Chapter Twenty-Three

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“No, G, don’t tell them we’re coming,” I hissed into the phone, grimacing as Chloe brought the hair straightener too close to my ear. “It’s going to be a surprise! Do you want them to be distracted if you tell them?”

G, also known as Giacomo or Gold’s tour manager, sighed into the phone. “Fine, fine. But they won’t shut up about you guys. I think they’re more excited to see you then you guys are excited to see them.”

“Wouldn’t doubt it.”

“I warn you though— Rian really needs a hair cut.”

I laughed into the phone. “I can only imagine… from the pictures I’ve seen online, I can tell he looks like a lion.”

“That’s a good description. Speaking of photos, are you still interested in getting a press pass and taking photos of the concert?”

“Yes,” I said immediately.

“I’ll hook you up. Make sure you’re here early enough so I can find you and give it to you. Who’s going tonight? You Chloe and Yun?”

I nodded, and then remembered he couldn’t see me. “Uh, yeah. Cindy’s in Europe.”

“Oh, I met her at the show the other night!”

I blinked, surprised. “You did? She went to the concert in Italy?”

“Yeah. Noah was really excited. Good way to lift their spirits.”

I grinned. “I bet.”

“Well, I’ve got to go help the band set up. Text me when you get here and I’ll come out to meet you, okay?”

“Sounds good. See ya, G.”

“Bye Iris.”

I hung up my phone and tossed it on the desk, kicking at the feet of my chair. “Are you almost done, Chloe? I’m getting antsy.”

“You think you’re the only one? It’s been months. I can’t wait to see them!” she cried excitedly. “Gold and C.S? I think I just might have a heart attack!”

“Careful with the straightener!”

Chloe stilled, and then proceeded to straighten the back of my hair. “Are you excited to take photos?”

“Yeah,” I said, smiling. “I’m not too good, so don’t have high expectations…”

She scoffed. “I’ve seen the photos you’ve been taking at other concerts. They’re brilliant.”

“I hope these are brilliant… then maybe I can join them as the band photographer.”

Chloe laughed. “They would let you anyway, Iris!”

I sat a little straighter in my seat. “I want to prove to them that I should be their photographer. Tonight, I’m going to take the pictures to prove that.”

“I think Rian is going to like your new dream.”

I smiled. “I think he is too.”

“Okay, let’s hurry and finish getting ready. Yun should be here soon,” Chloe said, setting the straightener done. “Hopefully this six-hour car ride won’t mess up our hair…”

“Six hours… why are we doing this again?”

She slapped me on the back. “For love!”

“They’re going to be so shocked,” I said, grinning. “They wouldn’t think we’d drive up to New York to see them. I can’t wait to see their faces.”

Chloe giggled. “Me either.”

“Well,” I started, standing up from my desk chair. “Let’s head out then.”

The drive up to New York was a long one, but it went by quickly. Chloe petitioned that we listen to Gold and Chasing Silhouettes on the way to get us pumped up for the concert. I allowed it, even though at this point I knew all their songs and all the lyrics to their songs. Kevin, on the other hand, was still a casual fan, and only knew their top hits. Needless to say, Chloe gave him a lecture on the important of all the songs on Gold’s album Gold Rush.

When we arrived at the House of Blues we sat in the car for a few moments, taking in the gigantic venue. I opened my door, suddenly feeling the need for fresh air. We were actually here. At Gold’s concert. I would be seeing Rian in person after almost three months. Sucking in a deep breath of air, I held it, and then let it out slowly.

It didn’t help much. “I feel sick,” I announced, putting my head between my knees.

Kevin reached around the back of my seat and patted me on the back, laughing. “It’s the pre-concert anxiety. Happens to everyone. You’re just too excited.”

“I don’t feel like this when I see Brendon’s band!”

“That just means you’re that excited to see Rian,” Chloe said happily. “Like me. I’m super excited to see Luke!”

Forcing myself out of my car, I gazed at the large line of people already formed by the door. Rian had mentioned that sometimes his fans would start forming a line ten hours before the concert started. I smiled a little. It was good Gold had such dedicated fans.

“Look! There’s G!” Chloe called, then waved her arms frantically. “G! G!”

