Chapter 1: Golden Age of Adventure

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∞ A little note ∞

Y/N - Your Name
M/N - Middle Name
L/N - Last Name
B/N/N - Best Friend Name
B/H/C - Best Friend Hair Colour
F/F - Favourite Food
F/D - Favourite Drink
F/P - Favourite Pastry
F/C - Favourite Colour
H/L - Hair Length
H/C - Hair Colour
F/C/C - Favourite Candy/Chocolate
F/I - Favorite Instrument
N/N - Nickname
F/H - Favourite Hairstyle
S/C - Skin Colour
F/C - Favorite Cake

As time pass by, ancient civilizations have vanished from the world with invaluable treasures from thousands of years ago.

New technology is getting more and more advance lead to the discovery of ancient treasures. But this property is protected by booby traps and deathly trick.

Yet this does not dampen the ardour of adventurers to obtain these treasures.

In time, this legendary age of treasure hunting would be known as....

The Golden Age of Adventure.


Egypt (Cairo) - As several ancient pyramids are located nearby, explorers used this area as a base of operations

~In front of a small bar~

"Urgh, this is heavy." A man goes by the name Amon sigh while carrying his heavy wooden crate filled with food and um... Something else into his bar/house. "Samara? Dear?... Can you help me? This thing is heavy!" He called for his daughter and his wife for help, but none of them move from their spot. "Welcome home, papa." Samara, Amon's daughter simply said. Samara is a 16 years old girl. Her hair is in twin braid and she have a pair of beautiful orange-reddish eye.

"Wow! That's a lot of food!" She said. "But, do we even need that much? All our customers go to the fancy hotel across the street now." Amon's wife, Safiya grumble. "The prices are higher there... Some poorer adventurers might still come here." Amon said with a crowbar in his hand while his daughter and wife mutter "As if they can afford too!." Under their breath.

"Wha-" Amon said in confusion when he open the wooden box. "It's already been opened...!"


What's inside the wooden box send shock to all of the family members. Among the food cans, fruit and vegetables is a boy with a piece of meat in his mouth. The boy just watch, shocked that he had been found. "What exactly did you buy?!" Safiya ask her husband while looking shocked and afraid. "Uh..." Is all come from Amon. Seeing them all in shock, the boy decided to speak. "My apologies for eating your food! But mark my words, I'll pay you back double when I find treasure!" The boy apologize and introduce himself. "My name is Alex. I'm an adventurer." He said and what happens next is a punch to the face. While fuming, Safiya manages to said (more like shout) "Do you know how much that food cost! You can start paying us back right now by cleaning!"

"You... Didn't need to get violent." Alex whine while sweeping the floor. "You should be grateful I didn't send you to the police!" Safiya shout again while Samara and her cat Lulu watch from the sidelines. "How did you get in crate anyway?" Amon ask referring to the what happen before. "My airship ran out of fuel and crashed in the desert. I had to walk out of the desert. I had no choice but to walk and hope to escape the desert. Then behold!  I saw your truck... And the smell of food wafting from it..." Alex explain what happen. Amon just nod while his wife is yelling about Alex being a criminal. "And you didn't notice?! He could be a bandit for all we know!"

"Hello?" A timid voice said in while looking into the bar. "Ah, sorry. I didn't see you there!" Safiya greet the (H/c) haired girl in front of the doorway. "No it's okay!" The girl said. "Please come in." Safiya invite the girl which the girl gladly do. "(Y/n)! You come again! I'm glad you come. It's been boring here since you go to Greece." Samara said in an exciting voice. "Yeah, it's fun there. I go to Mystras. I solve mysteries and got some treasure!" (Y/n) tell her stories to Samara and Lulu. Upon hearing the name (Y/n), Alex look toward the doorway and see a really familiar face. His eye started to water and he began to tremble. "(Y-y/n)?" He said. (Y/n) look at the source of the sound and her eyes widen. 'Crap.' That's all in her mind right now.

"I-I'm sorry. Have w-we meet before?" (Y/n) stutter out with a really unconvincing face. Alex run to her and hug her before she realize it. (Y/n)'s body stiffened. "I-I thought you d-died. T-that time..." He said while crying in her adventuring clothes. (Picture up there) A small smile make it's way to (Y/n)'s face and she put her hand on his head while another is on his back to calm him down. "I can't believe you still remembers me! You just a 2 years old kid when we met. I'm happy that you still remember though." She said. She pull away from the hug and ruffle his hair like she used to. (Even if he's a few inch taller than her.) "Now, stop crying! You've become such a big boy now!" She said an attempt to cheer him up. Alex's crying has turned to quite sniffles. "You didn't answer the question though." He said. (Y/n) think about it for a couple of second. "I'll tell you when the time comes, okay?" She said and Alex just nod.

