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Y/N just started his first year at a new school, while he was doing his work his saw Koneko in his perifreal vision and blushed. When she she seen Y/N staring at him she did the same and they both looked away. Within the time he's been there he had a massive crush on her. Ironically Koneko feels the same but she doesn't know that Y/N is the same way. While Y/N adjusted his glasses and went back to his paper and groaned. Rias leaned next to Koneko and whispers to her.

Rias: "Hey Koneko, why don't you just ask Y/N out already?"

She blushed but kept the same look on her face.

Koneko: "I don't know what your talking about."

Rias: "You know it's written on your face that you like him. At times you even follow him to be sure he's ok."

Her face grew more red and out of imbarasment she accidentally crushed her pencil. She looked around for another one, but Rias hands her one.

Koneko: "O-oh thank you."

Rias: "Oh don't thank me, thank Y/N."

She point next to herself where Y/N is and she seen a box of pencils that were open.

Akeno: "You have a good man watching your back Koneko I'm kinda jealous.~"

Koneko lowered her head along with her shoulders.

Koneko: "Can you two stop?"

The bell rings signifying the class is over and so is the school day. While everyone packed there supplies Y/N was called out by Issei.

Issei: "Hey Y/N what's up!?"

Y/N: "Oh hey Issei how's it goin?"

They did a quick high five then Y/N crossed his arms.

Y/N: "So what's up, you ain't inviting me to one of your letcherous acts of peeping are you?"

Issei: "Oh no.............. Well yeah."

Y/N: "Sorry to say but I know your my friend and all but I'm not doing that."

Issei: "C'mon just join us, you'll be able to see the kendo club girls tits!"

Y/N: "*facepalm* You need to lower your standards when it comes to a girl you want. But I'm not going to be smacked by the kendo girls, see ya."

Y/N adjusted his glasses and walks out with his back pack over his shoulder.

Issei: "You don't know what you're missing!"

Y/N: "I prefer that my ass was not beaten raw!"

Y/N continues to walk down the hallway.

Y/N: "He's my buddy and all but he seriously needs to bring his pervyness down if he wants a girlfriend."

As Y/N continues to walk he grabs a small bag of chocolates from his bag and pops on in his mouth. Once he turned a corner he bumped into someone by accident and both were on the floor.

Y/N: "Oh um I'm sorry! I didn't see you I was stuck in thought."

When he looked up he seen it was Koneko and he blushed, she did the same when she seen him.

Y/N: "Sorry Koneko I didn't see you there!"

He gets up and offers her a hand up, which she gladly takes. Y/N grabbed he chocolate baggy and popped another piece. He seen Koneko eyeing his chocolate bag and he offers one.

Y/N: "Want one?"

Koneko: *nods* Oh s-sure."

She grabs one from his bag and eats one. Once she ate it her face lit up.

Y/N: "It's not bad is it!?"

Koneko: "Umm no, actually it's really good, where did you get these?"

Y/N: "Oh actually I made these myself, I have to say it's pretty good for my first batch."

Koneko looked at him and if she had her tail out it would be wagging fast from the chocolate she just ate.

Koneko: "Umm if it ain't to much can I take another, its really tasty."

Y/N: "Oh sure."

She took another and she had a small blush on her face.

Koneko: "My new favorite chocolates!"

Y/N: "Oh umm now that I have you Koneko, umm can I ask you something?"

Koneko: "Oh sure, what is it?"

Y/N was slowly sweating and struggling to say what's in his mind.

Y/N: "Are you....... you doing anything... this weekend? You know tomorrow?"

Koneko: "*eyes widen* Oh umm not.. nothing really why?"

Y/N: "I was was wondering if.... You..... you might wanna...."

Koneko looks at him confused but she has a feeling what he might ask.

Y/N: "Would you.... Come on a date with me... Tommorow?"

Her eyes widened and twiddled with her fingers, she never thought Y/N would finally ask her out. Even she thought about doing the same if the conversation went nowhere.

