of his child walked to the kitchen in a two piece pj set probably from her line. Her body after having the babies was even better than before. Even though they haven't been together in years it doesn't mean he can't look. A blind man could see how good B looked.

He licked his lips, but his stare was interrupted by Bernice's boyfriend of a year plus, Dominic greeting Dave. "Oh wassup, Dom." Dave said casually. Dave didn't dislike Dominic and didn't know him well enough to like him either. They kept a respectful distance. As long as Bernice was happy along with his kids he could care less. Dave himself hasn't been in a relationship since Bernice called it quits after his unfaithfulness almost 3 years later. He didn't plan to either. His focus are his children and his music career. Dave walked over to the dining area exchanging a hand slap with Kai then rubbing his head. "Wassup, Monkey!" Kai simply smiled biting into jellied toast. Dave made his way to his daughter observing her. "Who put these shoes on the wrong feet?" He said laughing undoing the pair of Adidas originals to put them on the right feet.


"Ma!" They both said at the same time pointing. Dave laughed shaking his head.

Dave tickled Aurora's stomach saying, "Hey, mamas!" She side eyed him continuing to drink her juice out of the bottle. "Attitude just like ya momma. You don't wanna be bothered?" She continued to chug her juice so he took that as a yes.

"Isn't it somebodies birthday today?" Bernice said playfully looking around.

Dave chuckled dryly sitting down next to Kai. "I was gonna see if you said anything..."

"Of course! Happy birthday, old man! You're officially 31!" Bernice said enthusiastically while pulling a confetti popper from behind her back popping it sending confetti flying everywhere. He was glad this isn't his place and he doesn't have to clean that up. "Your children would like to bestow upon you a birthday gift!" Bernice said in a old English British accent making Dave laugh. She handed Dave a gift bag, so he grabbed it taking the tissue paper out. He took the objects out which were a bracelet made by Kai out of beads, a picture painted by him as well, and a box that was wrapped.

Dave looked at the picture that was him, Bernice, Kai, and Aurora smiling. He chuckled at the sun in the corner and birds that looked like mustaches that he drew the same way when he was younger. He observed the fact Kai drew himself and Bernice holding hands. He raised an eyebrow to that, but dismissed it. He looked at the bead bracelet that had Dave on one side, Kai on the other, and RoRo on the other. "It matches mine!" Kai said holding up his arm.

"Thanks, little man!" Dave said grabbing Kai kissing his cheek. Kai pushed him away because at 4 nearly 5 he already thought he was too big for kisses. Hugs on a good day, but no kissies unless your Gianna Davis from his class in his words. Dave proceeded to open the small box sloppily wrapped in gift wrap paper with a crooked bow on it. It was obvious who wrapped it...Kai. He opened it revealing a jewelry box with the Rolex crown on it. He smiled opening it revealing a black watch with gold detailing and diamonds on the bezel. "I definitely know this isn't from the kids," Dave said looking up at a smiling Bernice.

She shrugged. "They saved a lot in their piggy bank," she said jokingly. "Plus, maybe you'll actually get to places on time," she teased because Dave is notorious for showing up to places late. "Put that crown on your wrist, that's a Rolex." Bernice sang the Big Sean lyrics as best as she could pointing at Dave making him chuckle. They were from a Jeremih song, but that was neither here nor there.

"Thanks, BM." Dave said taking it out of the box putting it on his wrist. He twisted his arm every which way looking at the diamonds dance. This probably cost a good grip. If he could kiss Bernice in the mouth right now he would he liked it that much. It was known Dave appreciated a good sneaker and a good piece of jewelry. He didn't feel like arguing about the fact the gift was too expensive though. They're not together and no longer buy each other anything at all unless it's a birthday. If it's not for the kids there's no point. Bernice nodded as she waited on her smoking tea to cool down. "You coming out tonight for my birthday?"

"Of course. I'ma come thru with the girls and turn up witcha."

"Aiight, well I'll see you tonight then. Were gonna get going," Dave said standing up fixing his shirt. He touched Kai's head indicating for him to stand up. Dave grabbed his backpack then picked up Aurora putting her on his hip. He groaned saying, "My little fat girl. You so thick, mama!"

She smiled covering her face then said, "Slim thick witcho cwute a-" before she could finish Dave put his hand over her mouth. Dave looked towards Bernice nervously smiling.

"I don't know where she got that from," he lied rubbing his neck.

"Mhm, you better go." Bernice said putting her hand on her hip. Before Dave left she hugged Kai then kissed Aurora sending them on their way.

Dave traveled down the hall of her condo building with the two children while Bernice put all of the dishes from breakfast in the sink. Dominic looked at the woman he called his girlfriend in a not so happy expression. "What?" Bernice asked noticing it.

