Chapter Nine

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Rian let out an aggravated groan, slumping his head onto his desk. I turned to him, raising an eyebrow. He glowered up at me, his eyes darting to the quiz in my hand our Spanish teacher had just given back. "What did you get?" he demanded.

            "Um, I got a good grade," I said vaguely.

            "But what grade?"

            "Um, a hundred," I murmured bashfully, giving him a sheepish look.

            Rian made a face, thrusting his quiz to me. Curiously, I took it and held it up to my face. A large, red twenty-eight was staring back at me. My eyes widened. "How did you manage that?"

            "I don't know!"

            "Did you study?"

            Rian hesitated. "Yes..."

            I gave him a flat look. "You don't learn Spanish by just looking at the word once. This is an honor's class, Rian."

            "I know," he snapped, furrowing his eyebrows.

            "Then why did you take it if you don't study?"

            "Because I have to," Rian told me, his frown deepening. "My producer says learning another language will be helpful."

            I cocked an eyebrow. "Helpful to what?"

            "In case we tour in Spain or something..."

            I returned my gaze back to the paper, scanning over all his incorrect answers. It was amazing he'd lasted a full month of this class without failing out. "Rian. Puente wasn't even in this set of vocabulary."

            "What? Doesn't it mean above?"

            "No," I responded with a small laugh. "It means bridge. Not even close."

            Rian scowled, yanking his paper back. In one quick motion he crumpled it up into a small ball, stuffing it into his pocket. "Why do we even learn this stuff? It's not like I'm ever going to need the words still life painting in English, let alone Spanish. Same goes for obra."

            "Well if you go to an art museum..."

            "I don't even like art!"

            "Okay class," Ms. Walker started, raising her voice. "Necesito recordar las pruebas."

            Another laugh left my lips as Rian groaned yet again in frustration. He bent down, retrieving his quiz from his backpack and unwrinkling it the best he could, grumbling under his breath. We passed our quizzes up the row, and when Ms. Walker picked up Rian's, she sent him an annoyed look. "I hate this class," he muttered under his breath.

            The bell rang, saving me from having to respond to Rian's negativity. Just as I stood up from my desk, girls enclosed Rian's, like usual.

            "How'd you do on that test?" Sabrina asked, sending him a flirtatious smile.

            "Awesome," Rian responded confidently.

            Rolling my eyes, I headed out the door. As soon as I stepped through the doorway, someone wrapped an arm around my shoulder, squeezing me tightly. "Hello, Iris!"

            "What are you doing here?" I demanded, trying to shrug out from under Noah's arm.

            He gave me a smug smile. "I escaped from class a little early so I could meet you. Aren't you happy to see me?"

            "Nope," I responded, grinning at him. "You sound pretty excited. Did something happen?"

            Noah flushed, suddenly looking embarrassed. "What? No."

            "Are you sure you didn't happen to run into a certain blonde underclassmen?"

            "Her name is Cindy," Noah informed me, a silly grin spreading across his face. "She's a junior."

            "That's cute. Maybe we can stop pretending to date—" I was abruptly cut off by Noah's hand.

            "Not so loud!" he hissed, retracting his hand, and looking around cautiously. "We have to at least hit the one month mark!"

            "A month?" I repeated incredulously. "Why a month?"

            "It seems like a reasonable amount of time to day someone," Noah told me with a shrug. "I'd say two—"

            I cut him off. "No way."

            He grinned. "That's why I'm not. But hey, you could boost my self esteem a little bit and at least try to like me."

            "I do like you Noah," I told him, "and I think you're cute. But I don't like-like you. Just as friends."

            "So you think I'm cute?"

            "Who doesn't?"

            "I think you're cute too."

            I blushed slightly, not expecting his comment. "Thanks, Noah. Now let's get to class."

            "We've got to go this way," Noah ordered, tugging me in the other direction. "Come on, hurry!"

            "We're going in the complete opposite direction!"

            "Think of it as a detour."

            "What if we're late—"

            "Then we run!" Noah cried, starting to sprint down the hallway.

            I stumbled along after him, calling apologies to those who he plowed down in his rush to lead me wherever he was going. We ran through the English hallway and earned a glare from the strictest teacher, Ms. Cottrell. Noah didn't seem to notice. Finally he rounded the corner to the music wing and stopped. I came to a stop as well, taking a few steps forward to go into the music wing but Noah pulled me back, taking a few steps backwards until we were hidden around the corner.

