|| Chapter 11 ||

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"Come on, tell me.~" Gold whined for about the tenth time ever since you got out of the hospital. You were guiding him to the more northern part of Goldenrod City, but you haven't told him where exactly you were headed, and that seemed to have gotten the male pretty curious if not excited.

"I told you, it's a surprise. And we're almost there anyways, so." You repeated, sighed and continued looking forward. There were a lot of trees in the distance, but it wasn't a forest. It was basically the border separating Goldenrod City from Route 35.

But just before the border, there was a small mansion with a big, nice garden. A rather big tent was build up in the garden as well, and there was a sign with a Paw near the entrance of it.

That's right; Ever since Falkner came to visit Gold, the male was so taken by the idea of visiting his new friends' animal shelter - so here you were.

Falkner's family's animal shelter was more the modern type; Basically a mansion where they take care of hurt or stray animals. While the animal shelter another friend of yours owned in Ecruteak City was more the older type; A tent of the size of a house where this friend Eusine and his family would take in animals.

"We're here." You hummed as you finally reached the fence near the mansion's garden. There was a woman kneeing in the garden, feeding a kitten with bright red fur. You knew that woman really well; Her long, silky dark blue hair dancing in the wind, the red glasses she wore standing out quite a bit - You couldn't possibly mistake her for someone else; That was Mrs Hayate, Falkners mother.

Before Gold could even question the location you got to, you greeted the woman, calling out to her while waving; "Good morning, Mrs Hayate!" The woman immediately turned her attention to you - she was still petting that cat though.

"If it isn't Y/N." she smiled, got up and started walking towards you and the male in the wheelchair. Her gaze then wandered to Gold, curious of who this was of course. "Who's this handsome young man with you? Is he your boyfriend?"

"N-No, he's just a patient of mines..." you replied slightly embarrassed. You avoided eye contact with the woman in front of you, so that she wouldn't notice you blushing - or that was what you hoped at least. You heard Gold mumble something that sounded like; "She just patient-zoned me, again."

"You flatter me, Miss~! My name is Gold, Gold Ethans. It's nice to meet you." The male in the wheel chair said and slightly nodded with his head as if to bow.

"Gold, This is Falkner's Mom, Mrs Hayate. And this is the animal shelter they run." You explained quickly and got in front of the male for a second. The woman nodded in agreement. "Falkner told us you'd visit! Would you like me to show you around?"

"That's very kind, but we don't want to bother you." You tried refusing politely, but the woman insisted. "We don't mind bothering Falkner though. If he's here that is." you grinned, causing the woman to chuckle. "Yes, he should be in the house, spoiling Ren probably."

You thanked Mrs. Hayate and guided Gold inside; First you entered the actual garden of course, then got inside the mansion. The hallway was pretty large and there were a few animals relaxing around. Also, this one girl welcomed you - she wasn't a relative of Falkner, but her parents and his were quite close, so she helps out here sometimes; "Hello, how can i help you-... Y/N, hi!"

"Hey Mira, it's good to see you! Could you bring us to Falkner? We don't want to take much of your time." You smiled at the pink haired girl who also grinned back at you after recognizing you. She nodded and lead you through the hallway, to a door, saying the male you were looking for was right inside there.

You thanked the younger girl and invited yourself inside the room. And there he was; Falkner was sitting on the floor while playing with his Japanese Spitz and a white kitten. There were other animals in this room as well, but they were all inside their own areas.

"Oya." Gold said in a rather odd voice, almost startling Falkner who was a bit distracted with his furballs, but once the dark blue haired male turned around to you two, he replied with an also weird sounding 'Oya oya'.

He stood up and you three exchanged proper greetings again, then started chatting. "I didn't think you'd come so soon! It's not a bad thing though, want me to show you guys around?"

"Y/N can choose, i'm good with pretty much anything - even just staying here and playing with those furballs." Gold grinned like an idiot, and you decided to help him get off of the wheelchair and made him sit down on the floor. You sat down next to him and Falkner joined you two too.

"See, this is Ren.~ Isn't he cute?" Falkner squealed like some girl, hugging his dark blue dog tightly before letting go of him again and telling him to go to Gold. "Yeah he really is~! Can he talk? Like, say Aoba in that deep voice? or even transform into his human form?" Gold's eyes then had a sparkle inside them and you were slowly getting confused.