My eyes followed her gaze, where I saw a familiar young man in a white t-shirt and dark-washed jeans. G paused, twisting his head around to look in our direction. A grin crossed his scruffy face and he jogged over to us, enveloping Chloe in a hug. “Nice to see you again! And you too, Iris!” I allowed him to hug me, grimacing as he held on too tightly.

“The boys don’t know we’re here?” I double-checked.

G shook his head, readjusting the black beanie he was wearing. “Kept it a secret, as promised. I have your press pass right here,” he added, handing me over a lanyard with a laminate with my name on it. “Just show it to the security and they’ll let you in the barrier section. There’s a bunch of other photographers here, but they’re limited to photographing one band. You can do both.”

“Thanks!” I responded, slipping the lanyard around my neck. “I can’t wait!”

G nodded, looking back at the seemingly endless line. “You guys can have early access. That way you don’t have to wait behind all these kids.”

“I’m going for the most pit!” Kevin said enthusiastically.

“There is no mosh pit, Kevin,” Chloe told him. “They’re both boy bands. Most of their fans are girls between the ages of ten and eighteen. Do you see all the parents here?”

Kevin’s shoulders slumped. “Damn. I wanted to go crazy.”

“It will get crazy,” G affirmed, shaking his head. “These girls… Anyway, I have to go help the bands finish setting up. The opening band is pretty good. Make sure you give them a chance.”

“Alright, see ya later G,” I responded, giving him a small wave.

Chloe gestured toward the building. “Do you want to head in?”

“There’s a chance Gold could see you guys in there though,” Kevin pointed out. “There’s still an hour before doors open.”

I frowned for a moment. “Um, let’s just go wait near the front of the line. I’ve got to go in a bit early anyway to get my camera cleared.”

Kevin and Chloe nodded and we headed toward the front of venue, where the main doors were. To my surprise, a few people pointed at me as we passed, and a few even called out a hello to me. A little thrown off-guard, I just waved back, and kept walking.

“Looks like you’re famous by accessory,” Kevin joked.

“It makes me feel a little weird,” I admitted.

Chloe gave me a sympathetic look. “Well, they’re really popular. Fans are bound to want to know who’s dating their precious Rian.”

“So why aren’t they saying anything to you!”

“Luke and I don’t haven’t posted any pictures together online,” she informed me happily. “Not yet, anyway.”

I crossed my arms. “Neither have I…”

“Didn’t Rian post a picture of him kissing your cheek on his Instagram?” Kevin asked.

“He what?” I cried, turning to him. “The one from when we were in the storage room? That jerk!”

Kevin drew back slightly. “Woah! It’s okay. It’s a cute picture.”

My cheeks burned. “It’s a private picture… how embarrassing…”

“Don’t you get hate on your Twitter?” Chloe inquired. “A lot of famous people’s girlfriends get hate.”

“I thought ahead and made my Twitter and all other media websites private,” I replied. It was a smart choice. I could only imagine what some jealous girls had to say about me…

Well, I thought, it’s what comes with being Rian’s girlfriend. And I’d put up with it any day for him.

The time passed quickly, and before I knew it, everyone was being ushered into the venue. Chloe, Kevin, and I slipped past the front of the line, notifying the box office that we were on the guest list. After that we went our separate ways— me heading off to get security clearance and Chloe and Kevin heading to the stage area. There were other photographers in the security area and suddenly I found myself in the presence of photographer royalty. Big name band photographers like Adam Elmakias and Reynaldo Santiago were busy getting checked by the security guards. I felt a little light-headed. I was nowhere as good as them…

One of the guards called me over and I had my camera checked out, then my bag. When I had the okay, I followed some of the other photographers to the barrier section of the floor. It was in-between the stage and the pit, that way the crowd wouldn’t get in the way of the cameras.

“First time photographing a big band?” someone asked from beside me and I jumped, noticing Adam grinning at me.

I stared open-mouthed at the bald-headed man. “Um, yes.”

“You a fan?”

“Sorta,” I responded. “I’m your fan. Your photos are amazing.”

His eyes crinkled as he grinned at me. “Well thank you. Let me see some of your pictures after the show, okay? Maybe I’ll be your fan too.”

“Y-yeah, of course!” I said, nodding vigorously. “That would be great!”

“Remember to enjoy yourself,” he advised me. “Don’t take it too seriously, otherwise the concert won’t be fun.”