            "What are we doing?" I asked, pulling myself free of Noah. "We're going to be late."

            "Shh!" Noah hissed, putting his hand over my mouth. "Are you going to be quiet?"

            With wide eyes, I nodded my head and Noah moved his hand away from my mouth. He slowly looked around the corner, keeping his body hidden. I did the same, keeping my head under his. Students were filing out of the music hall. Noah stared at them as they walked out, laughing and chatting. After a few moments a familiar blonde came out, holding a piano book to her chest.

            "You are such a stalker."

            Noah knocked his head on my chin roughly. "No I'm not!"

            "Cindy!" I called.

            "Iris, stop it!"

            "Cindy, Cindy, over here!" I called, stepping around the corner again, pulling Noah with me.

            Cindy paused, turning in my direction, a confused expression on her face. When her gaze landed on Noah and myself, she gave us a half-smile, looking even more baffled. I waved her over and she obeyed, coming right up to us. Noah elbowed me in the side roughly.

            "Hi," Cindy greeted us shyly.

            "Hey," I responded, sending her a grin. "Where are you headed?"

            "Art... same as you guys."

            Noah and I exchanged startled looks. She was in our art class? Noah dropped his head and I felt my face grow warmer in embarrassment. "I'm sorry," I apologized sheepishly. "I guess we didn't notice..."

            Cindy laughed, shaking her head. "Don't worry about it. You guys are usually off in your own senior land."

            "Where do you sit?" Noah questioned, looking up at her again.

            Cindy made a face. "With the freshmen. Mr. Smith won't let me pull up an extra seat with my friends."

            "Oh," Noah responded, dropping his shoulders.

            I rolled my eyes. "Cindy, want to sit with us?"


            "Your name is Cindy, right?"

            "We have room," Noah added, trying not to sound eager, but he did anyway.

            Cindy looked a little surprised, but eventually she nodded. "Um, sure. If you guys don't mind."

            "We don't mind," Noah insisted quickly.

            Cindy blushed and I turned to Noah, who was flushing as well. A grin made its way onto my face and I had to stop myself from awing. "We should probably go before we are late," I advised, trying to hide my smile.

            "Oh, I have to go to my locker," Cindy responded with a frown. "You guys can go ahead so you won't be late."

            "I'll come with you," Noah told her. "Iris, you can go ahead if you want."

            Withstanding the urge to roll my eyes, I nodded. "See you guys in a little bit then."


            This time I did roll my eyes. If Noah was the one who wanted to keep up our dating front, he would have to stop acting like a lovesick puppy around Cindy. Half a week and he was love struck. They started down the hallway toward the junior hallway, leaving me by myself by the music hall. For a moment I stood there, debating on which way would take me back to the art wing faster.

            "Found you!"

            I stumbled forwards as a pair of arms locked around my shoulders, nearly throwing me off balance. Rectifying myself, I turned my head to see Rian smiling smugly at me. Frowning, I pulled his arms off me, and took a step away from him.

            "Playing matchmaker?" he guessed, letting his arms drop to his side.

            "Sort of."

            He cocked an eyebrow. "But isn't that your boyfriend?"

            "Fake boyfriend," I corrected him. "And he obviously likes Cindy."

            "I thought you said someone couldn't like someone so quickly," Rian teased, crossing his arms.

            I pursed my lips at him. "Fine. Noah's interested."

            "Come on," Rian said, grabbing my hand. "Let's go."

            "Go where?" I responded, looking around warily. The hallway was empty now, so I didn't bother pulling my hand out of Rian's. "We've got to get to class—"

            "We're skipping."

            My eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets. "What? No, Rian. I can't skip!"

            He let out a bark of laughter. "Too bad. We're leaving."

            "Rian, Rian, no! Let go!" I demanded, attempting to yank my hand out of his grasp. No matter how hard I tried though, he wouldn't let go.

            He started whistling to himself as he dragged me towards the back exit of the school. "Good thing I drove myself to school today."

            "Rian, please," I begged, getting desperate. "I can't skip! We're going to get in trouble!"

            Rian glanced at me over his shoulder with an impassive face. "Poor little good girl Iris doesn't want to get in trouble?"

            "No, I don't," I snapped.

            "Too bad. It's Friday, live a little."


