Chapter 68: I Never Left You

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*Fact: I only wrote this story to promote Dave East & Robb Banks music. I so proud of my baby😭 He looks so fine😍

I feel like a proud mom when some1 says they listened to them bcuz of me. They need to hire me😂 2 more chapters!🙌🏾

Upstate Correctional Facility

The guards walked me into the visiting area where I saw Bernice sitting at a table with Malachi. I was still battling with letting them visit me in here, but after Bernice told me how Kai has been behaving I know I needed to see him in person. Phone calls isn't enough. To know he thinks I abandoned him breaks my heart.

Bernice stood up from the table where I saw her say something to him. When I walked up to them he looked a little unsure of how to react so I said, "You can hug me, K-" before I could finish he was wrapping his arms around me. I chuckled picking him up seeing he was crying. I wiped his face kissing him. "I missed you, little man."

"I missed you too," he said sniffling. I kissed his cheek before putting him down. I kissed Bernice next then we sat down. "You look bigger," he said looking at my confused.

"I've been working out. You see these guns," I said flexing my arm pointing to it as he laughed.

"You're still weak!"

"Oh, word? When I get out you'll be the first to catch these hands. How have you been doing in school?"


Bernice cut him off saying, "You better not lie."

He looked at her pouting then saying, "My grades are good, I just had to move my card to red a couple of times."


"This boy said something about you, so I called him a name. He pushed me, so I clocked him in the face," Kai said shrugging. I couldn't help but laugh. "You told me if somebody puts their hands on me that I can hit them back."

"I did tell you that, but sometimes you have to pick and choose your battles. You can't fight everybody. Also, stop putting your hands on your sister. If I hear about you doing it again it'll be me and you."

"Okay," he said lowering his head. He shot it back up asking, "Did you get the drawing I sent you?"

"I sure did. It's hanging up right now. I love it and I love you."

"I love you too," he said smiling.

I turned towards Bernice asking, "How are you?"

"I'm fine. Even better now that he's gotten to see you. You know Aurora wants to see you."

"I know. I just wanted only him to come, so I can talk to him. How's baby girl, Lo?"

"She's good. The most cooperative baby I've ever seen. She gives me no trouble unlike Ro at that age. Just a sweet, little thing." She was quiet for a moment then said, "I should tell you that I got a DNA test on her." I looked at her furrowing up my eyebrows. "I know you said you didn't wanna know, but-"

"Don't tell me, B. You said he's dead, so I don't want to know. You said you went to his funeral and saw him laying in the casket, so he's for sure dead. She's mine. I'm her father regardless. That's all there is to it. Okay?" Bernice nodded her head as the guard told me to wrap it up. "Well, I gotta go." I said standing up. I hugged and kissed Bernice then did the same to Kai. "Be good, okay? Anytime you think of doing something bad think about me being over your shoulder giving you that look. Aiight? I love you," I said rubbing his head. I was escorted out by the guard sighing a sigh of relief.

Fort Lee, NJ

After visiting Dave instead of coming straight back Kai and I stayed in a hotel. Then this morning we made the 5 hour drive back. I'm glad Kai got to see Dave. Hopefully that helps with his behavior and makes him realize Dave didn't leave him by choice. Also, that Dave will always be there for him no matter where he's at.

I woke up from a much needed nap furrowing my brows because I heard nothing but commotion. I got out of my bed going out to the hall looking over the banister where I could hear loud music. I shook my head making my way downstairs to see Robb in the kitchen while Zeek had a movie on with surround sound on full blast watching it with the kids. This is pretty much how my house always is since Dave left. I wish he wouldn't have told them to look out for me because when they're not working somebody is always here annoying me and eating up all of my food.

"Hey, can you turn it down?" I yelled to Zeek as they watched Transformers. The kids didn't even notice me because they were too busy looking at the screen. Why does he have toddlers watching this?

"What?!" He yelled putting his hand to his ear.

"Turn it down! You're going to make these kids go deaf!" I yelled.

"Turnt down?! No, we're turnt up! We're having fun. You should join! Whose kid died?" He yelled looking at me confused. I sighed snatching the remote from him turning it down.

"I said turn it down!"

"Oh, my bad. I couldn't hear you." No fucking duh! I looked at Sade's outfit furrowing up my face. What the fuck does Robb have her wearing? Belinda either needs to come back or he needs a new girlfriend willing to play mommy. At least now he knows how to do her hair after a couple of lessons from me.

I rubbed Shakur's head full of curly hair going to the kitchen. I sat at the island asking, "What are you doing in my kitchen?" As I looked down at my phone.

"I gave Lotus her bottle because you were knocked out. You're welcome, homie. Then I got hungry. You're out of bread, by the way." I rolled my eyes looking at Instagram seeing Belinda tagged me in a picture. I clicked on it reading the caption.