"Nah he can't." Falkner chuckled and watched how Gold petted Ren, soon getting to the dog's favorite spot. The white kitten was slowly getting jealous and started meowing, rubbing its head against Gold's outer thigh.

"What's the name of this cutie here?" Gold couldn't stop grinning and started petting the kitty too. "Her name is Neko. She doesn't get along with other animals so much, just with Ren. And she likes attention." Falkner explained, smiling.

"Wait, but doesn't Neko mean 'cat' in Japanese? You just named it after its species?" You asked. You couldn't speak Japanese, but with the little things Janine and even Gold taught you, you were able to recognize that word. You were expecting Falkner to answer you, but Gold stated something himself;

"Wait, that Neko? Dude, did you by any chance watch K-Project?" the raven haired male said rather enthusiastic, raising Falkner's enthusiasm as well. "You saw it too?"

"Of course! So, can Neko transform in that naked hottie too? What about the powers?" Gold threw even more confusing, rather disturbing questions at your male best friend who just laughed it off, denying it of course.

* * *

"Thanks a lot, you didn't need to." You said to the taller, a bit older man in front of you. He was the one who just accompanied you back to the entrance fence. It's been hours since you arrived at the Hayate family animal shelter.

You spent at least half of your time just sitting and laying around on the floor while playing with Falkner's furballs, Ren and Neko included, but after a while, the man which is currently standing in front of you walked into the room.

That man was Walker Hayate, Falkner's dad. He offered you snacks and drinks and he was actually the one to show you around the whole shelter. Walker looked really young for his age; One could think that he was Falkner's older brother, not father.

"It was my pleasure, come visit us again." Mr Hayate smiled at both you and Gold before you started walking back towards the hospital - on the sidewalk of course. It was already evening, past 6pm if you weren't mistaking, and the sun was slowly setting.

"Today was so fun~! Thanks a lot Y/N." Gold sighed satisfied while staring up at the sky and turning around to you quickly, then back again. You smiled at yourself, blushing a bit - you were really glad to have made him so happy.

You already got to that point where you needed to cross the street to get to the hospital, so you looked to your right, then to the left. But while Gold was busy ranting about Neko, you spotted two rather familiar figures on the left side - on another sidewalk;

One of them was definitely Whitney, the other one had brown hair and wore a white hat with a red ribbon on it; That one had to be Lyra, Gold's girlfriend. They were walking in the direction you just came from, just on the other side of the street.

It may have been an illusion, but you had the impression that you locked eyes with Lyra for a second or two - and that already worsened your mood, so you turned your head back to the front, crossing the street.

Thankfully, Gold didn't seem to have noticed her, so you just continued acting as if nothing happened and casually entered the hospital.

"Gold, let's just head straight to your therapy." You said, walking by Morty at his desk and reaching the elevator. Gold nodded as the two of you got inside. You pressed the button with the '5' on it and watched as the elevator doors closed.

Then you moved next to Gold, him of course taking your hand again and entwining his fingers with yours. "Hey, Y/N." Gold suddenly said, getting your attention. You turned your head to him, but soon felt him pull your hand in a rather strong way; He made you slightly bend down to him, and he used that chance to place his other hand on your left cheek.

What he did next shocked you; He placed his lips onto your other cheek and pecked it, pulling away almost immediately and looking to the side. Your face rose bright red in mere seconds;

"G-Gold w-what the-..?!" You silenced yourself as soon as the elevator doors opened. You didin't reach floor 5 yet, it was just floor 2, and a nurse entered, standing next to you. Now that she was here, you couldn't question Gold about what he just did.

I mean, he kissed you! Out of the blue.

Thankfully, the elevator doors opened again and you were finally on the fifth floor. You and Gold as well as the nurse who was in there with you, exited the elevator and everyone went their ways.

You opened the door to hall 2 and entered, Sabrina was in there already waiting for the two of you. The raven haired woman explained the exercise you will be doing today, and all of you soon got down with it.

At first, it was awkward again, just like the day before. Gold then felt the need to tell you it was just his way of saying thanks, and it calmed you down a bit. A couple of minutes after that, everything went back to normal.

* * *

Like always, you were done with Gold's therapy after two hours of doing various exercises. You were just currently bringing the male back to his room.