            "I'm going to take you to my favorite place to eat. Are you hungry?"


            As if on cue, my stomach growled loudly. Rian smirked at me, pausing right before the exit. I flushed, glaring at him. "You sound hungry to me," he told me.

            I gave him a flat look. "I can't skip."

            He shrugged his shoulders. "Then think of it as leaving early." He pushed open the door, forcing me out.


            "Iris!" he mimicked in a high-pitch voice.

            I struggled against his grasp, trying to anchor my feet to the ground. In one hard tug, he sent me sprawling forward, knocking into his back, and sending us both to the ground. I immediately jumped up, moving out of Rian's reach.

            "Iris!" Rian cried in an annoyed voice.

            I turned and stuck my tongue out at him before grabbing the door handle. I pulled it in triumph. When it didn't open, I froze. After a minute I tried again. It still didn't open. Panicking, I pulled on the door multiple times.

            "Oh, did it lock?" Rian inquired in an amused voice. "Now you have no choice but to come with me."

            Sighing, I turned back to him and gave him an irritated look. "Fine."

            He grinned. "Great. Let's go."

            "But I'm telling my brother you made me skip class when we visit this weekend."

            Rian waved his arm. "Go ahead. My car's this way."

            Together we made our way down to the student parking lot where Rian's Benz was parked. He gestured for me to get in passenger and I obeyed, waiting until he unlocked the door before slipping in. My breath came out in puffs of moisture as I waited for the car to warm up. Rian snapped on his seat belt and I did the same, shivering in my seat. "Where exactly are we going?" I asked as he pulled out of the parking lot.


            "Downtown where?"

            Rian sent me a curious gaze. "Downtown Northampton, of course."

            I nodded, turning to look out the window. "Keep your eyes on the road."

            Rian snorted, and I imagined him rolling his eyes. As Rian sped down the back roads that led to the downtown area, I watched the landscape pass by. Our school was surrounded by dense forest, so it was hard for outsiders to find. I wondered briefly how Rian knew the back way to downtown, but shrugged it off. His chauffeur probably enlightened him at some point.

            "Haymarket Café?" I asked as Rian pulled up to a parking space right in front of the compact café.

            "This is by far the best café I've ever been to," Rian informed me, cutting the engine. "Come on, let's go eat."

            I made a face. "I didn't bring any money."

            "Well then, I guess this is a date."


            Rian smirked at me. "Since I'm paying for you, this is a date."

            "I just won't order anything," I protested.

            Rian rolled his eyes. "You're so stubborn."

            My stomach growled again, and I made a face. "Okay, okay. Fine. This can be a date."

            "Perfect," Rian responded, beaming. "Let's go."

            Together we made our way into the narrow entrance of the café. If you were driving by in a car, you probably wouldn't even notice it. Beside the sign on above the door, there was no way you could recognize the café. It was all brick wall in the front.

            Barely anyone was in the main area. There were a few businessmen on laptops at the tables furthest from the door, but that was it. Rian led me downstairs, to the basement, where the sandwich shop was. Small, lit candles were placed on every table, flickering with the slight draft in the room.

            "This place is perfect for a date," Rian announced, sitting at the table furthest from the stairs. "Look at these candles."

            I took a seat across from him, watching as he stuck his finger into the flame. "Hey!" I protested, trying to push his hand away. "You're going to burn yourself."

            Rian rolled his eyes. "Please. Try it, Iris. Just stick your finger in there for a second. It won't hurt."

            "Are you crazy? No."

            "Live a little."

            "I'm not going to burn myself to live a little, Rian."

            Rian gave me a stern gaze. "Do it. Come on. Chicken."

            Scowling, I stuck my finger into the flame. Rian blinked in surprise at my sudden movement. I hissed in pain and retracted my hand quickly as the fire singed the button of my finger. Rian laughed. "I said hold it in there for a second, not five."

            Putting my finger in my mouth, I gave him a disapproving look. He just smiled back at me, looking amused. After a few moments an old waitress with grey hair and an amiable face appeared. Rian smiled politely at her as she gave us one of those old lady smiles.

            "Skipping school?" she guessed.

            My jaw dropped and I quickly looked away. How did she figure us out so quickly?

            "Nope, we have study hall seventh period, so we can leave early," Rian lied smoothly.

            I didn't know whether to be upset with him or not. He was lying to an old lady. But he was also covering up for us. And he was telling the truth— seniors were allowed to leave early if they had study hall seventh period.

