Chapter 65: Please Stay

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Fort Lee, NJ

I walked into the house after them making me spend all day away so they could set up. They decided to throw an early baby shower with just close friends and family, so Dave can be there. I took in the decorations going to each room. The billiard room had a place to take pictures.

I walked to the formal dining room right next to it seeing decorations with food and tables set up.

I grabbed one of the cake pops biting into it when I heard, "What are you doing? Quit eating the stuff!" I turned around to see Toya. She always volunteers to plan the parties and she always does a good job. If she ever wants a second job other than a publicist she should start a party planning business.

"What? I'm hungry?" I whined.

"You need to be getting dressed. Brittany is upstairs finding you an outfit."

"Dressed? Why can't I just keep what I have on? I wanna be comfy."

"Because I said so!" She said like a mother with no real reasoning. I sighed going up the stairs to my bedroom. I found Brittany in the walk-in closet.

"Hey," I said hugging her. "I hope you didn't pick anything over the top because I'm trying to be chill."

"I picked this," she said showing me. It was a dress I had never even worn. Now that I don't do club hosting's or go out period I haven't got any use out of some of my outfits.

"That's fine. Just give me a pair of flats to wear when my feet start hurting." She nodded her head as I sat at the vanity. While out I got my nails, toes and hair done. All I needed to do was my makeup and even that I'm not going all out. I can't even do my own makeup that great anyway. I do the most simple thing you can do. "Where are the guys?"

"I don't know," she said shrugging.

Before I could even start on my own makeup Toya was coming up the stairs saying, "No! I wanna do your makeup."

"Well, c'mon! Are you as good as your sister, Tasia though?"

"I got some skills," she said brushing her shoulder off.

"Some ain't enough. Don't fuck my face up!"

She laughed saying, "I won't! Just trust me."

"I don't trust nan nigga saying trust me!" I rapped the lyrics to Robb's song Trust Me as Brittany laughed. Toya laughed too clipping my hair back then starting on my face.

As she did my makeup I texted Dave asking where he is at only to get this response:

In the house

I didn't see you

Don't worry about it
Mind ya bidness😇

I smacked my lips exiting his thread texting Belinda. I would've thought she would be here by now. Robb says he hasn't confronted her yet. He said he's just been dropping hints seeing if she would admit to it, but nope. I really don't want to do it today, but I'm feeling like it's the only option. We might just have to do it after the baby shower. "Hey, people!" I heard a voice ring out. I looked around Toya to see Belinda walk in. She came up to me hugging me. "I would give you kissies, but I don't want to mess up Toya's masterpiece."

"Is it really a masterpiece? Does it look good?" I know Belinda will give me her honest opinion.

"Yeah, it looks good."

"See for yourself. I'm done," Toya said backing up from me.

I turned around looking in the vanity mirror nodding my head in approval. "It's aiight!" I said looking at the black smokey eye with glitter that will match my dress and a nude gloss.

"Just for that I'm charging for all of my services. Planning this, the makeup, everything."

I laughed saying, "You don't want me to pay you in gum like normally?"

"No, I want cash money. That skrilla!" She said rubbing her fingers together. I chuckled leaving the closet going through my bedroom. I decided to get the kids dressed before I get ready myself.

I walked down the hall yelling, "Kai! Ro! Where are y'all at?" When I got no response I yelled, "Malachi Carter Brewster! Aurora Rose Brewster! I know y'all hear me!" And like that they both came out of the play room. I'm starting to really think this house is too big. There's 5 bedrooms and 7 bathrooms. I just need a blow horn to call them.

"Yes, ma'am?" Kai said looking up at me.

"What are y'all doing?"

"Playing," I looked in the playroom to see Sade and Shakur in there too along with Robb watching them. I went over kissing Sade and Shakur. "Hey, do you want to talk to Belinda today?" I asked Robb.

"If you want to. I don't want to ruin your day."

"It won't. You just have to stay calm. I know this hurts, but maybe she has a good reason. We can do it once it's over."


"I need to get y'all dressed," I said to Kai and Ro leading them out of the room. I put Kai in a Bape T-shirt, jeans and a pair of hi-top black vans. Next I put Ro in a Burberry shirt, jeans and a pair of red converse. I put her curly hair into a ponytail then put a red bow in it. Once done I walked out of Aurora's room knocking into someone. I looked up to see Dave. "What were you doing in there?" I said pointing at a bedroom that's still empty.

"Don't worry about it," he said trying to walk around me. I waited a second then went towards the door. "Ah! Back yo ass up!" Dave yelled startling me. He grabbed me turning me around steering me in the other direction. "You're so damn nosy!" I smacked my lips going to our bedroom to change. I put on the black, sequin dress by The Royals Brittany picked out then my black Giuseppe Zanotti's.