"Urm, you two know each other?" Samara ask after watching the tearful reunion between the two. "Yes, I am his childhood friend. Well at least until he's 5." (Y/n)  explain while looking at Alex carefully. "Wow! You've grown into such a handsome boy." She said while pinching his cheek. "Stop it." Alex said. "Hey! Go back to work!" Safiya shout making (Y/n) confuse. "You work here?" She ask Alex which Alex just sweatdrop to. "It's a long story." Is all he said. "Don't worry I got all day." (Y/n)  simply said.

After hearing the full story (Y/n) just laugh. Amon switch on the TV to watch the news but unfortunately the news has already ended and now the announcer is about to tell this month adventurer's ranking. "And that's all our news for tonight! Now, stay tuned for the adventurer bulletin. First up... This month's adventurers ranking!" The announcer announced while Safiya told her husband and Alex to keep working. Of course, no one listen. "Adventurer Aligon found the Tomb of Taurus in ancient Greece and his ranking grows from 17 to 11. Great Britain's Team White Wolf is currently in 13th place having recently unearthed the priceless Golden Holy Grail in ancient Rome. Here's the rose among the thorn, Azure Princess at No.6. And our very own White Witch ranked in 3rd place and finding the Virgo's Golden Chain! Finally, holding steady at No. 1 is the strongest adventurer, Akhator the Violent! So far, no one can beat his treasure hunting record!" The announcer said. Alex just look at (Y/n) in shock. "You never tell me you're ranked in third place!" He said. "We just met today. What do you expect? I don't really like talking about it anyway." She said shrugging. Alex look back at the TV which shows Akhator.

"Hmph! What so good about him. I bet I'll be better than him with a bit of hard work!" Alex said referring to the ranking. "You better work hard to pay off your debts." Samara said. (Y/n) hear footsteps coming from the door and keep her guards up. She turn to the door and see a tiny man in a gold shirt and trash looking hat with two bigger men next to him which is probably his guard. "Tsk, tsk. Ignoring your customer?" The tiny man said. "Oh, sorry..." Safiya began to said but stop after seeing who the 'customer' is. "Hmph! No matter how I look at it, this shack is as shabby as ever." He comment about the bar. "You again! I thought I made it clear last time! I will never sell my tavern to you!" Amon said to the midget.

"Who is this?" Alex ask Samara which (Y/n) want to know too. "His name is Geb. And he owns a big fancy hotel across the street. He's a really cunning man. (Though to (Y/n) he look like a 13 years old kid) His hotel is not only luxurious, it provides many useful services such as airship parking for adventurers. He even have professional mechanics to repair airships... And shops that sell desert expedition equipment. So, everyone goes there. Geb bought out every shop in this area to expand his territory. But after papa refused to sell him our tavern, he built a garbage dumb right next door! It's made everything so stinky that customers won't come here anymore!" She answered angrily. Though, (Y/n) help about the smell. She make a barrier around the bar making sure no smell when she's eating. "Argh, no!" They hear someone said. They turn around and see one of the guard is spilling water on Amon's head.

"Just give up and sell this hovel to me already, fool! My money is good!" Trash head said and at this moment (Y/n) is fuming. She hate it when people bullies other people. 'Some humans is really greedy!' She thought angrily. "Even is you inherited it from your father and grandfather before him, your business has been going down with every generation. Come come, you must admit defeat." Trash head said pouring gasoline into the fire. A really really dark aura is surrounding (Y/n) making Alex, Samara and Lulu back away from her. Safiya was about to beat them but Amon stop her. "Anyway, I have some good news for you. I've bought the building on the other side of your little shack, and I'll be putting up a public toilet there. Scum like you belong next to garbage and poop! That's what you get for defying." Thrash head continue to speak while his minions just laugh at whatever he said.

(Y/n) is about to get up and beat the schist out of Dumb scum when a bone fly towards trash head and hit on top of his hat.  (Y/n) look at the direction where the bone come from and see Alex with a troubled face and her dark sure died down much to everyone's relief. "Nuts. I missed." Alex said. "How dare you?" Trash head said. "Oh, sorry. I thought your head was a trash can. It looked just like one." Alex said while Samara is cheering him. "Teach him a lesson!"  Trash head said and his minions charge. Alex throw his rope and tie both of them easily.

"Idiots! How could you let him do that to you!" Trash head shout to his minions. "Piece of cake." Alex said making (Y/n) crave for a cake. "Wow! That was amazing!" Samara said while Safiya look happy. "Who are you? What are you!" Trash head ask. "I don't feel like I want to tell my name to people like you but because you already begging to know... People call me the future No. 1 adventurer, Alex! Remember my name because I will become the worlds top-ranked adventurer of all time!" He said with a confident grin on his face. "You will regret this brat!" Trash head mutter under his breaths and go away while (Y/n) is thinking about which cake flavour should she choose.


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