Chapter 5

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"Your from Darkshire?" He asked. Which is what they call my home.

"Yes." I replied taking off my madalion off. As soon as I reverted back. He knelt down in front of me kissing the back of my hand.

"I'm deeply sorry my queen I didn't realize it was you." He said, in our native language.

"Are you really that dangerous?" I asked, noticing he didn't redeat evil.

"No I'm not. I carry a special gentic sadly who comes in contact with it ends up sick that how those people died in Darkshire after I returned home. Turns out I came in contact with something here that I contacted it from I was hoping to find the source so I can make a cure. I've ran into quite a bit of creatures that carry a different strand that causes them to go insane and become really violent and agressive. Which leads to death." He exclaimed still bowing. 

"Why didn't you explain that to the king?" I asked.

"I knew he wouldn't listen I've tried several times. He never once acknowledged it. I told you because I was hoping you'd be more understanding of the situation." He exclaimed, lifting his head gently with my fingers tips. So I could look into his eyes. They were full of sorror, pain, regret, and guilt. 

"Folis get away from him." Darren growled when his eyes turned gold. I realised my hand.

"It's okay Darren he's tell the truth. No one can dare lie to me without my noticing." I assured him using my real vioce. When the mans expression softened and he started coughing as his eyes turned bright red.

"When's the last time you feed?" I asked.

"I honestly don't remember my queen." He replied, standing up. I pulled out my dagger. He looked at me questioningly.

"You need to feed I can't chance you getting sick on me. I need you at top condition." I said, cutting my arm when he looked away.

"You needn't injury yourself for my sake my queen." He said, covering his nose.

"Bull that's what a queens for taking care of her people now drink you need your strength and don't worry I'm literally impossible to kill. So it's not going to hurt me." I assured him. He nodded hestintly grabbing my arm and lifted his head to my  my arm. I whinced as his fang peirced my skin. He drank eagerly I could tell he was starving. I petted his head waiting for him to finish. Moment later he let go licking the access blood off his lips and my arm. When he lifted his head seeing my injuries were already healed. He looked almost intirely different. He looked much younger then before and handsome, not to mention healthy and viberant. When I realized he was the vampire king Blake himself.

"Sorry if I took to much I've been starving but I didn't want to hurt anyone so I refused to feed." He informed me.

"It's no problem that's what I'm here for." I replied, smiling. When he smiled showing his fangs.

"He's a vampire?" Darren muttered, Blaze nodded.

"Actually he's a king from where we come from." He informed them. When I pulled out my mirror.

"Darkshire." I whispered, seeing my mother with her head laying on the desk pasted out.

"Hey mommy?" I said, startling her making her jump lifting her head.

"Huh oh babygirl sorry I dozed off waiting for you to call." She yawned.

"It's okay momma I love and I miss you so much." I chuckled blowing her a kiss she acted like she caught it putting it up to her chest and blow one back. I acted like I caught it putting my hand to my chest.

"So how's everything going love bug? Wait why's Blake there everyone's been looking for him?" She asked, glancing over my shoulder at him.

"Ya my target turned out to be king Blake and turns out he's not a killer. He contracted something last time he was here that made his blood deadly to anyone it comes in contact with. So he came back trying find a cure and ended up finding strands. That are making the blood lines we had leave here go litterally insane agressive and exstemely viliant. It's even leading to death so he's been trying to help them as well. But trust me he's actually a very nice guy." I exclaimed, she nodded.

"But I think you cured me it's not showing up in my blood anymore." He replied, shaking a viel of blood.

"As long as you're safe. I've honestly never heard anything like it. But I'm talk to the king and elders see if I can get any information that might help you deary. Blake you look out for my baby girl." She said, he nodded bowing his head.

"Most elaquently." He assured her she bowed her head back to him.

"Girl your mom's gorgeous now I see who you get your looks from." Kristy said, making me jump she had snuck up behind me when I wasn't looking.

"Geez woman you trying to give me a heart attach. Mom this is Kristy my other best friend. We met when I first arrived and have grown pretty close. Plus she has the same classes we do and here's the rest of the gang. The guys are from the school team and the girls are Kim and Misty. Kims been a huge help." I exclaimed they smiled waving. She smiled waving back.

"Way to go love bug I was worried about you making friends. But looks like you've got plenty." She smiled warmly.

