Chapter 4

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Everyone is at the ORC building and everybody had their eyes on Y/N with Koneko laying her head on his lap. As he strokes her hair Rias clears her throat and Y/N looks at the group of devil's.

Rias: "So what type of story do you have? Golden Dragon of Destruction."

Then Y/N's sacred gear appears on his right arm and the gems glow.

Ghidorah: "So is that what they call me? The Golden Dragon of Destruction. Well it definitely fits of who I once was."

Rias: "What do you mean who you once was? I remember my father telling stories about you, non of them put you in a good light."

Rosseweiss: "Even stories I heard from Odin say you were the most terrifying beast to ever exist. And your not actually from here, are you?"

Everyone looks at Rosseweiss confused at the question. Rias had a look in her face that she realized something.

Rias: "Wait... Does that mean."

Ghidorah: "Yes, I came from the vast void of space."

Issei: "So there is life out there. SWEET."

Ghidorah: "Be quiet Fool."

Issei's gauntlet appears and the green gem glows.

Ddraig: "Don't talk to my partner like that again."

Ghidorah: "Then atleast keep him quiet, I have a high distaste for that voice of his. I can literally feel the small lacing of lust behind it."

Akeno: "Listen boys can you two not have your dragons fight eachother right now?"

Ddraig just huffed but from Ghidorah they heard a mix of hissing and growling. Just the hissing and growling made Rias's group skin crawl.

Ghidorah: "Now, it's time for a story, gather around children. I'll tell you how I came here and then forced into a Sacred Gear you see today."


Many years ago during the war between the three Factions I appear on one mission, and one only: Destroy and Consume. The race that created me were not from the normal or supernatural, I didn't come from another dimension alongside earth. I came from the vast void of the stars.
I know I'm just a being artificially created from different DNA of powerful beings. With so much power in me, it's intoxicating, I followed my orders with out batting an eye. All the destruction I caused I relished each moment seeing a planet being destroyed, then I'd simply move on to the next. I would also attack in many different forms, there's many but I prefer going in and destroying everything physically. But deep inside of my heart I felt a tinge of guilt, it slowly built up of centuries of taking and taking. I know my so called master's noticed my small amount of guilt I had inside of me. I kept shoving all of that deep inside and bottle it up never to be seen again. Years later when I came to this tiny planet called Earth I really didn't see much of what's so special about it. My masters told me this world and the dimensions surrounding it needed to be silenced and the other dimensions with it. All I wanted was to finish this mission as quick as I can because I felt something strange here, there was something more here then just small and insignificant specks living on it. As I arrived to this world I made my arrival widely known through my might roar that can be heard everywhere on the planet. With my announcement made I started destroying one city and setting it ablaze, I didn't care where I was, I wanted to cause much panic as I can. With tiny planes and machines firing at me it like nothing and I couldn't help but laugh.

Ghidorah: "These beings are mere pebbles fighting a mountain!"

As I caused more and more destruction I felt something coming. But it felt powerful, it almost has as much power as I do.

Ghidorah: "Finally a Challenge."

A large portal opened up in the sky and I seen another large, horned and four winged red dragon. It was big as me. Once it landed Infront of me I flaired my wings out accepting the challenge.

Red Dragon: "Who Are You!"

Ghidorah: "I am this worlds Destruction. Once I'm done with this planet it will be nothing but a void of asteroids floating in this vast space."

Red Dragon: "Not while I'm here!"

We charged at eachother with a massive shockwave, I bit onto his shoulders and neck. Then lifted him and shoved him to the ground and started to drag him on the ground. While he was down I stomped down on his head faxing him. He forced himself up and he seen me charging up my gravity beams. He charges but I fired my beams right at his head, he roars out in pain but I continued firing he was on the roaring more and I silenced my beams. As he was on the ground writhing in pain I used one of my heads grabbing him and I held him with my left and right heads chocking him. I used my center heads and bit down on his mandible I started to devour his life essence. I started to feel the power coursing through me, as I consumed more I felt powerful blasts on my back that made me drop him still writhing in pain. I looked behind me and seen a tiny woman and two smaller dragons roaring at me, the tiny girl was just staring at me.

Ghidorah: "You interrupted my meal."

The two small dragons roared and they fired blasts at me but it did nothing to me. The white dragon yelled something but I didn't care what he said, so I charged up my gravity beams again a fired at them. The tiny girl had some real stones flying up to my heads growling at her.

????: "Who the hell are you? You need to leave this world or you face the consequences."

Ghidorah: "I'm not taking orders from you tiny!"

My right head swatted her away into a building. Then my other heads grabbed the little dragons, as I chomped down on them they roared in pain and I threw them to the little girl embedded in the building. As the three looked at me from the building I charged at it and I demolished the building ontop of the three. The little girl crawled out and fired a magical blast at one of my heads and and it was powerful enough to daze them by a small amount. But before I could do anything I felt something chomps down on my left head. It was the big red one I first fought. As he bit down on my left head I bit down on the dragons neck but then his mouth glowed a bright red color, he charges up an energy blast but he clinched down causing pain on my left neck and it surged out to my other heads. Once he was charged the dragon fires it, and it works it blasted away my left head and I roared out of the massive pain. I stumbled backward and I seen many humans with different sets of wings. At first I thought they were humans because of how they looked but all the people here are not humans. I felt the pain again in my left neck again and I felt the the flesh growing back to what it once was before. As my head was growing back I can feel the disgust and hatred of everyone around me. As my left head was regenerating they all fired magic based attacks at me, I blocked them with my wings but a few blasts went through my wings. Once my left head fully regenerated I unfolded my wings and roared back at all of them. I felt high power signatures coming toward me and somehow I felt something bad was coming. I seen maybe thousands more of each different species, you maybe them as Devil's, Angels, Fallen Angels, and many more. I seen many pantheon's from this tiny planet, and many more came all to face me. I seen almost all of the leaders of each pantheon come to me and started chanting something. I felt a large barrier went around me and I ft my power lowering itself and my physical form became smaller and smaller. I felt humiliated on being defeated so easily, but I have to respect the pantheon's on what happened, when there is one enemy that's too great grab a friend with some backup and overpower. After I was sealed away in this little Gauntlet I heard them say that I should be destroyed in this state but then I'd be released, so they all came up with a way to throw me away into a vault and to be never heard from again. In the years inside of this thing I felt all that guilt coming back again and I felt truly........ alone. If I succeeded in destroying everything I had a feeling it would be like this, just nothing in a dark void. So I contimplated where I was at. I remember hearing that I can find a wielder for my powers but seeing that all the leaders thought I should be forgotten that thought was thrown out. So now all I can do is ponder and sleep. Years later I awoke from my slumber and somehow I felt free again. And now I decided to switch sides, all I had to do was find a worthy wielder for my powers and hopefully train them on the right path, and not the I was on for all of my life. After awhile of searching I finally found someone, and this young man was my answer. Once I connected with him I can feel what he feels and see what he see's, and I can feel what type of person he was. I felt like I actually found someone I can call 'Parnter' and teach him how to use my powers for good, and not evil. Hopefully he won't be consumed by the urge to take and destroy, I'm not going to fail here. All I can do now is just whisper in his ears and wait.

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