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James paced around the small waiting room checking his watch every few seconds only
stopping when the door opened 'you passed with flying colours' Matilda said passing him a tan file he nodded relief evident on his face although I never disagreed with any of the fitness tests conducted here as they were always done to such a high standard I wondered if they hand passed him just because they were glad that he was alive he walked out of the room holding the paper and another that I saw said assignment 'I told you I would pass' he said looking down at the second paper 'I had no doubt whatsoever' I said rolling my eyes 'there sending you out again so soon?' I said my eyes falling on the second piece of paper he nodded engrossed in the paper 'he will need someone to accompany him though' we both looked up

It was kelly she was standing there with another identical tan folder and a knowing look 'you can't mean me' I said the shock must have once again been evident 'you'd be perfect' said I looked round at James and he nodded I tried to say something in protest but failed as the file was pushed at me and kelly said 'you can learn on the job too so it's sorted' she was right it was what could I possibly say to that.

Weeks passed James and I had been researching more about spectate and had found out that there was a member called Mr Silvia he was a notorious killer who had escaped from many high-security prisons and was currently planning an attack on headquarters we also found out he used to work for us too which  made the whole situation a lot more dangerous because you never knew when he was going to attack next our assignment as I found out later that day was to track down and bring him in for questioning as the time grew closer to departure day my nerves began to get the better of me and I began thinking that how was I here when there were agents so much more qualified than I was but I pushed those aside once 'what's wrong?' I looked up for the file to see James staring at me nothing I said averting my eyes 'you can tell me you know' he said resting his hand on my shoulder' I sighed 'I'm just nervous' I said looking up again he nodded 'listen your one of the best felid agent's we have so there's no need to be worried' he said I sighed again getting a grip of my thoughts once again he removed his hand from my shoulder and stood up 'it's not like I had much choice in the matter anyway' he said I looked up he was smiling 'get out' I said laughing don't forget the flight is at seven he said before opening the door and closing it behind him and that was all I needed to hear from him.

The next thing I knew it was five o'clock in the morning and the alarm was going off I turned it off and rolled over again telling myself not to fall back to sleep groaning I stood up and started going through my draws throwing rather haphazardly most of what I owned into a suitcase two hours later with the bags checked in and James saying I should have packed lighter I settled myself for the flight it was another three hours before we got to the hotel both James and I checked in as a couple as he said it would look less suspicious if anyone happened to check the hotel's records.

I have to say the hotel room was very nice it felt almost too nice considering what we were here to do I put my suitcase down and went into the adjoining en suite about five minutes had passed when there was a knock on the bathroom door 'come in' I looked around and there was James holding a floor-length blue dress it had cut out detailing around the neck and sleeved it was absolutely stunning I gasped he laughed handing it to me 'there's a charity dinner tonight and I need you looking a million dollars think you can do that ' he said closing the door behind him 'I'll give it my best attempt' I said turning around and continuing to put more mascara on my lashes.

I looked at myself in the full-length mirror giving myself the once over just to be sure once I was happy I walked back into the room James was wearing a dark navy suit and I have to it really suited him I pulled a pair of grey heels from my suitcase and sat on the edge of the bed 'ready for this?' James said adjusting the strap of his watch I nodded standing up he held out his hand for me I took it and walked out the room 'remember we are still posing as a couple' he said as we walked towards the lifts I nodded all the while admiring the beauty of the tiled hallway we stood in front of the lifts waiting and I felt the pressure of James's hand momentarily tighten around my shoulder I looked around there were three men one of them I recognised almost instantly he was the run how had made a getaway with the case and it seemed to me like he had succeeded by this time the lift doors had opened and we stepped inside 'that must mean the case is somewhere in the building' James said pressing the down arrow I nodded the only question was how were we going to find it.

We walked through the double doors into a room made entirely it seemed of white marble it was breathtakingly beautiful so much so that I had to stop for a moment 'a table for two sirs?' I looked up as a waiter approached 'yes' James said he said handing over a debit card 'please follow me' the waiter said nodding in the direction of the furthest table 'less chance of being overheard' James said in a whisper I nodded as we followed behind the chair's being pulled out for us as we approached once we were seated and had looked over the drinks menu James simply going for a martini like always and me simply choosing a glass of white wine talk turned to the election that would happen later tonight.

'so you think he will be here?' I said taking a sip of wine James nodded 'he will want to know who becomes the leader of the organisation he holds so dear' he said picking up his glass once more I nodded hoping that he wasn't just going to infiltrate the meeting as if he belonged at the table it's self but no sooner had I thought it James spoke 'I will simply be dropping by I don't plan on making a scene so don't look so worried' he said I rolled my eyes 'when you do ever just drop by?' I said he laughed 'you do have a point there' he said 'but I promise that nothing bad will happen' I nodded but didn't believe any of it because bad things seemed to follow this man where ever he went.

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