Rias POV

Rias and Akeno were at the end of the hallway watching from a distance peeping there heads out.

Akeno: "Ara Ara, He finally asked her out."

Rias: "At first I thought she was going to ask him, but I guess the their love for chocolates broke the awkwardness."

Akeno: "I'm kinda happy seeing these two together, it makes my heart warm, and also warm in all the right places.~"

Rias: "Akeno can you stop....."

Koneko: "Umm, I...."

The two shooshed each other and continued to observe Koneko and Y/N.

Y/N: "Oh... if your unsure you don't have to..."

Koneko: "No No no I'm just, I just can't find the right words to say. I'd never thought you'd ask me out."

Y/N: "Why wouldn't I, your strong, cute and smart. What guy wouldn't go for you."

????: "Y/N!!!"

The two look over and seen Issei running to them.

Y/N: "Issei what are you doing here!?"

Issei grabbed his should and slowly dragged Y/N with him.

Issei: "No time to explain but your coming with me. BYE!"

Y/N: "WAIT Issei Stop!"

Akeno: "Yare Yare, what a turn of events."

Rias: "Indeed.

3rd POV

Y/N: "Issei Stop!"

Issei was slowly dragging Y/N away with a large smile on his face.

Issei: "Nope you need to see this with me and the boys."

Koneko: "I'll see you tommorow Y/N!"

Y/N smiled knowing the date is going to happen. But Y/N quickly grabbed a piece of paper wrote on it and stuffed it in his chocolate baggy, then yeeted it to Koneko. She grabbed it and seen the paper in it, Y/N and Issei were almost the turn.

Y/N: "See you tomorrow!!"

Once they disappeared from her sight she sadly sighed. She looked inside the baggy and seen his number inside it and she smiled.

Koneko: "I'll text you soon Y/N."

While she thought about tomorrow she started to squeeze the baggy.

Koneko: "*growling* Issei."


Y/N was sitting next to a tree with his back on it. He was sulking from what Issei pulled earlier.

Y/N: "Issei why did you have to cockblock me!"

Issei and his friends were peeping on the kendo girls changing room.

Issei: "C'mon keep moving your clothing girls~"

Y/N: "For all the love that is holy keep your thoughts to yourself."

Issei: "Quiet."

Y/N: "Nope that's it."

Y/N got a quick idea on revenge on Issei from pulling him away from Koneko. He slithered himself away from Issei and his friends quietly, once he got into the front of the building he knocked on the door. After a minute it was Murayama that answers the door with her kimono on.

Murayama: "Oh hey Y/N can I help you?"

Y/N leans close to her and she blushes.

Murayama: "W-wait Y/N w-what are you doing."

He leans in close so they don't hear him.

Y/N: "You know Issei and his buddies are spying on you girls right now?"

He leans away and she grew angry then quickly smiled.

Murayama: "Thanks for the info Y/N."

Y/N: "No problem, it's what they get for stealing me away from asking out a girl."

Murayama: "Oooooh Who is it?!"

Y/N: "*blushes* Oh umm."

Murayama: "C'mon you can tell me."

Katase: "Hi Y/N, why are you blushing!"

Murayama: "Oh Issei ripped him away from a girl he was asking out. But tell the girls to get dressed and ready for a perv beating."

Katase: "They're peeping on us Again!? Alrighty girls.....!"

She ran back into the locker room to tell the rest of the girls.

Murayama: "Anyway who is it you were asking out?"

Y/N: "It was,..... Koneko."

Murayama: "Oh my gosh that's so cute!"

The girls ran past them with wooden katanas in hand.

Y/N: "Actually you have an extra, I might join in."

Murayama: "*nods* Sure."

She tosses Y/N a wooden katana and the girls they quickly surrounded the boys.

Issei: "What how did you find us?!"

Katase: "Oh a friend of ours who actually respects privacy."

Before they say anything else Issei seen Y/N and Murayama walk up and Y/N has a wooden katana hanging on his shoulder.