"People are waiting on y'all," Brittany said with attitude coming to the the door.

"People are already here? It's supposed to start at 7."

"It's ten past seven."

"Like I said...People are already here? Black people don't ever come on time. What's different?" She shrugged leaving as I went to the bathroom where I saw Dave in the mirror brushing his hair. "They're waiting on us."

"Okay, I'm coming." He put his brush down fixing his Gucci polo shirt then following behind me. He grabbed my hand helping me walk down the stairs. We went to the dining room where we saw everybody sitting down. When they saw us they started cheering like we were the damn president and first lady.

"Yayyy! Mommy and Daddy!" Ro clapped right along, but looked confused as to why they were clapping in the first place. Both Dave and I laughed as he picked her up kissing her.

"Wait, you guys have to go take a picture at the picture station." Toya instructed. Me and Dave went to the billiard room sitting on the bench. I noticed the photographer was Dave's photographer he usually takes on the road. He shouted words to get us to smile. Dave and I did a regular picture smiling, one kissing, a silly one then the kids jumped in.

After playing games they made Dave and I stand up. We never told the gender after finding out, so we're revealing that and the name. "Okay, so the gender that won during the vote was boy. Is that right?"

Dave and I looked at each other saying nothing and just flipping the chalk boards over that had the first and middle name written on it. "Y'all tell us. Does this sound like a boy name?" Dave's board has her first name which is Lotus. After his trip to Tokyo, Japan he grew an obsession for the flower after roses. Lotus' have a symbolism for purity. They grow in mud, but flower clean. Dave picked it and I liked it. My board read her middle name of Leilani. I picked it because I like the meaning. "It's a girl. Lotus Leilani Brewster. Coming this June," Dave said with a smile on his face. I laughed because he made her sound like a movie.

Even though Dave and I discussed that until we knew who the father was the baby would take my last name. But that's not something you say in front of everybody. "I told y'all! Give me my money," Buddha said standing up.

Zeek smacked his lips. "It's a boy. He probably just gotta little peen. It'll be revealed when HE is born. I'm not paying you nothing!" He said crossing his arms.

"Don't disrespect my child like that because we all know if it was a boy that thing could be seen from the back of the room. It's a girl and y'all gotta protect my princesses while I'm gone."

"We got you," Buddha said as Zeek, Wayno and Robb agreed.

"Since we're up here...Let me give a speech." Everybody smacked their lips and groaned. He always wants to give a speech. "Damn, I think I deserve one speech. I just want to say thank you to everybody. Thank you for being the best set of friends and family members I could ask for. You guys always have my back and are always there for me. Especially, the ones I built bonds with who were just supposed to work for me."

Brittany coughed, "Me and Toya. Real G's stand up!" Both her and Toya stood up waving as I chuckled.

"Yeah, them. Not only do all of you have my back, but you love my wife and kids like they're yours. To know the people I love the most will be in good hands while I'm gone makes me better. Ain't nothing gonna change and I put that on everything."

"Juheard!" Everybody yelled holding up their glass if they had one. Dave looked at me smiling then kissing my cheek as I did too.

After eating we opened gifts. Most of the gifts were gender neutral and I pretty much got everything on my registry. To know that people love you enough to even spoil your kids warms my heart. Even the fact that people that initially only came into our lives for a job are really down. As soon as they heard Dave was going to jail and they would no longer be getting money off of him they could've dipped, but they didn't. "My gift last," Dave announced.

"Gift? You don't have to give a gift," I said in confusion.

"I know, but I wanted to. It's upstairs. Come on," he said grabbing my hand taking me upstairs. He took me to the door he wouldn't let me go in earlier. He opened it revealing a now decorated nursery. "For little LoLo."

I smiled on the verge of tears hugging him. "It's so cute!"

"I know," he said grinning cockily. "B, I know this is going to be hard but we'll get through it. Just know I'm always going to be there even if it's not physical for a little while."

"I know."

"You just have to hold it down for the time being."

"You want me to hold you down, I'ma hold you up! Cuz I ain't with all that hold me down. Nigga, why? Hold you down for what? Baby, I'm riding, but I ain't dying!" I said mimicking a instagram video making us both laugh.

"You're stupid. I also need you to do a couple of radio runs to promote the single and mixtape. I told Wayno to push that button and release it tomorrow when I go to sentencing. I know you don't like interviews, but just for me."

"I got you." He thanked me then kissed me before we went back downstairs.