"You got him a Rolex?" Dominic asked from the living room putting his dress shoes on beginning to tie them.

"Yes. Is that a problem? Why are you questioning me? It's my money. He's the father of my children, a damn good one at that. I wanted to get him that, so I did."

"That's your answer for everything when it comes to him," he said standing up putting on his suit jacket.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Bernice asked scrunching up her face. She didn't like his tone. He's never had a problem with Dave, so what's the problem now?

To be honest Bernice met Dominic because of Dave. A year ago Dave asked Bernice to come with him to a meeting with his two labels, Def Jam Records and Mass Appeal Records. Sitting across from her was a tall, brown skin man with light brown eyes representing for Mass Appeal. He was new. He stared at Bernice the whole entire time even being caught completely lost when someone called on him. After the meeting he wouldn't let Bernice leave that office without her number. Toya confirmed he was a good guy because she grew up with him back in the Bay and it went from there.

Bernice looked up at the man who was staring at her. Something about him eerily reminded her of Dave. Not the way he looked, but his mannerisms and personality. Maybe because they have the same sign, Gemini. Yeah, that's it. At least that's what she told herself to make herself feel better. Or maybe she was trying to replace Dave with someone just like him, but who doesn't cheat. If that was the case she would never admit that. His light brown eyes pierced into her as he looked at her. He was one fine man, she'll give him that.

"Did you hear me, B?" Dominic asked breaking her thinking session.

"Huh?" Bernice said going back to washing the dishes from breakfast.

"Where are you going tonight?" He said with more attitude probably because he had to repeat himself.

"The strip club for his birthday."

"Hm... I guess that's because he's a good father too, huh? Have fun! I'll be back in two days," he said coming up behind Bernice. He placed his hands on her waist causing her body to tense up. She exhaled as his lips touched her cheek. He stayed in her space for a couple of more seconds to see what she would do. To see if she was upset. When she didn't turn around to kiss him he just backed up leaving the condo altogether. Bernice sighed running her hands through her hair leaving the kitchen to get dressed for work. Although Bernice isn't a club type of person a night out is much needed with how hard she works and raising two kids. Tonight is needed.


After dropping the kids off I decided to run some errands before tonight. I personally wouldn't choose to have my birthday at a strip club, but they wanted to host it so I accepted. I'll try to have fun. I walked back to my Porsche getting in. Bernice decided to let me keep it if I put it in my name and finished the payments. That was fine by me since I had already put so much work into it. As I drove to Brooklyn to Brittany's so she could find me an outfit for tonight my phone started to ring. I looked at the OnStar to see Donna pop up. I hit answer hearing her bubbly voice ring out, "Happy Birthday, baby!"

I chuckled a little just imagining her smiling ear to ear. She's always so happy. "Thanks."

"I have good news!"


"I can come out tonight for your birthday..." my throat immediately got dry when she said that. "Hello?"

I cleared my throat saying, "I thought you had to work tonight?"

"I asked if they could let me leave early. It's your birthday, Dave."

"Yeah, but I thought you said strip clubs weren't really your scene anyway. You and I can go out tomorrow, just us two." I was pulling excuses out my ass because I don't know what to say without hurting her feelings.

"Why does it sound like you don't want me to come?" Because I don't. I only invited Bernice because I knew Donna wasn't coming.

"I'm just making sure. I don't want you to be uncomfortable if you come. That's all."

"If you enjoy it, I'll enjoy it. What's really up?"

I sighed scratching my head. "I invited the mother of my kids."

"Soo, I can't come because she is? I don't get it. Are you hiding something? You still messing with her?"

"No, she gotta nigga. I just-" I paused starting to wonder my real reasoning for why I don't want her to come. "Let me just put it this way...I've never brought around a chick I'm messing with since we ended it. I just don't want things to go left."

"Why would that happen?"

"I don't know how she would react. She's a little crazy. She's not with the games. You can't be on no extra shit, especially since we're not actually in a relationship. Don't come at her sideways on some slick shit. She will really beat your ass with no remorse."

She chuckled, "I'm not. You know I'm not confrontational. I respect her for the simple fact she's the mother of your kid. It'll be fine."

"Alright, don't rub her the wrong way because IF we ever do get in a relationship she's not going to let you around my kids. If that happens then I gotta drop you," I said honestly.

"Dave, I'm nice to everybody!"

"Alright, see you tonight."

"Okay, bye." We hung up right as I pulled in front of Brittany's loft. I got out going inside the building. I buzzed her elevator then she let me up. I pulled the elevator door up walking in to see Zeek in the kitchen in a dress shirt and slacks. It's crazy how he's growing up. Now he works in public relations for a pretty big firm here in NYC. The nigga still childish though.

