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Lily leads Fred down the train cars, passing empty compartment after empty compartment. The train was identical to the Hogwarts Express in every way except for its color. It was different shades of white instead of red and brown.

They finally decide on a compartment near the front of the train and take seats across from each other. Fred slides closer to the window, there is no view outside, just the same glowing white light. Fred remained uncharacteristically quiet, feeling rather ill. He was dead. He was dead. Fred looks down at his hands. He was paler than usual.

"It's normal to be scared," Lily says. She had been watching him and seemed aware of his internal struggle. "I was scared too," Fred looks over to her, a small frown on his face.

"Can I ever see them again?" He asks. His family. His friends. Where they still alive? Was the war still going on? The world he was in now seemed to be a million miles away from the Battle of Hogwarts. Fred couldn't help but worry. Of course, he wanted to see everyone he cared for again, but not like this. If he couldn't live- he wanted them to be able to. His mind is quickly on his twin. Merlin, how was George? They had never been apart for this long. Starting now, they would be apart for years to come. Fred's heart ached at the thought. Hundreds of questions crowded Fred's mind, but he had to take them one at a time.

Lily hesitates but nods. "You can check in on them," she tells him. "But it's not recommended to do so often. It can be quite addicting I'm afraid," Lily herself watched over Harry; made sure her son was alive and happy. However, at his lowest points, that's when she stayed with him the longest. When he needed her the most, she was always there, even if she couldn't be seen.

It was easy to lose herself and opt to stay with Harry for days, but she always caught herself before she could do so. It was important to be with the ones you love when they needed your strength, but your soul also needed to disconnect from life on Earth. It was all very complicated, but she knew Fred would get the hang of it.

Fred looks back toward the window, frowning. He didn't want to see their reactions to his death. He didn't want to see his funeral. He didn't want to see their pain. It would hurt far too much. However, he would like to be able to see them live out their lives. Unknown to him now, he would go on to see George's wedding to Angelica, Ginnys first professional quidditch game, Ron's first day of work as an Auror, Charlie's visits home, Percy's work promotions, and Bill introducing his first child (and all the others) to the family. Every event he should have been there for, he saw, just from a different place than all the rest.

Fred glances back at Lily. "Sirius is here?" He asks for confirmation. She had said that Sirius Black suggested coming to pick Fred up, hadn't she? Lily nods. "Sirius joined James and me two years ago," She explains. Right, James Potter, Harry's dad.

"Who else?" Fred asks. "Who else is here?" Lily pauses.

"You mean from the battle? From your life?" She asks. Yes. That was exactly was Fred meant. Lily pauses. Her eyes were sad, Fred could easily tell. There was a heavyweight around them, Fred anticipated bad news.

"Your family is safe," she starts, relieving Fred of some of his fear. She pauses again, closing her eyes. "However... Remus and Tonks are on their way to the same place as us," Fred sucks in a deep breath. Professor Lupin? Tonks? Merlin... Oh, Merlin what about their son?! Fred's stomach lurches uncomfortably. They both go quiet for a long time now, Fred turning his attention back to the window. He could feel Lily's gaze on him. She was concerned. She should be. He would be fine. It was his family he was worried about. He had been with them right before he got here. Or two of them, at least. He had been with Percy and Ron. Fred smiles a bit at the thought. It's weak, but it's still a smile.

"What?" Lily asks, wondering what could be amusing him. Fred shakes his head a bit.

"Percy was joking again," he says. "Right before I-.. got here. He was actually joking," Fred looks pleased with this, proud even. "Just hope I didn't bring down the mood," This was a joke. His sudden death had, obviously, killed the mood. Lily smiles a bit. Fred still had his humor. The red-haired boy looks over at her.

"Can I ask why you came to get me?" He asks. "You said Sirius suggested to come, but you wanted to," Lily looked as if she was expecting this question and she smiles at him.

"Your mother has done so much for Harry," she says. "I can only return the favor. I'm gonna watch over you here, make sure you're alright if you'll allow me," she adds the last part knowing that Fred was far older than Harry had been when Molly took him under her wing. Still, she felt a kinship to this boy. She wanted to protect him.

Fred looks at her, mustering a weak smile. It was often hard to admit that sometimes, you just needed someone to take care of you. He had never felt more isolated from his family, but Lily being here... it was something. Besides, he was sure his mother would be comforted by the thought of someone watching out for him. "I'd like that," Fred agrees, nodding.

Lily beams as the train slows to a stop. It was a much shorter ride than one to Hogwarts would have been. "Right then," she says, getting to her feet. "Ready for the next step?"


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