Real Sisters👭 Still my fave even when she's not talking to me #WCW😍 @realberniceburgos

I rolled my eyes not even liking it but reading the comments. She's been calling and texting me, but I haven't responded yet. I will on my own time. "Why are people so petty? Belinda posted a picture of us two and people are commenting 'Both fucked by the phone' '2phone's 2 bitches'." Any other time I would've been pissed but I laughed. It's funny to me now. Nothing people say bothers me anymore. No more fighting and being angry. I've been through it all.

I showed it to Robb as he laughed a little too. "My supporters are mean. Oh, you know she's back from Trinidad?"

"Since when?" I said looking up at him.

"Since a couple of days ago," he said shrugging. "She showed up to one of my shows attacking Haley and shit."

"What was Haley doing there? You fucking with her now?"

"Naw, she's like really an industry chick. I keep asking what she does and nobody can really tell me. She just be around the music scene promoting artists and throwing parties. She threw the party I was performing at. Even though I don't fuck with Belinda right now we're still married. I'm not bout to do that." I nodded my head in understanding, "She wants to talk. I told her the only way that's happening is if you're there."

"Call her and tell her to come over now."


I nodded my head, "Yeah, why not? We're already together and she's clearly not doing shit." He said okay dialing her number. I watched as he told her then hung up. It's probably going to take her awhile to get here, so I went back to what I was doing.

"This a sweet treat in here? What are these? Cookies?" I looked up to see Robb trying to open a container on the kitchen counter. He opened it seeing it was just cough drops. When his face fell I bust out laughing. "Ain't no cookies in here! It looked like a little cookie box, damn."

I shook my head as Zeek came into the kitchen. "I heard cookies..."

"No cookies, bro." I watched as Robb went into the pantry digging through stuff then yelled, "Jackpot, bitch, no Chingy! I found the snacks." I knew I should've locked it up before they came over. "Come look, bruh." He said to Zeek as they piled things up into their arms coming out putting them in the kitchen. "Why do you have so much?"

"Those are for Dave. I buy them in bulk to send to him, so you can't have any."

"What he won't no won't hurt him. Take my picture," Robb said handing me his phone.

"What?" I said looking at him confused. "What for?"

"Because I said so. C'mon, Bernie! I can't hold this pose much longer," I rolled my eyes as he held up a Twinkie grinning taking the picture then handing him back his phone.

"That's fye!" He said nodding his head in approval looking at his phone. I couldn't help but laugh. I looked at Zeek who was dancing to a Migo's song that started to blast while eating a Twinkie after I just told him not to. I looked over my shoulder to see Kai, Ro, Sade and Shakur dancing too.

"What song is this? This shit slap!" Robb said bobbing his head. I exhaled loudly realizing everybody around me is crazy.

"Go off, Ro!" Zeek yelled as Ro milly rocked as hard as she could. I couldn't help but laugh. "Oooh, you sturdy!" he said putting his fist to his mouth as if impressed.

"Where the hell is Brittany?" I asked.

"She had to go style Fabolous. F-A-B-O!" He rapped. I got up from the table taking Lotus from the baby swing.

"Would I be wrong to pretend I forgive Belinda just to get the pussy again then kick her ass out?" He asked stroking his chin hairs.

"What?! Yes, you would be dead wrong."

"That's why I asked first. My bad! It's been a hard 6, 7 months. I need that pwussyyy! That real making love type shit," he dragged out.

"You drink any lean today?" I asked sitting Lotus on the counter playing with her.

"Naw, why you ask? I've been real sober since Belinda left. I have to if I gotta watch my kids 24/7. These withdrawals are terrible."

"No wonder. You're weird sober."

"Woah, don't be mean."

"I'm not. Your edges are laid. The baby hairs are looking real nice today," I complimented.

"Thank you, Bernie. That's the nicest thing you've said to me in...ever. Where the fuck is Belinda? She's taking too long. I'm hungry. Let's order pizza."

"Yeah, you need to go double cup and sip something. Your a.d.d. is coming out. Zeek, order some pizza!" I yelled.

"Pizza!" Zeek cheered like a little kid making them do it too. I laughed picking Lotus up to take her upstairs to her nursery. I put her in the crib grabbing the baby monitor going back downstairs only to get knocked down. I screamed as I fell to the tile floor, but clearly nobody cared. I got up brushing myself off to see Zeek and Kai running down the hall.

"I won. Wassup little nigga!" Zeek yelled.

"I need another nap," I mumbled to myself.

About twenty minutes later the doorbell rang. I got up going towards the front door figuring it was the pizza. "Krusty Krab Pizza is the pizza for you and me!" Zeek sang following behind me. "Hit that last note, Kai!" I shook my head swinging the door open as he sang a note off key high as fuck. I twisted my face up looking back at him going in. I turned back towards the door to see Belinda. She smiled, but I didn't. In that short time I forgot she was supposed to be coming.