“Got it.”

It took around thirty-minutes for the opening band to take the stage. Before they started I turned around to take a look at the crowd. The pit was jam-packed. I couldn’t tell how many people had shown up. A couple thousand, at least. The maximum capacity of the venue was 5,000 and it was a sold out show. I climbed onto one of the barriers and brought my camera up, snapping a couple photos of the crowd while the lighting was still good.  

As G said, the opening band was great and they were very interactive with the crowd. The vocalist was a cute girl, who sounded like Paramore and Tonight Alive. Fortunately she was very photogenic, so I was able to snap a few good photos of her and the rest of the band. I wasn’t too sure who they were, but I figured I’d be able to find out their names later. Maybe Rian could introduce us.

Once they finished, G appeared on stage, helping take down the opening band’s equipment and putting up Gold’s. Luke popped out on stage for a moment, bringing his drums to the center of the stage. A whole bunch of screams erupted from behind me and Luke paused, turning to wave at the crowd, which only made them scream louder. I grinned at him, but didn’t make myself noticed. I didn’t want to ruin the surprise just yet…

When they finished setting up, all the lights went out. I held my breath, waiting for the boys to appear. The first few riffs of Reckless Youths started and Luke appeared on stage again, waving to the crowd enthusiastically. Next was Noah, who gave everyone the rock sign, and finally Rian, who held his guitar over his head. My heart skipped a little at the sight of him— G was right, his haid had gotten a lot longer. But he was still as cute as I remembered. He looked a little silly in his Toms, skinny capris, and a Glamour Kills shirt, but it suited him. 

The screaming going on behind me now was almost deafening. I set my camera on my chest and clapped as well, feeling the excitement again. Suddenly I couldn’t wait to see them perform. Gold immediately went into their song and the screaming turned to loud, off-key singing.

I picked my camera back up again and started with shots of Noah, since he was standing practically in front of me. He didn’t seem to notice me though, but I wasn’t too bothered. He was very photogenic as well, so I knew his photos would come out well at least.

Rian was bounding around the stage, singing with vigor and strumming his guitar. I never realized how much endurance he had— to be singing, running around, and playing guitar must’ve took up a lot of energy. But he seemed to be having fun. I knew I shouldn’t only focus on Rian, but somehow I found I didn’t want to stop shooting him. Eventually I forced myself to take some photos of Luke too, but I knew most of them would be of Rian.

Unfortunately, a little more than halfway through the set, my camera informed me that the memory was full. I cursed myself, remembering I’d forgotten to switch the SD cards. This card was still full of pictures from other bands. A little upset, I tightened the strap around my neck and rested my camera on my chest again. At least I got some photos. I could enjoy the show now.

“Okay!” Rian said as their sixth song ended, sweat pouring from his forehead. “It’s gotta be like a thousand degrees in here!”

“If that were true, we’d be dead,” Noah pointed out flatly.

Rian mock-glared at Noah. “It was an hyperbole.”

“I’ll admit it is hot though. How are you guys feeling?” Noah asked, turning back to the crowd. “You want another song?”

“Yeah!” was the chorused response.

Rian laughed. “The energy you guys have is great! Thanks for coming! This has been one of the best concerts on the tour yet! Let’s give a round of applause for our opening band, Reckless Youths!”

I clapped along with everyone else, making a mental note of the bands name.

“And some applause for the band you’ve all been waiting for—”

“That’s not us!” Luke interjected, hopping down from his drum perch and wringing an arm around Rian’s neck.

“—Chasing Silhouettes!” Rian finished, shoving Luke off him. “They’re the ones who made this tour work, so let’s give them a cheer!”

This time a roar erupted from behind me and I almost jumped. I always forgot how popular my brother’s band was. Maybe it was just because I was so used to them? In any case, I was glad Gold got the chance to tour with them.

“We have one final song for you guys,” Rian continued, taking a swig from one of the water bottles scattered around the stage.

The was a simultaneous “aww” from the crowd.

“It’s our most popular song right now,” Noah continued, grinning broadly. “I think you know what we’re talking about.”

Another huge cheer from the crowd.

“That’s right!” Rian cried. “Yes, our cover of Baby Got Back!”

This time there was a silence from the crowd.