After the baby shower was over Bernice went and got Belinda. We went upstairs to the other living room sitting down. I was already irritated and we haven't even said one word yet. I've been trying to get Belinda to say something with hints and slick comments with no use. "What's going on?" Belinda asked looking at me then Bernice. I put my arm on the arm rest then put my index finger on my temple. I gave the floor to Bernice so she could speak. I knew if I went first it would get us nowhere.

"I had a conversation with Cynthia. You know who that is, right?"

"Yeah, the one Dave cheated on you with. Right?" She asked trying to play clueless.

"And?" Bernice said trying to solicit a confession from her.

"And, what?"

"And Shoota's wife. The one who paid you to date Robb and start shit. We know Belinda." I looked at her face fall as I shook my leg. Something I do when I'm growing more pissed by the second.

"What are you talking about?"

"Yo, I can't!" I said standing up.

"Wait, Robb!" Bernice yelled.

"She's really about to sit up here and lie to our fucking faces! I found the paper work for the bank account where Cynthia was wiring money into it for your payments. You got $100,000 for this shit and there's no telling how much more you would've got if you finished the job."

"Okay, so what if I did? Does it matter anymore. I didn't go through with it, so who cares?"

"Who cares?! Me! You a fucking liar, dog. Everything we built, whatever this is, is from a lie. You don't love me. You possibly can't. You're a user. You're a snake and you're fake and phony," I listed on my fingers.

"What do you want me to do? Give the money back? Do you want the $20,000 you gave me back, Bernice? Do you want me take back having your kids, Robb? I can't do that. Now can I?"

"The fact that sorry has yet to leave your lips is blowing my mind. No you can't do that, but you know what you can do? You've been whining about wanting to go back to Trinidad so much, so go! I'm done and I'm taking my kids."

"You're not taking my kids from me. I made a mistake by doing something terrible for money at a hard time in my life. Sue me! I needed money. I didn't go through with it. If you're doubting I love you, you shouldn't. Yeah, I didn't mean to get pregnant by you, but I don't regret it. It was a mistake the first time, the second was a choice. Just like it was a choice to walk down the aisle."

"And just like it's my choice to say I want the marriage annulled." Belinda looked over at me watery eyed while I showed no emotion.

"Bernice, please, help me!"

"Help you how? I'm not getting in that. You tell me to mind my business any other time. Just like him I don't believe shit you say. Are you even my sister? Because we damn sure didn't get a blood test to make sure. You weren't in my mom's will either."

"Are you serious? We had the same last name. I look just like our mom."

"Who knows? I hate to be this way...But did Ricky even actually molest you or was that apart of your sob story?"

She was quiet then said, "No, he didn't." Now it made sense why she has been wanting to go back to Trinidad so bad. She has no bad blood with her dad. Had me feeling sorry for her from the beginning.

"I think you need to go to Trinidad for a break or something. To get yourself together then come back," I said calming down.

"Y'all are trying to make me feel like I'm a bad person when I'm not!" She yelled. "Fuck you both! I should've just went through with it. You try to pretend you've changed when you haven't. Don't act like you haven't done shit you shouldn't have for money. You sold drugs and did the drugs!" she said pointing at me. "And you try to pretend you're better than everybody like you weren't a stripper!" She said pointing at Bernice.

I looked over at Bernice who just rolled her eyes as she took off her heels. I'm pretty sure she's tired of hearing that played out insult. "Whatchu taking your shoes off for?" Belinda said standing up. I looked at her like she's crazy. I stood directly in the middle of the distance between them.

"I'm taking my shoes off because my feet hurt and I'm pregnant! Sit your mutha fucking ass down! Jumping bad like you'll actually hit me knowing I'm pregnant. I should pop you in your reckless ass mouth for coming at me crazy on several occasions. You're my sister, so I won't put my hands on you like you're some bitch off the street!"

"You won't put a hand on me."

"I won't? I will son you so hard. Don't go there. Respect your elders and sit your ass down like I said. We're trying to talk to you and you're getting defensive because you know you're wrong. Sit the fuck down!" Belinda sucked her teeth loudly before sitting back down. "You need to listen to Robb. Go to Trinidad for a vacation then come back with a clearer mind. I don't doubt that you grew to love both of us, but do you understand where we're coming from when we say we don't trust you? Maybe if you get an apologetic attitude we'll be forgiving. Until then? No. I'm done with this," Bernice said getting up.

I wasted no time jogging down the stairs before I was left alone with Belinda. I looked for Dave dapping him. "I'm out. I'll be back tomorrow before your sentencing. Stay up, bro."

"Alright. Thanks, Robb. Everything good?"