"Hey, sis!" She squeled pulling me into a hug.

"You're not the pizza," Kai pouted.

"Right. Where the hell have you been at? I forgot about yo ass," Zeek said smacking his lips. She got some warm welcome home.

"I went back home, but I'm back now. How is everybody?" She asked walking in. "Are my kids here?"

"Yeah, the living room." I followed behind her watching her go towards them. Neither of them reacted with excitement. When she left Shakur was one barely walking and talking and Sade was two. They both looked confused. You don't remember Mommy? I heard her ask. It's only been 6 months but a lot can happen in that time. You can miss a lot. When Sade saw Robb come through the doorway she ran to him and he picked her up.

Belinda looked sad as Robb gave her a head nod saying, "Wassup, Belle? Sade, you say hi to your Momma?" She just laid her head on his shoulder when the doorbell rang again.

A few seconds later Zeek yelled, "Pizza's here!" Robb put Sade down and she ran off. I helped Shakur down from the couch.

"Daddy!" he said pointing towards the door. I picked him up taking him to the living room with everybody else then going back to Belinda and Robb.

"Wow, he can say daddy now? Can he say mommy?" She asked chuckling.

I ignored her question saying, "Let's go talk in the other living room." We went upstairs all sitting down. It was an awkward silence because no one wanted to speak first. I think Belinda should talk first.

"You guys don't have to make it so awkward," she said doing a nervous laugh.

"Well, it's hard to find what to say when it has been so long." Robb finally said. "What the fuck took you so long to come back?"

"You guys are the ones who told me to go!"

"Not for 6 fucking months! You have kids, Belle. Kids you might not have wanted them, but you have kids," he said with attitude.

"Don't do that. I did want my kids. If I didn't I wouldn't have had them. I would've gotten an abortion," she said looking over at me. Is this bitch trying to throw shade.

I jerked my head back saying, "What the fuck is that supposed to mean? Don't come back trying to throw stones. Yes, I had an abortion when I was with Robb. Why is that your fucking problem? If you gotta problem we can address it now. Whatchu wanna do? You want words or hands? I was expecting you to come back on your hands and knees begging for forgiveness."

She rubbed her forehead saying, "Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean that. I'm just extremely frustrated. I miss you guys. I miss my family. I have nobody without you guys. I fucked up."

"Is there a sorry coming out of your mouth or not? A sincere apology because I'm hungry and I want pizza," Robb said growing agitated.

"I'm sorry from the bottom of my heart for what I did. I never intended for it to go this far. As soon as I realized I was in love with you Richard and that I loved you, Bernice I should've said something. I should've told you two the truth instead of covering my ass. By the time I wanted to tell you I felt it was too late then Shoota started coming around. He threatened my life and I was scared, so I didn't say anything. I just need you guys to know how much you mean to me," she said with a shaky voice.

"Bernice, you're the best big sister I could've asked for. From the very beginning you treated me like you've known me my whole life. You gave me money when you didn't have to. You were always so adamant about me finishing school and encouraged me a lot. You inspire me to keep going especially when it comes to working. I look up to you. I need somebody like you in my life. I just-"

When I knew her speech was going to keep going I said, "Alright! I get it!" I looked at Robb who looked unmoved. "I accept your apology," I mumbled.

"You do?" She asked surprised.

"Yes, but you're paying me back my money. The $20,000 and the $3,000 for your wedding dress. All of it!" She jumped on me hugging me super tight as I fought a laugh. She kissed me on the cheek multiple times as I said, "Okay! Okay!"

"I love you. I missed my sissy!" She said kissing my cheek one last time.

"Mhm, now get off me." She let go sitting back down as I stood up. "I'm going to leave you two to talk alone.

"Wait, what?" Robb said sitting forward.

"Y'all two behave. I'll be downstairs," I said waving going down the stairs. I went to the kitchen getting pizza when Zeek walked in.

"You left them up there alone?" I nodded my head while biting into a piece of cheese pizza. "Robb might choke her ass out or put her in a headlock," he said laughing as I looked up there.

"I'm sure they'll be okay," I said shrugging.


I looked at Belinda sitting there just waiting for her to say something. "Well, where's my apology?"

"It's coming. I just need to gather my thoughts," she said looking at her phone.

"I know your ass didn't write this shit down and rehearse it." I said seriously but I wanted to laugh. She looked up at me looking flustered.

"I'm not good with words. Especially if it's you. You make me nervous and forget everything I wanna say."

"How? I don't do anything. I just listen."