Y/N: "Sorry to say but you pervy trio make the rest of us guys look bad."

Y/N adjusted his glasses and took them off and flicked his hair out of his eyes.

Y/N: "Plus you really need to know your boundaries in privacy."

All the girls stared at him and blushed. Y/N looked around confused

Y/N: "W-What?"

Murayama: "Y-you look really cute without your glasses."

Y/N: "O-oh, ironically I need them, all I see are blurry shapes."

He puts them back on so he can see.

Y/N: "Now time for your boys punishment when you peep on a girl."

Y/N makes a face that makes the trio cringe.

Issei: "You Scumbag!"

Y/N: "And I'm going to enjoy giving you boys punishment. GIRLS!"

Y/N and the kendo club proceeded to beat the trio in to submission.


Y/N was walking up to his house tired.

Y/N: "I think I went a little overboard. Did I?...... Nah."

As Y/N unlocks his door his phone vibrated and seen it was Koneko.

Koneko: "Can't wait to see you tomorrow.😘 And thanks for the chocolates."

Y/N chuckled and walked inside. Once he was inside he smelt something good.

Y/N: "What's cooking!"

Poked his head into the kitchen and seen his big sis Touka cooking.

Touka: "Oh hey Y/N how's school today?"

He dropped his backpack on the couch in the living room.

Y/N: "Welp today was Extremely well, especially helping out the kendo girls beat up some peeping pervs."

Touka: "I hope you teached them a good lesson. Anything else, I have a feeling your holding back something?"

Y/N: "Oh, *blushes* that umm..."

Touka: "Oh Don't Tell me!"

She ran to him and grabbed his shoulders.

Touka: "Did you finally ask her out!?"

Y/N: "Well.... Yeah, I finally asked Koneko out."

She instantly hugged Y/N swinging him left and right.

Touka: "I can't my baby brother is growing up so much!!"

Y/N: "Can.... You....... Stop........ Breath!"

The door opened up and seen Rei standing at the door.

Rei: "I'm home!"

Y/N|Touka: "Welcome home."

Rei: "Missed you guys today! Oh what's with the hugging?"

Touka: "Y/N finally asked the girl he like out today!"

Rei jumped into the hug too.

Y/N: "Can you two please stop I've had enough imbarasment today as is."

Rei: "Oh what's cooking it smells good?"

The three separate from the hug and Touka goes back in the kitchen.

Touka: "Oh I'm trying out one of Y/N's recipes tonight."

Y/N: "Let me guess *sniff* it's the Buffalo beef noodle soup with rice right?"

Touka: "Yep, I thought I'd give one of your recipes a try. But I have a feeling it might not taste as great when you make it."

She proceeded to stir the soup and Rei walked behind her and held Touka in a hug.

Rei: "I'd didn't just missed you guys today, but I missed you especially.~"

Rei kissed Touka's neck and groped one of her breasts. As Touka was moaning Y/N put his arms up and walked out.

Y/N: "OK Gotta go."

Rei: "Oh * turns around* Do you wants kisses too!?"

Y/N looked around and saw Two running up to him with a kissy face. Y/N ran away but she chased him around the living room still making a kissy face while moaning.

Y/N: "Don't make me hit you I've beaten up enough pervs today!"

Touka looked at the two running around and she laughed from the funny and cute moment.


It's night time and Y/N is almost going to bed but he's getting cloths for tommorow. Once he found some normal clothes that were great for a date. While he looked at his mirror on the inner part of his door, he looked at his right arm.

Y/N: "Should I tell Koneko?"

He Summons a golden gauntlet appears on his arm.

Y/N: "I may not know what's held in this, but I feel like it's something both good and bad."

He stroked one of the gems on the back of his hand.

Y/N: "Whoever it is, I hope it's something good."


In an antarctic region filled with nothingness and cold a large golden three headed dragon is standing hearing the boys thoughts.

????: "Don't worry boy. I'm changing my ways, for the better."

All of his heads and wings lifted up and he let out a mighty roar.

Use roar at 6:21

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