"If it isn't old man East. Happy Birthday, bro!" He said extending his hand for a dap. "How you, brethren?"

"I'm good, I'm good. Just blessed to be here another year."

"I hear dat. We're turning up tonight! I mean, I rather Britt not be coming, but what can you do?"

I chuckled, "I'm sure she'll let you get at least one lap dance. Speaking of her...where she at?"

"Probably in the back. I gotta get going to work. See you tonight." We dapped once more than he left. I went to the back room to see Brittany had outfits laid out ready to go.

"The birthday man! Happy C-day, my dude!" She said punching my arm.

"You a crip now?" I said laughing, "But thanks. What you got for me?" I said looking at the outfits.

"Just a couple of Balmain jeans, designer sneakers and some exclusives." She said twinkling her fingers. "Something slight. You know I had to get you right on your day. Try this on first," she said extending clothes to me.

After trying a couple of outfits on I came out in one I was feeling the most. "Okay, where's Waldo? Yasss!" Britt said snapping as I looked in the mirror. Her ass is always going to be crazy.

"I like this one."

"Me too. With the Cartier frames and this small Versace pendant necklace you are good to go," she said handing me the box. "Oh, that's your birthday gift."

"Word?" I said opening the Versace velvet box. "Thanks, sis." I said hugging her.

"No problem." I went and changed back into the clothes I came in then left with the outfit for tonight. I'm just trying to have a good time. After all it is my birthday.

Later That Night...

I walked into the strip club immediately hearing the DJ yell, "The man of the night is here! Make some noise for the realest out the East!" over the mic as he started to play my Panda remix. I watched as girls in little outfits filed out onto the stage with cards that spelled out my name. A line of girls came out of nowhere holding bottles with sparklers taking me to my section. They went all out. Right as I was about to pop a bottle I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. As I hesitated Buddha grabbed the bottle from me popping it himself as I took my phone out. As I saw Cynthia on my screen I rolled my eyes. When I didn't answer she sent a text saying happy birthday and that her son, Santiago misses me. I brushed it off putting my phone back in my pocket.

The baby ended up not being mine or Trey's. It was a big relief. The fact I even fucked with a dirty chick like that that tested two men and still didn't find the dad made me cringe. The big heart in me felt sad she couldn't find the dad and probably once he was a couple of months old I started playing that figure. It wasn't until recently that I stopped going around. I have too much on my plate as it is. It's wrong for me to just leave after building that bond, but it's not my responsibility.

I motioned for one of the bottle girls to come over so I could order a drink. I literally froze when I saw Donna walk into the club. She really came. I rubbed my beard licking my lips staring at her as she approached. Personality wise, she's not the type I go for. She's prim and proper. Grew up in the suburbs of Jersey and had a good upbringing. Normal woman, but we clicked. Physically, she's definitely my type.

I told them to let her in the section, so they did. I smiled hugging her. "Look at you! You actually came."

"Of course! I said I would." She looked around taking everything in. I saw her make a face a couple of times probably seeing strippers going ham. I laughed grabbing her hand leading her further into the section.

"You want a drink? I'll get you something."

"Watermelon vodka," I called the girl over ordering it for her. She gripped onto my hand tighter as Buddha and Toya acted up throwing money onto a stripper. I laughed. They're that wild couple who just doesn't give a fuck. Toya isn't the jealous type. She just chills and has a good time with her man. That's why Buddha's still with her. It's crazy how everybody in the click is still together except me and Bernice.

"Are you gonna loosen up tonight or be uptight?" I said chuckling.

"I need a couple of drinks first," she said still looking around with a slightly shocked face.

After getting Donna loosened up a bit I let her interact with Toya while I did my thing with Buddha, Zeek and Wayno. "B and Britt are here," Buddha said pointing at them approaching the section.

Zeek groaned loudly. "The party poopers!" He pushed the girl giving him a dance away making her fall on the ground. Ow! She yelled glaring at him. "My bad. Take this and skedaddle before my girl beats both of our asses!" He said throwing money at her. I laughed turning my attention back to Bernice. She looked good as hell in that red cat suit. They let them into the section and B came up to me hugging and kissing me on the cheek.

Donna came up standing next to me smiling. "Hi! This must be the baby mama..." she said rubbing up on my arm. It's the way she said it, not what she said. I could've swore I told her to not to be extra tonight? I looked at her realizing she's probably tipsy. The kiss on the cheek probably bothered her or just the fact she saw my baby mama isn't some busted chick.

"Oop!" Bernice said jerking her neck back. "I prefer mother of his child and ex, baby girl!" Bernice said bopping away to the beat of the music unbothered. I looked at Donna like What was that? but she just went back to dancing to the music drinking more. I looked over at Bernice who was laughing with Brittany and Toya probably talking about Donna as Never Bitch by MariahLynn played.