Gold all erupted into laughter. “Your faces!” Noah said, doubling over in laughter. “Priceless!”

“That was a joke,” Luke said, shaking his head.

Rian nodded. “Yeah. What I really meant to announce was we’re playing our new single— Not Another Love Story!”

I put my hands to my mouth and cheered, suddenly feeling like a huge fan girl. I mean, the song was based off me…

“Brendon, from Chasing Silhouettes, and I wrote it for a special girl, so this goes out to her!”

“We miss you Iris!” Noah said into his microphone. “Wherever you are.”

“Probably studying,” Rian joked.

I grinned. He knew me too well.

Since the beginning of the song was just Rian singing, he was the only one making any noise in the arena. I closed my eyes, feeling relaxed.

There’s something striking about that color blue,

More and more it reminds me of you.

But this isn’t just another love story,

Not one told by lonely hearts.

Because this is our love story,

And I’ll tell it from the start.

I smiled, listening to the lyrics, remembering that this brilliant person was my boyfriend. Who wrote a song about me. Who chose me over everyone else. Who said he loved me.

But didn’t know that I loved him too. 

His solo came to an end, and I counted the beats in my head, ready for the fast-paced rock rhythm to kick in. But instead, Rian’s voice died out on the last note.

“What? Iris? Is that you?”

My eyes flew open and there was Rian, squatting on the stage in front of me. I stumbled a step, surprised. “Uh—”

“Iris!” he said again, jumping off the stage and throwing himself into me. “Why didn’t you tell me you were coming? I’ve missed you so much!”

“You’re choking me,” I told him, feeling my ribs beginning to break from how tight he was holding me. But I still held him just as tightly. “I missed you too. Surprise!”

“What are you doing? Taking pictures?”

I held up my camera. “It’s my new dream. To be a band photographer— your band photographer.”

“I love it,” he told me, pulling back a little and kissing my nose. “That’s perfect. Damn, it’s good to see you in person.”

“Same,” I responded, a wave of emotion rolling over me. I wasn’t sure what it was. Euphoria? Desperation?  I knew Rian was here, that he wasn’t going anywhere, and yet… “Rian, you never gave me a chance to respond.”

He gave me a curious look. “Respond? To what?”

“What you said before you left,” I clarified, my heart pounding my chest.

“What I… oh.” A fine blush spread across his face. “D-don’t worry about that. I got ahead of myself—”

“Shut up, I love you too,” I said, grabbing his face and kissing him hard.

For a second I was in complete bliss, until the crowd erupted into applause and we jerked away from each other. Crap! I’d just made out with Rian in front of thousands of people!

“Y-you’re in the middle of a concert,” I stammered, pushing him back a step. “Don’t just kiss me in the middle of a concert!”

“What? You kissed me!”

“Get back on stage!”

Rian scratched the back of his head, his face red. But he looked happy. “You’re right, you’re right. G would kick my ass if I keep delaying Brendon’s set. But Iris, at least stand on the side of the stage for this. That way I don’t have to hunt you down after.”

I nodded, allowing him to pull me onto the stage. “Thanks.”

“Iris!” Noah cried, running over to me and giving me a hug, his guitar jabbing into my stomach painfully.

I glanced behind me to see the whole arena staring at us, a few people still clapping. Blushing, I pushed away from him. “Hi Noah, sorry, I’m going to the side of the stage—”

“This is Iris!” Rian suddenly called out to the crowd. “She’s my number one fan and I’m her number one fan! So once again, this song is dedicated to her!”

Noah let me go and jogged back over to his mic and I quickly exited the main part of the stage, hiding by the curtain on the far left. The intro started again and I smiled, noticing how rejuvenated Rian had become. A pair of hands landed on my shoulder, startling me. Turning around, I came face-to-chest with Colton. He grinned down at me. “Nice to see ya, Iris!”

“Colton! And Brendon!” I responded, looking around him to see my brother waving at me.


I gave them both a hug. “Not much. Brendon are you going out to sing your part?”

He nodded and hooked me a thumbs up. “Wish me luck.”

“Good luck!”

And on cue, he jumped into the center stage, making the crowd go wild. Rian and Brendon were sharing a microphone and I really wanted to take a picture of it. This time I’d have to leave it to one of the other photographers, but next time I was going to get that picture.