"I'm good. Don't worry about me. Worry about yourself. You have bigger issues than my little shit. I'll be praying for you," he nodded his head as we parted.

I found Sade and Shakur telling them to say bye. I picked Shakur up taking them to the car. I didn't even care about Belinda. I'm over this shit. After I put them in their car seats I got in the driver seat. I saw Belinda rush out of the house, but I pulled off. We didn't come together in the first place. We came separately even though she brought the kids with her. In my eyes these are my kids because this was never her plan to have them. I was just a meal ticket. So we can go to court because I'm getting custody. I don't care.


I laid on the floor laughing as Kai and Ro jumped all over me. I needed to tell them what was going to happen, but I was scared. "Alright! Alright!" I said giving in. Ro sat on top of my torso as Kai sat on his knees next to me. "Daddy needs to tell you guys something," I said sitting up.

"What? I'm all ears!" Kai said pulling his ears out.

"You sure are. Big Dumbo ears!" I teased as we laughed. I sighed noticing Bernice leaned up against the wall. I want to keep it as honest as possible with them even if they don't understand. I hate when people go to jail and they lie about it to their kids. My mom tried to pull that shit with me and my siblings when my dad went to jail, but I knew. He was gone five years. She tried to say he was in the military. It was a good lie, I'll give her that.

"I'm going to be gone for awhile."

"You going on tour again?" Kai groaned.

"No, not tour. Remember how we used to watch Cops?"

"Yeah, dats my show!" He said with a smile. I know I wasn't supposed to be watching that with him, but on the nights he couldn't sleep we would watch whatever was on tv. It was funny to him.

"Well, something like that happened to me."

"You got chased by fat policemen?" He asked confused.

"Not completely, but I did get put in the back of a police car. I watched somebody do something bad, so I got in trouble too. Remember that girl you used to have a crush on in your class?" I asked Kai.

"Yeah, the one who was just using me for my 100 pack of crayons."

"Yeah, there are going to be people like that in life. People who use you and who don't want the best for you. They don't really care about you or love you. Not everybody is like that, but there are some. Just know that I love you and I'll always be there no matter what. Okay?"

I looked at Kai who was just looking at me. I could tell he wanted to cry. Aurora obviously didn't get what was going on. I never taught Kai that stupid thing that it's not okay for men to cry, he just wasn't a crier. Neither was Aurora. They were both happy with a little attitude sometimes. Kai rubbed his eyes as I hugged him. "Why do you have to go? You're not bad!"

"Because it's the law. It'll be over before you know it. As soon as you notice I'm gone, I'll be back." I said putting on a hopeful smile. I don't even know that. I wiped his tears hugging him.

"Oh, no! Don't cry! No, no, no!" Ro said hugging Kai. "Hush little baby don't you cry," she sang out of tune making me laugh.

"I'm not a baby!" Kai said wiping his face.

"I was just tryna help you!" She pouted.

"It's okay. I love you guys."

"I love you too," they both said hugging me so tight I couldn't breathe but I loved it. "Alright, it's time for bed." I stood up as they ran off.

I walked towards Bernice who wiped my face dry from a few tears. "You did a good job, baby."

"I tried," I said sighing.

"You just go take a shower. I'll get them ready for bed." I nodded my head walking to our bedroom.

The whole time I took a shower I thought. I tried to tell myself that whatever I get wouldn't be that long, but it is when you have kids. You miss a lot. I'll miss birthdays. Ro is about to turn three next month.

After getting out of the shower I put on my boxers then polo pajama pants going to the bedroom. I saw Bernice in the bed sitting up reading a book like every night. I crawled into the bed laying on my stomach on top of her legs. "I was thinking..." she said flipping pages. "I can go ahead and get a paternity test, so we'll know if you're the father before she comes."

"Naw, I'm good. Until they find Dominic I don't want to know. That's my baby until then."

"What if they don't ever find him? Or what if they find his body?"

"If he's dead, I definitely don't want to know. That'll change everything I think. I don't want to unintentionally treat her differently, especially if she's his and he's dead. In my mind, she's mine. Alright?"

"Okay, what about the last name?"

"If they don't find him by the time she's born give her my last name. I don't care." It was quiet for a minute as she continued to read. I was honestly about to fall asleep like this on her soft thighs. "I get conjugal visits since we're married, right?" I asked randomly making her giggle.

"I'm sure. You probably just have to get approved first."

"Aww, shit! We're about to be cutting up. We're gonna conceive a baby while I'm in the joint. That's some gangsta ass shit!"

"We're definitely not. I have enough kids to take care of by myself," I could hear her sigh.

I kissed her thigh saying, "I love you." She said it back stroking my hair until I knocked out.