Never, bitch!
Things that you do, you'll be never rich. Never poppin', you'll be never it.
You're way at the top of the never list. Never bitch!

Bernice rapped along. She looked at me waving her finger for no then did a thumbs down laughing more. Donna is already on her bad side. This is going to be a long night.

. . .

It's been about an hour and the club had just brought me out a huge cake. The DJ told everybody to sing me happy birthday, so they did and now I'm blowing my candles out. They handed me a mic and just left it at thanking everybody for coming out. Of course the DJ had to play one of my songs thinking I would give a little performance, but naw. They didn't pay me for that, so it's not going down. I'm here to enjoy myself. I went back to my section when Donna grabbed me saying, "I'm about to leave?"


"Yeah, I have work in the morning."

"Alright, let me walk you out." I grabbed a hold of her hand as I walked her outside. We stood there as we waited for her car to come. "You really gonna leave? It's my birthday. You could spend the night with me," I said hinting at the obvious.

"You know the deal, Dave." I inwardly scoffed. Yeah, I know but I don't like it. She doesn't believe in having sex unless you're in a relationship. If I was an asshole I'd fake just to fuck, but she knows I'm not ready for a relationship.

"Aiight, your car is here. Goodnight."

"Are you upset?"

"Nah, I respect it. You know I do." I said pulling her into a hug. She pulled away kissing my cheek then my lips.

"Goodnight. I had fun. A new experience," she said laughing before getting in the car. I watched it pull off then went back into the club. Instead of going to my reserved section I went out where the crew was at. I sat in a seat realizing Brittany, Toya and Bernice were on the stage with the strippers. They're clearly drunk. Why is everybody having more fun than me?

"What the hell is going on?" I asked watching them twerk while money was being thrown on them.

"Britt and B having stripper withdrawals and Toya's just drunk," Buddha said as we laughed. I took a drink of my Henny then threw some money. I was mainly looking at Bernice, but I was trying to be discreet about it. Just because I still find her sexy as fuck, doesn't mean I would necessarily be in a relationship with her again. Like I have a choice because she would never take me back anyway. It's been two years. Two years of co-parenting and rebuilding our friendship.

After Zeek smacked Brittany on the ass with a stack of cash he dapped me. I looked at everybody confused as Bernice came up to me. Everybody backed up as she fell into my lap beginning to give me a lap dance. I feel like everybody talked her up to do this despite the fact she has a man. Hell, I'ma enjoy it. After her grinding and twerking on me Britt the hater pulled her off of me. I'll savor that for a lifetime because who knows the next time that'll happen.

After awhile we finally left the club. They made me take Bernice home because she's drunk. Another drunk person can't help somebody drunk, so everybody else was not an option. As I unlocked the door to her condo I tried my best to hold her up. Once I got the door open I took Bernice to the couch. "You're just gonna have to sleep here because I can't get you any further," I said sitting on the couch too. I grabbed her feet taking off her heels. I stood up moving her body all the way on the couch.

I went to the hallway closet grabbing a blanket. When I came back I tried to put the blanket over her, but she said, "Noo!" in a whiny tone.

"What, B? You needa go to sleep."

"Are you leaving?"

"Yeah, I'm going to my place. You gonna be alright?"

"No," she said like a little kid.

"Why not? You're just drunk," I said chuckling sitting on the couch with her. She sat up wrapping the blanket around her shoulders. She went from leaning her head on my shoulder to climbing onto me straddling my lap. I didn't know what to do. Bernice gets extremely horny and sexual when she's drunk. Or at least around me. When she began to lick my neck I had to mush her ass just to get her to stop making her fall on the floor. I didn't mean to do her like that. "Sorry," I said chuckling extending my hand out.

She pushed it away saying, "Damn! Is this because of that bitch who was at the club?"

"Naw, she's not even my girl. It's because you have a man. Where is he at anyway?" I'm not for messing with chicks who have a boyfriend. Even if it is Bernice.

"I don't know," she said rubbing her eyes as she still sat on the floor. "On a business trip."

"What'd you think about ol girl?" I asked referring to Donna. With liquor in her system I know she would be 100% honest.

"She was aiight. Boring as fuckkk though. Where you find her at? The library. She ain't me," she said waving her hand off. "I'm Benihana's, she's the Chinese joint down the street who can't pass inspection. I'm a Louboutin, she's a medical shoe." I couldn't help, but die laughing because she was so serious.

"On that note...I'm gonna get going," I said standing up. I put the trash can by the couch then helped her up. I let myself out then left. What a night. This was pretty calm if you ask me.

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