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I placed the tote bag over my shoulder and followed behind James as he locked the hotel door checking once more just to be certain this had been his idea after everything that had happened the previous night he had told me he wanted to celebrate our engagement and that he couldn't be shut up in here much longer I could agree with him on that I suddenly felt like the last five months had caught up with me and maybe a day at the beach would help me calm down as we walked down the wooden stairs I noticed he seemed to be genuinely happy once again he rushed past me and before I had managed to place my foot on the next step he was already in the water

I placed my bag down unrolling my towel I knew that there was still the massive task of tracking and retrieving the hard drive but that couldn't be further from my mind at the moment I pulled my book open and stayed like that for what felt like hours until I saw James approaching me I could see every single droplet of water running down his chest and he pushed the hair away from his fore but I decided to ignore it for the time being 'have you thought about what I said?' he asked as I laid my head so it rested on his shoulder I have but I thought you loved what you do and that nothing or nobody what change that as you have often said yourself 'I finished looking up gaging his reaction he said nothing but moved so I found myself on top of him and looking straight into his eyes ' I have no amour left you stripped it from me whatever is left I'm yours' he said before leaning in

Soon enough the sun began to set and a cool breeze began to swirl around the enclosed bay I pulled myself up rather reluctantly I may add as I began packing everything away It dawned on me that we didn't have anywhere to stay as we had rather overstayed at the previous place I turned to say this to James but couldn't see him anywhere I stood and surveyed the surroundings the only people left were a mother and father with two small boys no too far from us

I began to feel myself panicking but suppressed it turning round and spotting James at the top of the steps as he approached me I crossed my arms 'maybe just say you're going somewhere next time' I say giving him an irritated look 'oh miss my already?' he said taking the bag from me 'it's not funny' I muttered under my breath as I followed him up the steps and on to the crowded street

'What about somewhere like that?'I suggested pointing out a small hut/hotel near the beach it looked pleasant enough he shrugged I guessed that meant he liked it so I pulled the door open it was a small room with a white tiled floor with a brightly coloured mosaic-style rug covering it and chairs where pushed against each wall I waked up to the desk and rang the bell

A woman how must have been in her early 50's came out of a side room 'could we book a room please' I asked she nodded writing something on the notepad in front of her 'single or double she asked turning to where the keys were stored 'double' I said indicating James who was standing beside me she nodded preoccupied with finding the correct one eventually she located it the key was black with a silver number fourteen engraved onto one side 'i'll keep that for now' James said taking it and sliding it into his pocket 'really you still can't trust me to find the correct room' I said in a hushed whisper he shook his head a smirk playing at the corners of his lips the woman must have heard though because she said 'down the hall take one left and then another you should find it easily' she said smiling at us both 'thank you very much' I said taking James by the arm and dragging him after me

'I have often told you directions aren't one of the strong points' I said as we walked into the bright but rather small room 'well yes that is rather apparent' he said placing the bags down on the floor and beginning to unpack his things including the ever-growing number of grey suits 'don't you own any other colour when it comes to suits' I ask placing my makeup bag o the edge of the bathroom counter he shakes his head while hanging one on the rail 'it helps me to blend in among others' he said now placing his shoes underneath all in a very neat line the same could not be said for my suitcase that now resembled a bombsite but after months of moving around what else can you expect the only thing of mine that had remained neat was my makeup bag and that was only because I very rarely wore any of it.

The dresser side clock read six twenty-one it had taken longer than I had thought to finish unpacking I was waiting for the coffee to finishing brewing when two things happened ay once there was a knock at the door and James phone began to beep relentlessly I walked towards the door and opened it there were two packages well envelopes I looked around the hallway but it seemed to be completely deserted by this time I could hear James had answered his phone but I couldn't work out what he was saying shrugging to myself I picked them up and shut the door I placed them down on the small side table and waited for James to finish another ten minutes passed until I saw him press the end call button

He walked in and instantly his eyes moved to the parcels 'where did you find those?' he asked panic clear on his face 'they were on the threshold' I said pointing towards the door he nodded wearily before he could answer I continued 'although I have no idea what's inside them' I said this seemed to calm him further he walked towards then and picked up the first a box wrapped in the brown paper I could see something taped to it but couldn't make out what it said 'another invite' and he lightly shaking the box which I would not have done because you can never be sure of what's inside I could hear something rattling around James picked up a butter knife from the side and prised the edge upwards out fell two things a note and a what looked like a memory stick

It couldn't be the same one we had been trying to track down for months could it as if he could read my mind James shook his head 'unfortunately it's a fake' he said skimming over the note he was holding I nodded feeling any hope of a quiet life with him fade within seconds 'so the search continues then' I asked standing up from the chair he nodded a flicker of anger crossing over his features it seemed to me that the way this was going he would eventually want to pack everything in but how he would he remain occupied i didn't know

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