“Every night Gold surprises me,” Colton commented from beside me.

“How so?” I asked.

His eyes were on Rian, a fond look in them. “They just keep getting better and better. I’m afraid they’re going to be bigger than us one day— no, actually, I count on that.”

I put my hand on his shoulder. “I do too.”

“Hey,” he said, pushing me lightly. “I’m part of your brother’s band.”

“I wish the best of luck for all of you,” I told him with a smile. “You’re both brilliant.

Colton nodded. “I agree.”


“Maybe a smidge.”

Gold’s set ended and I swear the applause went on for ten minutes. Each of the boys took a dramatic bow and said their goodbyes to the crowd, saying they would be signing at their merch table. They exited the stage with my brother, coming over to Colton and I.

Luke and Noah both welcomed me with a warm hug. “It’s nice to see you guys,” I said.

“It’s so nice to talk to you in person,” Noah said, eyes shining.

“It’s nice to talk to you too,” I agreed with a laugh.

Luke looked around, frowning. “Is Chloe here?”

I smiled and rolled my eyes. “Yes, she’s here. And Kevin too. They’re somewhere around.”

“Yun’s here?” Noah said happily. “Let’s go find them—”

“Not so fast,” Rian said, gripping the back of Noah’s shirt. “We have to go do our signing. If we get started now we can get a lot more people than last night. Iris, is it okay if we catch up after?”

I nodded, waving him off. “No, of course. You do what you need to. I’m sure everyone’s excited to meet you.”

“Just hang around after the concert ends, we’ll find each other,” he told me, grabbing my hand. “Okay?”

“Okay,” I told him, leaning up to give him a quick kiss. “It’s nice to be able to kiss you.”

He gave me a silly grin. “Same to you.”

“Okay you two, break it up,” Brendon interrupted, pushing us apart. “Rian, go to your table. I’m sure there is already a line.”

“Probably. See you guys!”

After Gold left, I said goodbye to my brother and Colton before heading off to find Chloe and Kevin. I’d watch C.S with them. I found them sitting by the bar with  Shirley temples in their hands. Kevin smirked at me. “How did it feel to be announced as Rian’s girlfriend as a public thing?”

“Embarrassing,” I responded flatly. “I mean, yeah, it’s kinda awesome they announced the song was based on me, but… I don’t know. I guess it was probably heartbreaking to the fans who didn’t know he had a girlfriend.”

“That’s life,” Kevin said.

“They’re so good live, aren’t they?” Chloe sighed dreamily. “And wow, Luke looked so good tonight. I can’t wait to see him!”

I grinned at her excitement. “Just gotta wait for Brendon to finish.”

Chloe nodded eagerly. “I’m excited to watch them too! But I’m going to stay out of the pit area for this.”

“Sometimes it’s nice to watch from afar,” I agreed.

Chasing Silhouettes was breathtaking as usual. And as good as Gold was, they weren’t quite on that level yet. Brendon and Colton really knew how to rock a show. Their music was as great as their chemistry. I was glad Gold chose such amazing role models.

By the time my brother’s set finished, I was itching to see Rian again. Even though barely an hour had passed. But unfortunately, they were still signing. And they continued signing until midnight, when they finally said their goodbyes. At this point, I was dead tired, and ready to go back to the hotel Chloe, Kevin, and I had rented for the night. Suddenly my need for sleep out beat my need to see Rian.

“Iris! Iris! Sorry about that!” Rian called, jogging over to me, Luke and Noah tagging along behind him.

“Luke!” Chloe cried excitedly, basically jumping into his arms and completely ignoring Noah. “Great job tonight!”

Noah pouted at the pair and Kevin put his hand on his shoulder. “Do you need some love?”

“Was that an offer?”

“You tell me.”

Rian poked my cheek, gaining my attention again. “I have a cramp in my hand.”

“Ooh, look at you, Mr. Rockstar,” I responded with a grin. 

“Heh, what? Do you want my autograph too?”


Rian glanced over at Chasing Silhouettes merch table, where they were still signing. “Would it be weird if I asked for your brother’s autograph? I still haven’t got it…”

I rolled my eyes. “Glad this tour hasn’t made you love my brother any less.”

“He’s amazing,” Rian responded immediately.