Sabrina - or even anyone else would say that Gold is making no progress, since he still can't feel a thing in his lower body, some will even think it's hopeless to even continue this, but you thought differently;

Gold was making progresses. Maybe not physically, but mentally. When he first learned about him being paralyzed and that he probably won't be able to walk again, he seemed so unstable, he even cried himself to sleep. But now it's getting better and better; He's more positive and more self-confident.

Most people wouldn't think of this as such a big deal, but if you were in his shoes; If you would wake up someday and just learn that you wouldn't be able to walk anymore - you probably wouldn't know what to do. You would probably loose hope, i mean, you could never get back to your normal life again.

Jasmine helped you figure something out, and you were thinking about it even now. But first of all, you had to put Gold to sleep - it was already past 9pm.

"I'm exhausted~!" Gold groaned after you had closed the door of his room behind you and walked over with him near the bed. For once, you could relate, and you were so glad that you didn't have to help him change into his hospital clothes again;

Just when the therapy ended, some turquoise haired male entered hall 2 and informed Sabrina about something. The woman had to leave and you took the opportunity to ask the young man if he could please help Gold change.

And he did. If you remembered correctly, he said to be done with his apprenticeship as receptionist at this hospital. Now that you thought about it, you did see him change shifts with Morty once. The male's name was Proton if you recalled correctly.

"I'm really tired too. I'll be heading home directly today, no stories." You said, helped the male get onto his bed and sighed relieved. Gold was pouting rather dramatically though. You put his wheelchair to the side and were about to get out, if it weren't for him grabbing your wrist;

"One more thing." he said and made you look down to him, directly at his beautiful golden orbs. Your heart unconsciously started beating faster, it felt as if you were able to hear it, and your cheeks got instinctually redder.

"A-Actually, never mind. Goodnight princess." Gold then smiled at himself and let go of your hand. You were a bit confused as well as flustered, but you said goodnight as well and left.

The hallways were quite dark, so you hurried up a bit to get down, because no one really likes to walk in the darkness at this hour in this place. Well, most people don't at least.

That weird message of some time ago crossed your mind for a second; Nothing really happened after that nor did you get more weird messages - so it must have just been a bad prank.

The ground floor was illuminated though, which relieved you. You walked into the staffroom and grabbed your bag. There was another nurse inside, she was currently changing into her casual clothes, but you didn't pay much attention to her since you left right afterwards.

"Morty, can i ask you a favor or two before i leave?" You asked while stopping at the reception counter. The blond seemed a bit tired, you wondered if he was getting enough sleep. "Sure, what is it? If it's something gay or lewd then no, you can leave."

"Nah it's nothing like that. You have all our patients informations somewhere on that computer right?" You asked, pointing onto the screen of his currently turned on computer. "Yeah..?" Morty wasn't getting the point.

"Can you look up Gold's address for me? I kinda need it." You said and smiled sheepishly. Morty sighed deeply before pressing around on his keyboard. "What's his full name again?" The blond groaned, you replying with 'Gold Ethans'.

You took your phone out of your bag and ignored the notifications, creating a new note right away. Morty spelled Gold's address for you and you wrote it down in your phone's notes. He seemed to live somewhere in the more southern part of Goldenrod City, probably really close to the border to Route 34.

"Thanks a lot. By the way, you have a drivers license right?" You asked after putting your phone back into your bag. "Uhm yeah, i'm kinda 20. Why'd you ask?" The blond looked at you with a 'did-you-seriously-forget-that-i'm-older-than-most-of-you-brats-here' look on his face.

"Ah yeah, i wasn't sure, so never mind. Goodnight." You said quickly, smiled and hurried out of the building. The night sky was filled with starts - almost no clouds - and there was a full moon illuminating the streets along with some street lamps.

Today was really tiresome. You got to see one of Gold's cute sides though - when you visited the Hayate family's animal shelter and played with all those fluffballs - and that was definitely worth seeing.


A/N: "Double" Update as a present From Me To You (plz get the reference xD) since it's new years!


Mrs. Hayate (Falkner's mother):

Walker Hayate (Falkner's father):

You'll get extra points if you can guess what this guys' real name is and from which Anime he's actually from >3<


Mira definitely needs more appreciation! <3

Let's not forget about Neko~:

Thx 4 Reading!

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