            "Perfect time for a date, huh?" the old lady commented with another grandma smile. "Say... don't I know you?"

            Rian cocked his head to the side. "Maybe?"

            Our waitress, I stole a glance at her nametag— Betty—, narrowed her eyes at him, furrowing her brows. "I think there's a picture of you on my granddaughter's bedroom wall..."

            "Really?" Rian responded sounding surprised. "Where would she get a picture of me from?"

            Betty shrugged. "I must be mistaken. Can I take your orders? Drinks?"

            "Coke," Rian and I told her at the same time.

            "I'm sorry, we serve Pepsi here. Is Pepsi alright?"

            "That's fine," I told her.

            "Same," Rian added.

            "And what would you like to eat?"

            "BLT," Rian and I chorused again.

            Rian raised an eyebrow at me. I couldn't help but grin back at me.

            "Well aren't you guys a cute couple?" Betty commented with a chuckle. "I'll be back with your order in a jiffy."

            As soon as Betty was out of earshot, I gave Rian a disapproving look. "What?" he asked.

            "You're not disguised. At all."

            He waved his hand in dismissal. "There are only old ladies working right now. I'll be okay. Why, are you worried?"

            "No," I denied, feeling my face heat up. "What is there to be worried about?"

            "Nothing," he told me with a laugh. "Here, anyway. I'd be worried about stampeding girls if school was out though."

            "Is that why you wanted to leave early?"

            Rian nodded. "Bingo."

            "You know, you could have just said that."

            "Would you have come without me forcing you?"

            "... Probably not," I admitted honestly. "But I wouldn't have been as reluctant."

            Rian laughed. "Oh well."

            Betty returned with our drinks, sending us a knowing smile. What she knew, I had no idea, but I returned it with a small smile of my own. Rian dragged his Pepsi closer to his body, taking a sip. He made a face. "Pepsi is so bland," he commented.

            I shrugged, taking a sip of my own. "It's alright."

            "So when are we leaving for your house?" Rian asked, changing the topic. "Today? Or tomorrow?"

            I cocked my head to the side. "Does it matter?"

            "I'd rather leave today," he told me.

            "Then we can leave today. I was planning to anyway."

            He grinned. "Awesome. I can't wait."

            "What if my brother is actually a jerk and hates everyone?"

            "Well if he's anything like you... kidding," he said quickly when I gave him a dirty look. "I highly doubt he's an asshole."

            I shrugged. "We'll see."

            Rian pursed his lips at me. "Iris, can I ask you to do a favor for me?"

            "It depends..."

            "Today after Spanish class Ms. Walker told me I had to start getting better grades otherwise I'd fail the quarter, which means I would fail the course, which would mean I couldn't graduate."

            I frowned at him. "That kind of sucks."

            "She said I needed a tutor."

            "Then get one?"

            "I want you to be my tutor."

            I blinked at him in surprise. "What? But I'm not qualified—"

            "But you're good. And I'd rather not have someone who can't focus enough on Spanish because they're too busy focusing on me. Please, Iris," he begged.

            "I don't know—"

            "Well if you want me to fail Spanish..."

            "I don't want you to fail," I told him with a sigh.

            He gave me a pleading look. "Then tutor me."

            "Why can't Luke?"

            "Luke isn't as cute as you."

            I raised an eyebrow. "So that means you think Luke is cute anyway?"

            Rian gave me an impatient look. "Iris, please."

            "I'll only help you study for quizzes and tests. You have to at least try to study on your own."

            "Deal," Rian said quickly. "And in return, I'll take you out to dinner every other Friday." He smirked slightly.

            I rolled my eyes, shaking my head. "I should have known you had ulterior motives."

            Rian shrugged. "Hey. What can I say? I do what I gotta do."

            "You're desperate."

            "You're cute."

            Before I had the chance to respond, Betty came back with our orders. "Here you two are. Enjoy."

            "We will," Rian told her with a wide grin.

            I pulled my BLT towards me, frowning at Rian. He caught my look and just grinned broader. I rolled my eyes. Rian would be the only person to be proud of tricking someone into a date. But it also made me smile. He wanted to take me on a date so much he was willing to trick me into it. Maybe Rian wasn't as bad as I thought he was.


Here's an update! Sorry I've been busy Dx

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