"Most definitely and they watch my back." I joked she laughed.

"I bet they do I'm glad I've been worried sick I just miss my baby to death. It's driving me nuts not having you here but I know it's your duty but I'm still your mother so I can't help but worry." She said, when my father walked in.

"Well hey pumpkin why didn't you call me and tell me you were talking to babygirl. I miss you sweetheart I love you." He said, walking over so I could see him.

"She woke me up honey I was sleeping when she called. Why's Blake there?" He asked, I sighed.

"Don't worry I'll explain the situation to him later." Mother assured me.

"Thanks momma I owe you I don't want to keep explaining it." I replied, she nodded getting up so I could talk to my father. He sat down in her seat.

"Well it's nice to see your still kicking Blake some of the nobleman think your dead. You helping my angel?" He asked, Blake nodded.

"It's nice to see you to James old friend. You couldve mentioned he was your father we're good old friends we grew up sparing together." Blake informed me.

"Really how come I didn't know that?" I questioned.

"Well I didn't exactly have a reason to talk about it. Guess it's just never been brought up it conversation. I'm just glad your alright old friend I was beginning to think the worst." He replied he smiled.

"Sorry I worried you I had no other option but to leave without informing anyone." Blake appoligized.

"No need seeing you healthy and intact is reward enough." He chuckled yawning.

"So how's my princess been for you?" He asked stretching his arms.

"Shes been nothing but wonderful. She's a real sweetheart you've got quiet a daughter. Shes pretty amazing." Blake replied, making him chuckle.

"Thank you she's my pride and joy." He smiled.

"I can see why." Blake said, ruffeling my hair.

"Well it's getting late sweetie talk to you later I love you darling and I miss you." He said, I could tell he was exhausted.

"Ya you look tired get some rest. I love you and I miss you too daddy." I replied and he got off making it faded to a mirror again. I put it in my bag and walked over to the others with Blake and Kristy putting my necklace back on.

"So is that what you actually look like?" Brent asked, I nodded.

"Sorry I had to lie but my real name is Fury and his is Blaze." I informed them bowing my head.

"It's okay you had a pretty good reason." He assured me. I nodded.

"Thanks you guys are the best." I smiled. When Kristy hugged me.

"That's what friends are for." She joked we laughed. Blake walked us to his house. We walked in and walked down to the basement where he had a dead corse on the table.

"Sorry I was going to do an odtopsy trying to figure out how they died." He informed me when I walked over realizing this one wasn't dead yet I slit my wrist pouring my blood into their mouth. When Darren pulled my arm away. When he gasped coughing as their body revert to a healthy strong male half breed demon. I smiled, giving him some water. 

"Well I'll be damned he was still alive I checked his palse and everything I could have sworn he was dead. Guess I was wrong thanks princess." Blake said, kissing my head. I chuckled. When I noticed Darren whipping off the blood noticing it was already healed.

"See I'm fine." I assured him pulling my arm out his hand.

"You need to be more careful." He said, using his alpha vioce. I nodded and he kissed my head. He helped me help the half breed up to a sitting potion and examine him.

"You saved my life I'm internally grateful." He said, looking at me.

"No problem its my job." I smiled making his expression soften.

"I'm still very grateful." He replied, bowing his head.

"Well looks like your body's in good condition can you stand?" I asked helping him to his feet making sure he had his balance before letting go. He staggered a minute before he got the hang of it.

"That's good now trying walking?" I asked, he nodded walking forward perfectly.

"Alright your all good you should be fine now." I assured him he smiled.

"I'm Martin." He informed me.

"Fury, this is Blaze, the vampire is Blake and these are our friends." I exclaimed.

"Well it's nice to meet you." He replied bashfully which was pretty cute. They waved at him and shook his hand. When drew some of his blood in a viel mixing it with with a strange liquid but nothing happened.

"He's cured so he should be fine now. I think if I can sinthosize your blood and dewpicate it I can make a cure." He informed me pulling out another viel that was black.

"This is how you can tell if someone's infected when you mix the serum with their blood and it turns black. If it doesn't change then their fine." He informed us handing me two bags of viels one bag held empty viels while the other had the strange liquid.

"Just in case you run into any you think are infected." He said, as I put them in my bag.

"Thank you this is going to be a team effort I can't do this much alone." I said they nodded. We walked out and up stairs.

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