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Three weeks had passed since James and I had returned to London there hadn't been any new attacks which were a good thing but I did wonder if there was something bigger than he had planned that no one knew about yet James had been fully reinstated witch he was happier about than I had ever seen him and everything was slowly returning to normal while we where away Kelly had fallen pregnant with a baby girl and was due within a few months time I couldn't have been happier with my life at that point but once again that changed and I was proved right about my previous thoughts about silva there was a virus circulating around the whole on the online network and if you happened to get it would automatically wipe your computer clean and come up with a skull and crossbones motif and underneath it would say 'count your sins' it always seemed to be around the computers at headquarters no one else it seemed had encountered it witch rose my suspicions even further it went on for months.

It began to feel like we were being watched but nothing happened until five weeks later when there was a scheduled meeting of all the different country's headquarters it was on the way back that I felt a sinking feeling as once again the image appeared this time on James computer I looked out the window and saw a mass of billowing black smoke I couldn't see where it was coming from as we were still too far away given the amount traffic you had in London at four o'clock in the afternoon I felt James nudge my arm I looked around as he nodded towards my phone that I had been holding it was BBC News notification 'mass explosion at MI6 Headquarters' it read I gasped as I clicked onto it thankfully it turned out that no one had been badly injured but they still didn't know who authenticated the attack and why they chose to target the biggest organisation in the London I finished reading and closed my phone.

I turned to James 'there's only one person who would plan such an attack on headquarters' I said turning my phone absentmindedly in my hands he nodded closing the laptop 'yes but the question is who was he trying to get at in doing so' 'if it was to smite you then he failed because you weren't even in the building' I said looking out the window again to give myself thinking time, that was until James spoke again 'we need him to come to us somewhere off the beaten track where we will have the upper hand' he said pulling his phone out his pocket I turned my head 'wherever you go he will have the ability to trace you unless you lay a false trail to throw him off I said 'that was my plan all along' he said smiling putting the phone to his ear.

Ten minutes later we were in the temporary headquarters talking over the plan with Alfred he was the one how made and engineered everything that the agents took with them on assignment's and in the felid as a whole 'where are you planning on going so I can lay this trail?' he asked James ' there's an old family house in the highlands of Scotland so I was thinking about going there as it's not somewhere you would think of' he said I personally had to agree with him it's the last place I would think of waging war on someone 'I'll see what I can' do Walter said pressing a button and bring up a map of the united kingdom 'thank you' James said turning to leave I smiled at him following James to the door 'just one more thing 'when are you planning on leaving?' he called after us not looking up for the screen.

'Tonight' he said opening the door for me I rolled my eyes as I passed him 'you could have given me and him a bit more notice' I said lightly hitting his shoulder he laughed think of ' it as me being spontaneous you know it's rare for me' he said smiling 'I didn't even associate the word with you but now that might have changed' I said with a sarcastic tone he tutted at me 'well I'd better start packing then I said as I got to my desk he nodded turning away before he got to the door  are you giving me a time or do I dave to guess that too?' I said he stopped turning on the spot rolling his eyes as he replied ' seven o'clock' he said before opening the door and walking out and shutting it behind him here we go again I thought as I pulled my laptop towards me and began writing up the notes we had been given about another case another I was making good headway when Kelly sat down in the chair opposite 'you seem to be getting on well' she said she said gesturing towards the door james had walked out of not five minutes before I nodded feeling the corners of my mouth twitch 'he's not that bad actually' I said smiling slightly 'see I told you' she said with a smirk I rolled my eyes at her 'it's not that kind of get on' I said more defensive that I meant to be 'yeah I don't believe you in the slightest' the  said and to be honest she was right I was starting to fall in love with him and even though he had said it to me I still wasn't entirely sure he felt the same 'anyway I need to get on with these' I said pointing at the small pile still needing to be looked through 'alright I'll leave you to it' and she standing and walking thorough the door it took another ten minutes to sign all the papers and then it was time to go home and start packing.

It felt like I hadn't even unpacked properly from the trip to Italy yet and here I was again but I knew one thing the weather was worlds different I threw most of what was in the suitcase into a pile on my bed and repacked nearly every single item of warming clothing I owned along with an old tan throw that belonged to my grandmother I packed those  and some other things like toiletries and other essentials as neatly as I could and placed my phone on top and waited for james to arrive I may have been a bit hasty with my need to the packing over and done with because I had an hour until he would be here I grabbed my laptop from the kitchen counter and with my tea I hand I sat on the sofa my kitten Jules in my lap I checked through emails and wore a message to my mother who was on working holiday in Australia just to pass the time until the clock turned to seven when it did I got up and put my kitten in his basket making sure the food and water was topped up before going back upstairs grabbing my bag turning off the lights and walking outside not forgetting to lock the front door I turned my attention to the car staring at it for a moment before I opened the door and got inside ' I thought you were using the Mercedes' I said placing my bag in the footwell 'I was but I like to change it around every now and then' he said turning the key and turning down the narrow road the rest of the drive was pleasant with all the changes in scenery apart from the copious amount of holes in the road we didn't talk all the time but even with the silence it didn't feel awkward it got to ten o'clock and I was trying not to show my lack of sleep the night before but was failing the last thing I remember was falling asleep with my head resting on my arm that was until I felt someone gently shaking my arm I opened my eyes taking a minute to focus them I looked up to see James 'what time is it I said 'taking my seatbelt off and grabbing my bag 'it's eleven' he said having to guide me as my  eyes still weren't focusing we walked into the reception 'a room for two please ' James said handing over the debit card 'single or double bed?' The lady asked James glanced at me and seems to think I didn't mind 'double' he said he took the key the lady handed him ' thanks' he said taking my hand and walking to the room.

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