"You always look so fucking mean. I remember the first time I saw you you came backstage after your show looking all pissed. You weren't talking to anybody. You sat on the couch across from me and I was just staring because you were fine as hell. Cyn didn't tell me you looked like that. I fell in love. I was like fuck the plan I'm gonna make him mine. I was staring so hard you noticed and said Fuck you looking at?!" she mimicked my voice making me chuckle. "Like my whole heart dropped. I was like this nigga is mean, never mind. But I still got wet cause ya voice," she said shaking her head. I couldn't help but smile that she remembered all of that and said it with a twinkle in her eye. "Then you just switched saying I'm just fuckin' with ya with a smile. Then we just talked for hours. I was supposed to fuck you on your tour bus that night, but I didn't. I threw the whole plan out of the window. I liked you from the very beginning even if you didn't like me."

I brought my hand to my face to rest on it as she kept talking. "I tried so hard to make you trust me, but in the back of my mind I knew I wasn't trustworthy. After Cyn wired me that money I stopped answering her calls. I couldn't do it. Most of the money I gave you to help pay for yout mother's cancer treatments came from there. I think like 50G's. I didn't care, I felt like I owed you. Anytime I was with you I would just look at you and want to tell you everything. You made me a better person. Before? I didn't care. If I was getting money I didn't care if my body was put up for cost or if somebody else got hurt. "

She shook her head doing a nervous laugh that she always does when she starts crying. "You did that for me. You're like Cindy Lou Who from How the Grinch stole Christmas and I'm the Grinch," she said laughing. "That smile. That stupid ass laugh. How you laugh at your own jokes wayy too fucking hard. The way you fan girl over Sade, Prince, Aaliyah. The way you're always doing Michael Jackson dances moves. The love you have for anime. Stupid shit you would never in a million years think you would like. You're just a sweetheart under that shell."

I still didn't say anything. I was going to let her say everything she needed to say. "Seeing how hurt you were that time you thought I set you up at Bernice's gender reveal really made me stop. Seeing how fucked up your trust was I didn't want to add to it. You probably think I didn't tell you when I was pregnant with Sade because I didn't want the baby, but that wasn't the case. Yeah, I got pregnant on accident, but I was having that baby regardless. I just feared that if you found out what I did you would leave me to raise a baby by myself. Then I was scared to walk down the aisle because once again I was scared you would find out and leave me again. If you doubt I'm in love with you, don't. I love you and my kids with everything in my body!"

"You done?" I asked dryly as she looked at me with a blank expression.

"Yeah, I guess. I'm sorry. That's all I wanted to say," she said with sadness in her voice lowering her head.

"Your sorry really doesn't mean shit at this point. It's too late. I've already moved on with Haley."

She looked up at me looking pissed, but saying, "Fair enough. I deserve that. I hope you're happy."

"I am. I'm happy because I'm just fucking with you." When she realized what I said she threw a pillow at me. I ducked dying in laughter. I curled up in a ball holding my stomach. "I hope you're happy," I mimicked. "You ain't humble. Quit pretending. You wanted to beat my ass then hers for the third time," I said laughing more.

"Shut up! That wasn't funny," she said crossing her arms.

"Alright, I'm done. But naw, forreal...If we're going to make this work we need to go to counseling or something. We need to build the trust back. You know my trust is fucked up and that's what bothers me about this whole thing. I told you stuff I've never told anybody else. To keep getting fucked over hurts. But I'll say this...One thing you taught me is forgiveness. I can't take away what you've done for me. You put that love back in my heart after Bernice and I acknowledge that. It's going to be a slow process."

"Okay, I'll do anything. Whatever you want to show you I'm sorry."

"Are you just gonna keep sitting over there or are you going to come give me a kiss?"

She lit up in a smile asking, "Wait, you forgive me?" I nodded my head as she rushed to me sitting on my lap. She gave me a peck causing me to furrow up my face.

"That it? Yo ass need to be tonguing me down before I leave your behind!" She gave me a more passionate kiss as I grabbed onto her butt.

"You ain't leaving nobody," she said kissing me again. "I love you."

"You're right. I love you too. Now get up. I'm hungry," I said tapping her ass as she got up. While she walked towards the stairs I smacked her ass.

"Ow!" she said rubbing it.

"You aiight. I'll tell Sade she can stop being mad at you. She's only mad because I was mad."

"Have you been brainwashing her?"

"Naw, she did that on her own. You know she follows anything I do. That's my twin, my mini me. Sade!" I yelled as she ran from the living room. I kneeled down to her whispering, "Be Mommy's friend again," in her ear. She nodded her head running towards Belinda who picked her up kissing her. I smiled just glad that my family is back as one. It may not be 100%, but something is better than nothing. Of course we're going to have to build that trust back, but I can't help the fact that I love her.

I feel like some ppl didn't read chapter 66. If you only read 1 chapter yesterday, you skipped one.

Everybody still hate Belinda? Lol Comment / Vote🌹✨

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