Somehow, I was feeling a little jealous of my brother. Who knew that was possible? Rian must’ve noticed this because he smirked at me. “Just know this, Iris. I would never kiss your brother like I kiss you.”

“So you’d kiss my brother?”

“Iris,” Rian said, putting his hands on my cheek and bringing his face closer to mine.

I placed my hands on top of his. “Rian.”

“I love you,” he said cheerfully.

“I love you too,” I responded, pressing my forehead to his. “Thanks for harassing me until I liked you.”

He withdrew, a shocked expression on his face. “I did not—”

I laughed, shaking my head. “That was a joke.”

“Cute, Igloo,” he responded, flicking my forehead.

“I know I am, Rhino.”

Suddenly a heavy weight landed on my back. Letting out a small grunt, I snapped my head back and into Noah’s. “Ow!” he cried.

“How many times do I have to tell you to not do that?” I demanded.

He gave me his puppy-dog eyes. “What? I just wanted to tell you guys were all going to get some pizza.”

“Then tap my shoulder like a normal person!”

“But I’m not a normal person.”

Rian smirked at his band mate. “You got that right.”

“You two can be all lovey-dovey later,” my brother interrupted, appearing beside Noah. “We’re starving.”

“Yeah,” Noah agreed. “Besides, the tour is almost over. You guys will have all the time you want after. And especially if Iris goes to our last few shows.”

Rian turned to me. “Are you coming to the next shows?”

I nodded, smiling a little. “Yup. It’s Chloe’s and I last fun adventure before college starts.”

“Oh, yeah… college…”

“Oh, don’t look so sad Rian. We’ll still be able to see each other.”

He pouted. “I know. But it feels weird that you’re going to college and I’m not.”

“You’re living out your dream,” I said, catching his gaze and holding it. “Don’t regret that. You don’t need college to do what you love. I’m proud of you for coming so far, don’t forget that Rian.” 

His expression brightened immediately and he gave me a handsome smile. “You’re right, Iris. Thank you.”

I nodded. “You’re welcome.”

“Right, then on your breaks, you’ll come to our shows to take pictures. I’m not going to let anyone else do it. We’re going to count on you now,” Rian told me, nodding to the camera still around my neck. “We can live out our dreams together.”

I gripped it in my hands. “You can count on me.”

He offered me his hand. “Let’s shake on it.”

“Here’s to the future,” I said, placing my hand in his.

He grinned. “Here’s to our future.”

“Um, guys. Can you be sappy sometime else?” Brendon interrupted. “No offense, but it’s making my appetite go away…”

I scowled at my brother while Rian laughed. “Yeah, yeah,” he said. “We’re coming.”

“He’s so annoying,” I sighed.

“But you love him.”

“I do.”

“And he’s the lead singer to your favorite band.”

I rolled my eyes. “No, Rian. Brendon’s band isn’t my favorite band.”

He groaned. “Then what is it? Tell me!”

“Not telling,” I replied with a grin.

“It’s not All Time Low?”


“Panic! At the Disco? You Me at Six?”

I shook my head. “Nope and nope.”

“Mayday Parade? You seem like a sappy person,” he guessed, smirking a bit.

“No, and what’s that supposed to mean?”

Rian huffed. “Nothing. Taking Back Sunday? Yellowcard? ADTR? AC/DC?”

“No, Rian, now stop trying to guess.”

“Tonight Alive? Alesana? The Fray? Oh, it’s Fall Out Boy, right?”

“Rian, give it up. I’m not going to tell you.”

Rian pouted at me. “Come on. I need to know! You can’t keep it a secret from me for forever!”

“I can, and I will,” I responded, patting his shoulder sympathetically. “You’ll never know.”


I ignored him, smirking to myself. It was entertaining how much he wanted to know who my favorite band was. But it was no use— I had a new favorite band now. And my boyfriend was the lead singer. I’d be their number one fan for a very long time.

But I’d never tell him that.


I want Word back on my laptop. The formatting for this is going to suck I know it. Well, this was the last chapter. Hope you guys liked it! After like five years I finally finished posting it online. The song lyrics are temp because I suck at writing lyrics so eventually I'll think of some I like.......

Also! I wrote a bunch of tips on my Tumblr page for you guys so go check it out! The link is in the external link or my tumblr is

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