The Next Day

Today is me sentencing. I also learned from my letter from the U.S. Marshall's instructing me about today that I'll be starting my time right away. I looked at Bernice as she tied my tie. "Stop staring. It's not nice to stare," she said smiling.

I licked my lips saying, "You're mine so I can stare if I want."

She looked up at me saying, "All done," before kissing me. I grabbed onto her ass making her laugh. I pecked her lips before pulling my wedding band off of my hand handing it to her. Because I have stones on mine I can't wear it. I wouldn't want to bring something that expensive in anyway. Instead of getting a new band I can wear in there I just got a B initial tattooed on the side of my ring finger. If I didn't have Dave East tattooed across the top of my fingers I would've gotten it there. Plus, I already have three other tattoos dedicated to her. She finally wasn't a punk and got a D tattooed on her ring finger.

"You ready? Everybody's waiting," Bernice asked looking at me. I nodded my head grabbing my Quran following her downstairs where everybody was waiting for me in the living room. My dad lead the prayer and once he was done I hugged everybody one by one.

I hugged my mother feeling a sensation of my heart aching. I hate to see my mother cry. "Ma, stop. It's gonna be okay. Alright? Help Bernice as much as you can. I love you." I wiped her tears kissing her cheek.

Zeek grabbed me into a hug next super tight. I laughed patting his back. I was just waiting for him to say something slick like don't drop the soap nigga. Instead he said, "I love you bruh. You're real life like my big brother. I'ma make you proud while you're away."

I smiled dapping him, "I love you too. Stay on ya grind. You got it. Try not to annoy everybody too much while I'm gone." I rubbed his head then let go.

"We gotta go before you're late," Bernice said. I nodded my head putting my hand up throwing up a peace sign before exiting my house. I got in the awaiting car with Bernice while my parents, Zeek and Buddha got in the car behind us. Saying bye to Kai before he went to school this morning was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. It was even harder saying bye to Aurora. I haven't cried that hard since Malik was killed.

The car pulled off heading to New York. "Where was Belinda?" I asked remembering not seeing her.

"I don't know. Robb came and she didn't even show up to say bye. That shows me where her head is really at. You know she didn't apologize to me or Robb? She saw nothing wrong in what she did. Okay, you didn't go through with it but you didn't tell us about Shoota either. This could've all been avoided if she told us Shoota's plan," I nodded my head looking out of the window.

Once we got to New York we went to the courthouse. The driver parked the car and I looked at the time seeing I had ten minutes before the time. "You know you never told me if I should bring the kids to visit you?"

"I still haven't decided," I said shrugging. "I'll let you know." I looked over at Bernice who was playing with her thumbs as her hands rested on her stomach. I grabbed onto her hand kissing it then her stomach. When I pulled back I looked at her to see her crying. "Don't cry."

"I'm not," she said quickly trying to wipe them away. "My eyes are just sweating. Real G's don't cry," she said hitting her chest making me laugh.

"If you say so," I said leaning in and kissing her.

"Sir, it's 5 till 10." The driver said to remind me of the time like I asked. I thanked him sighing.

"You got this," Bernice said touching my face. "C'mon, before we're late. Because if we're late you're not going at all. I'll say fuck it and let's run off to Africa or some shit." I chuckled kissing her again before opening the door. I got out holding the door open for her then helping her out. I waited for my parents, Buddha and Zeek to get out then we walked up the stairs of the court house.

Once we went in we went through security then to the court room where my lawyer was waiting. After waiting a bit I was called next. I walked up front standing in front of the judge. After her saying all of the stuff she has to, she finally got to the part I care about. "I'm sentencing you to 12 years divided into 2 years in the federal penitentiary and 10 years on supervised probation. You will also be fined $200,000." I tried to take it all in as she continued, "You got a good deal for the charges you have, don't mess it up. In most accessory cases the person gets whatever time the actual person who committed the crime gets. I tried to be mindful of the fact you have children. One that you adopted and an unborn child, but their are consequences to actions. All of this could have been avoided, but I see your potential. Someone lost their life. Let this be a lesson to pick your friends wisely."

After today there is no free man. I would never wish jail on my worst enemy after my small stint for that gun charge, but it's the consequence I have to pay. They say the most poisonous people come disguised as friends and family. Well, I know that now. Cut the grass and you'll reveal the snakes. Sometimes you fuck up and end up getting bitten and it ends up being too late. Two years...Being naive, forgiving and caring cost me two years.

This chapter was long af lol. I'll probably be posting twice a day this week so I can wrap this story up. 5 more chapters🙌 Comment / Vote🌹✨

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